Ubuntu Installation :: Running Backtrack On 10.04 OS?

Aug 29, 2010

My only OS is Ubuntu 10.04. There are no partitions ( that is, I use the entire hard drive for Ubuntu, obviously). I need to run Backtrack for security testing. I've seen lots of various options from running it in virtualbox to running it from a bootable USB but there seem to be problems originating with the grub bootloader. One thing I keep seeing is that the only way to get round all this is to hard drive install Backtrack first and THEN install Ubuntu. Clearly I don't want to have to reinstall my entire world on my pc, play with settings, re-install a billion apps etc.

My question is this - Given that I have 10.04 installed and running alone, how do I get Backtrack installed/running easily and without all the associated disasters? I like the USB option because the thought of screwing the grub up does not appeal; I don't want to reboot my computer and be told "I'm grub and I don't want you to load anything" / Other Annoying Message.Backtrack's site says they didn't provide a USB option so what should I use to burn the ISO (does Unetbootin work for Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Route Internet Through Interfaces Running BackTrack 5?

May 26, 2011

I have an interesting problem for you all today. Lately, I've been learning a lot about computer security and I have a weird request. I would like to route the internet connection from a laptop running BackTrack 5 (Linux distrobution for security), to another Backtrack computer through an SSH session. I believe this is called SSH tunneling. Essentially I have these interfaces set up.
I would like to route the internet I get from wifi0 and send it through eth0. Essentially this would make my laptop a sort of hub. The reason is, I have a wireless router I use for all my penetration testing computers and I don't like them on my network normally. I want it so that way I can use my main computer, which has no wifi card, to connect to this network. Also, this would be great experience for other things. I'm not completely set on having it done through an SSH session also. I think there is a way to do it with iptables but, I'm not entirely sure how.

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General :: BackTrack 3 Running On HP Pavilion G60-DX By VMware Workstatinn

Apr 15, 2011

Iam working op my HP pavilion G60-DX .. I just installed VMware workstation and run Backtrack 3 ISO image as a linux virtual machine. loading the linux operating system up with "other linux 2.6.x kernell" as a setting, and starting the backtrack 3 virtual machine, everything is fine up to this point. when in the shell-konsole when typing at bt - # "airomn-ng" there is no: Interface Chipset Driver

I can access the internet and use browsers normaly from the backtrack it self , when its running .. how u can explain that to me .. VM cant se my wirless and tald me that there is no wireless interface while am already can open any website within ... what is the best solution to that! does the problem with my laptopb compatibility with backtrack !!! or with the VM itself

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General :: Attempting To Get BackTrack 5 Running With A VMware Virtual Machine On Windows 7

Aug 23, 2011

I'm running a 64bit Version of Windows 7. I'm also dual-booting 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 (if it matters). However, for this I'm trying to get this working on the Windows 7 side of things. I downloaded the BackTrack 5 32bit GNOME .iso file (BT5-GNOME-32.iso) to my USB stick fine and made a VM on VMware Player. I set the OS as "Other Linux 2.6.x kernel" (if it matters). However, when I go to play my VM I get the following screen. I know I'm supposed to type Startx to launch the GUI. However, nothing happens; it's completely unresponsive (and yes keyboard focus is routed to the VM). There is no response, the cursor doesn't even blink.

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Installation :: Need To Install Ubuntu From Backtrack / USB

Nov 21, 2010

I need to install unbuntu from backtrack or load the unbuntu install package onto a usb if this is possible using backtrack.

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Ubuntu :: BackTrack Gnome Installation ?

Aug 2, 2011

I recently just downloaded And Installed Linux.

Second: I downloaded Backtrack 5 Gnome Package. (Direct Download)

Source: [url]

And I've Been trying to Install it and I have no flipping Idea what to do...

It was a Zip file so I extracted it... with some app I got. and now my my folder have some icons and a read me file.. I read the Read me file and I have no fricking Idea..


This image has been developed and tested on the Motorola Xoom. Your mileage may vary on other devices.

As this image runs in a chroot, you will need to have your device rooted. There are numerous tutorials on the subject online and are not included here.

Rooting your device will potentially void its warranty and we are not in any way resposible if you brick your device while rooting it.

1. Since the image runs in a chroot, there is no root password set.
2. There are 2 scripts under /usr/bin/ 'startvnc' and 'stopvnc' that are set to start with the Xoom's default resolution.
3. The current vnc password is set to 'toortoor' and can be changed by running 'vncpasswd'
4. This image is a work in progress and suggestions/tips from the community are always welcome.


1. Once you have downloaded the ARM BT package, save the files in a convenient location. The steps below assume they are in the platform-tools folder of the Android SDK.

2. Go to your platform-tools directory and proceed to make a directory on the device to store BT5:

3. Copy over the busybox install files:

4. Install busybox on the device:

5. Transfer the required BT5 files to the device:

6. Uncompress the image and start BT5:

If all goes well, you'll be in the BT5 chroot:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 10.10 And Backtrack 4 R2

Jan 26, 2011

Installed XP and ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook and have also installed BT4 r2 on separate partitions. I chose not to install the bootloader for BT4 r2 and used "sudo update-grub2" to locate Backtrack 4 which it has. At boot I can choose both XP and Ubuntu and they will boot fine, how ever when I choose BT4 (listed as ubuntu 8.10) the following message appears:
"zImage does not support 32bit boot"
How can I boot backtrack.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Run Backtrack And Kunbuntu On The Same Side Of The Harddrive?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack Cuting this way to long story short, how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu / Windows 7 And Backtrack 4?

Aug 22, 2009

I am attempting to triple boot Ubuntu, Windows 7, and Backtrack 4. Win7 and Ubuntu are both booting and working properly, but after trying a number of configurations for GRUB I cannot boot Backtrack. Everything I attempt seems to come back to one problem and result in the same error: Error 17.

sda contains both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions...

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x07dccf10


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Installation :: Kunbuntu & Backtrack On The Same Partition?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para

I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack (it might also help at my fathers, who doesent have a wireless )

how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt After Creating Persistent USB Backtrack 4 R2?

Jan 30, 2011

I have the following problem. I tried to make a persistent USB Backtrack 4 r2. I followed the steps according to the instructions and did not noticed any errors.

fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-4): 1
Command (m for help): n
Command action


I can boot from USB because when i use Unetbootin everything works fine. Although it'snot persistent in that situation. I seachered the web but i can't find the solution. I have run a script which i ran into on Sourceforge.net. The results are in the attachement. But unfortunately i am real Newbie on linux so..

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Access Either Windows 7 Or Backtrack

Jan 30, 2011

well, I've made my laptop become triple-boot. They are : fedora 8, backtrack 4, and windows 7. The problem's I can't access my either windows 7 or backtrack. I can only access my fedora 8.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Data During Dual Boot Installation With Backtrack + 10.04 Netbook?

Dec 28, 2010

Generally I am used to installations of dual boot on different partitions(the traditional method) any windows OS with any ubuntu OS.I tried that with backtrack 4 and Ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition! I had previously installed ubuntu 10.04 and then had an extra partition that had data in it.Went ahead to boot with the backtrack 4 disk BUT it did not give me an option for installing them side-by side so i did it manually by editing the partition with the partitioner! I had 2 swamp spaces one i which was initially there for Ubuntu and the other i created! Then simply formated ine partition with EXT3 and mountpoint of / which made two of them!after installation, the grub shows that there is another OS but when it does not load!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu Backtrack And Windows 7 ?

Sep 8, 2010

I tried triple booting Ubuntu,Backtrack and windows 7.

I have installed ubuntu through wubi but can install seperately also

How should i proceed?

I have been scared of grub and i wanna overcome it.

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Ubuntu :: Install Backtrack 4 Beside?

Oct 1, 2010

how i can install backtrack 4 beside ubuntu

notice : My hard disk one partion.how i can resize this partion

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Backtrack 4 R2 / Fix It?

Jan 14, 2011

I can't install my backtrack dvd burning, have trouble when cpoying data in 56%, have youcomclusion for my terouble???
size of btr4r2.iso= 1.9 gb
on the disk2034880512 bytes)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To The Internet With Backtrack

Feb 3, 2010

i cant connect to the internet with backtrack. set up my wireless card so i can connect?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Backtrack 4 With Dmraid

Mar 26, 2010

how do i install a linux distro that doesnt natively support Intel fakeraid, using dmraid and a livedisk. the raid is already setup, its just that backtrack cant find it because it doesnt have the right software.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Some Of The Backtrack 4 Tools?

Aug 21, 2010

Ok so I did some stupid stuff and tried to install some of the Backtrack 4 tools. Now when I tried to install VLC player in terminal I get this:"ph@top:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc Reading package lists. Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:


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Ubuntu :: Backtrack 5 Freezes For No Reason

May 27, 2011

I just downloaded Backtrack 5 and installed it. Had some problems getting the right driver for my gpu but eventually managed to install the right one. At first I thought the problem could be because I didn't have the right gpu driver but its still there. My backtrack freezes when I do anything,for instance I open firefox and browse the internet I can't open command promp or even close firefox with the close butten (alt-F4 does work). I can do 1 thing but then it just freezes and I can only do the thing I was doing. I can still browse but can't do anything else. I have the 64-bit gnome edition.

system specs are:

asus p6t deluxe V2
intel core I7 930 (2.80GHz)
nvidia geforce gtx 470
western digital caviar black 1TB

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Ubuntu :: Install Backtrack On Usb Hard Drive?

Aug 19, 2010

here is my setup I have win xp dual boot with Ubuntu Karmic, on hard drive I now want to install Bt4 on usb hard drive, will i just be able to install as normal then reinstall grub afterwards, also will the machine still work ok if usb drive is not attached on some occasions

My machine dos,nt allow booting from usb, ( i,e install from usb drive )

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot To Other Backtrack Due To Wrong Uuids

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using 10.10 (updated from 10.04) and from the 10.04 I had problems when the system updated the kernel. After a kernel upgrade I can't boot to my other linux(Backtrack) due to wrong uuids. I must go to /boot/grub/grub.cfg and remove the uid and put /dev/sda5 for example. If I don't edit backtrack loads to busybox. Is there any way to fix that parameteres permantly? Because I don't want to make this change every time.

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Ubuntu :: 64 And Backtrack Won't Share A Swap Partition?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm triple booting Windows 7 32-bit (that's the only version I had), Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Backtrack 4 R1.

Windows 7 installed and runs fine. Ubuntu installed and runs fine. I try to install Backtrack 4 R1, create a / partition, create a /boot partition (do I need to create a /boot for Backtrack?), and I don't create a swap file because the Ubuntu swap file is already in there.

I click "forward", the install starts up, then I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type swap...yadda yadda yadda...has failed." I google this, I get some results talking about an mkswap command, but in my noobness, I don't understand.

Can Ubuntu 64 bit and Backtrack not share a swap file? I don't want to create 2 swap files

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Ubuntu Security :: Are The Tools Backtrack Uses Compatible With

Feb 23, 2011

Im trying to run some penetration testing on my home wireless and want to know if the tools that backtrack uses are available in the repository.

Specifically tools that can be used to sniff out valid mac addresses and breaking wep encryption-what tools am i looking for?

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General :: Windows 7 - BackTrack 4 And Ubuntu Server

Nov 10, 2010

I would consider myself an advanced user of Windows. I know some of the commands used due to my knowledge of PHP. I would like tri-booting Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, BackTrack 4 and Ubuntu Server 10.10 64 bit. Windows 7 is the main OS involved, which is on a HDD with about 800GB free space, so space isn't a problem. I have BT4 and Ubuntu ISOs downloaded and on DVDs ready to install.

Do I create partitions first in Windows or do I let the installer do it? What sizes would you recommend? What size for the swap partition?

What order should I install the two OS'? I already tried installing both of them, (Ubuntu first then BT4) but BT4 did not show up in grub when booting, even after updating grub through Ubuntu. I also think I make a mistake when installing Ubuntu as I didn't install any packages. I would like to use the gnome desktop environment on Ubuntu but every time I tried to install the package I got the error "package not found". So then I deleted both OS' and restored the MBR.

I'm using a 3G USB modem to connect to the internet. Will both of these distros work with it?

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Ubuntu :: Install Backtrack 4 Tools But Not In Pentest Directory

Jul 31, 2010

how to install penetration testing tools from Backtrack 4 (offensive-security) repository like all other programs (NOT IN /pentest DIRECTORY).

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Networks Detected On BackTrack?

Oct 7, 2010

i installed backtrack recently....and wireless networks are not detected.... which deb to install because it is based on ubuntu 8.10

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General :: Ubuntu 64 And Backtrack Won't Share A Swap Partition / Fix It?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm triple booting Windows 7 32-bit (that's the only version I had), Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Backtrack 4 R1.

Windows 7 installed and runs fine. Ubuntu installed and runs fine. I try to install Backtrack 4 R1, create a / partition, create a /boot partition (do I need to create a /boot for Backtrack?), and I don't create a swap file because the Ubuntu swap file is already in there.

I click "forward", the install starts up, then I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type swap...yadda yadda yadda...has failed." I google this, I get some results talking about an mkswap command, but in my noobness, I don't understand.

Can Ubuntu 64 bit and Backtrack not share a swap file? I don't want to create 2 swap files because I've googled around and that looks like a bad thing to do.

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Software :: Triple Boot Windows 7 Ubuntu Backtrack ?

Sep 8, 2010

I tried triple booting Ubuntu,Backtrack and windows 7.

I have installed ubuntu through wubi but can install seperately also

How should i proceed?

I have been scared of grub and i wanna overcome it.

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General :: Virtualbox In Backtrack 4 ?

Feb 2, 2011

Today i install virtual box in backtrack 4 becous i want install windows 7 for try tools BT on Windows 7 but... intercept this message wean i start the virtual [url]

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