Networking :: Access FreeNAS Share From Ubuntu?

Aug 2, 2011

I just set up a FreeNAS server and have a shared drive set up that I can currently access from Linux, Windows and OSX. I'm having a problem getting the trash folder to work for files deleted from my Linux machines though.

I know this may be more of a FreeNAS forums question, but I've tried asking there and haven't gotten a response. And the recycle bin is working when a file is deleted from a Windows machine on my network so it is an issue specific to Linux.

So my question is, what services, protocol, etc... has to be used (on the server and/or on my Linux machine) to have a functional recycle bin on the FreeNAS shared drive? If I delete a file on the shared drive from my Linux machine, I would expect it to go to a trash folder and still be on the shared drive. It's working from Windows but not Linux.

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Networking :: Share A File Via Samba On A Ubuntu Server That Is Actually Stored On A FreeNAS Box?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to share a file via Samba on a Ubuntu server that is actually stored on a FreeNAS box. The FreeNAS drives are mounted via NFS and the Samba share contains a symlink to file on the FreeNAS drive.Browsing the Samba share I can see the file and size, but any attempt to read the file fails. It complains about authentication but all credentials across all machines are the same.So, is it possible to share a file this way or is there another way to do this?I know I could create all the profiles on the FreeNAS box but for convenience and ease of maintenance I was hoping to do this via the Ubuntu server

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Ubuntu Networking :: XP Can Ping FreeNAS Hostname, Can't?

Jul 9, 2010

At work, I recently installed FreeNAS 0.7.4919 on a computer and set it up to be a samba server. Using a Windows XP Pro SP3 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname and it works just fine. However, using an Ubuntu 10.04 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I am unable to ping the FreeNAS server's hostname. When I try, it says "ping: unknown host [the FreeNAS server's hostname]". I can ping its IP address just fine, though. Why is it that Windows XP Pro can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname but Ubuntu 10.04 can't?Here's the output of the ifconfig command on the Ubuntu 10.04 computer:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:c2:cd:a6:39
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Networking :: FreeNAS Standalone NAS Box Fileserver?

Apr 13, 2011

I would like to make a small NFS server for a small LAN. Normally, I would build a dedicated cheap and cheerful linux box to do this. However, I was wondering if all of this could be done more easily using a commodity standalone device like e.g. "NetGear ReadyNAS Duo NAS". I presume devices like this run their own proprietary OSes, and I would prefer instead an opensource OS based device. I do like the look of these devices as they seem simple and small.

So my real question: What would linuxers advise for me given that I want a minimalistic NFS fileserver? I can make my own dedicated linux desktop machine. However, is a standalone device similar to the above, but running something like FreeNAS, also an option?

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Networking :: FreeNAS Error With NIC - Missed TX Interrupts

Sep 6, 2010

So I've been researching this on my new NAS. I just tried to register the IP on the new system to have an issue pop up that says:
"msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx interrupts) -- recovering"
The error repeats then ends with no set IP. I tried the loader.conf fix but I cannot write to the system its installed on (embedded on a harddrive + data + swap) but it gives me a issue with write privileges which I thought would have been fixed by chmod +w /cf.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Samba-share From App?

May 3, 2011

I have a samba-share that mounts on my desktop. But how do I find it from applications?
When I browse from application is not visible in the desktop folder.

PS. I find it with smb://pathway, but I don't know how I can do it from some gui-applications.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Access NFS Share In 12

Dec 3, 2009

In my office i've installed fedora 12, when ever i was trying to access NFS share in LAN environment i was getting these errors. $sudo mount x.x.x.x:/misc/export /misc/local , after executing this command i was getting these errors.

/usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Permission denied
/usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Success
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Windows 7 Share?

May 5, 2010

I'm currently using ubuntu on my laptop, and I want to access my windows 7 folders via network and file sharing...but there's this problem...

Everytime I want to connect to my Windows 7 pc, it will just prompt me a "password required for xx pc"...and keep looping on every username/password [afaik from the windows account], and I'm unable to login to it.

Even tho I've set "LmCompatibilityLevel" dword key, 1 or 2 [restarted every set] under's still the same thing happens...

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Ubuntu Networking :: New Drive Installed But Cannot Access Share?

Jun 23, 2010

I have just built 2 Ubuntu Desktop machines with a 2TB drive in each.

The machines are to sit on a Windows network one as media storage the other to as backup for the first.

I have shared a folder on each machine and all the shares can be accessed from the other Ubuntu machine and from the windows machines.

I have installed another 2TB hard drive in each machine and formatted as ext4 file system.

I then created a folder on each machines new hard drive and shared as usual. The shared folders can be seen on the network but cannot be accessed by network machines.

The error is "Unable to Mount location" "Failed to mount Windows Share"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Win 7 Cannot Access Share - Using Webmin To Administer?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm pretty new here and I want to be able to set up my Linux box as a shared drive (so that I can use it as a backup drive to my win7 machine). I'm using webmin to administer Samba and I get to the point where it shows:

Share Name Path Security
homes All Home DirectoriesRead/write to everyone

When I go to my win7 machine it I can browse to the machine (called jira2) and see the folder called homes, but when I click on the folder it says Windows cannot access \JIRA2homes. if I expand the details it says Error code 0x80070035 I am running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Access To Samba Share

Sep 22, 2010

I need to access a windows share at my university's server. When I am at the university, I can access the share by nautilus (or dolphin) in a similar way to ftp:


The thing is that when I try the above anywhere else except the university, it does not connect. I guess it has something to do with the domain, but I am not sure.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Remotely Access Samba Share

Dec 19, 2010

My work uses an internal software suite where the data is hosted with a linux server. It uses mysql and samba shares. We are currently opening a new location and need to be able to access the samba shares. We are able to access the mysql databases. The samba shares are used to store various files for the software such as updates, invoices (as pdf files), etc. I've setup vpn connections using windows servers in the past but I can't, for the life of me, get a VPN server setup on our linux server that windows will connect to. I've tried openvpn and pptp. I'd prefer to use the built in windows client to connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount A Samba Share To Access It From A Terminal?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to properly mount a samba share in order to access it from a terminal and run a script that I've written over a folder in the share. How could I do that? I tried smbclient but after successfully logging in I couldn't issue the sh command. Isn't it possible to have it mounted in the /mnt folder like a normal filesystem?

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Networking :: Can't Access Ubuntu Share From Windows 7 Machine / Resolve It?

Oct 8, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop right now. I have an external western digital terabyte drive plugged into it. I am able to see it and view it fine. Let's work with my music folder for example. I want to be able to access this music from my Windows 7 laptop so that I may add it to my itunes. However, when I enter the \servershare from the windows 7 laptop it says that the "server" is found but the "share" seems to be invalid. I've checked this 20 times and setting the share name to "music". I've rebooted 2 times on each computer yet to no avail. If I make a share on the Ubuntu desktop I can access it from the laptop. So it seems like it just gets lost when looking inside the external. This was just working last week, then I had to blow away they win 7 lappy and now it just won't work!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access A Windows Share With A Netbook Edition?

May 15, 2011

I had the previous edition of Ubuntu Desktop Edition installed on my Acer Aspire 1 and it asked me to upgrade which I then confirmed and proceeded to do. When it was done it started up with the Ubuntu Netbook edition and Samba was removed.

How do I access a windows share with a netbook edition, because there's no places menu? What programs / addons do I need to install to be able to access windows shares when using the netbook edition?? Otherwise, how can I revert back to my previous edition of Ubuntu which I was happy with?

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Networking :: New Drive Installed But Cannot Access Share

Jun 23, 2010

I have just built 2 Ubuntu Desktop machines with a 2TB drive in each. The machines are to sit on a Windows network one as media storage the other to as backup for the first. I have shared a folder on each machine and all the shares can be accessed from the other Ubuntu machine and from the windows machines. The problem: I have installed another 2TB hard drive in each machine and formatted as ext4 file system. I then created a folder on each machines new hard drive and shared as usual. The shared folders can be seen on the network but cannot be accessed by network machines. The error is "Unable to Mount location" "Failed to mount Windows Share".

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Networking :: Can't Access Mounted Windows Share?

Jan 6, 2010

It's the strangest thing, I've done this on a couple othervers with no issues whatsoever... here goes:I need to mount a windows share to copy some files to it, so I used this command which gets no errors:

sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=XXXXX,password=XXXXX, // /home/XXXX/scripts/operrors


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Networking :: Unable To Access NFS Share Which Is Shared On HP NAS Box?

Aug 3, 2010

Currently I am using HP NAS box and we have installed HP Storage Works storage Mirroring on NAS for Replication. Windows 2008 is installed on this NAS box. I have shared a directory as NFS share on this NAS box and allow anonymous read and write access to all machines. I want to mount and access this NFS share directory on one LINUX machine and this Linux machine has Redhat 5.3 Enterprise edition.

1.The issue I am facing here is, I can mount the NFS share on my Linux machine successfully but I can not do read/write on this NFS share. Whenever I try to access this mounted NFS share, I always get error Permission denied. I can do any read/write operation on this mount point. Please provide the inputs to resolve this issue.

2.How do I mount NFS share with user credential and password? Can I share a directory as NFS share with user credential which I can use when I mount the share? 3.Is there any other way to access NFS share by using user authentication and password?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share Cannot Access Symbolic Links To Other Drives?

Jan 10, 2011

I've created two samba shares, /media/disk1 and /media/disk2 say the structure is like this:

/media/disk1/dir2 links to /media/disk1/dir1
/media/disk2/dir1 links to /media/disk1/dir1

so I can access /media/disk1/dir1 and /media/disk1/dir2 from samba share, but I cannot access /media/disk2/dir1, on Windows 7 it throws:


[Window Title]
Location is not available
N:dir1 is not accessible.
Access is denied.

In conclusion, symbolic inside the same drive is okay, but when cross-drive links happened, I cannot access them..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Xfce Share Asks For Password But Wont Allow Access

Apr 20, 2011

Have setup using Samba a share on the documents folder. When I attempt to access it from another PC, when access is allowed to everyone, all works perfectly.However, when I allow access just to a user, on attempting to access this folder, it asks for a password but on entering the correct password it does not allow access.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Samba Share From Windows Machine?

Jul 15, 2011

I am unable to access samba share from my windows machine. I am getting the following error

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Fedora Networking :: Access Windows Share From Machine

Nov 2, 2009

he moved in a new place and there is a huge share on the network machine which runs windows... however he has fedora 10 installed on a desktop pc with a big screen and asked me to configure it so it can access the share... i have almost no experience with fedora and i've been trying to do this for two days now... i installed the samba package, but now what? how to do this because the exact commands are unknown to me... i have the root password and everything else on the network... so i just need to know what ot write in order to be able to mount all the TBs of information on the server...

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Networking :: Share Internet Through A Wireless Access Point?

Aug 8, 2010

I started using Arch just a few days ago. forward traffic to the Wireless access point I created on arch. i am using cable internet (ppp0) which I want to share via a usb wifi adapter running as a WAP. I followed the instructions in this link to enable the AP mode. Afterwards I followed the instructions provided in the Arch Wiki to forward the traffic but because of my inexperience I am still unable to connect to the internet. Here is the output of iptables -nvL :


Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
77 31312 ACCEPT all -- lo *
0 0 DROP all -- * * state INVALID


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Samba Share Access Restriction?

Apr 29, 2010

cannot restrict share access to a single user. I've played with the security and valid users options in the smb.conf and I can get it to mount if I remove the valid users option, but this does not provide the access restriction I need. I also left it open and tried making the folder permissions rwx for backupadmin only and that didn't work. I'm using a credentials file which I include below, but I've tried manually entering them in the command too.

[root@aaphst02 /]# mount -t cifs //aapsan01/aapxen01 /mnt/aapxen01 --verbose -o credentials=/root/smbcreds
mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//aapsan01aapxen01,ip=,user=backupadmin,ver=1,rw,credentials=/root/smbcreds,pass=********


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba - Access The Share On 300 Windows Machine - Systems At A Time

Mar 8, 2011

I have ubunto desktop 10.04 LTS I installed samba and able to access the share on windows machines. However i want to access the share on 300 windows machine(for example) systems at a time Is it possible.

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Networking :: Samba Config - Cannot Access Share On Home Network

Sep 1, 2010

I've used Samba for several years and when it works it's great. Unfortunately from time to time it seems to get messed up and either all the 7 machines on my home network can't be seen or I can't access the shares on some. I have 2 Windows XP computers 4 Kubuntu and one Linux Mint KDE, all the latest versions. I'd rather not plough through all the documentation for Samba, but would really like a "model" smb.conf with a few comments about parts that might have legitimate variants. I have researched this with Google searches many times but have failed to find the information I need in concise form.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Share With Two Network Cards - No Internet Access

Mar 1, 2009

I have a fedora 10 box with two network card on eth0 I have a pppoe connection to the internet, on second card eth1 I share my internet connection end I set up a samba server but I don't know if the settings are good. How to do this settings right to work fine, the ip are assigned by dhcp I don't use any static ip .When I try to browse the internet from the other computers some site's like {.com ; .org ; .info} are block, other site from {.ro} are working. Someone tell me something about turn off all my filters, but I don't know where to find this filter to turn it off. And when I use samba I can't have and internet access or vice versa. My network look like that:

|<--pppoe connection
(fedora 10)
comp.1 comp.2
Win OS MacOS

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File - Access Shared Folder - Error: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 24, 2010

I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Windows 7 Share From Ubuntu 11.04

Jun 9, 2011

I've read several threads on the subject but all seem to be related to problems I'm not having, or at least the troubleshooting loses me at some point where my results have differed too many times to ignore.So, I'd like to start from scratch if anyone can help me. I'm simply trying to access a folder shared on Windows 7. The Windows computers on the network have no trouble accessing it with the username and password -- both XP and Win7 systems are able to access the share.I can try going to Places > Network > Windows Network -- but I get "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server".I can try going to Places > Connect to Server but I get "Cannot display location "smb://". Failed to retrieve share list from server." (tried both computer name and local IP)

I currently have Windows Firewall turned off on the server for troubleshooting purposes.I'm pretty new to Linux still -- are there any commands I can report on from Terminal that will help steer me in the right direction?

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Fedora Networking :: Fedora 10 Unable To Access To Windows Share Folders On LAN

Jan 8, 2009

I am using F10 desktop edition, all the computers using windows are able to access the shared folders over lan except me using F10. I have tried many things with smb but still unable to connect.I am new to linux so i dont khow much of its technicalities.kindly suggest how can i be able to access the shared documents ..

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