Networking :: Openswan L2ptd Can't Start

Jun 16, 2010

i want to setup a vpn for that i install openswan and l2ptd. both are installed from tar balls. after that i configure /etc/l2tp/l2tp.conf and /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets files.what can i do to start l2tpd service

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Networking :: Is Openswan 2.4.8 Can Run On Centos 5.3

Jul 2, 2010

i know whether openswan-2.4.8 can install on centos 5.3.becoz i download openswan-2.4.8.tar.gz and after some changes in the configuration file, i verify runs all ok..then i do service ipsec start.then lot of errors happen.. is it possible to clear the any body succeeded in distro version 2.6.18-128.el5.i am plan to setup an openswan vpn with certificate to tunnel a windows XP client.

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Networking :: OpenSwan VPN Drops Connection After 5 To 15 Minutes

Feb 18, 2011

Hello, I've installed OpenSwan with xl2tpd on my server, and set it up for roadwarriors connecting using certificates.

My server is Debian 5.0.8, I am running xl2tpd 1.2.0, and Openswan IPsec 2.4.12, my clients are all Windows, and I am testing my setup on a Windows 7 client.

I have no problem connecting to the server, but after some time the connection drops. I removed the idle option from the ppp config but it does not make any difference.

Even when I create constant traffic with ping -t the connection drops also.

I have no problems reconnecting right away.

I have been hacking at this for a couple of days, reading every post I can find, but I have not found a solution to my problem.

Here are my configs and logs:


asyncmap 0


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Networking :: Implement Openswan In RedHat5 - Pluto Not Running

Jan 21, 2009

When implement openswan in redhat5 and start ipsec appear this problem
whack: Pluto is not running (no "/var/run/pluto/pluto.ctl")
what this file contain

and when run this command
ipsec verify
Checking your system to see if IPsec got installed and started correctly:
Version check and ipsec on-path [OK]
Linux Openswan U2.4.10/K2.6.18-8.el5 (netkey)
Checking for IPsec support in kernel [OK]
Testing against enforced SElinux mode [FAILED]

SElinux is running in 'enforced' mode. Since no working SElinux
policies exist for Openswan, SElinux should be disabled.
echo "0" > /selinux/enforce (or edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux)
NETKEY detected, testing for disabled ICMP send_redirects [FAILED]

Please disable /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects
or NETKEY will cause the sending of bogus ICMP redirects!
NETKEY detected, testing for disabled ICMP accept_redirects [FAILED]

Please disable /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects
or NETKEY will accept bogus ICMP redirects!
Checking for RSA private key (/etc/ipsec.secrets) [DISABLED]

ipsec showhostkey: file `/etc/ipsec.secrets' does not exist
Checking that pluto is running [FAILED]

whack: Pluto is not running (no "/var/run/pluto/pluto.ctl")
Two or more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding [FAILED]

whack: Pluto is not running (no "/var/run/pluto/pluto.ctl")
Checking NAT and MASQUERADEing [OK]
Checking for 'ip' command [OK]
Checking for 'iptables' command [OK]

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Networking :: Receive Mail Where Is Openswan Configuration File?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to connect OpenVPN to office network. I receive mail where is openswan configuration file, but I want to OpenVPN



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Networking :: Debian Etch - OpensWan - Zyxel Prestige Ipsec Vpn?

Jan 19, 2010

i need to build an ipsec vpn between a linux debian server and a zyxel prestige, The debian server got 2 ethernets connection one for the internal network and the other one is public with a public ip adress.I need to know what i need for the build the tunnel, could you please let me know what i need? Let me explain i have only to configure openswan or i have to configure the iptables or somethings else too? I found this one do you think this would be work for me? [URL]..Is debian a right distro or should i try someone else?

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Server :: How To Set Openswan / But Will Not Create Key

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to setup openswan but it will not create a key.Any ideas how to?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Get Openswan 2.6 To Work With Configs

Jun 27, 2010

For some reason, I can't get openswan 2.6 to work with my configs. In Ubuntu I can easily install openswan 2.4 from legacy repository. What is the right way of doing this in Fedora (13)?

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Ubuntu :: Cross Compile Openswan For Cygwin?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to get openswan installed on cygwin. Having issues with that, their mailing list has suggested to cross compile it from linux, and I've had some gcc related errors. So I was wondering what I can use that will install on ubuntu to compile this for cygwin. As am I supposed to run this configure on the gcc package? [URL]

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General :: Download Location For Openswan And Configuration Manual?

Jan 7, 2010

From where I can download Openswan for my RHEL 5. Please if possible, give me installation and configuration manual.

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Networking :: Start-up Script To Start Wlan Interface

Aug 29, 2009

I've been fighting to get my wireless working and I've finally made some progress. I can actually manage to connect to my wireless network and so far it has been quite stable (fingers crossed).

However there is one slight nag. My wlan0 interface driver refuses to start at startup. When I type iwconfig its just not there. To fix this I have to manually run "rmmod rtl8187" and then "modprobe rtl8187". Then it works fine.

I've been trying to make a script to automate this but without success. I've tried both editing my rc.local and kde startup .xinitrc

How I could get those two commands to run automatically at startup after the boot process? I'm running Arch Linux and KDE 4.3

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CentOS 5 :: How To Openswan Centos

Jan 5, 2010

Anyone know a manual for openswan on centos?I found this but all the filenames and such are different and although I've got quite far through the process, it's confusing when conf files are in dofferent places, etc.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Service Suddenly Won't Start?

Mar 14, 2011

I've been using Kubuntu Lucid on a Compaq tc4200 for nearly a month now. Suddenly today I logged into my machine and found that I couldn't connect to anything, Internet, LAN, router, nothing!Upon further investigation, I found that networking services weren't turned on at all!I tried manually starting the network service using

sudo service networking start
sudo /etc/init.d/networking start


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Getting Start W/ Centos Networking \ Ssh Commands But Not Setting Up A System And Stuff?

Feb 19, 2010

I just started setting up a linux box in the office...I have some experience with ssh commands but not setting up a linux system and stuff.The box is connected to our network but I have no clue how to make windows & osx talk with it. How can I go by doing that and also setting up an apache server to be able to connect through network. Right now I have apache/linux/mysql running it works when i go to localhost, but I would also like to let all the computers in office to access it. I would guess that will deal with virtual host which I know how to setup. I just need to setup an IP.

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Networking :: Start NFS But It's Not Working?

Jan 21, 2010

I've been trying to start NFS but it's not working. Before that I tried to start Portmapper and it isn't working either.The server I wanna map is in my hosts.allow, and exports.

root@server4 [~]# /etc/init.d/portmap restart
pmap_getmaps rpc problem: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer
Stopping portmapper: [FAILED]
Starting portmapper: [ OK ]


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Networking :: Ssh Server Won't Start

May 10, 2011

i use webmin to manage the networking tools and services and i am trying to setup an ssh server and webmin keeps telling me that the server isn't started i updated ssh by installing the source tarball from and built and installed it. the installation was a success but i can't start the service and when i run the command


why won't the ssh server start i gave it a port and address whats missing do i have to downgrade the version number?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Start Eth0

Jul 9, 2010

I can't start eth0 and have read thru many of the threads on this and can't figure it out. What does this message mean?

[jeff@chladni ~]$ ifup eth0
Active connection state: activating
Active connection path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/13


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Fedora Networking :: Ad-Hoc Wont Start In F14?

Dec 15, 2010

I use Network Manager to create an Ad-Hoc setup, no security, dhcp, all the simple stuff. Theres just no button or anything to connect to it The internet guide i found said create the network and then use network manager to "connect to a hidden network". No success, not even the wifi attempting to connect when i manually type the SSID of my adhoc. Other than Ad-Hoc, wifi connections are super easy and fast, click any access point i find and type a password "tada!" Internet.this Ad-Hoc issue so i can finally kick the windows habit?Maybe this info will help:

atheros 9285 wifi adapter (ath9k driver)
KDE 4.5.4
Network Manager 0.8.1-10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get The Wireless To Start?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron 1464, I can not get the wireless to start. I can see my wireless router when I scan for wireless devices in knetwork manager. But there is a yellow shield next to it, so I'm guessing something is missing. I also see no network activity with tcpdump on another box on my home network

[rob] ~ $ uname -a
Linux laptop 2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 00:51:09 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[rob] ~ $


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Networking :: Cannot Start NSCD - PID Does Not Exist

Mar 1, 2010

Not sure this is correct place, but I think it's related to network. I'm using CentOS 5. I installed nscd successfully using yum. But I can't start nscd. It shows [ OK ], but stop right away, and I can't found any nscd process.

/var/log/nscd.log is empty, /var/run/nscd/ has a PID that doesn't exist, and here's /etc/nscd.conf
# /etc/nscd.conf
# An example Name Service Cache config file. This file is needed by nscd.
# Legal entries are:
#threads<initial #threads to use>
#max-threads<maximum #threads to use>
#server-user <user to run server as instead of root>
#server-user is ignored if nscd is started with -S parameters
#stat-user <user who is allowed to request statistics> .....

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Networking :: Squid Cannot Start After Powerfailure?

Mar 4, 2009

I am running fedora 10 and webmin squid proxy server, after power failure the squid fails to start. i have tried to start it from command line but failed

[root@ ~]# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting squid: .................... [FAILED]
[root@ ~]# /etc/init.d/squid reload


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Networking :: Ipsec Service Can't Start?

Sep 9, 2010

I install openswan on rhel6 and when i execute the command "service ipsec start "

it say:
/usr/libexec/ipsec/addconn Non-fips mode set in /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
/usr/libexec/ipsec/addconn Non-fips mode set in /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
ipsec_setup: Openswan IPsec apparently already active, start aborted


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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Start The Samba Service On 10

Nov 4, 2009

I used samba on FedoraCore2 before...and now i cannot config the same on FC10. I cannot start the service smb ( /etc/init.d/smb restart or service smb restart ) those commands dont work. How can i do to config samba service.

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Fedora Networking :: Firefox Won't Start With Trickle

Jan 16, 2010

The following page suggests that trickle should work with Firefox for controlling up/download bandwidth, but I can't get it to work. Attempting to launch it via the shell script or directly with the firefox executable

trickle -d 128 -u 56 firefox
trickle -d 128 -u 56 /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.6/firefox

fails; firefox just never comes up. Both wget and ktorrent work with limited bandwidth via a similar command, although ktorrent always crashes after a short while (only with trickle), so trickle itself would seem to be okay. I'm running Fedora 12, up to date via yum, with kernel I think I must be missing something obvious, but I thought I'd ask if anyone else has this working before beating on it for too much longer.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Start Wlan0 On Bootup

Dec 4, 2010

I've been able to get a laptop on Fedora 14 ( working with a Netgear WNA1100 Once up and running, I execute "ifconfig wlan0 up" from root, and everything connects just fine and is stable as long as I stay logged in. But, I haven't found how to do this automatically on boot.

I've tried to use NetworkManager, but I cannot figure out how to get the GUI to show up - it says its running and enabled in the Services gui, but I haven't figured out how to actually use it! I checked to see if the nm-applet is running with ps, and for the user login, I see:

I'm not sure if the "sm-disable" flag is my problem, or how to change it. I'm not even sure if NetworkManager will allow me to set things up for bootup, but that is the path I ran down...

I assume this is a fundamentally easy process to set this up on bootup, but I'm not stumbling across the method. I recall doing this kind of thing years ago when I was an engineer, and before I got my lobotomy to become a manager...

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Fedora Networking :: NetworkManager Does Not Start After Updating F15?

May 28, 2011

I upgraded from F14 to F15 using the DVD. The network worked fine after the upgrade.This morning I updated to the latest RPMs and rebooted, and now the network donot work!ifconfig shows only the lo interface. NetworkManager does not start, /var/log/messages shows signal 11.I tried to boot with the original kernel, but the results are the same.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Service Failed To Start

May 7, 2010

Just completed the upgrade to 10.04 from 8.04, and ironing out the wrinkles. Since the upgrade, I'm not able to establish a VPN connection to my institute (a problem since outgoing mail REQUIRES a VPN connection) The pull down menu shows the connection as an option, but clicking on it brings up a separate window that simply says "The VPN connection CfA failed because the VPN Service failed to start." Never had this issue under Hardy, so not sure what's going on. Under "Configure VPN" the settings look the same as they always did.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Ndiswrapper To Start At Boot-up?

Jun 6, 2010

I had been having problems with my Asus wireless card connecting to my router. Turns out, using ndiswrapper and the XP driver solved the issue. Based on my title of the thread, the driver worked, I turned off computer at night, next day, I can't seem to start the wireless driver again. How would I go about doing this? I am running Ubuntu 10.04, Asus PCE N13 wireless card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Start Moblock?

Jul 13, 2010

I have installed moblock, moblock-control and mobloquer from the AUR, however I am unable to start moblock. Mobloquer launches fine, and will update the blocklists fine. However, upon clicking "start" I receive the following;

Problematic Deamon status: 1 Moblock is not running* what do i do??? please help me i have tryed loging in as root and i maked it for compleat removal? then i reinstalled it but it still gives me the same error
it was working until i changed my MAC on wlan0 when i go to MoBlock status: this is what it says

Current IPv4 iptables rules (this may take a while):
Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
4 381 blockcontrol_in all -- * * state NEW mark match !0x14
0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- * * tcp flags:!0x17/0x02


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Ubuntu :: Autologin And Networking Fails To Start

Jan 21, 2011

I've got a couple of nagging issues that may or may not be related to each other. First, although I have this machine set to log me on automatically (I'm the only user ever and there's no public access) it doesn't; I get the standard login welcome screen. In the system menu (from Applications) I have two login managers: "Login Screen" and "Login Screen (GDM2)". The first of these shows I'm configured for automatic login, as does the custom.conf file in /etc/gdm. However when I click its "unlock" button, it flashes orange momentarily but nothing else happens. The second manager doesn't seem to have any effect on the problem...

The other issue is that my networking fails to start during boot-up; I'm not using the network manager applet and am not starting it; instead I have the three NICs in the machine (which serves as the router and gateway for my LAN) configured in /etc/network/interfaces. Once I am logged in, I can run "sudo service networking start" from a Terminal window and everything works properly, but adding that same line to /etc/rc.local (minus the "sudo" of course) had no effect on the problem. Both issues happen only at boot time, and since this machine normally runs 24/7 except immediately after certain updates or when troubleshooting they're not show-stoppers, but I greatly prefer to have my systems working the way I've configured them rather than going off in other directions!

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