Installation :: No Display After Install Of Ubuntu Server 11 / Get That?

Jun 19, 2011

I am completely new to the world of all things linux. I have recently needed to build a linux server to host a Google box, so we decided to use old kit firstly a Dell 1400sc and a Dell poweredge 650. In both cases after the install we got a massage saying that it could not display output the lcd monitor.

I have searched on the web to resolve the issue, and some of the resolutions said to amend the something in the grub. However I have not been able to enter the Grub menu even after trying esc or shift.

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Debian Installation :: Fresh Install Error - $Display Is Not Set Or Cannot Connect To X Server

Jul 25, 2014

I am currently trying out Debian in VMware Player and I installed it using the following method.

Image Used: Debian-7.6.0-amd64-netinst

In the check list where it lets you select Debian Desktop, Print Server, and System Utilities I think it was? I deselected everything.

After Debian installed and rebooted I logged in, elevated myself to su, and entered the following commands.

apt-get update
apt-get install kdm kde-plasma-desktop --no-install-recommends

and I get the error '$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.'

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash: Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Jan 24, 2010

I think I've totally destroyed my Suse install, but I have no idea what happened.

I was running Yast's "Create a backup" utility and my screen totally went black and kicked me to the login screen. I was unable to log in, except to a terminal.

So, then I tried to restart X (by typing startx) and I get "Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0"

I've tried running the repair utility, and it doesn't work. Through a number of commands, I was able to start up a second X session, but that wasn't really much help.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install A Minimal X/windows Manager On Server - Can't Open Display

Sep 18, 2010

trying to set up a very minimal X on my 10.04 64 bit version of Ubuntu running nothing but Open SSH and acting as a firewall/router, making a PPP connection. The reason, is that I want to set up KVM/Qemu and run a virtual machine. The virtual machine will have a graphical environment and will be connected to my TV so that I can watch movies, stream TV etc. using it. So far, I have done the following:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core miwm

When I try to run miwm the error message is:

(null): can't open display.

I have no DISPLAY variable set, but even when I set one myself using export DISPLAY=:0.0 it makes no difference.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Goes Wonky During 9.10 Install?

Mar 13, 2010

I am trying to do a clean install of UBUNTU 9,10 onto a machine that had been running 7.04 successfully for some time. It is a Pentium 2.8GHz processor with geForce 6200 video card.

I boot the system using the install disk, and get past the point where it asks for the language selection. At that time the display shows vertical bars that flash alternating colours. The screen does not recover from this state. I have also attempted to install 9.04 on the same machine, but the same thing happens.

I installed 9.10 on another machine with similar hardware configuration using same disk without problems (without a doubt the best operating system I've ever used!)

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Wrong Display Size Under VMware Server

Mar 20, 2011

Is there some better way of getting my display size set to 1280x960 when I launch openSUSE 11.4 under VMware Server? Here's what I've done so far: I am running Windows 7 on an AMD Phenom II system (motherboard: Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H). I installed VMware Server (version 2.0.2) so that I can run openSUSE 11.4. The initial install went pretty smoothly. However, the display size was set to 800x500. I attempted to set it to 1280x960 by changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-monitor.conf file as follows:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Default Monitor"
## If your monitor doesn't support DDC you may override the
## defaults here
# HorizSync 28-85
# VertRefresh 50-100
HorizSync 1-10000
VertRefresh 1-10000
## Add your mode lines here, use e.g the cvt tool
Option "PreferredMode" "1280x960_60.00"
# 1280x960 59.94 Hz (CVT 1.23M3) hsync: 59.70 kHz; pclk: 101.25 MHz
Modeline "1280x960_60.00" 101.25 1280 1360 1488 1696 960 963 967 996 -hsync +vsync

This resulted in a display size of 1734x1342 (or something close to that). I noted from the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file that the vmwlegacy driver is being used instead of the vmware svga driver. There is a note that the vmwlegacy driver does not support the "PreferredMode" setting in the monitor section of the xorg.conf files. For the time being, I have set my horizontal and vertical rates to 60kHz and 60Hz, respectively. This does limit the maximum display size to 1280x960, but for all the wrong reasons. How do I set up my system to get the correct display size?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install, Poor Display And No Wireless?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm almost a complete noob when it comes to Linux. All my computers 'til now have been Windows boxes (3.1 on up to XP). I do know a little, I've tried to switch to Linux since RedHat 7.2 but never got this far (I can connect to the Internet!). I currently have two issues I really need to get past this weekend, or I'll be forced to spend $110 on Windows 7 - which I REALLY don't want to do. I can't get the display right, and I can't get the wireless working.

My computer is an AMD Zacate on an ASUS motherboard with integrated graphics (ATI Raedon 6380, if I remember correctly from this afternoon). I'm using an Insignia 1080p TV as my sole monitor. The wireless card is a Zonet ZEW1642S which uses the Ralink RT3062 chipset. Today I finally got the monitor to display in 1920x1080. I updated the ATI drivers (HDMI sound started working after I installed them) and downloaded Catalyst. I've been trying to get through the xrandr instructions to get the screen to fit, as I can't see the top and bottom bars. Also, I think it's displaying in 1080i instead of 1080p. Text quality is atrocious compared to the 1024x768 resolution it had earlier. The screen refresh is terrible.

I opened terminal, inputted "xrandr" and got:

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 1920 x 1920
DFP1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 698mm x 392mm
1920x1080 30.0*+ 30.0
1776x1000 30.0
1680x1050 30.0 30.0


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General :: Know Which Display Number For The Variable DISPLAY To Be Exported When Ssh To Server?

Dec 26, 2010

When i ssh to server using -X, i always confuse about which display number i should export. It seems to me sometimes the display number has been used by something, so what i can do is only

export DISPLAY=localhost:0 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:1 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:2 && xclock


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Ubuntu Installation :: No Display / Video After Lucid Install - NVidia

May 10, 2010

Lucid installed without any errors that I can see of off the main i386 installation CD, but after booting I get no display. Even in recovery mode. The monitor doesn't go into sleep mode and I can tell that the OS is actually running the background because I can do a Ctrl-Alt-Del and do a proper shutdown. I'm running an nvidia GT 9500. Everything is working fine on Karmic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Works But No Display After Install / Solution For This?

Oct 10, 2010

I have this problem where the 10.10 LiveCD 64-bit works (as in I get full resolution display and no video issues at all). But after install, the OS boots successfully but there's no display. I know it's successful because I was able to login in the dark (sound works).

Here's what I have:
HP m9340f (NVIDIA GeForce 9500M GS with HDMI)
46" Sharp connected via HDMI
Windows 7, works fine.

Here's what I tried with no luck:
1. CTRL-ALT-F1 still doesn't show anything on screen, no terminal
2. Connected via VGA
3. Connected another 17" monitor via VGA, rebooted
4. Added vga=789 in grub before booting

The weird thing is that I had 10.04 before and it was working for a while then it suddenly stopped working. I figured I'd wait until 10.10 but I now have the same issue. I haven't tried 32-bit... I can give that a shot in a bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install To USB - Black Screen - Monitor Is On And Lit - Just Nothing On The Display

Nov 30, 2010

I did a LiveCD to USB install, following the directions I found at [url] When I went to reboot to the USB stick, all I get is a black Screen (monitor is on and lit, just nothing on the display) No cursor or command prompt. I've tried holding shift to bring up the GRUB menu, changing splash quiet to nomodeset, or just adding nomodeset after the splash quiet thing. I've even tried xforcevesa instead of nomodeset still black screen. Looking at the logs nothing is current as of the last time I tried to boot the computer, it's strictly what was written when I installed it to the stick. Other things I've checked/tried, Pressing CTRL+Alt+F1 at GRUB to get TTY, all I get is that blank screen. I've Checked etc/default/grub to ensure the timeout was higher then 0. The Install CD seems to be OK but I have (as it did another install successfully) but I haven't done any throughal checking of it (there was no check this disk on the first screen of the LiveCD) The USB sticks also seem to be ok (in windows though). Using the disk utility on the live CD I did check the file system on the USB stick, the "/" partition came up clean. Anybody have any other thoughts on this install, any thing else I can check?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Data Display Debugger In 10.4?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to install DDD on ubuntu 10.4. Downloaded the tar.gz file and followed the instructions given on DDD web page.But I am not able to install DDD. While trying to do './configure && make' I get the following error. It says c++ is not working and is not able to create executables. I have g++ installed and I successfully create excutables from .cpp files. I've also checked the CXX variable and it is set to /usr/bin where g++ is expected to be placed.

root@tirth-laptop:/home/tirth/Downloads/ddd-3.2.1# ./configure && make
loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu


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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation 11.2 Nvidea - Display Went Blank

Mar 12, 2010

I tried in November last year to install 11.2 on a machine with NSRock K8NF6P motherboard which has an onboard GEForce class 6 graphics card. Installation went ok until the very end. Then driver problem surfaced, display went blank and was then damaged and required repair.

The NVIDEA driver install appears to require the system is up and running before it is installed. As I did not get a running system how do I install the drivers before any damage is caused?

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Install With X300 PCI-E 128MB Display Card

Dec 6, 2009

I tried to boot from a Fedora 12 installation DVD. My machine configuration is:

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-965P-DS4
Display Card: X300 PCI-E 128MB

After the "Welcome to Fedora 12!" screen, I then click on either: Install or upgrade an existing system [or] Install system with basic video driver [both display the same following screen and then the machine halt on] Loading vmlinuz . Loading initrd.img . .ready. Probing EDD (edd=off to disable) ... ok The number and cap lock have no responses. When I changed to another display card, it has no problem at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu V9.1 Fails To Boot After Fresh Install And Display Anomalies At The Desktop

Mar 22, 2010

The last version a Linux I had was Mandrake v9.1. However, in looking to get the latest/greatest Linux I downloaded Ubuntu and Kubuntu. After installing Kubuntu the system reboots and fails to boot into the OS. After the P.O.S.T all I get a the word "GRUB". There is no response to any keys with the exception of Ctrl-Alt-Del. I am temporarily able to get passed the boot problem if I boot from the CD and choose boot from primary hard menu option. I'm not sure how to fix the boot up problem and could use some advice. However, using the CD to boot up the hard drives installation leads me to my next problem.

While in a desktop session I am unable to drag windows by their title bar. When attempting to drag a window, the desktop becomes covered with parts of the original window spreading all over the screen in multiple directions. It looks like a kaleidoscope or bad acid trip image. I suspect the video anomalies might be configuration related or improper driver. Again guidance would be greatly appreciated here.

I have a good 'ole Matrox MGA Millenium card installed into a P4 1.8ghz system, with 512 MB ram. The hard drive originally had an old install of Mandrake v9.1, but all of the partitions were wiped and I created 3 new partitions:

- /dev/sda1 20GB Bootable/Primary Partition EXT4 (Unbuntu mounted at /)
- /dev/sda2 18GB Primary EXT4 (Kubuntu mounted at /mnt/Ubuntu_dsktop_91)
- /dev/sda3 2GB Swap space

My intent was to install Ubuntu on the 2nd primary partition and be able to switch between them. However, I tried installed Ubuntu on the first partition (reformatted of course) and I encounter the same boot problem and display problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Error Notification 'Could Not Apply The Stored Configuration For Monitors X Server Does Not Support Size Requested' On Bootup

May 8, 2010

Since upgrading to Lucid, I am getting the following dialog warning on login: 'Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors X Server does not support size requested' Im using the current proprietary NVIDIA graphics driver with dual heads. My display is fine, but the warning every time I login is annoying. After googling around I found this thread: [URL]. I tried going to Monitor Preferences as suggested. My resolution as displayed in the default tool is set to 3840 x 1200, which I suspect is the issue forcing the dialog, but I cant change the resolution, refresh rate or rotation from the Monitor Preference dialog box. dino99's response (in the referenced post) about xorg.conf not being needed anymore seems relevant. How can I resolve this issue and get rid of this annoying warning? Is there a configuration that I can update with a supported resolution to placate lucid?

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Debian Multimedia :: Fatal Server Error:Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Nov 15, 2010

I have got xorg and gnome-core installed. When I put in command startx I get the following message: X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 0 Fatal server error:Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running,remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again. when I try to sudo Xorg -configure it shows me same message server is ..... lspci shows me the following information 04:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)So what I am doing wrong and how do I get this videocard working with Xorg.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Install On Laptop Doesn't Install Pcmcia Support?

Jan 12, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu Server 10.10 on and old Dell Laptop. The network connection is an Xircom PCMCIA card.During install, the computer sees and interacts via the network just fine. For example, I can ping the gateway. Also, the command "lspcmcia" works and show the Xircom card.When I reboot, however, there is no network access, and the "lspcmcia" command is not there. When I try "lspcmcia" the OS helpfully tells me that I can "apt-get" pcmciautils, but, without network access, that fails.I tried adding the install cdrom to apt using "apt-cdrom" and then tried to "apt-get" pcmciautils and it got further, installing some dependencies, but acted like it still was unable to locate the pcmciautils package.

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Fedora :: Fatal Server Error: Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Nov 27, 2010

I have VIA/S3G unichrome IGP video card of 32MB after installing fedora i am getting very worst resolution of 600x400which is completely irritating so please provide me a way out from this problem to use fedorathe solutions i followed and failed are given below

1. Some one told me to change the xorg.conf file but i failed because there is no such file in the given location

2. Some one told me to create it using system-config-display but for fedora 14 there is no package for that

3. some one told me again of using the command Xorg -configure but it said as followed [root@localhost tmp]# Xorg -configure

Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.


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CentOS 5 :: Fatal Server Error: Server Is Already Active For Display 0

Nov 19, 2010

that's my first linux server. on my root is CentOS already installed. when i connect via "Remote Desktop Viewer" i log in with my accout.

then i see the textmode and type in "startx" and "init 5" but nothing happens but i can see this:

[root@server004 ~]# startx
xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.2896
Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0

If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
giving up.


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Ubuntu :: Login And Xserver - Error "Server Is Already Active For Display 0 If This Server Is No Longer Running"

Jul 14, 2010

I've just upgraded (finally) to 10.04 desktop, and when I boot, I get a login screen, which is quite usual, but once I log in, the machine drops to terminal, instead of the usual GUI. I've tried running startx, but I get this error message. Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

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Ubuntu :: Gdm To Start X Server On Display Other Than 0?

Jul 15, 2011

I would like to know how I can make GDM to start the x server with another display number (and on different vt).

The reason for this is that I have a chroot environment and I believe I have installed the necessary packages but when I do $ /etc/init.d/gdm start it seems to start but no new x server is running on any of the vt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Setup: Warning: Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR - Install - Lvm - Luks - Raid - Karmic Server

Mar 27, 2010

I'm running Karmic Server with GRUB2 on a Dell XPS 420. Everything was running fine until I changed 2 BIOS settings in an attempt to make my Virtual Box guests run faster. I turned on SpeedStep and Virtualization, rebooted, and I was slapped in the face with a grub error 15. I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how these two settings could cause a problem for GRUB, but they have. To make matters worse, I've set my server up to use Luks encrypted LVMs on soft-RAID. From what I can gather, it seems my only hope is to reinstall GRUB. So, I've tried to follow the Live CD instructions outlined in the following article (adding the necessary steps to mount my RAID volumes and LVMs). [URL]

If I try mounting the root lvm as 'dev/vg-root' on /mnt and the boot partition as 'dev/md0' on /mnt/boot, when I try to run the command $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0, I get an errors: grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea. grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

Somewhere in my troubleshooting, I also tried mounting the root lvm as 'dev/mapper/vg-root'. This results in the grub-install error: $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0 Invalid device 'dev/md0'

Obviously, neither case fixes the problem. I've been searching and troubleshooting for several hours this evening, and I must have my system operational by Monday morning. That means if I don't have a solution by pretty early tomorrow morning...I'm screwed. A full rebuild will by my only option.

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Ubuntu :: Display X Applications From Server On Desktop?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a karmic server and a separate karmic desktop (laptop). I want to run a few gui applications from the server to my desktop so they will be centralized. I can successfully ssh to my server from the laptop, but getting the gui stuff launched from the server to display on my laptop is where I am hitting a wall. I did:

$ ssh -Y knipknup@

enter password

and I get:

/usr/bin/X11/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/knipknup/.Xauthority

I also did :

$ sudo chmod -v 777 /home/knipknup/.Xauthority

and that results in the same message.

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Ubuntu :: Server Display Chinese When Installing

May 16, 2009

I'm a Chinese user and installed ubuntu server. I choosed Chinese when installing and the console could display Chinese, but when finished installation and rebooted, the console couldn't display Chinese filename. Any body knows why and which terminal was used when installing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Server From The DVD - (10.04)

Apr 30, 2010

How do I install an Ubuntu Server using the DVD? I'm trying to install 10.04

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 10.04 LTS Server From USB Ext HDD?

Oct 28, 2010

I can create the USB HDD installation image and it starts perfectly, but when it tries to copy installation files it fails saying 'No CD in drive' or similar. Of course there is not CD in the drive as I'm trying to install via USB HDD.If I create a USB image based on the Live Desktop image it works perfectly.Is there anyway to get around this?Maybe a guide to installing Server via USB?

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Ubuntu Networking :: On Server 10.04 - Two Different Nfs Share Display Same Content?

May 14, 2010

This server is for dhcp and sharing purposes.I can actually access one nfs share via other ubuntu and osx clients on the network, then I configured another share with different mount point (different drive, different forlder, different contents).The problem is: when I connect form a client to the new one it displays the same exact content of the first share. It seems that is mounting the same share on a different mount point on the client and exporting the shares via the exportfs -ra command doesn't solve nothing.This is my fstab file

proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation


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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.04 - Display Server Has Restarted 6 Times / Fix It?

Aug 18, 2010

I've done some searching around but can't find anything conclusive on this error. The tech at my remote site restarted the 9.04 server(not sure if it was accidental or planned) and when it started the boot process, an error like the following shows up...

"The display server has restarted 6 times in the past 90 seconds. This indicates that something bad is happening."

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Server :: PHP5 Will Not Display Errors To The Browser In Ubuntu

Feb 15, 2011

I have a personal apache server with php5 module in it that I have set to host user directories Host/~username. When I introduce any errors to the php file, such as echo "Syntax error; , I get a blank white screen. The error exists in the apache log file in /var/log.

I have found the php.ini file in and found every occurance of "error" in it and set it to "On" or E_ALL depending on what the argument wants. I still get a white screen.

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