Networking :: FreeNAS Error With NIC - Missed TX Interrupts

Sep 6, 2010

So I've been researching this on my new NAS. I just tried to register the IP on the new system to have an issue pop up that says:
"msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx interrupts) -- recovering"
The error repeats then ends with no set IP. I tried the loader.conf fix but I cannot write to the system its installed on (embedded on a harddrive + data + swap) but it gives me a issue with write privileges which I thought would have been fixed by chmod +w /cf.

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Networking :: FreeNAS Standalone NAS Box Fileserver?

Apr 13, 2011

I would like to make a small NFS server for a small LAN. Normally, I would build a dedicated cheap and cheerful linux box to do this. However, I was wondering if all of this could be done more easily using a commodity standalone device like e.g. "NetGear ReadyNAS Duo NAS". I presume devices like this run their own proprietary OSes, and I would prefer instead an opensource OS based device. I do like the look of these devices as they seem simple and small.

So my real question: What would linuxers advise for me given that I want a minimalistic NFS fileserver? I can make my own dedicated linux desktop machine. However, is a standalone device similar to the above, but running something like FreeNAS, also an option?

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Ubuntu Networking :: XP Can Ping FreeNAS Hostname, Can't?

Jul 9, 2010

At work, I recently installed FreeNAS 0.7.4919 on a computer and set it up to be a samba server. Using a Windows XP Pro SP3 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname and it works just fine. However, using an Ubuntu 10.04 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I am unable to ping the FreeNAS server's hostname. When I try, it says "ping: unknown host [the FreeNAS server's hostname]". I can ping its IP address just fine, though. Why is it that Windows XP Pro can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname but Ubuntu 10.04 can't?Here's the output of the ifconfig command on the Ubuntu 10.04 computer:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:c2:cd:a6:39
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Networking :: Access FreeNAS Share From Ubuntu?

Aug 2, 2011

I just set up a FreeNAS server and have a shared drive set up that I can currently access from Linux, Windows and OSX. I'm having a problem getting the trash folder to work for files deleted from my Linux machines though.

I know this may be more of a FreeNAS forums question, but I've tried asking there and haven't gotten a response. And the recycle bin is working when a file is deleted from a Windows machine on my network so it is an issue specific to Linux.

So my question is, what services, protocol, etc... has to be used (on the server and/or on my Linux machine) to have a functional recycle bin on the FreeNAS shared drive? If I delete a file on the shared drive from my Linux machine, I would expect it to go to a trash folder and still be on the shared drive. It's working from Windows but not Linux.

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Networking :: Share A File Via Samba On A Ubuntu Server That Is Actually Stored On A FreeNAS Box?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to share a file via Samba on a Ubuntu server that is actually stored on a FreeNAS box. The FreeNAS drives are mounted via NFS and the Samba share contains a symlink to file on the FreeNAS drive.Browsing the Samba share I can see the file and size, but any attempt to read the file fails. It complains about authentication but all credentials across all machines are the same.So, is it possible to share a file this way or is there another way to do this?I know I could create all the profiles on the FreeNAS box but for convenience and ease of maintenance I was hoping to do this via the Ubuntu server

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General :: Ubuntu - Been Away From For 10 Years Which Commands Missed?

Jul 9, 2010

I have been away from linux for some years, but now I'm once again back with Ubuntu 10.04. I used to run Gentoo in 2000 and knew my commands, but now that the world of linux has progressed a bit further, aren't there many new commands to learn? Do you know a list of linux shell commands that are in broad use now and which didn't exist 10 years ago?

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Slackware :: Breezed Through Setup And Missed Setting UTF-8 In 13.1?

Aug 3, 2010

I just updated to Slackware 13.1 last night (clean installation). However, when it came to setting up LILO, I chose "no" to the UTF setup when I usually choose "yes." I think choosing no put the line below in LILO.conf:


append = "vt.default_utf8=0"

What's the LILO setting if one chooses "yes" instead of "no"?

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General :: UBUNTU Install Failed / Missed Grub Page

Mar 20, 2011

I just tried to updated my UBUNTU 10.04 to 10.10.I missed the page where I was asked to reuse the current GRUB information.The system hung after trying to load the new GRUB.I rebooted, and got an error about Configuration defaults for gnome power configuration not correct.I googled this, and have lost of disk space. The other suggestion was to remove and reinstall the gnome power app.I am not sure if this is the real problem, or if it is something to do with GRUB.There is some information on the system that I don't want to loose. I can get to a system console.

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied - Failed Upgrade - Missed Some Backup Data - Can See It But Not Get It

May 15, 2010

I tried a 9.10 -> 10.04 upgrade that went fail. I can now get it to the login screen where it gives a hard freeze. Same with recovery. I can get to a command line, but not with networking so

So I finally said screw it, I'm going to doa fresh install. I downloaded and burned 10.04 at work. Not, it is giving me an installer error when I boot from it, but then it will load the desktop from the LiveCD.

All I really want to do is grab some data that I didn't get when I backed up by home directory, then I can go back and do a fresh install. I can even download a new 10.04 CD if I need to because the installation files are screwed up or something.

The problem is that some of the files have permissions on that that show as an 'X' on the icon and it won't let me copy them to my USB backup drive.

How can I copy the files marked with an 'X' that have this permission issue?

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Programming :: Configure Cpu Interrupts Manually?

Dec 17, 2010

I was installing freebds for one of my friends and during the entire install the top never crossed 1.0. When I install linux top always shows a cpu load of more than 1.0.Also on the bsd when copying a huge file (4gb) it takes a long time but then the load never goes beyond 1.0. Linux will do it much faster but then there is a difference in the cpu load time.What I want to know is is there anyway I can interupt the processor so that the load does not go beyond 1.0.

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Programming :: Generating Timer Interrupts In C?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to understand how interrupts work. Is there a way to generate timer interrupts in C. Also can we enter into the protected mode of the CPU. Does OS (specifically, linux) place any restrictions on user programs entering protected mode. If it does not, do we just have an assembly language program which changed the mode, followed by the C code... I'm just trying to understand how things work at the lowest level. So I'm trying to write few snippets to test my understanding.

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Server :: Using Either FreeNAS Or OpenFiler As The OS?

May 24, 2010

what is the best way to go for setting up a NAS. It will be used for 2-3 weeks worth of HD Video storage and needs to have a redundant power supply, swappable SATA drives. I'm thinking of using either FreeNAS or OpenFiler as the OS.

We are limited to a small amount of available server hardware in South America. To buy an 8TB HP NAS server costs $11000, quite pricey for us. In Canada I'd just get a couple of Buffalo Terrastations, but that's not an option now.

So I'm thinking of going with an INTEL SR2400 ($550), maybe even two of those for more redundancy. Anyway, I was thinking of using 1TB or 1.5TB drives, but according to other web sources, that's a bad idea with RAID, as it's more prone to hardware errors.

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General :: Getting Notified In User-space On Interrupts?

Jun 27, 2010

I hope this is the right place to post to because I haven't found any other related forums.I'm working on an AMD opteron running Linux I want to preload a hardware performance counter (register) with a value to have it overflow after a number of a specific event counts. As I understand, when the counter in the register overflows, an interrupt will be generated and handled by the appropriate interrupt handler. How can my user-level application get notified whenever the interrupt occurs? I want to obtain information on the instruction that caused the overflow. Is this possible? I think this is different than responding to signals with sigaction().

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CentOS 5 :: Kernel Parameter Available For Interrupts Handling?

Sep 16, 2010

Is there any Kernel parameter available for interrupts handling, In the case of busy server how we can tune the kernel to handle interrupts effectively.

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General :: Freenas Setting Up Permissions

May 29, 2010

I have set up freenas with 3 1tb hard drives. I have set up the SMB shares for the drives and can view each shared drive from each of the machines on my network. I can copy files from the hard drives, on the freenas but when I try to copy a file to the Freenas hard drives I get a message that I need permission to do this. I have all my shares set as anonymous how do I change the permissions so that I can save files to the drives.

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Red Hat :: Cannot Mount NFS Shares From FreeNAS System On SL6

Mar 9, 2011

For some strange reason, I can't seem to be able to mount the nfs share from my FreeNAS system on SL6. I'm able to do it just fine from Ubuntu 10.04, Linux mint 9, Fedora 14, CentOS 5.5, and OS X Snow Leopard, so it has to be something specific to SL6. The below command does not work:
mount freenas:/mnt/share /test.

I get a mount.nfs error message that says "requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported." I also tried this command which yielded the same result:
mount -t nfs FreeNAS:/mnt/share /test
Am I doing something wrong or is this just a bug with SL6?

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General :: Switch To VGA Graphics Mode Without BIOS Interrupts?

Feb 14, 2009

I am working on development of an TOS that runs in Protected Mode. I am required to switch it from text mode to graphics mode. Everywhere I google I get only one solution set AX to 0013h and call INT 10 and easily the VGA Graphics Mode is set.

I am working in protected mode and hence cannot use INT 10. Can someone please guide me? I came across a post where it was said that this can be done by setting the VGA registers, but I could not understand much from the link provided in the post on how to implement it.

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Fedora Security :: Spurious Interrupts And Kernel Seg Faults?

Jun 22, 2009

What does this means:

[6867450.202500] hpet1: lost 1 rtc interrupts
[6867450.548506] hpet1: lost 2 rtc interrupts
May 24 20:20:01 vms2 kernel: [6886829.451310] console-kit-dae[19655]: segfault at 198 ip 00007f4c31b7fe09 sp 000000004036c090 error 4 in[7f4c31b53000+c3000]"

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Ubuntu :: Mapping FreeNAS In Windows Environment?

Apr 13, 2010

I've found that simply sharing a folder on my Ubuntu PC with other Linux PC's on my network proves unwieldy from an 'ownership' standpoint. For example, if I create a file from my Ubuntu Laptop and save it onto my Ubuntu Desktop 'share', I find that if I try to access it from the Desktop that the group/ownership prevents my access so I end up having to chown it. I'm finding sharing in a mixed environment to be a pain.

So, I recently configured an old desktop box with FreeNAS and I want to move all of my files from my main Ubuntu PC over to it, and have those files accessible from various clients (both Windoze and Linux) from thoughout my network. Now I've got the FreeNAS all set up and shared, and I'm ready to transfer files to it. What's the best way to mount Mr. FreeNAS on my various desktops and laptops such that sharing is not a problem from a security (group/owner) standpoint? Should I be using CIFS/SAMBA or is NFS mounting better? Will there be sharing problems or ownership issues when accessing from Windows?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Mount FreeNAS Drive

Feb 6, 2011

I am very new to Ubuntu and have been having trouble mounting my FreeNAS drive. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on partition sda2. I wanted to keep FreeNAS completely separate from here, so I used Virtualbox to host FreeNAS as a guest o/s on a second hdd, sdb1 mounted at /media/NAS-Data. I can access the NAS from all computers except my Ubuntu box. I have CIFS/SMB and NFS (among other) services enabled on FreeNAS.

I would like to run a program that needs access my music. I followed many of the "How To's" on the forum, but am not sure if they didn't work or if my setup is different and can't work the way that has been described. My last effort was to mount the file system using NFS, but I get a timed out error.

When I run showmount -e, result is /mnt/cNb-NAS-data I've tried many variations to mount, but none have worked. For all I know, again I'm very new to Ubuntu, the file system is already considered mounted (/media/NAS-Data), and I just need to find the correct path to access my data. This is probably obvious, but when I navigate to NAS-Data, it has the Virtualbox NAS.vdi file.

Was hoping someone might be able to either help me get the correct path name or mounting instructions in order to view these files from Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FreeNAS Openfiler - What Is Optimal

May 4, 2011

I've been tinkering with both recently to see what can suit my needs as a simple raid1 mirrored backup server. I used FreeNAS for all but minutes before I had a raid1 array running and shares set up through CIFS. Using Ubuntu on my laptop I was able to see them as well. I had some more figuring out to do, as I wanted each share to be blocked off from the other. aka - I didn't want "fred" to be able to access "bob's" share. So then I move on to Openfiler to check it out. I hear it's simpler. It's web interface, while no doubt much slower than FreeNAS, was easy to mingle around. At first glance, I thought I'd like it more.

I began to set up my raid1 array. After realizing the final release I was dealing with had a bug, I found some commands to run in a root shell to fix. Okay, so now we're moving along... raid1 array created. Then I had to create a volume group. Then a volume. Then shares. And I still don't have it running over cifs. I'm curious if FreeNAS by nature is truly simpler to set up raid array's with, or if maybe I'm just totally misunderstanding Openfiler and that be the reason why I'm thinking this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVidia Sharing Interrupts With Usb Controller: Acceptable?

May 1, 2011

I'm getting random system hangs and display issues when using my computer with my nVidia graphics card. On a lark, i checked /proc/interrupts and noticed that the nvidia device is sharing an interrupt with one of my USB boards, as well as my integrated sound card. i managed to move my sound card by editing my alsa-base and adding:

Code: options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1 This helps mostly, but i'm still getting intermittant issues. is there any way to shift the interrupt of my gfx card (or usb controller) to avoid this potential conflict? i know the devices should be able to co-exist, but i've seen several people having issues when an nVidia card shares interrupts.


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General :: Mask Local Timer Interrupts In User Space?

Oct 27, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to mask local timer interrupts on a specific core of a multicore system from within user space. The interrupts are causing latency spikes of 3-10u that we would like to remove. We are only running 1 thread on the core h everything shielded except for these timer interrupts. This thread makes no system calls and thus is never getting context switched out. I am not looking to turn them off entirely but rather turn them off, run my code, turn them on in a continuous loop. The thread runs in user space which we are hoping to maintain. We also have no desire to modify the kernel if possible. I've read about using spinlock_irqsave() but it appears (not positive) that it must be used within kernel space.

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Software :: Clearing /Proc/Interrupts Counters Without Rebooting System

Dec 7, 2010

I have a question regarding the /proc/interrupts file. Let's say for example I had a server with 2xQuad-Core processors (so we have CPU0 to CPU7 ), and with 5 network interfaces. SMP affinity to all 5 interfaces was set to "ff", so all interfaces have done interrupts on all the processors. he network interfaces interrupts counters should look like this:

24: 32650776 32670506 50315017 32677739 32672119 32677935 32656299 32667496 IO-APIC-fasteoi eth2
27: 35233448 35285546 35317201 52657622 35315835 35339998 35221092 35246597 IO-APIC-fasteoi eth3
55: 37573056 35870363 35874607 35858010 37728061 35880275 35882340 35882127 PCI-MSI-edge eth1
56: 35861392 35863516 35865123 35865342 35864604 40515822 35861250 35863585 PCI-MSI-edge eth0
58: 30173318 30109146 30002990 30016870 30084937 30034759 46517278 30139103 PCI-MSI-edge eth4

Now let's say I've set the affinity to each of the network interfaces, so that it balances one per processor, so we have 5 processors working only for the network interfaces each processor with it's own eth. Now let's assume that the network interfaces generate very few interrupts, and that they show up every 5-6 seconds, so watching cat /proc/interrupts doesn't exactly underline the modifications unless you look with a ruler. Is there a way to reset the counters on /proc/interrupts so that they all start at 0, without rebooting the system?

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General :: Freenas Installed It's System Files To A New Small UFS Partion

Sep 26, 2010

Here's my situation :

I had a samsung 1TB HDD that I used for storing data, on an xp machine, so it was formated as NTFS.I moved this HDD to another machine and installed Freenas on it, and the installation worked fine (fyi, I used the tutorial posted here :[URL]..During the installtion, Freenas installed it's system files to a new small UFS partion. After finishing the setup, I realised that I had changed the file system of the other partion (980gb, previously NFTS) to UFS and now I don'T know how to go back. I had about 400gb of data on it and I'm pretty sure it's still there, but don't know how to get it back.

I tried messing around with recovery software such as R-Studio, and I was able to see some of my files so I know they're still there. After quite a bit of googling around, the only solution I seem to find is using gparted which is a tool to modify partions file system without loosing data, but I'm afraid to use it.

So is there a way to browse NTFS data on a UFS partition and convert it so FreeNas can see my files ? Or is there a way to put the partition back to NTFS so I can back up my data to another drive before I lose something valuable ?

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Server :: Backup A Single Directory And It's Subdirectories On Lucid To A Freenas Box Across Network

Jul 20, 2010

This should be a quick one. I'm trying to backup a single directory and it's subdirectories on my Lucid Server to a freenas box across my network. This is what I'm using to do that..

rsync -r -a -v -z * --delete freenas:dSIBackups It almost works perfectly except for one problem. When a file is deleted at the source, this command doesn't seem to delete it on the receiving end. I assumed that the --delete would do that but aparently not. Can anyone think of a reason that this would happen?

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Ubuntu :: Figure Out What Makes OPENWRT Samba Server Different From The Other 100% Working FREENAS And PC-01 Servers?

Jul 22, 2011


I think I can eliminate Media Companion as the problem since all other samba servers work with it.

I want to trouble shoot this but don't even know where to start. How do I figure out what makes OPENWRT samba server different from the other 100% working FREENAS and PC-01 Servers?

How would you go about trouble shooting this?

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Software :: "Enabling The Pci Based MSI Interrupts."?

Apr 5, 2010

i can enable the pci based MSI interrupts by where appendin the pci=msi in kernel.

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Ubuntu :: When System Is "fresh" Booted There Are No Noticeable "Extra Timer Interrupts"?

Feb 25, 2010

See the following output from powertop:

Uptime 5 minutes
Wakeups-from-idle per second : 86,8interval: 15,0s
no ACPI power usage estimate available
Top causes for wakeups:
37,8% (129,7) <interrupt> : uhci_hcd:usb2, uhci_hcd:usb5, rr26xx
23,6% ( 81,0) <kernel core> : hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)[code]....

As you can see, when system is "fresh" booted there are no noticeable "Extra timer interrupts". As time goes, this number seems to increase. I have tried to find out what causes this behaviour without any luck. I am not even sure if this is any practical problem, as performance seems to be more or less unaffected, but any explanation to this would be nice. Anyone else ever notice this?I am running Ubuntu 9.10 Server edition on a Dell Poweredge SC1420, 64-bit version. The server is used for web and file sharing mostly, with little load. (15 min avg. about 0,10).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Error - Vendor Request 0x06 Failed For Offset 0x3040 With Error -110

Feb 12, 2011

Having a problem with my Belkin wireless adapter when trying to stream music to my Pinnacle Soundbridge.The network connection is usually rock steady but drops anywhere between and few second and a few minutes after streaming music. Network manager still shows the connection to my home network as active but it is not. The connection comes back when I unplug the dongle and plug it back in. I found the following message repeated in the syslog

phy3 -> rt2x00usb_vendor_request: Error - Vendor Request 0x06 failed for offset 0x3040 with error -110

Only thing I have noticed is that it refers to rt2x00 when I had thought it used the rt73usb driver.Had the PC and the Soundbridge for a number of years without any problems but I did recently have to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch. Currently running Ubuntu 10.10

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