Ubuntu Servers :: How To Mount FreeNAS Drive

Feb 6, 2011

I am very new to Ubuntu and have been having trouble mounting my FreeNAS drive. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on partition sda2. I wanted to keep FreeNAS completely separate from here, so I used Virtualbox to host FreeNAS as a guest o/s on a second hdd, sdb1 mounted at /media/NAS-Data. I can access the NAS from all computers except my Ubuntu box. I have CIFS/SMB and NFS (among other) services enabled on FreeNAS.

I would like to run a program that needs access my music. I followed many of the "How To's" on the forum, but am not sure if they didn't work or if my setup is different and can't work the way that has been described. My last effort was to mount the file system using NFS, but I get a timed out error.

When I run showmount -e, result is /mnt/cNb-NAS-data I've tried many variations to mount, but none have worked. For all I know, again I'm very new to Ubuntu, the file system is already considered mounted (/media/NAS-Data), and I just need to find the correct path to access my data. This is probably obvious, but when I navigate to NAS-Data, it has the Virtualbox NAS.vdi file.

Was hoping someone might be able to either help me get the correct path name or mounting instructions in order to view these files from Ubuntu.

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Red Hat :: Cannot Mount NFS Shares From FreeNAS System On SL6

Mar 9, 2011

For some strange reason, I can't seem to be able to mount the nfs share from my FreeNAS system on SL6. I'm able to do it just fine from Ubuntu 10.04, Linux mint 9, Fedora 14, CentOS 5.5, and OS X Snow Leopard, so it has to be something specific to SL6. The below command does not work:
mount freenas:/mnt/share /test.

I get a mount.nfs error message that says "requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported." I also tried this command which yielded the same result:
mount -t nfs FreeNAS:/mnt/share /test
Am I doing something wrong or is this just a bug with SL6?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount A USB Drive In Rc.local With /sbin/mount And UUID Instead Of Fstab?

Feb 6, 2010

I run a headless Ubuntu 8.04 server, which acts as a web, email and file server. I am sticking with 8.04 as it is a LTS release and will upgrade to the next LTS when it is released.

I have two external USB drives, that I need to mount at boot. I have been using /etc/fstab up until now, with the following entries:


However, as I gather from doing searches is quite common, occasionally I get an error during boot (causing the system to drop to a recovery shell) because the USB drives take time to wake up and the system hasn't found them by the time it reads /etc/fstab.

From doing searches, it seems there is nothing you can do to fstab to fix this, so you need to mount them using an rc.local script instead, using:


The problem is, as I have two USB drives, their /dev/sdxx location changes between boots. I thus want to use UUID codes as I do in fstab, however I haven't found anything about this.

Does anyone know how I can use the mount command and UUID to mount a drive in rc.local and what options I have to use the mount the drive with the same options that I am using in my fstab entry? Obvisouly, I can't refer back to fstab using the mount command, because then I will still get the boot error issue if they are listed in fstab. And there is no space internally for the USB drives as there is already two internal drives.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FreeNAS Openfiler - What Is Optimal

May 4, 2011

I've been tinkering with both recently to see what can suit my needs as a simple raid1 mirrored backup server. I used FreeNAS for all but minutes before I had a raid1 array running and shares set up through CIFS. Using Ubuntu on my laptop I was able to see them as well. I had some more figuring out to do, as I wanted each share to be blocked off from the other. aka - I didn't want "fred" to be able to access "bob's" share. So then I move on to Openfiler to check it out. I hear it's simpler. It's web interface, while no doubt much slower than FreeNAS, was easy to mingle around. At first glance, I thought I'd like it more.

I began to set up my raid1 array. After realizing the final release I was dealing with had a bug, I found some commands to run in a root shell to fix. Okay, so now we're moving along... raid1 array created. Then I had to create a volume group. Then a volume. Then shares. And I still don't have it running over cifs. I'm curious if FreeNAS by nature is truly simpler to set up raid array's with, or if maybe I'm just totally misunderstanding Openfiler and that be the reason why I'm thinking this.

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Ubuntu :: Figure Out What Makes OPENWRT Samba Server Different From The Other 100% Working FREENAS And PC-01 Servers?

Jul 22, 2011


I think I can eliminate Media Companion as the problem since all other samba servers work with it.

I want to trouble shoot this but don't even know where to start. How do I figure out what makes OPENWRT samba server different from the other 100% working FREENAS and PC-01 Servers?

How would you go about trouble shooting this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Auto Mount Of An Usb Drive?

Sep 1, 2010

I just changed the os on my media server from Windows Home Server to Unbuntu 10.4 server. I got most of it working (samba, twonkymedia)

The only thing i have left to get working is the backup of that server. I installed bacula as i beleive it will do the job (unless someone has a better and simpler to configure idea) and i would like it to backup to my external usb 1Tb hard drive. I am able to mount the drive manually but this server gets turn on and off often to save power (and cut the electric bill) when not in use. I tried adding a line to fstab but when a do that, the server gets stuck on the startup even with the drive turned on. I read somewhere that i should use the UUID of the drive as it could change from sbd1 to sbh1 on restart so i did, same result.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Identifying Drive Format To Mount?

Aug 3, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu Server, and Webmin following this guide, and all is well so far... I've mounted some drives with some pre-existing data on them, and can view the data on those drives. But I have one drive that I can't seem to mount, and I'm pretty sure there's data on it. But I can't seem to find how to identify what format the data is in, ie.. ntfs, ext2, ext 3, etc. Its likely pretty simple, but how can you identify the drive format before you attempt to mount it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Common Practice To Mount Network Drive?

Jan 2, 2010

I have the following scenario:

- Server installed in wired network. The server has a static IP. It has Ubuntu Server 9.10 installed.

- I have two Ubuntu notebooks (Ubuntu Desktop 9.10) and I want them to connect (mount) to the server on bootup (fstab or equal) if the network is available.

- I don't want to store the password in cleartext in the fstab file. So what other options do I have? What would be the most common practice here?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount Remote Windows Hard Drive

Jan 6, 2010

Alright, this hard drive that I need to mount is on a windows machine, in a different town. What would be the best approach for this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Xp Drive Letter - Auto Mount The Server When On My Home Network

Jan 22, 2011

I would like my Ubuntu server to show up as a drive on my XP home machine. I have loaded samba on to the server but I can only get it to show as the printer and faxes under my work group. Also is there a way to have my Ubuntu laptop to auto mount the server when I am on my home network?

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Fedora Servers :: NFS Drive - Mount System Call Failed

Oct 5, 2009

These are the settings on my server, which has a static ip:
[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/exports
/media/cavern 192.168.1.*(rw,sync)

[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/hosts.deny

[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/hosts.allow

When I try to mount the disk from my client machine I get the error:
[tim@localhost ~]$ sudo mount -t nfs /media/cavern
mount.nfs mount system call failed

Thinking the problem might be due to iptables I tried the following command as recommended by a book I found on google:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i wlan0 -f -j ACCEPT
didn't help so tried disabling the firewall - still getting the error
Both machines are running FC11 - should i be using nfs4?

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Server :: Mount A Drive Or Partition On Multiple Servers Concurrently?

Jan 19, 2011

I am tasked with setting up 3 out of the 6 servers and dividing up 500GB of space in the most efficient manner amongst the 3 servers. The space is in a pool which can be assigned to virtual drives. Each virtual drive can be assigned as disk0 or disk1 and so on to one or more servers. They'll be running CentOS.

On the second try I came up with this scheme:
shared sda1 -- /boot (ext3)
shared sda2 -- /home (ext3)


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Ubuntu Servers :: Copying Files Where The Machine Issuing The Copy Is A 32-bit Lucid And The Mount Drive Is A 64-bit

Nov 18, 2010

We are experiencing problems copying files from a server to server where the machine issuing the copy is a 32-bit lucid and the mount drive is a 64-bit server. I have no other information but the md5's are consistently different after doing a copy. The files are > 8mb.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Internal Drive - Error: Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2 internal drives. One is for the OS and one is for the Data. I tried to get the Data drive to mount automatically at login using some crap I found on a linux blog. Safe to say it didn't work and now I can't mount it with the OS on the OS Drive.

It mounts from a live CD and all the data is perfectly safe. When I try to mount the drive I get this error message: "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/data" What have I done wrong and how can I make it mount again? Preferably this time at login.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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General :: Mount External USB Drive In Debian To A Mount Point Based On The Volume Name

May 5, 2011

How do I configure my Debian installation to mount external USB drives to mount points based on the volume names of the drives? For instance, if I have a thumb drive with the volume name of "SWORDFISH," how do I have Linux mount it at /media/SWORDFISH? I'm aware that this can be setup in FSTAB, but that requires that I know the UUID of the device beforehand and that I take the time to set each external device up in FSTAB first. That does nothing for me when I have a thumb drive that has never been plugged into my computer before.

This seems to be setup by default in Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but is not working for me with a fresh installation of Debian Squeeze and KDE4. I've spent the past 2 hours Googling for a solution and have turned up nothing. UPDATE: My results are inconsistent. Sometimes Debian mounts devices to mount points based on the volume names, and other times it gives them generic mount points (e.g. /media/usb1).

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Software :: Unable To Mount Windows Drive - Mount Error 92 = Protocol Not Available

Oct 4, 2010

Not able to mount windows drive & foder, in linux. i have got following error.

mount error 92 = Protocol not available

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount Does Not List CIFS Mount Options On 10.04.2 LTS?

Apr 4, 2011

Linux box info: root@mytestbox:~# uname -a Linux mytestbox 2.6.32-30-generic-pae #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 23:01:33 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

Windows box info: Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise I've verified via --verbose output that mount.cifs is indeed processing the passed on options.

root@mytestbox:~# mount -t cifs // /root/testwin --verbose -o credentials=/root/testcreds,rw,nocase,noperm,noacl,nounix,noserverin o,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777


Yet, when I type mount all it reports is (rw,mand). The share works just fine, and I can see the masking (all files are showing as rwxrwxrwx as expected etc) but mount is not listing the options?!

Is this normal expected behavior? Is there a bug report on this? I've google'd to the best of my capabilities and could not locate any such information which is why I decided to hit the forums prior to filing a bug.

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Server :: Auto Mount USB Drive To Specified Mount Point After Reboot

Jul 19, 2010

I have servers installed with RHEL 4 2.6.9-89.0.9 ELsmp. I tried using uuid and label in /etc/fstab to automount usb drives to mountpoints that I specify after reboot. Unfortunately, it just does not work in all my RHEL4 servers. After every reboot, /etc/fstab will be automatically modified and all configurations related to my USB drives will be changed. Irregardless of whether i use UUID or LABEL in my /etc/fstab.However, it works on RHEL5. But, upgrading is not an option in my environment. I have been googling around looking for alternatives but everything seems to point back to using UUID or LABEL in /etc/fstab. Anyone has tried something that works? Please help me, thank you.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: USB Flash Drive Mount - Un-mount ?

Sep 17, 2010

Its annoying to unmount my flash drive twice.. its not a major problem actually but its kinda annoying , its whenever i plug-in my flash drive.. everything works well except when i need to un-mount it.. I usually unmount it twice using right-click of the mouse, then it mounts itself back, so i have to unmount it again.. Is there any way to control this? How do i setup the auto-mount option for USB flash drives?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Network Drive To Mount As A Local Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

I was trying to figure out how to get my network drive to mount as a local drive on my computer. This was back on 9.10. Since I've upgraded to 10.04, my boot process halts and tells me (paraphrasing) /shared is not ready to mount. To continue, pres S to skip or M to manually mount the drive.

Well, I have it mounting now through GVFS and I don't need this in my startup anymore. Frankly, it's just annoying that it won't boot into Ubuntu right away. So, what's the startup file I need to edit to remove the attempt to mount the network drive?

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Ubuntu :: Add More Space - C Drive Is Mounted And The E Drive Will Not Mount

Jan 19, 2011

I have just installed Xubuntu and suprisingly it did not ask me to create a partition within its installer like Ubuntu does. So now, I am left with 150mb of free space. I want to expand that amount. The problem is, I do not know where it has been installed on. I have a C and an E drive. Currently, the C drive is mounted and the E drive will not mount even if i press the mount button. Does anyone have a solution?

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Ubuntu :: Mapping FreeNAS In Windows Environment?

Apr 13, 2010

I've found that simply sharing a folder on my Ubuntu PC with other Linux PC's on my network proves unwieldy from an 'ownership' standpoint. For example, if I create a file from my Ubuntu Laptop and save it onto my Ubuntu Desktop 'share', I find that if I try to access it from the Desktop that the group/ownership prevents my access so I end up having to chown it. I'm finding sharing in a mixed environment to be a pain.

So, I recently configured an old desktop box with FreeNAS and I want to move all of my files from my main Ubuntu PC over to it, and have those files accessible from various clients (both Windoze and Linux) from thoughout my network. Now I've got the FreeNAS all set up and shared, and I'm ready to transfer files to it. What's the best way to mount Mr. FreeNAS on my various desktops and laptops such that sharing is not a problem from a security (group/owner) standpoint? Should I be using CIFS/SAMBA or is NFS mounting better? Will there be sharing problems or ownership issues when accessing from Windows?

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Ubuntu Networking :: XP Can Ping FreeNAS Hostname, Can't?

Jul 9, 2010

At work, I recently installed FreeNAS 0.7.4919 on a computer and set it up to be a samba server. Using a Windows XP Pro SP3 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname and it works just fine. However, using an Ubuntu 10.04 computer on the same subnet as the FreeNAS server, I am unable to ping the FreeNAS server's hostname. When I try, it says "ping: unknown host [the FreeNAS server's hostname]". I can ping its IP address just fine, though. Why is it that Windows XP Pro can ping the FreeNAS server's hostname but Ubuntu 10.04 can't?Here's the output of the ifconfig command on the Ubuntu 10.04 computer:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:c2:cd:a6:39
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Networking :: Access FreeNAS Share From Ubuntu?

Aug 2, 2011

I just set up a FreeNAS server and have a shared drive set up that I can currently access from Linux, Windows and OSX. I'm having a problem getting the trash folder to work for files deleted from my Linux machines though.

I know this may be more of a FreeNAS forums question, but I've tried asking there and haven't gotten a response. And the recycle bin is working when a file is deleted from a Windows machine on my network so it is an issue specific to Linux.

So my question is, what services, protocol, etc... has to be used (on the server and/or on my Linux machine) to have a functional recycle bin on the FreeNAS shared drive? If I delete a file on the shared drive from my Linux machine, I would expect it to go to a trash folder and still be on the shared drive. It's working from Windows but not Linux.

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General :: Dvd Rom Drive Won't Mount Under FC14 After Installing From Dvdrom Drive?

Jun 12, 2011

no entries exist in the /dev folder for hdc,cdrom,dvd, or any other drive or drive type than hda. The only other similar device is sg0 which doesn't work either. I have tried every variation of mount I can find with every available drive and drive type and nothing works, but this is the drive I installed FC14 with, and it installed perfectly (except for forgetting where it came from!!)Do I have to install a module or recompile the kernel just to get linux to recognize the drive it came from?

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Server :: Using Either FreeNAS Or OpenFiler As The OS?

May 24, 2010

what is the best way to go for setting up a NAS. It will be used for 2-3 weeks worth of HD Video storage and needs to have a redundant power supply, swappable SATA drives. I'm thinking of using either FreeNAS or OpenFiler as the OS.

We are limited to a small amount of available server hardware in South America. To buy an 8TB HP NAS server costs $11000, quite pricey for us. In Canada I'd just get a couple of Buffalo Terrastations, but that's not an option now.

So I'm thinking of going with an INTEL SR2400 ($550), maybe even two of those for more redundancy. Anyway, I was thinking of using 1TB or 1.5TB drives, but according to other web sources, that's a bad idea with RAID, as it's more prone to hardware errors.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load A Drive / Volume - "Unable To Mount Location Error Mounting: Mount: /dev/sda1: Can't Read Superblock"

Dec 25, 2010

I have a problem in my ubuntu 10.01 that it can't load a drive/volume in ubuntu. When I tried, it said: "Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock". And when I boot my pc with 'Windows', it said : "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" under a blue screen. What can I do to solve this problem?

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Networking :: FreeNAS Standalone NAS Box Fileserver?

Apr 13, 2011

I would like to make a small NFS server for a small LAN. Normally, I would build a dedicated cheap and cheerful linux box to do this. However, I was wondering if all of this could be done more easily using a commodity standalone device like e.g. "NetGear ReadyNAS Duo NAS". I presume devices like this run their own proprietary OSes, and I would prefer instead an opensource OS based device. I do like the look of these devices as they seem simple and small.

So my real question: What would linuxers advise for me given that I want a minimalistic NFS fileserver? I can make my own dedicated linux desktop machine. However, is a standalone device similar to the above, but running something like FreeNAS, also an option?

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General :: Freenas Setting Up Permissions

May 29, 2010

I have set up freenas with 3 1tb hard drives. I have set up the SMB shares for the drives and can view each shared drive from each of the machines on my network. I can copy files from the hard drives, on the freenas but when I try to copy a file to the Freenas hard drives I get a message that I need permission to do this. I have all my shares set as anonymous how do I change the permissions so that I can save files to the drives.

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