Networking :: Network Config Is Not Sticky?

Oct 7, 2010

I just installed F13, and many things have changed (was using FC4!). When I restart my network, my NIC card does not come back up with the correct info, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Here is the NIC info for eth2 when things are correct [Replaced the MAC address due to paranoia, but it's correct on my machine]:


eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::baac:6fff:fe8e:57d2/64 Scope:Link


Here is the cfg file:


# Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5722 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express
NAME="System eth2"


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General :: Sticky Situation Bcos Of Sticky Bit

Feb 21, 2011

Situation is that there are two users on a Linux server- say A and B.A has been operating a shell script that in turn makes use of and exe file.The script and exe both are owned by user A.My problem is that I want user B to make use of the script and exe in exactly the same way user A does.So I have set suid bit of the script, exe and all the library files that the exe uses.But the exe is still not executing from user B.I did a man of chmod on Linux server and it gave an indication that SUID is disabled on new Linux servers.Now the question is, is there any other command that can perform the same task as SUID did on Unix.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Config The Network Config ( IP Address ), Due To The Error Of Network Manager?

Jan 17, 2010

When I install the FC11 by using"Install or upgrade an existing system"or"Install system with basic video driver"mode...Point 1, I can't config the network config ( IP Address ), due to theerror of network manager...Point 2, I can't enter into the text mode to do the installation steps.Remark:The machine is provide Web,DNS, and Mail Server on the NET ( Internet )

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Fedora Networking :: How To Reinstall System-config-network

Mar 28, 2009

I want to reinstall "system-config-network" in Fedora10. I have now system-config-network 1.5.95 and I want to have system-config-network 1.4.3 (it is from fedora8)

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Activate Via System-config-network?

May 28, 2009

I've been running F10 since it first came out, and I was happy to see it was the first Fedora release that automatically recognized my Atheros wireless card. I have to run system-config-network and press the "activate" button when I start the machine, but that's ok and no big deal. But today, for whatever reason,in system-config-network, the "activate" and "deactivate" buttons are grayed out and I cannot start the device so I have no network access. When I boot the machine into Windows, it works fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Config - Edit Connections

Jun 14, 2011

Using xubuntu 11.04, how do I maually give myself a static IP address and other IPv4 settings? I see the edit connections panel and saved a setting there but can't see how to use that setting. The only useable setting when I'm connected by ethernet is Auto eth0.

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Fedora Networking :: Set The WPA Pass Phrase With System-config-network?

Jul 14, 2010

I was trying to set my wireless to start up when the computer is booted like the regular ethernet eth0 but I can't figure out how to set the WPA pass phrase with system-config-network

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Ubuntu Networking :: /etc/network/interfaces Not Accepting More Than One Config Per Interface

Feb 3, 2010

My old /etc/network/interfaces isn't working in 9.10. I've used it from 8.04 to 9.04 without issues.

I need to make multiple configuration per interface:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto lo:1


If not how can I downgrade the program responsible for reading this file?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network - Missing Packages / Bad Config

Apr 24, 2011

I'm having problems with networking. I just installed Debian 6 SServer LAMP and it didn't autoconnect to internet. I plug in the internet to my eth0 (default) port, and I keep getting timeouts. I found that dhcp3-client was not installed and fixed that. My etc interfaces has this for eth0: Auto eth0 Iface eth0 inet dhcp What other packages or config do I need to make the internet work? It's missing something basic that wasn't setup properly. I do get the correct dns address to my isp provider when I check etc resolv.conf. It just can't dhcp discover.

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Networking :: Samba Config - Cannot Access Share On Home Network

Sep 1, 2010

I've used Samba for several years and when it works it's great. Unfortunately from time to time it seems to get messed up and either all the 7 machines on my home network can't be seen or I can't access the shares on some. I have 2 Windows XP computers 4 Kubuntu and one Linux Mint KDE, all the latest versions. I'd rather not plough through all the documentation for Samba, but would really like a "model" smb.conf with a few comments about parts that might have legitimate variants. I have researched this with Google searches many times but have failed to find the information I need in concise form.

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Configuration Does Not Show Up In System-config-network

Sep 1, 2010

This may fall under the "ain't broke don't fix it" category but it's driving me nuts. I've got the Broadcom 4322 wireless adapter in my laptop and it works fine with broadcom-wl driver and kmod. However there is no ifcfg-eth1 file and the card does not show up in system-config-network.

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Networking :: 11 - Remove / Clear All Network Configuration To Start Another Time To Config?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a Fedora 11 into a virtual environment (ESX) I remove all interfaces but with the command system-config-network I see my previous configuration How can I remove/clear all my network configuration to start another time to config?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Didn't Configure - Auto Network Config Command Line

Jan 22, 2011

I just recently installed ubuntu server. I want to be able to install packages and such but can't until I connect to Internet. I tried wifi but couldn't figure out how (I'm a n00b) but now I have ethernet and can't figure out how to make it work. So my question is, how do I connect to my Ethernet with ubuntu server, I could if I had graphical, but I can't get that until I have Internet. I didn't configure network during install, so how do I do it now?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Config OpenVPN Client For SwitchVPN In Network Manager From Windows Ovpn Files?

Jul 17, 2011

I have ovpn configuration files for Windows from SwitchVPN. They do not provide configuration files for GNU/Linux. They said I can extract the certificate and key files from the ovpn files, but I'm confused about how to do that.First of all, I don't know which Authentication Type to choose: "Certificates (TLS)," "Password," "Password with Certificates (TLS)" or "Static Key."

Second, I don't know what to put where from the ovpn file. I see a <ca> � </ca> section and a <tls-auth> </tls-auth> section, but I don't see how those correspond to any of the Authentication Types. "Certificates (TLS)" and "Password with Certificates (TLS)" require two certificates and a key, "Password," requires one certificate and no key, and "Static Key" requires a key and key direction but no certificate. When I connect to SwitchVPN in Windows, it asks for a user name and password.Here's an example of the ovpn files (certificate and key contents removed):


route-delay 3
dev tun


how to get what I need from the ovpn files, and which Authorization Type to choose in the Network Manager VPN configuration GUI, and what to put in the blanks?

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Debian Configuration :: Getting Network Error - Every Time Rebooting My Server Lost My Network Config

Mar 3, 2011

I was playing with my debian server when something went totally wrong while i was editing something on my network interface,i removed those crap that i wrote and left the network interface configuration as it was

Like for example after re-editing my network interface,it was like :

As i did a network restart, i get this error saying :

There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 2802 killed old client process, removed PID file.

What is this error and how can i fix it,because every time im re booting my server i lost my network config.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Config USB Wireless Lan

May 13, 2010

This is my 1st time to use openSUSE After install

lsusb -v
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0411:0137 MelCo., Inc.
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18


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Debian Configuration :: Manual Network Config

Jun 30, 2015

I have just installed Debian Weezy and for some reason it just does not see my router.1) is there a good network config script I can use?if not then what files must be edited to setup the network?When I attempt to ping the router, it does not see it. I have checked the cables etc.

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Fedora :: System-config-network Bin Missing?

Nov 5, 2010

I looked around, but found no results that really matched and I would like to point out that I am fairly new to linux, so this may be a very obvious answer to some of you.I am running fc12.i686, installed from a disk in the back of a book for a class. No one else in my class is having this issue.When I select System > Administration > Network I am given this error: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/system-config-network" (No such file or directory). I am not so new to not realize that this file is not there, which I confirmed with an "ls -a". My question is, is there any way that I can download and install that bin? Or perhaps replace/repair it with the disc? It was supposed to be in the original install and my have been, the only thing that I have done in the /usr/bin/ directory is I tried to install Java (6.22 I think it was), which told me it installed correctly but didn't work when I tried Minecraft.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Authenticate VNC After Samba Config

Apr 1, 2011

First, like a dummy I did not backup the Samba config file before making changes. Using openSUSE as ftp and http server, was following tutorial to share between openSUSE and windows. I was using VNC to access machine to edit Samba config file, after altering the the file VNC authenication fails. I can still authenicate locally and through the ftp.

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SUSE :: Eth Config Settings; /etc/sysconfig/network?

Apr 26, 2010

I am unable to find any documentation on the purpose of the unique setting. Does anyone have a clue what it does and how I assign my secondary interface one?



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General :: Where Is Ubuntu 10.0 Desktop Network Config

Oct 16, 2010

On ubuntu 10.0 desktop, I can configure network ( for example, eth0 and eth1 )via GUI, but the /etc/network/interfaces just had two lines after setting eth0 and eth1:


I can't use ifdown/ifup to stop/start eth0 or eth1 because they're not in the file. So which file is written after I configure network via GUI?

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Fedora :: Re-installing System-config-network Fails

Feb 28, 2011

I have tried re-installing system-config-network.

root@localhost:/home/kbriggs> system-config-network
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/system-config-network-gui", line 48, in <module>
gettext.bind_textdomain_codeset(PROGNAME, _langinfo(locale.CODESET))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'nl_langinfo'

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OpenSUSE Network :: Every Boot Requires New Ethx Config

Feb 27, 2010

new Install of 11.2 every time i boot i have to config network devices via Yast Control Center. I now have 8 eth configs for my one local net adapter. Why does the MAC address change each time? I cant use my routers built in MAC filter and MAC control functions if this keeps changing. So each time i boot i need to also go into my router and build a new MAC address profile based on the new MAC address before i get Internet access. Security to the point of no access...I hope this is just a bug in the system. I thought MAC addresses were firmware/device specific? What I need is one eth config that works each boot. And I need one MAC address that does not change between boots.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Config Files For Multiple IP's On VLANs?

Jun 10, 2011

How can you do it with individual ifcfg-* files?

I've tried adding them like this:

Filename: ifcfg-vlan1:0

but it fails on ifup, thinking it might be the filename (the vlan tagging being picked up from the name) I tried renaming it but still no go.

I can add IP's via ifconfig, eg ifconfig vlan1:0 netmask up

and I'm pretty sure I could add multiples to the ifcfg-vlan1 file but how do I add them from individual config files?

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Fedora :: Connect To Another Computer In Network Via Qpid-config?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to connect to another computer in my network via qpid-config(which is running qpid server). Here is where I follow the instructions [URL].. I can connect to qpid server(which is running on the network) via JMX Management Console which is gui version of what I'm to accomplish from console/unix shell. I can connect and read messages from queue(s) from this server so it means there is no problem with network or whatever. I'm running Fedora Core 13, here is the following combinations I've tried so far with qpid-config so I can run qpid-tool and some other commands :

qpid-config -a localhost,, guest/guest@qpid-server
qpid-config -a guest/guest@qpid-server
qpid-config -a qpid-server,, qpid-server:8999, guest/guest@qpid-server
qpid-server is added to /etc/hosts as hostname for

Had anyone anything similar to this maybe I'm missreading the instructions(although they are pretty straight forward), I've spend so much time on this and just stuck now.

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General :: Hostname Change Using System Config Network

May 4, 2010

My colleague changed the hostname using "system-config-network", but now I want to change it using any how (either system-config-network or /etc/sysconfig/network). Even I changed it from /etc/sysconfig/network. But when I reboot the system its getting old hostname. Is there some other place to change hostname?

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Debian :: Nvidia Resolution Non Sticky?

Nov 24, 2010

I have installed in squeeze following some directions the nvidia restricted driver from the unstable repos.

everything worked fine, except that the applied resolution is not kept after every restart or login

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OpenSUSE :: Sticky Resource Monitor In KDE?

Aug 7, 2010

Does anyone else have a resource monitor appearing on their KDE desktop? My is in the upper-right corner, and lies on top of all other windows. I can work with windows beneath it alright, but it is always showing.

The resource monitor is always translucent, and appears to have some sort of vertical "thermometer"-style usage scale on its left side. Beside that are two scrolling graphs. The only text/label appears to be a percentage that matches the thermometer bar, but there is nothing to tell me what resources are being monitored. Regardless, I use other resource monitoring software and I do not want this one on my desktop.

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General :: Enable Sticky Bit To A Group?

Feb 24, 2011

I have created a user smith by


[root@localhost ~]#useradd smith

and then create a group marketing


[root@localhost ~]#useradd marketing

I want that even if the root will crtae a file or directory it will fall into group marketing.For that purpose I use sticky bit.


[root@localhost ~]#chmod g+s marketing
cmod:failed to get attributes of marketing' :No such file or directory

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Config For DHCP Client Laptop?

Jan 11, 2010

I'll try not to be too wordy. Want to get my openSUSE 11.2 (fresh install) laptop to see my network shares ...not to be a server or share any files. I've looked at 50 websites and everything seems to be "server" and "share" oriented. Maybe I (newb) am confused by the terminology...

I have a router that provides DHCP. My LAN PC's consist of a Vista laptop, an XP DAW, and a Kubuntu file server. Somehow I got Kubuntu configured properly, all of the Windows machines can access it and vice-versa. The Kubuntu smb.conf does not work on this laptop, and it seems overkill -no shares needed here. And yes, I get DHCP and interweb on the laptop -posted this with it.

All I want is access to my (other) network drives from this (openSUSE 11.2) laptop. Not a server, not to share. This is easy... right? It's driving me nuts Is there a Samba configuration that will let me jump onto networks and surf Windows/Samba shares like any old Windoze box browsing Network Neighborhood? Do I have to be a Samba guru?

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