Hardware :: Use USB To Act As RAM Storage?

Feb 23, 2011

Can I use my USB to act as a RAM storage? [URL]... I doubt if there will be significant increase in performance..Otherwise RAM manufacturers will be out of business! morever I think Linux already uses this through SWAP. I have very poor RAM (512 MB) , Some KDE distros specify >=1 GB....How can I run these smoothly? I have ample HDD space. By increasing SWAP , can I enhance performance? Te best would be to buy a RAM chip but mine is rather old 512 MB (DDR1). It is not available and even if it is there seems to be costlier than DDR2 and DDR3.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mainboard And Storage System - How Both Storage Devices Will Be Supported By Debian

Mar 11, 2011

I'm interested in buying a new hardware for my company. The old server (now 10 years old) should be replaced with a new one. Till now, I was looking on different hardware suppliers, boards and different other places. I found a Tyan board [URL]. The hardware spec is quite interesting and the board would fullfill our claims.

how both storage devices will be supported by Ubuntu or Debian??

- SATA-Controller: AMD SP5100
- SAS-Controller: LSI 1068E

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Server :: Cluster Storage With The Rock Cluster Storage Operating System?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to do the cluster storage with the Rock Cluster storage operating system . I have install the rock cluster on the main server . and I want to connect the client with the PXE boot . when I starting the client then it boot from the PXE boot into the mode of compute node. but it ask the where is to be stored the I have give the path..then server says that not able to find the directory path.

1) insert-ethers
2) client is started with the PXE boot.
3) it detects the dhcp .
4) At last it demand where is to be started by cd-rom, harddisk ,nfs etc.

then I started with the nfs and I have given the lanIp of server.and server is detecting the client but client is not finding the filesystem directory. into export partition directory but it is not taking path.

/export/rock/install it is not finding this path then it is not able to start the o/s from PXE boot..Is there any solution and manual of rock or anyother solution then u can reply to me...

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General :: Cannot Add See New Storage

Aug 16, 2010

I have just added 2 146gb disks to an existing RAID5 system running Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4. I used Dells open manage software to rebuild the RAID which was successful although I cannot see the additional storage when I look on the system. Basically how do I get Linux to show the new storage and then add it to an existing partition.

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General :: Know If My Flash Storage Is Usb 1.1 Or 2.0?

Dec 11, 2010

My netbook book is new 3 weeks, so should support 2.0.I have just bought a new flash drive 4GB. It seems very slow when copying data.I have done the following using lsusb:

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub[code]....

But doesn't give me any details of my actual flash drive that I have bought.

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Ubuntu :: Get Raid 5 Set Up As Storage?

Mar 14, 2010

I am trying to get raid 5 set up as storage. I have karmic with myth set up on primary drive and wish to just use raid 5 for storage with jfs filesystem.

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Ubuntu :: Migrating All FS To New Storage?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm in the process of duplicating all the data from my existing filesystems to a new storage solution. I know it is not recommended to do so but this will be a *lot* faster then having to reinstall and reconfiguring the system from scratch...I've synchronized the filesystems using rsync, used the following command line for that:

rsync --recursive --acls --xattrs --delete --force --one-file-system --links --perms --owner --group --stats --specials --devices --human-readable / /mnt/sde1
rsync --recursive --acls --xattrs --delete --force --one-file-system --links --perms --owner --group --stats --specials --devices --[code]....

To make sure all data is mirrored properly, the next step is to boot into a live system and rerun rsync to copy any previously locked/altered files to the new storage. After moving this, I know I have to edit /etc/fstab on the new storage to make it match the proper UID for the drives. I also have to update grub and install grub into MBR of the new storage.

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Ubuntu :: How To Mount The Usb Storage

Mar 23, 2011

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


How to mount usb storage device in my ubuntu 10.10.

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Server :: Building A Storage And Vpn?

May 15, 2011

I am trying to figure out the best server configuration for the following:Low power (I want to plug the server in and forget about it)High redundancy of data (I don't want to loose my music and documents!)The ability to stream music + movies to laptop (maybe subsonic or Jinzora)VPN server with IPsec or OpenVPN NAS $800 budget 2TB with ability to add more drives :Unix Server with software RAID (maybe RAID6)

VPN setup on virtual OS via VirtualBox
NAS setup on virtual OS via VirtualBox

My Questions:What would be the best raid configuration if I wanted at least 2TB of data and the ability to add more disks when the space begins to add up?What would be the best OS to use for setting up a software RAID (is a FakeRAID a better solution)?Does it make more sense to separate the VPN and NAS with different OS's?My goal will be to access my data from any computer from anywhere but mostly just my Laptop from work.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Disable Usb Storage

Jul 5, 2010

I would like to know a way to disable the usb storage capability of the clients computers on a LAN, running opensuse 11.2.

-- I tried the modprobe -r usb-storage , but nothing happend

-- I tried the nousb option when loading the kernel, it worked, but mouse which was connected through usb port was also disabled

-- Also there is no usb-storage.ko driver inside the /lib/modules/ folder... there isn't the storage folder itself

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Ubuntu :: NTFS For Data Storage?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm now having to access a lot of data on a portable hard drive on a regular basis. The drive needs to be used with three different Windows systems, three Ubuntu machines and two slackware units. The data is backed up once per week.

I have been using Ext2IFS to access the data (stored on Ext3) from Windows but keep having problems. Obviously Ubuntu and Slack have no trouble reading or writing to the drive. Additionally, some sensitive data will be put onto the drive shortly and I would like to encrypt it.

What is the best solution here? Is NTFS reliable enough and is data access and writing reliable enough from Linux? Can I encrypt NTFS and still leave it accessible by Linux? What is the best software to encrypt the drive with (if I can) that is accessible by both Windows and Linux?

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Ubuntu :: How To Expand Storage Space

Apr 28, 2010

I created a dual boot on my computer with windows vista and ubuntu using the wubi ubuntu installer for windows, and my ubuntu boot is limited to 15gb of hard drive space. My hard drive in actuality has about 150gb left on it. How do I expand the amount of storage ubuntu is allowed to use?

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Donwload Music From U1 Storage?

Jun 3, 2010

I am getting seriously pissed off and dissappointed at the way things are handled here i bought some music from rhythmbox and after a long journey in disconnections and reconnections i finally got the files in my U1 storage ( rhythmbox still says "Transfering to ur U1 storage" in mydownloads ) now how am i supposed to download all this files??? i can't download an entire folder in web browser ( i can only do one file at a time ) and i am not able to find another way through rhythmbox or anywhere else after reading one hour of irrelevant tutorials and faqs ( i have a headahe at this time, so even if there was a way i probably would not understand it :D )

is there a way or do i just have to suffer downloading all my files one by one ???? and btw: i had to do all this on a virtual machine becuz noscript got in the way of adding my pc to the account ( w/ allowing all the servers it still blocked something) and rhythmbox crashed somewhere in the process and after restarting my pc, it kept getting stock when pressed the check out button any way that's not important i actually prefer it this way to have one dedicated virtual machine for U1 music

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Ubuntu :: New PC Won't Recognize Storage Devices?

Sep 30, 2010

My friend bought a new PC, and he's duel booting Ubuntu 10.04LTS and Windows 7 Ultimate. At first I tried partitioning the hardrive using fdisk in Ubuntu, but it couldn't find hda. After looking in /dev/, there wasn't hda, or any sd* devices. I looked in gparted and used the installer afterwards and both came up with nil. I installed Windows, updated the BIOS using the utility that came with the mobo, and tried seeing if Ubuntu could detect my hardrive and it couldn't. I even turned ACPI off when booting and that didn't work either.

The motherboard is a new Gigabit with 3 PCIe slots and a USB3.0.

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Ubuntu :: Auto-mount My Storage HDD?

Nov 5, 2010

Can I auto-mount my storage HDD? If so how?

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Ubuntu :: Disable USB Storage Device?

Feb 21, 2011

is there a way or terminal command to disable access to a USB storage device upon insertion given that it is not permitted?

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Ubuntu :: Enable USB Storage Devices?

Mar 23, 2011


In the above link am using for the Disable for USB device. how i can re enable the USB devices.

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Ubuntu :: Cloud Storage Options?

Jul 30, 2011

In our school I was thinking of moving to virtual desktops for the students, that would revert to a pure state upon every log out. No changes preserved after a session. We use Google docs for office, so that works. But where can we store stuff like Inkscape drawings?As far as I can tell Google storage can't be reliably mounted yet on Ubuntufor a good cloud storage option that we can quickly log into that will give us a folder for storage online?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Universal Storage Between Guest OSs

Feb 3, 2010

I am currently building a Linux server from the ground up that will be used to virtualize many Linux distro for development environments.The host is CentOS 5.4 using KVM as it's virtualization platform.Currently I have Fedora 11 configured as a guest with an allocation of 15GB for the OS its self (this actual guest).The reason I allocated such a small amount of space was because I was hoping to make some sort of user drive that contained the majority of the server's space. My goal was to then share this part of the drive between all of the guest.Essentially I want all of my guest OSs to access one huge drive (part of the drive the host is installed on).

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 1 TB Storage - Samba Share

Mar 3, 2011

We have set up a dedicated server with Centos5.4(Kernel 2.6.18-164.el5PAE). In this we have mounted a external storage device above 1 Tb. And also we have shared this storage device in samba share.

Sometime when we access this large storage in windows machine the server hangs and we were pushed to restart the server. Past few days it often happens. How to break down this issue and is there some thing that we have to look in specific area to avoid this?

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General :: Using To Unify Or Consolidate Storage?

May 5, 2010

I apologize if this email is out of place, but I have the following personal project and I have been searching over the internet to try to find the best possible solution. We are not a big company and I am trying to implement some sort of SAN or NAS to consolidate my storage.

I have a whole bunch of PCs that are not longer in use and are just collecting dust, I'm trying to (in case it is possible) to somehow put them all to work as a single unit and use their hard drives or add more hard drives, to create a Storage Area Network. Is it possible, using Linux or BSD, to achieve this goal. Are there any recommendations as to where to start with this? I am eager to learn new things, I have experience using BSD and GNU/Linux, I just want to know which direction to go in order to achieve my goal.

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Hardware :: Building A Backblaze Storage Pod?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm building one of the backblaze storage pods:


I have followed the specs they give exactly and i have almost completed it but I am stuck trying to mount the raids. There are 3 RAID6 and i recieve the same error for each one


mount /dev/md0 /mnt/raid0
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

This is what i have done(ill just show one since they are identical except for which drives make the raid of course)


mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Version : 00.90
Creation Time : Thu Mar 4 14:50:11 2010


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Hardware :: Sub Partition A Storage Drive?

Mar 25, 2011

I formatted a new 2tb drive with XFS filesystem it appears as /dev/sdc on my system and I can mount it ok (I've copied stuff to it and can read and write from it fine)

However when I do fdisk -l it says invalid partition table for this drive only.

I'm assuming I should have created a partition like /dev/sdc1 and then formatted it?

Is there any risk/disadvantage in leaving it as it is - it will hold media files mostly.

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Hardware :: Expand SATA Storage With SAS?

Jul 11, 2011

i have a small home server that i would like to add some disks to it. ideally 4 sata2 disks.

i have been reading about SAS controller that can be installed on PCI-E connection on the motherboards.

but i am not sure how these actually work.

how i can use these? i have tried searching for it. but i get loads of selling material which does not really clarify much.

how these SAS connect to sata2 disks - do i need some adapter?

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Hardware :: Most Durable Storage Media?

Jan 25, 2011

Let's say a guy wanted to construct a time capsule. I'm referring to one of those boxes or containers that you drop in the ground, and decades later you (or someone else) digs it up to learn things from that time. And let's say you wanted to drop several Gigabytes worth of digital data in that capsule. What kind of storage media would you put it on? CD-ROM? DVD-ROM? USB stick? SATA drive? Magnetic Tape?

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Hardware :: Storage Array - How To Tell The Device

Mar 20, 2011

I'm in need to replace a harddrive with higher capacity one but I can't tell which bay is holding on to a drive which has the OS. I don't want to pull the main drive. just wondering if there is a way to light up the led light next to physical drive/bay so I don't accidentally yank out the wrong one.

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General :: Disable USB Storage From Servers?

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to disable USB storage from servers.What I did is as following1> modprobe -vr usb_storage2> blacklist usb_storageIt is working fine. But root can again load the module into the kernel. [ modeprobe -v usb_storage ] want to restrict this also. My requirement is not even root can access the usb storage.

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General :: Disable Only Usb-storage In Centos 5.5?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm using centos 5.5,my problem is that i need to disable usb-storage in my machine.But i need usb mouse and usb keyboard to function properly.I have tried all the below mentioned methods,

1.Appending blacklist-usbstorage to /etc/modprobe.d/bl*

2.removing the *.ko file,which removes the usb-storage drivers.

3.Added the line, install usb-storage /bin/true to /etc/modeprobe.conf

The first mentioned method works partially.That is the usb port in the front panel of the cpu is gets disabled.But,when i insert it at the port behind the CPU, usb-storage(pendirve) mounts automatically,which should not happen.

NOTE:usb-storage have to be disabled only for normal-users

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General :: Give Password For USB Storage?

Apr 1, 2011

Is there any way to give password to the usb storage. means those who know the password can only use the pen drive!

Distro: RHEL 5.x

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Server :: How To Best Configure Storage Space

Mar 25, 2010

I'm building an Ubuntu 9.10 home server to essentially backup all my PCs to, serve media, and store other large data (I record music and film). Here's what I have as far as storage goes:
4GB CompactFlash: for OS
2x 500GB WD drives: intended for RAID-1 for backup (which I will in turn back to external drive on a weekly basis)
3x TB Hitachi drives: intended for RAID-5 for media and storage

Both RAIDs will be software-driven. Now, a few questions:
From what I've read, I can benefit from using LVM on top of the RAID. Is this true, and besides the complexity and potential difficulties in recovery in case of disaster, is there a downside to LVM?
Would I benefit at all from using smaller logical volumes on the RAID-5, or should I just make one at the full size of the drive?

Also from what I've read, it seems that XFS may be the best filesystem to use, from a stability and performance standpoint. Should I go that route, then? I suppose that if it IS beneficial to have multiple smaller logical volumes, then there may come a point that I need to shrink and grow these logical volumes, and if that's the case, it appears XFS is out of the question. What's the runner-up; Reiser? I currently have /swap and /home partitions on the CF card. I'd at the very least like to remove the /swap partition and just create a swap file on the RAID-5. Should I move my /home partition to the RAID-5 as well?

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