Installation :: Puppy Installation On 'antique' Laptop?

Mar 19, 2010

I wonder if anyone can help, I have tried googling this many times and still have had no success.I have an old Dell Latitude LM P133 with a 1626 Mb hard drive and 40Mb RAM. This model has a swappable 3.5" floppy or CD-rom but will only boot from HDD or Floppy, USB is not supported. I have been playing with Puppy on my main computer as a CD boot and would like to install Puppy on the DELL, I understand that this would be a suitable system.I can remove the hard drive and connect it to a pc running xp via USB cable (This pc also has UBUNTU on it (dual boot and fairly recent install of which I have very little experience!)So far I have I have copied the ISO file to the hard drive (FAT 32 format) but it won't boot directly, I have tried installing GRUB but to be honest am not really sure what I am doing. I have also tried the wakepuppy floppy and copied the IDEHD file to the hard drive but still no luck, I am getting 'pnpbios fault' messages.

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Installation :: When Installing Puppy - Get Stuck After Searching For Puppy Files

Jun 21, 2009

I am new to Linux and I am trying to install puppy on an old IBM thinkpad 600X (10gb hd, 196mb ram) When installing puppy from a cd, it loads up and does the kernel stuff before "Searching for Puppy files in computer disk drives" - this takes about 10 minutes before saying "pup_421.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial ramdisk console" then it goes to "/bin/sh can't access tty; jon control turned off". then it stays like that and doesn't continue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Puppy And Let Boot It From The Menu?

Feb 5, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10, PuppyLinux431 and Windows XP on a Toshiba laptop. I like Ubuntu, but the speed of PuppyLinux is addictive, so that was my default boot until I upgraded Ubuntu which included an upgrade to Grub2.

My problem: Grub2 doesn't recognise PuppyLinux. Using information from [url] I have made an executable file named 07_Puppy in /etc/grub.d and did update-grub from root. Still no luck. I can boot PuppyLinux from the grub command line using the following commands:

Just before grub displays the boot menu, I think I see a very brief message about a syntax error, but it's gone before I can read it.

Here is the contents of my grub.cfg:


Why Grub2 doesn't see Puppy and let me boot it from the menu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Start-up Disk Creator Is Not Accepting The Iso File For Puppy?

Jan 20, 2011

I downloaded the puppy linux iso. I don't want to write that iso to any disk (because most of the linux disks are used just once and then the just acquire space in my cd bag). I tried to create its bootable pen drive by start-up disk creator. But start-up disk creator is not accepting the iso file for puppy. Can anyone please tell me how to make a bootable pen-drive of puppy linux

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Hardware :: New Drive Geometry Vs. Antique Partition Table Details?

Apr 5, 2010

Are there plans to alter or improve our partition options surrounding the change from 512 to 4096 byte sectors? It seems that the DOS-world of four primary partitions is a bit screwy in a world of tera-byte drives.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Upgrade / Installation Failing On Presario F700 Laptop

May 29, 2009

I've tried to upgrade my FC8 on Presario F700 series laptop to FC 10 and facing some issues. I've a live CD (i386). Initially i tried upgrading FC 8 to FC 10 and installation was stuck around 30% completion saying its unable to fins libdbi-0.8.3-1.fc9.i386.rpm. Then I tried to install FC 10 from scratch as system went to inconsistent state and faced two issues with two different setup options -

1) when i selected necessary software to be installed for office use and development, it failed after installing 20% saying libgnomeui-devel-2.24.0-2.fc10.i386.rpm

2) i then opted for for software to be installed for office use (default option) then it failed after installing around 50% saying libXrandr-1.2.3-1.fc10.i386.rpm

im trying to understand if this is a problem due to my laptop configuration (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core) or due to issue with the live CD.

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Fedora Installation :: Download A Installation DVD Of F10 For My New ThinkPad T500 Laptop?

Apr 2, 2009

when I tried to download a installation DVD of F10 for my new thinkPad T500 laptop.The architecture of the processor should be i686 and I downloaded the DVD image Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso. I understand i686 has backward compatability with i386. But i have following questoins:

(1) why we don't have an installation for i686?

(2) If I install the i386 package, do I get performance downgrades?

(3) Also, why the live DVD has this file called F10-i686-Live.iso?

(4) Finally, I always get message like "Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct
/usr/bin/xterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1" when I use X application. What's the problem here? BTW, I used Fedora core 8 before I didnt have this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Wireless Did Not Work After 10.04 Installation?

Sep 28, 2010

I installed the Ubuntu 10.04 on my old Compaq v2000 but the Internet did not work so I installed the win7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Installation On A Laptop?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm a complete an utter newbie on this forum, and indeed to linux/ubuntu in general so pardon me in advance if some of my question makes no sense/sounds silly/makes you want to exterminate all noobs. Basically, I've had bad experiences (i.e. had to use my recovery system) trying to install a dual boot system with OpenSuse and want to get some sound advice before I proceed with installing Ubuntu, instead of having to go through the agony of formatting and recovering Vista HP again, and consequently trying to teach it all over again how to suck less.

Okay, so less waffle and more questioning. Background information is that the laptop is a Compaq F560. It has at present Win Vista 32 HP on the primary partition (C), with a recovery partition on (D). It has a very basic, almost un-alterable BIOS, 1.5Gb of RAM, 120Gb HD, standard CD rom, integral nVidia 6100m graphics card, a broadcom wireless network adaptor and various other bits n' bobs.

When installing OpenSuse last time I found 2 huge flaws with my method. First one is, that I didn't have wired networking available to me at the time, and foolishly forgot to get hold of the wireless adaptor drivers before installing Suse. No biggy you say, just go back to windows and download from there. Great, except I'd bozzed up the MBR too, so couldn't do that. Suse, for it's part, ran fine. Very smooth. I just couldn't do anything with it.

What I'm now looking to do, is give Ubuntu a shot, as part of a dual boot system, with Vista on the other half. I want to make vista the default boot system. I DONT want to have to go through my compaq's recovery system again, if possible. To meet these objectives, Ultimately, I'd like to transfer all of my operations across to Ubuntu, but I'm too windows-dependent at the moment, though some sort of windows-emulator wouldn't be a bad idea if anyone knows where/how/what.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Desktop Version On Laptop?

Jan 25, 2011

I installed U10.10 desktop version on my asus laptop and having problem with sis graphic card. Resolution is 840*600. Is the problem verson of installation or not. I don't want to install it again if it is not necessary

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Randomly Shut Down During Installation

May 16, 2011

Ubuntu was working perfectly fine, then I used the Update Manager to update ubuntu, but my laptop randomly shut down during the installation (which my laptop has never done before and hasnt done since). When I turned the laptop back on, and booted Ubuntu, a white box appears in the middle of the screen but rather than asking for my login details, it just says what I named my computer. I am unable to move my mouse or type anything on my keyboard at this stage..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded Laptop With Plugged In Usb Keyboard -> Laptop Keyboard Not Working?

Jun 29, 2010

I have upgraded my laptop to 10.04 while having my usb-keyboard plugged in.f I boot the laptop without a plugged in keyboard, the laptop keyboard is not working. It starts working as soon as I plug a usb-keyboard in though.Quite annoying if I take my laptop with me and the first thing after booting is to find a usb-keyboard to plug in Does anyone know where can I reconfigure this? [edit]I just found out, that the laptop keyboar seems to be in numlock mode... meaning that the keys [j,k,l] is mapped to [1,2,3] etc

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Ubuntu Installation :: HP Laptop Installation \ When Hit Tab It Came Up With A List Of Commands E.g. "xnu_kernel" And "xnu_splash"?

Mar 24, 2010

but I do have some experience with Ubuntu, I've been actively using it since October last year (karmic)One of my friends recently specifically asked me to put Ubuntu on his laptop (he'd been running Vista with 512MB of RAM) so I said sure, and tried to install Karmic via an ISO cd, once the installation had finished when it booted it just came up with a grub screen saying something like:"Minimal Bash script usuable, tab lists supported"When I hit tab it came up with a list of commands e.g. "xnu_kernel" and "xnu_splash" (I think) I tried reinstalling with the same results.

Recently he asked me again, I tried with the beta 1 of 10.04, I tried using it without installing for a bit and everything worked absolutely fine, I used the desktop icon to install it, after I tried booting exactly the same thing happened.I tried typing "xnu_kernel" and it said it needed a file name, I tried "xnu_kernel/" with the same result.I'm guessing it didn't load the Kernel for some reason, I have no idea why and I don't know what needs to be typed in to rectify it (I have minial experience with the terminal and only know basic commands)

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Installation :: Get Debian Onto An Old Laptop?

Aug 6, 2010

I have an old Hitachi laptop, PII-266, 256MB RAM, 20GB HD, 1024x768 screen. It has a floppy drive, a usb (1) port, and in-built 10/100BaseT ethernet. I cannot boot from USB, or ethernet directly. I would like to boot from floppy and install over network. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Won't Run On Laptop Off CD

May 15, 2010

I made a Ubuntu 10.05 iso disk which boots perfectly into the 10.04 OS on my desktop but when it starts to boot after the footer icon of the stick man and key, the screen just shows horizontal white bars and the boot from the CD stops. That Toshiba A-135 has Ubuntu 7.04 on a 50GB partition and WIN XP Pro on the other 50Gb partition. Does anyone know why Ubuntu 10.04 boots and runs off the CD on my desktop but not on my Toshiba laptop?

PS-Ubuntu 9.10 ran fine off the CD on the same Toshiba laptop.

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Debian :: Moving SSD With Installation To Another Laptop

Sep 24, 2015

I've installed years back Debian on my laptop. Last year i did upgrade, i putted an ssd in my old laptop which works great with debian.

Now I bought a new laptop, to replace my old one. Because my new laptop doesn't have an SSD installed, i want to replace the harddrive by the SSD from my old laptop.

Now so said, so done. I replaced the hard drive easy by the ssd. Now if i boot the new laptop with the ssd installed i'm getting message from EUFI/BIOS that there is no OS installed on the ssd???

Debian is installed on it! If a place back the ssd in my old laptop, it's booting like it should, so it's working. Why is EUFI/BIOS think there is no OS installed? Debian is installed on the ssd so it should work i think?

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Installation :: How To Install Debian On Laptop

Feb 11, 2010

I just want to install debian on mine laptop.
here is mine system configrationhttp://
so i want to download the iso image which one i have to download and write.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot Laptop After 11

Jun 10, 2009

I just installed Fedora 11 on my HP Compaq laptop that had the original factory disk layout (Vista, a big 290GB partition and two other for rescue stuff).

The procedure was the following:

1. I resized the largest partition from 290GB to 270GB using gParted. I could boot normally to Vista after that;

2. Installed Fedora normally using the free 20GB.

After the installation I cannot boot anymore. After the BIOS post the text message shows up:

Non-System disk or disk error replace and strike any key when ready

Did any of you come across this problem before? Is there anything I can do to fix it or at least be able to log into Vista (this is my work laptop...)?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 12 On A Laptop?

Nov 20, 2009

I really want to try it on my Dell E6400 (it runs Fedora 10 right now).

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Fedora Installation :: Partitioning Hd On Laptop?

Nov 21, 2009

going to be putting it on my laptop and wondering what partitions i should have and the sizes. think its a 1gb drive.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Laptop From F11 To F13 Using Yum?

Jun 16, 2010

I just attempted to upgrade my laptop from F11 to F13 using yum according to the instructions here. Everything seemed to go fine - the download and install took about an hour - but upon reboot it appears that all of my packages are still fc11 packages. It looks like I got the updates in the F11 repos but not an actual upgrade to F13.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F15 In A 32 Bit Laptop?

Aug 12, 2011

I am willing to install fedora 15 in a 32 bit laptop. My laptop has Getforce 9300M nvidia graphics card. I would like to know if there is any automatic way to install the graphics driver with fedora 15. If yes please provide me the information.

Why i am interested to know is that previously when i was using a earlier version of fedora11 i guess, people in the forum suggested me to download the driver from the nvidia site and install it. It was really painful to install the driver in that way.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Laptop To Boot

Jan 2, 2010

I have been working on this for 2 days and I am ready give this one up!! I have an old 'hp omnibook 6000' It's an Intel mother board. I believe it has 4 or 5 GB hard drive. 512 RAM, put that in myself. I can load live-cd's and all is good. I have tried: Xubuntu-alternate 7.04 and the desktop cd. Puppy Linux loaded up ok and all was working. Dam Small Linux loaded ok. Each time I reboot after install of mentioned os, all I get is a flashing cursor upon reboot. I know each one installed as gparted has shown me. When I install I 'erase and use entire disk'.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Sound On Hp Laptop - 9.04

Feb 13, 2010

Output of lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03)
00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03)
00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2 (rev 03)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up A New HP Laptop?

Mar 3, 2010

Today I bought a new laptop, an HP pavilion dv4 (3GB ram, ATI 384mb video card, processor AMD Athlon II Dual Core, 320Gb hard drive).

The first problem I have is regarding the OS, its windows 7 home premium(32 bits), I need at least proffesional(I will install 64bit version) in order to use this laptop at work (need to join a domain) and wont let me upgrade cause the copy of W7 pro I have is in english and the pc OS its in spanish, add to that changin from 32 to 64bit, so I will format the drive. So here are my questions:

-My old laptop (Acer Aspire 5810TZ) has an ubuntu partition I would like to migrate to this new PC, how can I do that? is there like a transfer application or something like that on linux?

-On the new laptop: Should I create a primary partition and install ubuntu there? or install windows first and then ubuntu in a logical one?

-What will happen with the recovery partition on the machine? of course I wont format that part but will it still work? can this recovery software factory provided by Hp restore linux partitions?

And most importantly:

-How does ubuntu work with pavilion laptops? any issues I should know(ie. no launch buttons, weird keyboard, no suspend, etc etc)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot On My Laptop ?

Mar 11, 2010

I just recently bought a Toshiba L505-ES5033 and can not get ubuntu (or fedora 12 32 or 64) to boot from the live cd, or install. I can get to the initial menu that asks me if I want to try without changes and all that but from that point nothing really. If I choose any options other than the help option it runs through some scripts and gives me an error. The error refuses to stay on the screen despite my constant demands that it does; all I THINK I can make out is MIRR... configuration error. Fedora tells me something entirely different. After this error it goes to a faded black screen and I can hear my HDD making angry sounds.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.04 With A Cd On A Laptop?

May 2, 2010

I am trying to install 10.04 with a cd on a laptop. But when it get to the point where the setup box should appear, where you put in user name and password, it just continues running a screen with a ubuntu background and the curser just keeps flickering.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Old Laptop - No GUI On Reboot

May 3, 2010

I have an old PIII laptop I wanted to tinker with. I tried ubuntu, xubuntu and netbook remix and get basically the same issue - after the install I get a prompt for login and then a user@laptopname:~$
How to fix this or is the laptop too old?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Options For Old Laptop?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking to install Ubuntu but my laptop is an old T30. Are there things I can do when installing that will make Ubuntu run well on older hardware?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 10.04 To GUI On Laptop?

Oct 24, 2010

Since my wife just bought a new laptop I decided to polish her old (decrepit) machine a little and let my daughter have it. It was dual partitioned XP and Ubuntu 8.04 (which worked flawlessly). I figured that since it was older I'd load Xubuntu. I made a DVD of Xubuntu 10.04 that passed checksum. When I tried to boot from the DVD I got as far as the menu asking me if I wanted to boot from the DVD, install from the DVD, etc. Whatever I picked the machine seemed to think a while, then hang on a black screen.

So, I got an Ubuntu 10.04 CD from a book I'd just bought, and tried that. It behaved identically- after the option menu whether I tried to boot from CD or install, it hung on a black screen. So, I booted 8.04, and fired up the Update Manager, and loaded all recommended updates (as is generally my habit). Then I clicked the button to update to 10.04, all of which progressed as expected over the course of a few hours, until the reboot. At this point it did the same thing! GRUB loads, and I pick Ubuntu 10.04, then I get the word "Ubuntu" in the middle of the screen with several dots under it (the boot splash?) for a split second, then it hangs on a black screen.

If I boot Ubuntu 10.04 in recovery mode that DOES seem to work, and I get a command prompt. But fixing this via command prompt is WAY beyond my weak Ubuntu kung-fu.

The machine is:

Averatec 1000 series
Intel Celeron (R)M 1.00GHz
Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME graphics controller
Which seems to meet minimum system requirements.
Oh, and XP SP3 boots just fine.

But I'd be happy if I could single-install some version of Ubuntu, and screw the dual-boot capability with XP, if that makes any difference.

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