Ubuntu :: Lost Data During Dual Boot Installation With Backtrack + 10.04 Netbook?

Dec 28, 2010

Generally I am used to installations of dual boot on different partitions(the traditional method) any windows OS with any ubuntu OS.I tried that with backtrack 4 and Ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition! I had previously installed ubuntu 10.04 and then had an extra partition that had data in it.Went ahead to boot with the backtrack 4 disk BUT it did not give me an option for installing them side-by side so i did it manually by editing the partition with the partitioner! I had 2 swamp spaces one i which was initially there for Ubuntu and the other i created! Then simply formated ine partition with EXT3 and mountpoint of / which made two of them!after installation, the grub shows that there is another OS but when it does not load!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xp And - Netbook Dual Boot - Error - Windows Boot Failed

Jul 8, 2010

I have a netbook running Windows XP as standard. There is also a recovery partition which came from the factory.

In the past I installed Ubuntu (I think 9.something) from USB key and all worked fine. However my XP became corrupted and I needed to do a repair on it. After this, Ubuntu became removed from the boot select menu.

Since then, Ubuntu has become updated to 10.04, which I now cannot install.

The Live CD tells me there is a "file IO error" and simply stops installation at around 70%.

I did manage to get into Ubuntu from a Live USB using Wubi. However when I chose to install Ubuntu to a Harddrive, the option to "install side by side" was missing.

After reading on the forums, I did a chkdsk /f on Windows and tried again. Now my liveUSB does not show a boot menu!

When I select to boot from USB stick, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor. Ctrl+alt+dlt reboots.

I'm really lost here! It seems when I fix one problem, another problem arises!

Also when trying to instal Ubuntu within Windows, the process goes through to 100% and asks me to reboot. When I do so, the option for Ubuntu does show in the boot menu. However when I select it, I get an error "Windows boot failed: file wubildr.mbr and status: 0xc00000f - something is corrupt".

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Installation :: Dual Boot XP And Ubuntu Netbook ?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot windows XP and ubuntu netbook (XP is the main OS) on my Asus eee 1005HA.

I have the ubuntu on a flash drive and it's bootable, but when I try to install, it only recognizes the flash drive and not the hard drive. How do I make it recognize my hard drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Install On Netbook ?

Jun 14, 2010

I am running Windows 7 starter on my Samsung N150 Netbook. I have successfully installed Ubuntu on the 4 GB flash drive, and I have been running it for several weeks in the "try mode" without any problems. Now I decided to permanently install Ubuntu netbook edition on my computer from a flash drive. I am following this guide [url] and ran into a big problem on step #5 of the guide and step #4 of the installation. I am not getting the option of installing them side by side, choose between them each startup! Which is what I want to do... I am only getting the option of erase and use entire drive, and specify partitions manually. My goal is to keep Windows 7 on my netbook, and have an option of dual booting into either operating system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Samsung Netbook N310 Dual-boot - Xp

Nov 7, 2010

I recently bought a new Samsung netbook N310 and want to install dual-boot Ubuntu 10 along with windows xp home edition. My CPU is like this: Intel Atom CPU N270 1.6GHz

Which architectures and kernels I should download from the cd installation? any experience with this kind of dual boot installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Snow Leopard OSX With 10.10 Netbook

Dec 10, 2010

Perhaps I should have put this in the apple users section, but I am not an apple user. I am using a MSI WIND U100 running OSX snow leopard retail (GUID/GPT - boots using Chameleon).

I've been feeling guilty preaching open source while not currently practising what I preach so finally downloaded ubuntu 10.10 (netbook version) and using unetbootin I made the ISO bootable on an external USB drive.

I already had an empty 40gb partition which I'd intended to dual boot linux on so I went ahead and booted from the external and installed ubuntu. During the install I divided up the 40GB with 3GB for swap and 37GB as ext4 mount point /

Anyway, it installed and rebooted and loaded ubuntu fine using the default option in the auto installed GRUB. However, although the menu show my OSX it does not boot (ARGH!). When selected there is disk activity for a few seconds and then nothing, just blank screen.

I'm praying that I just need to tinker with grub or something to get my OSX back...

(PS> the [URL] forums have loads of info on dual/triple booting these hackintosh netbooks but mostly involving windows XP or windows 7 rather than ubuntu and also mostly about earlier OSX varieties which booted onto MBR partitions rather that GPT.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Dual Boot With 10.04 And Windows 7

Apr 6, 2011

How can I get my dual boot working again? I had a dual boot with Ubuntu 10.04 and windows 7. It was all well tweaked but I was annoyed with the ugly boot menue with old kernells so I decided to install BURG loader and remove some of the old kernells. So I did and after that I have not been able to reach my Ubuntu boot.

After multiple attempt to restore the old kernells and reinstall grub (through a USB live stick) i couldnt log in to either system (following the steps in this support thread [URL] Finally i mamanged to get my windows 7 working but my boot menue only shows memtest and windows 7 (not Ubuntu). I am affraid to tamper around to much and having a non funtional lap-top in the end. My lap-top still "miss" 40 GB that was set aside for the Ubuntu boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updated To 11.04 - Lost Dual-boot

May 2, 2011

Hey, yesterday I decided to update from 10.10 to 11.04.

I was using Windows Vista in dual-boot with Ubuntu but after updating Ubuntu to 11.04 I lost my dual-boot menu. It worked without problems before update. Now it starts automatically to Ubuntu log in screen.

I've tried so far:

1. Updating GRUB via terminal
2. Looked at my menu entries

grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg
menuentry 'Ubuntu, Linux-ydin 2.6.38-8-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Lost In Dual Boot After Updating Win 7

May 3, 2011

I was using dual boot (windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10) and it was going well. Couple of days ago I updated to Ubuntu 11.04 and everything was OK. Yesterday I cought some virus in windows, installed Microsoft security essentials which asked to update Windows. After update, dual boot is gone. It boots to windows directly with no option to choose between OS.


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________
File system: ntfs


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Debian Installation :: Samsung Netbook N310 Dual-boot Installation (lenny + Xp)?

Nov 7, 2010

I recently bought a new Samsung netbook N310 and want to install dual-boot Debian lenny along with windows xp home edition. My CPU is like this: Intel Atom CPU N270 1.6GHz which architectures and kernels I should download from the cd installation? there are so many:alpha, amd64, armel, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, and sparc.

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Fedora Installation :: Lost - To Ubuntu In A Dual Boot Mess

Feb 14, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10. I have installed Ubuntu first than Fedora (with GRUB installed on it's partition) but Ubuntu's GRUB got messed up. I reinstalled Ubuntu and now Ubuntu works fine but I cannot boot my Fedora. I have set "/fedora" as a mount point for the fc10 install and I can see that from Ubuntu but I can not boot into it. I no longer have any idea where to search for some way of getting it to work without reinstalling ....

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General :: Make A Win7 And Backtrack 4 Dual Boot?

Jun 7, 2010

I want to install boh win 7 and backtrack4 on my pc. how can I do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 10.10 And Backtrack 4 R2

Jan 26, 2011

Installed XP and ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook and have also installed BT4 r2 on separate partitions. I chose not to install the bootloader for BT4 r2 and used "sudo update-grub2" to locate Backtrack 4 which it has. At boot I can choose both XP and Ubuntu and they will boot fine, how ever when I choose BT4 (listed as ubuntu 8.10) the following message appears:
"zImage does not support 32bit boot"
How can I boot backtrack.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Verifying DMI Pool Data - Windows 7 Dual Boot

Dec 24, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on a machine that had windows 7 x64. itts installed on a seperate HD, but now when I boot to the harddrive with windows 7 all i get is "verifying DMI pool data" how do I fix this so I can get back to windows 7 as well?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Optimal Partition Sugguestions For Speed & Dual Boot With Shared Data?

Mar 4, 2010

I am installing a custom 8.04 live disk (basically, a mirror of my whole system with user data intact, sans all non-OS files) from a USB key with remastersys for the .iso creation, and UNetbootin for the bootable USB on a brand new 120GB PATA WD HDD. Both do nicely so far, so I have a working livedisk to use until I need to install Ubuntu to the drive.

I had a pure linux box, but I need to add XP with dual booting now- I have to use Autodesk Inventor 2010 software for my college class on my laptop, so I don't drive 30 miles to use the 1 computer lab equipped with that software. I'm not new to Linux, but I am new to more in-depth partitioning. I've taken the lead and looked into things- read this good guide, among others:

HTML Code:
http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning and noticed that there is a way to more deftly use partitions so that personal files can be shared access and write between Windows and Linux partitions- with this:
HTML Code:
http://www.fs-driver.org/ Ubuntu is still my main OS, but being able to access all my media/data files between the 2 systems would be nice. Problem is, until now, I've put everything on a single partition because I didn't know better. Now I do, but am a bit confused with all the guides as to what's most efficient, especially in my case where full RAM speed is crucial to running a single program.

Here's what I know I need to do: 1. The Windows XP install I know needs from 20-30GB for Inventor 2010 LT to work well. I don't need anything else in XP spacewise- it's just being added for Inventor. 2. I'd like to create a separate /home partition for Ubuntu this time to save my user data, making future upgrades much more painless (I will be getting Lucid soon). How that works when upgrading, though, I don't know yet..

3. I'd like both OSes to share all my personal files (docs, pics, music, Inventor design files) if it is an efficient choice that works without problems.

4. Finally, because 2GB is minimum for Inventor to run decently, I need to maximize the speed of my RAM for it- from my reading, these so-called "swap" partitions can somehow be added for buffering this- people seem to sugguest the swap be half the size of the RAM for fastest speed, and some say add separate /usr or other partitions. I'm not clear on what would be most efficient for me.

I have limited HDD space- because of my laptop's BIOS, this single 120GB drive is the biggest I can get on my laptop, so efficient partitioning would make a huge difference for me. Before this, a 60GB HDD was in this. I'd like to see some added space for my data storage, but still keep things as fast as possible for Inventor when I use it, and Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot On Fresh Hard Drive With Shared Data Partition

Oct 8, 2010

I'd like the final layout to have a Windows partition (will start out as XP and will become Win7 when I can afford yet another copy), a partition for Ubuntu, and a shared Data partition that I can use for all my files between both OSs. I think this should be fairly straight forward with Linux on a Primary partition with / and swap. Only thing is, from what I've read (and yes I know this is a bit old school) it might be a good idea to put in a /Home partition so that I can reinstall new upgrades and maintain settings. But I don't want to max out my 4 primary partitions so I can use a 4th partition as a kind of sandbox for OS testing without using VirtualBox all the time.

This leaves me in need of some advice, I've never used Fdisk and I was planning on just using the Ubuntu installer to do all of this, but I don't know if I can create /Home as a logical partition in the main Ubuntu partition and still have the benefit of being able to reformat /root without losing /Home. I might have just confused myself, because no matter how many guides and How Tos I read I still don't really get extended partitions, I understand logical vs. primary but extended is...confusing. I need the Ubuntu partition to be bootable, so it needs to be a primary partition...I think. Unless I can have: /boot, /, swap, and /Home...

Also, if Ubuntu can read NTFS, and Win7 can read Ext3, what should a do with /Data? Or should I just go with FAT32 and be done with it. (It's a big HDD btw, 640 GB, so /Data will be fairly large)

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Ubuntu :: XP - Netbook Dual Boot?

Apr 23, 2011

I have done the most stupid thing by deleting the current kernel of ubuntu yesterday night (while trying to delete old kernels). Anyways, I have reinstalled Ubuntu but I could not see it to the bootlist (there were memtest of ubuntu and Windows XP at this stage). So wanted to give it a try with EasyBCD. I thought I have successfully added the list elements but pc just does not even show the old boot list element (memtest of ubuntu) and skip to XP. The main partition is E: Windows partition is F: and the ubuntu is in partition of "0,3" so all the stuff is in just one HDD. Here are the details:


Could you please enlighten me what should I do? Tried to find the terminal from the Ubuntu netbook edition boot drive but I could not find it so I have downloaded the desktop edition so if you could help me trying to fix it via terminal with the of boot cd/usb,

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Dual Boot On Netbook?

Aug 11, 2011

I've been using a vista and ubuntu dual-boot setup on my desktop for years now, and it's worked out very nicely. I remember I had vista installed on there first then I installed Ubuntu and the GRUB bootloader installed and it all just worked.I want to install ubuntu on my netbook. It came with windows7 starter, which I am not a big fan of, but I want to keep windows7 on here because I have matlab installed.

How would I set up a dualboot for my netbook? I guess I could make a live usb and try to install ubuntu that way. It would work the same way right? like I could just partition my hard drive and set up dual boot that way?what do you think is the best linux distro for netbook? I was just thinking about going with the netbook version of ubuntu, but have any of you experimented with something else?

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Ubuntu :: Reboot Loop On Dual Boot Netbook?

Mar 10, 2010

I recently installed Netbook Remix(Karmic, I think) on my Samsung N130 netbook as a dual boot with Windows 7. It had been working fine, I'd had no problems switching OS and I had restarted my computer many times without issue.

Today, I was on Windows 7, set it to hibernate when I left the house as I sometimes do, and when I came back and turned my computer on, first it asked which system I wanted to load which it never does after hibernation. I selected Windows, and it took me to the Samsung Recovery Solution screen for some reason, and I closed that. It restarted the computer, and when it turned back on it said GRUB loading, and rebooted again, and keeps looping that whenever I turn it on.

I tried removing Ubuntu using GParted from a flash drive, but I'm still stuck in the loop, and it's gotten rather frustrating.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot The Latest Version Of Netbook With Windows XP?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm using an Acer Aspire One with Windows XP Home 32-bit SP3. I couldn't find any directions on how to dual boot with a netbook or more specifically my netbook.

Edit: Here's alink just incase [URL]

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General :: Install Ubuntu Netbook Edition To Dual Boot With XP?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a 160 GB Spaced 'HP Mini 1000' partitioned to two 80 GB drives. On one of them, Windows XP is already installed.

I would like to create a dual boot so that the other empty drive has Ubuntu Netbook edition 10.10.

I am a newbie with Linux, well versed with Windows and decided to venture with learning Linux by doing this.

So far, I have just downloaded the Netbook Edition from the following link.

How should I go about installing the Ubuntu netbook edition to dual boot with XP?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Dual Boot Screen?

Jan 4, 2010

I was running a dual boot Ubuntu 9.10/Windows XP. I reformatted just the windows partition and re-installed it, and now I don't get the option at boot time of what OS I'd like to use...it just boots straight into Windows.

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Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu / Windows 7 And Backtrack 4?

Aug 22, 2009

I am attempting to triple boot Ubuntu, Windows 7, and Backtrack 4. Win7 and Ubuntu are both booting and working properly, but after trying a number of configurations for GRUB I cannot boot Backtrack. Everything I attempt seems to come back to one problem and result in the same error: Error 17.

sda contains both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions...

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x07dccf10


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Ubuntu Installation :: Lose Data That Already Stored On PC - Run OK In Netbook?

Jul 26, 2010

I am an Apple user who ended up buying a netbook with XP installed on it. I got the Acer Aspire One zg5 refurb, because it was super cheap. Problem is, I noticed I hate the Windows experience and I would like to have something similar to Mac in this computer, and I've had some casual experience with linux before (through a live CD that a friend gave me). However, I need to keep the XP running on this thing because I need it for work. The main use that I have this netbook for is to take up notes, do some light music/video editing (for which I have to admit XP has been strangely okayish), listen to music, browse the web, among other things. I would like to install Linux in this because it offers great tools for these functions, and I need to have those on the run. So I thought I would try to double-boot this computer with XP and Ubuntu, but I am sort of a beginner on this aspect.

My questions are what follows: If I use the GParted that comes with the Ubuntu 10.04 installation disk, will I lose the data that I have already stored on this PC? If my computer isn't able to give the needed resolution to run Ubuntu, would it still run OK in the netbook? Will my computer run OK if I make it double-boot? Would it be too much of a hassle for its Atom processor to do this? I would like to install some of the apps that come with the Ubuntu Studio version if I can make the system double-boot. Is this possible? Can I customize the desktop version of ubuntu to give me some ot
her color for the taskbar instead of the blackish gray that is set by default?


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Ubuntu :: Installed Dual Boot Fedora And Lost Kubuntu

Sep 19, 2009

I had Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4.0 interface and i decided to try out fedora to see if i liked it and wanted to eventually switch. i've done so many dual boot systems with Kubuntu and not had any problems that i decided not to back up my system this time before running the installation. after running the installation and shrinking my hard drive (200 gb) by 80 gigs, i rebooted to find that Kubuntu was no longer bootable. the first time i booted into fedora, disk utility popped up with a message that said "1 or more hard drives is failing". i ran the test that it recommended and found no problems. then i ran the longer test and still found no problems. i've rebooted a few times and have not been able to see Kubuntu in the boot loader options. if you need any more information i will be happy to provide it. my question, obviously, is how can i retrieve my Kubuntu partition. it is still there but is not bootable.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 On Dual Boot PC - Internet Connectivity Lost

Jan 12, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on dual boot computer. Each OS is on separate hard drive with GNOME selection between Ubuntu and Windows 7 Ultimate. Firefox was working fine yesterday when I went to use today, nothing. Email through Thunderbird is down as well.

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded Windows Dual Boot/lucid-lost Grub2?

May 8, 2011

i had a dual boot with xp and lucid lynx, then upgraded the xp to win7. windows commonly overwrites grub with it's bootloader. and so it did. now i can't access my lucid OS. i need to get grub back (i need to get lucid back).

here's my fdisk:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting On Netbook ?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to dual boot ubuntu netbook edition along with xp but i get stuck at setting up the partitions. at the installation i have the option of installing alongside xp however when they show the graph it looks like they want me to share ubuntu on C:/ drive so that xp gets 60Gb and ubuntu gets 20Gb. What i would like to do is keep xp on the C:/ drive and install ubuntu on the D:/ drive so that windows and ubuntu each get 80GB.

What i have done so far is go into gparted and delete the D:/ drive so i have now 80Gb of unallocated space. however when i start the installation process and choose "install alongside other OS" it still chooses to share it with my C:/ drive. i would like to be walked through the process of splitting the hard drive so i can install ubuntu on D drive. also i know i need to create a swap partition do i do that before the installation of after?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lost Dual Boot - Can't Mount Or Open

Jul 16, 2010

Everything was working fine with dual boot sda/osuse 11.2 and sdb/kubuntu. Decided to install new 11.3. Lost dual boot, can now only boot to 11.3, sort expected that. I see the root and home partitions in Dolphin but can't mount or open them? Would like to access the files copy to Osuse. Rite clik get me "error permission denied" I can reinstall Kubunt and it will set up my boot loader correctly with grub2, but is their a better quicker way? Why does Osuse still use the legacy grub?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 And Win7 Dual Boot - Grub Lost?

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to Dual-boot Windows & and OpenSUSE 11.4, and have run into walls all over the place. Here is what I did:

1. Windows 7 was already installed. (Don't like it, freezes all the time)
2. Installed OpenSUSE using default partition options.
3. Booted into OpenSUSE with no problem
4. Tried booting into Windows, no joy.
5. Got that figured out, now I can get into Windows.
6. GRUB is gone, so now I can't get back into OpenSUSE.

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