Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up A New HP Laptop?

Mar 3, 2010

Today I bought a new laptop, an HP pavilion dv4 (3GB ram, ATI 384mb video card, processor AMD Athlon II Dual Core, 320Gb hard drive).

The first problem I have is regarding the OS, its windows 7 home premium(32 bits), I need at least proffesional(I will install 64bit version) in order to use this laptop at work (need to join a domain) and wont let me upgrade cause the copy of W7 pro I have is in english and the pc OS its in spanish, add to that changin from 32 to 64bit, so I will format the drive. So here are my questions:

-My old laptop (Acer Aspire 5810TZ) has an ubuntu partition I would like to migrate to this new PC, how can I do that? is there like a transfer application or something like that on linux?

-On the new laptop: Should I create a primary partition and install ubuntu there? or install windows first and then ubuntu in a logical one?

-What will happen with the recovery partition on the machine? of course I wont format that part but will it still work? can this recovery software factory provided by Hp restore linux partitions?

And most importantly:

-How does ubuntu work with pavilion laptops? any issues I should know(ie. no launch buttons, weird keyboard, no suspend, etc etc)?

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Ubuntu :: Setting The Resolution For A Monitor Connected To Laptop

Jul 16, 2010

I have connected to the VGA output of my laptop a 19" monitor. I setted in Ubuntu the resolution for that monitor to 1280x1024.

Two days ago i connected the laptop to a projector. When Ubuntu detected the projector it ask me for my user password to change "i dont know what".

After using the projector I have connected the laptop to the 19" monitor again. Now I can not set the resolution for the monitor to 1280x1024 (that resolution doesn't appear in the list)....

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Wireless Dhcp/dns Server On Laptop?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm interested in the possibility of setting up a sort of hotspot using my laptop that will act as both a DHCP and DNS server in the hopes of running a softroot on my Nook e-reader.

According to the instructions posted here: [URL] I need to use Windows 7 and a couple different applications. Windows 7 is not an option for me, as I have Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 installed and would like to keep it that way. Can anyone offer any clues as to what I would need to use?

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OpenSUSE :: Setting Up Skype - 11.4 Laptop HP 625

May 16, 2011

I get to the test call, but the sound is not recording, the internal Laptop mic isnīt picking up sound... I do hear the skype voice in the test call...... Iīve looked in the sound preferences and canīt find the problem, "Sound recorder" doesnīt pick up any sound either....as for the vid. "Cheese" shows me my pic, and the light for the cam goes on, but I donīt get video on my skype.... when I close "Cheese" the light for the cam goes off....

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up Dell Laptop Wireless?

Feb 13, 2011

having a very specific problem setting up the wireless card in my Dell Inspiron 1545. The card's description under lspci is this:

0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)

I have the required drivers from this website: Broadcom.com - 802.11 Linux STA driver As far as I can tell I have followed all the instructions given by the readme, I have all kernel packages that I had understood to be required but when I try to make the Makefile I am given this:

borgs0@linux-yjl1:~/hybrid_wl> make
KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`
make[1]: Entering directory `/lib/modules/2.6.34-12-desktop/build'
make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/lib/modules/2.6.34-12-desktop/build'
make: *** [all] Error 2

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General :: How To Practice Setting Up Of NFS Server And NFS Client On A Laptop

Jul 18, 2011

I want to practice setting up of NFS server and NFS client on Redhat using virtual machine on my laptop. I dont think setting up NFS should not be a problem but how do I replicate a NFS client. I just have one laptop. Is it possible to replicate both server and client using the same laptop? If so, can anyone tell what tools i can use to perform the above for practicing.

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Networking :: Lost In Network / Setting Up Network On Laptop With Virtual Guest Machines

Feb 16, 2010

I've been trying to understand how Linux creates the network/interfaces on a machine (been reading the Linux admin guide), but as I'm pretty new to this subject, I've got lost in the forest.

To provide with my goal:
1.) Learn about network setups on Linux
2.) Be able to maintain my own (virtual) network
3.) Configure my (virtual) network

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General :: Laptop - Setting Up External Screen As "primary"

Feb 13, 2010

I am a recent convert to Ubuntu 9.10. I have installed it on my by travel laptop, which is docked when at home with a 22' ViewSonic screen.

Under Windows all is good, I just plug it in and whamo, I can close the laptop lid and use the Viewsonic as my primary screen.

Under Ubuntu, it appears the above is impossible. I seek your guidance as below.

Q. Is it possible dock my 22" screen as my primary screen with my laptop?

Q If it is possible, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded Laptop With Plugged In Usb Keyboard -> Laptop Keyboard Not Working?

Jun 29, 2010

I have upgraded my laptop to 10.04 while having my usb-keyboard plugged in.f I boot the laptop without a plugged in keyboard, the laptop keyboard is not working. It starts working as soon as I plug a usb-keyboard in though.Quite annoying if I take my laptop with me and the first thing after booting is to find a usb-keyboard to plug in Does anyone know where can I reconfigure this? [edit]I just found out, that the laptop keyboar seems to be in numlock mode... meaning that the keys [j,k,l] is mapped to [1,2,3] etc

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Network Clock Freezes On Installation?

Jun 8, 2010

I am a brand new ubuntu user, heard lots of good things about it so thought I would give it a go on my laptop. However, I have tried installations of Ubuntu 10.04 (notebook version) and Xubuntu. Yet on both attempts to install the OS it has stalled at the "Setting up the clock" dialogue box, it just sits at 0% and remains frozen (mouse still moves etc but nothing happens).

I really want to give Ubuntu / Xubuntu a go and my forum trawling has brought nothing to light so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up RAID During 10.10 Installation

Apr 5, 2011

Is this possible? I was able to do this with Debian 6 no problem. The installation interface is really nice but seems to be lacking any way to do more advanced configurations. Is there some boot option I can pass in?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Wireless Did Not Work After 10.04 Installation?

Sep 28, 2010

I installed the Ubuntu 10.04 on my old Compaq v2000 but the Internet did not work so I installed the win7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Installation On A Laptop?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm a complete an utter newbie on this forum, and indeed to linux/ubuntu in general so pardon me in advance if some of my question makes no sense/sounds silly/makes you want to exterminate all noobs. Basically, I've had bad experiences (i.e. had to use my recovery system) trying to install a dual boot system with OpenSuse and want to get some sound advice before I proceed with installing Ubuntu, instead of having to go through the agony of formatting and recovering Vista HP again, and consequently trying to teach it all over again how to suck less.

Okay, so less waffle and more questioning. Background information is that the laptop is a Compaq F560. It has at present Win Vista 32 HP on the primary partition (C), with a recovery partition on (D). It has a very basic, almost un-alterable BIOS, 1.5Gb of RAM, 120Gb HD, standard CD rom, integral nVidia 6100m graphics card, a broadcom wireless network adaptor and various other bits n' bobs.

When installing OpenSuse last time I found 2 huge flaws with my method. First one is, that I didn't have wired networking available to me at the time, and foolishly forgot to get hold of the wireless adaptor drivers before installing Suse. No biggy you say, just go back to windows and download from there. Great, except I'd bozzed up the MBR too, so couldn't do that. Suse, for it's part, ran fine. Very smooth. I just couldn't do anything with it.

What I'm now looking to do, is give Ubuntu a shot, as part of a dual boot system, with Vista on the other half. I want to make vista the default boot system. I DONT want to have to go through my compaq's recovery system again, if possible. To meet these objectives, Ultimately, I'd like to transfer all of my operations across to Ubuntu, but I'm too windows-dependent at the moment, though some sort of windows-emulator wouldn't be a bad idea if anyone knows where/how/what.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Desktop Version On Laptop?

Jan 25, 2011

I installed U10.10 desktop version on my asus laptop and having problem with sis graphic card. Resolution is 840*600. Is the problem verson of installation or not. I don't want to install it again if it is not necessary

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Randomly Shut Down During Installation

May 16, 2011

Ubuntu was working perfectly fine, then I used the Update Manager to update ubuntu, but my laptop randomly shut down during the installation (which my laptop has never done before and hasnt done since). When I turned the laptop back on, and booted Ubuntu, a white box appears in the middle of the screen but rather than asking for my login details, it just says what I named my computer. I am unable to move my mouse or type anything on my keyboard at this stage..

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Upgrade / Installation Failing On Presario F700 Laptop

May 29, 2009

I've tried to upgrade my FC8 on Presario F700 series laptop to FC 10 and facing some issues. I've a live CD (i386). Initially i tried upgrading FC 8 to FC 10 and installation was stuck around 30% completion saying its unable to fins libdbi-0.8.3-1.fc9.i386.rpm. Then I tried to install FC 10 from scratch as system went to inconsistent state and faced two issues with two different setup options -

1) when i selected necessary software to be installed for office use and development, it failed after installing 20% saying libgnomeui-devel-2.24.0-2.fc10.i386.rpm

2) i then opted for for software to be installed for office use (default option) then it failed after installing around 50% saying libXrandr-1.2.3-1.fc10.i386.rpm

im trying to understand if this is a problem due to my laptop configuration (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core) or due to issue with the live CD.

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Fedora Installation :: Download A Installation DVD Of F10 For My New ThinkPad T500 Laptop?

Apr 2, 2009

when I tried to download a installation DVD of F10 for my new thinkPad T500 laptop.The architecture of the processor should be i686 and I downloaded the DVD image Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso. I understand i686 has backward compatability with i386. But i have following questoins:

(1) why we don't have an installation for i686?

(2) If I install the i386 package, do I get performance downgrades?

(3) Also, why the live DVD has this file called F10-i686-Live.iso?

(4) Finally, I always get message like "Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct
/usr/bin/xterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1" when I use X application. What's the problem here? BTW, I used Fedora core 8 before I didnt have this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up The HDD Partitions

Jul 2, 2011

I want to install Kubuntu on my computer alongside W7. from what I have read Kubuntu requires around 4 different partitions. Do I make these partitions using Windows partitions tool before installation? So that when I install they are partitioned? Or do I just use the Kubuntu installer partition tool?

My setup is like this:

HD 1
Drive C: Windows 7 - 33GB of 326 GB free
Drive E: ( 9GB Factory Partition I deleted - want to Install boot for Kubuntu here )

Do I format in Windows or just leave the space unallocated?

HD 2
Drive D: Docs, Videos - 40GB of 335GB free
Drive G: Docs, Videos - 77GB of 590GB free

Hard Drive 3 has around 70 GB free that I can use for the other partitions, do I do these partitions in Windows? Or using the Kubuntu CD? When installing I get 2 Guided options.

1 - To install Kubuntu on Drive: G wiping out the whole HD.

2 - To install Kubuntu on Drive: G using 45GB or 10% of space.

If I do option #2 will it erase the docs and videos currently on the HD? Will it be just 1 partion or several? I wanted to ( using Manual partition )install the boot, and system files on HD 1 Drive: E, and the swap and /home partition on HD 3 Drive: G.

If I make new partitions and re-size partitions using the Kubuntu CD will I erase any video, and doc files currently on my HDs? Or should I make these partitions in Windows and then install the respective Kubuntu partitions where I want them to go?

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Ubuntu :: Migrate Emails And Setting From One TB Installation To Another?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to migrate my emails and (at least) account settings from Thunderbird 2 that is installed on my main machine here, and move them to another Windows-based installation of Thunderbird.

I tried searching here and Mozilla.org, but can find no answer. Since the source Thunderbird installation is the one installed on my Ubuntu machine, I thought I'd start here. (plus, I get better answers here)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up 10.04 (Lynx) And GRUB

May 4, 2010

I just upgraded to Lucid Lynx, and while everything kernel-wise is running fine so far, I have a problem that is giving me heartburn. It appears that I have broken my Windows XP boot command, as selecting that boot option will only loop back to the GRUB selection menu. The Partition is there, and I can access it through ubuntu's file manager, but right now I simply cannot boot into windows. Partition information: 540gb set for windows (NTFS), 55 set for unbuntu.


During the update, an autoconfig screen came up asking me to select what I wanted to boot from in GRUB. I selected what I thought referred to the harddisk partitions (and not simply selecting all of them. ) Is there any way to bring that window back up to change that? while I am a *cough* Windows power user *cough*, I don't understand ubuntu (or Linux) very well, so please keep that in mind when replying.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Not Correct In MythTV?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm slowly figuring out Mythbuntu. How cool it is! I continue to have this problem...Some channels have trouble locking initially. Some even hang while viewing. Using exactly the same antenna and cabling, my Samsung DTB-H260F has no such issue. All channels are rock solid. Is there some setting not correct in MythTV? Do I need to invest in a better tuner?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Mail Server On LAN?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to setup mail server on LAN (Local Area Network). How do I setup local SMTP server to be able to send emails?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up PXE Server On Windows 7 / 10.04?

Dec 3, 2010

I got this laptop that's 3 years old. Previously, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit) using a bootable CD. Occasionally, Ubuntu would freeze and I did not know of a way to safe-shutdown. Everytime it froze, I simply did a hard-shutdown. And there we go. This hard-shutdown damaged the OS. Anyway, I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and burned a CD. Magic! Laptop won't read the CD. Boot is far ahead, it's just not reading it at all! Looked around, found that setting up a PXE server is my last hope. The guides? They weren't nice to read. What I'm looking for is to set up a PXE server on the PC (running Windows 7 / Ubuntu 10.04 dual-boot) and boot from the PC through the PXE server. I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop AMD64

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Boot Parameters For 10.10?

Apr 28, 2011

My keyboard doesn't work after the bootloader.

I've read that I need to add "i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1" to the boot options.

I have a 10.10 factory disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up KDE Remote Desktop?

Aug 9, 2011

I've done apt-get install kde-full on a server, and would like to know how to set up remote desktop control for it. As I've never done something like this before through a console, I'm rather stumped and can't seem to find any information on this matter.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Virtualhost Apache?

Aug 22, 2011

I am setting up a VirtualHost on my Apache. I am quite not familiar with Ubuntu setup so I am wondering what will I do with the 000-default file (which contains a template of virtualhost syntax)? What filename will I save it to?

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General :: Setting Time And Date / Setting Calendar Format?

May 14, 2010

Have installed Suse 11.2. how can I change the calendar format dd/mm/yyyy and how to configure the system to sync.from an ntp?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Windows Shares - Samba Not Available

Jan 5, 2010

Fairly new to Karmic - wanting to setup some Windows Shares on an external Hard drive. I understand that I need to install Samba to do this but when I try to install it I get the following message:-

pat@CCBC-13112:~$ sudo apt-get install samba
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package samba is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
samba-common-bin smbclient samba-common
E: Package samba has no installation candidate

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Wifi In Karmic Koala?

Apr 7, 2010

i install ubuntu carmic koala, after that, my internet connection was not support with ubuntu karmic koala,,i'm using compaq cq40-337 tu.. how to setting the internet connection?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Triple Boot Machine?

Apr 29, 2010

I i'm having trouble setting up my triple boot machine. I have Windows 7 and Mac OSX on two seperatate hard disks and they are dual booting fine with the chameleon bootloader. I just attempted to install ubuntu from liveCD which i downloaded and burned from the ubuntu website. During intallation i the option to "install side by side to windows" and resized the windows partition to make room for Ubuntu(250GB of 1TB), i also selected the option to disable the GRUB bootloader because i want to use chameleon. The installer completed successfully and the computer rebooted but chameleon, Mac OSX or windows (my partition for windows is 250GB smaller) won't recognize the partition.

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