Hardware :: 13 NVidia Dual Displays ?

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Fedora 13 32 bit with nVidia GeForce FX 5200 dual display AGP card.

I followed the steps on: [url]

But when I reboot I just get black screen I have to rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf then x auto starts,

I would like to have seperate displays.

I boot into runlevel 3 system-config-display will not let me select the second video card for dual head?

When in Gnome nvidia-settings tells me their is no xorg.conf to run nvidia-xconfg so I cannt configure it.

I have included my Xorg.0.log also the xorg.conf that nvidia-xconfig makes(this is a copy of it) I can provide more info if needed.

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Ubuntu :: Get Nvidia Dual Displays Functional?

May 19, 2010

i just installed lucid lynx last weekend (reinstalled it and my w7 os a few times actually after the upgrade from 9.xx to 10.04 went horribly awry).

get my dual monitors working? i have a PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX 380 low profile card which has dual monitor support and am trying to get my dual displays set up but when i go pref>admin>nvidia xserver settings, this gives me the following msg:


you do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.

so i opened a terminal and did this:


sudo nvidia-xconfig

which tells me:


Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".
Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'

i then restart ubuntu (that's what i'm supposed to do to"restart the X server", right?) and i get a startup error that wants to put me in low graphics mode, but actually ends up not in low graphics when i start.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Settings - Screen Displays Everything In A Very Wide

Mar 8, 2011

My screen displays everything in a very wide but also very short way. When i click on (X Server Display Configuration) NVIDIA X Server Settings

I get this:

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Fedora Installation :: Black Screen Displays After NVidia Splashscreen

Dec 28, 2009

Issue: Black screen displays after nVidia splashscreen.

History: I performed a clean install of Fedora 12. I performed NVidia driver "GEForce 4 and below" install for a PAE kernel as found here:[URL]..I kept a log of each command in the order performed:


Well, I just got back from the Pepsi Center after watching the Denver Nuggets NBA basketball team look silly against the Dallas Mavericks. 4.5 hours later and I still have a black screen. Was it Einstein who said, "it is insanity to do the same thing, the same way, over and over and expect a different result"? I feel I will been testing that hypothesis soon.

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General :: Setup Dual Displays On The Ubuntu 9.10 Distribution?

Feb 21, 2010

Do you now how to setup dual displays on the Ubuntu 9.10 distribution? HP Laptop 6910 with ATI driver?

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Hardware :: NVIDIA 8800 GTS - Dual Boot Fedora 10 Does Not See The NVIDIA Driver

Feb 5, 2009

I am experiencing the following issue. After enabling SLI and PhysX in windows vista, my dual boot fedora 10 does not see the NVIDIA driver.

Doing: cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/0 I get? in the VGA bios for both cards.

I disabled both SLI and PhysX in vista, but the problem persists. I powerdown and unplugged the rig for several hours without results.

Here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Q9300
Board: MSI P7N Diamond
CARD0: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
CARD1: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
RAM : 4 Gbytes OCZ gold PC6400 (4 x 1 Gbytes)
PSU : Thermaltake SLI ready 850 W

It is important to mention that initially Fedora did see the cards and I was able to set up a dual monitor system. It right was after I enable SLI and PhysX and re-booting into Linux that the problem showed up.

I have seen this issue before in another machine with an ASUS board, but not until today I associated with the SLI setup. My guess is that there has to be something that the driver is enabling in the cards that messes up the interface between the nvidia.ko module and the kernel, but I don't know what may fix it. I need this system for some numerical calculations.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Dual Screen Launcher - Right Hand Screen Displays Everything Except The Desktop Launchers

Apr 25, 2011

I have a dual screen setup with one card NVidia 8400GS.

Both screen are identical 22" LCD LG W2246 Monitors.

I have Dual X-Display setup.

I am using Gnome Desktop.

The left hand screen displays everything, menus, panels, background and of course desktop launchers.

The right hand screen displays everything except the desktop launchers.

If I create a new launcher on the left it appears on the left desktop when created.

If I create a new launcher on the right it appears on the left and can not be dragged over to the right screen.

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Fedora :: "gap" Between Dual-head Portrait Displays?

Aug 20, 2009

I did a fresh install of FC11. I have 2 Dell 22" widescreen monitors turned in portrait mode. The display preferences tool let me rotate the displays, but wont let me move them directly adjacent to each other, so I have what amounts to a "gap" between this displays. This is very annoying when dragginga window from one display to the other, as it disappears when it is in the gap, and causes a "delay" when just moving the mouse from one display to the other.The behavior I get when I try to drag the displays adjacent to each other, is that they will go anywhere EXCEPT adjacent...as in they will happily overlap or cover each other, or partially overlap diagaonally etc. Note that they will go adjacent when in normal rotation.

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Set Up Dual Monitors With Nvidia

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to set up my monitor and tv for dual display but I'm having some problems. I want them to display the same thing so I've enabled twinview and I figured the second display position should be set as clone but when I save xorg and restart the x server the position reverts to absolute. Anyway, the monitor is set as the primary display and it's the one I'm having problems with. The tv is fine but the monitor's display is stretched off the screen so I can't see the far right or bottom of the screen. I'm very new to linux and I'm just finding my feet so if there's any other info needed you'll probably have to be very specific.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Support With NVidia ?

May 8, 2010

I've managed to get dual monitor support working, but it seems a little sub-standard.

- I can't find how to alter the relative y offsets of each screen
- I can't drag windows from one side to the other

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 And Nvidia With Dual Monitors?

Apr 11, 2011

I just built a system with an Nvidia GT240 and Ubuntu 10.10. I have two monitors and am trying to get them set up. I currently have them working fine in twin view but I'd like to have set up as separate X screens. However, whenever I do that X crashes. I've got the latest drivers set up from the x-sane PPA so I'm not sure what more I can do. My driver version is 270.29.

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Fedora :: F13: Nvidia Wallpaper Spanning With Dual Monitors?

Sep 23, 2010

Ever since upgrading from F11 to F13, wallpaper spanning has been driving me nuts. No matter what the size of the wallpaper, I cannot get it to span two desktops correctly anymore. Most styles (zoom, scale, etc...) cause the image to be duplicated on both screens and the "span" style centers the image between the screens and appears to scale down the image leaving large gaps on either side. It's like the background program doesn't recognize the "virtual resolution".

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Fedora :: NVIDIA Bin Driver - Gnome3 - Dual Monitor ?

May 25, 2011

I have recently installed FC15 on my system. Dual monitor support seems to be broken with my setup. I am using the latest NVIDIA binary blob driver (270.41.19). I compiled my own kernel for it, version 2.6.39.

When gnome3 starts it almost manages to boot up, but then it crashes and gives me the option of logging out. I have my system booting into target 'multi-user.target' since I was doing some other stuff and I use `startx' to start gnome3. I tried running having X use xinerama and not use xinerama, both cause gnome3 to crash, albeit in different ways. Other than that I am running a stock install as far as I know.

If there are some logs I should be looking at for gnome3.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVidia Dual Monitor - Different (or Only One) Screensavers

Jan 26, 2010

I have a dual head setup with NVidia drivers. Is it possible to run gnome - screensaver (or xscreensaver) only in one head / monitor?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dual Monitor With Nvidia And Unity 3d?

May 5, 2011

How can i be able to enable dynamically my second monitor and use Unity at the same time?Summary system:HP Compaq 8710p laptop, Nvidia Quadra 320M, Natty 64bit, with attached 2nd 19" monitorDescription steps taken this far:By default ubuntu ships with the following xorg.conf conform the new minimalist trend:


Section "Device"
Identifier "Default Device"
Option "NoLogo" "True"

I use the nvidia-current binary drivers. In this configuration:Unity works Xrandr sees 1 screen (so no configuration of second screen possible)Standard monitor configuration tool in Ubuntu shows 1 screen With [URL]


disper -d auto -e

my second monitor comes alive. My laptopscreen becomes dark (with moving mouse cursor). Unity / Ubuntu classic (no effects) go into scrambled mode. Mouse is moving, objects are


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Nvidia No Xorg.conf And Dual Monitors

Jun 2, 2011

fresh install of 11.04 on a built system (frankenstein leftovers), 2.something ghz, 1gb ram, a host of drives, and a 64mb nvidia mx440 with svideo out. Boots up, looks pretty, something about unity not finding 3d graphics (fine, i don't really want it, just more fancy gui crap to suck cpu cycles) and runs fairly well. so I think, cool, svideo out, old 52" rear projection....HTPCish. "Lemme get this thing hooked up to the tv, what a great idea" So, I start looking around and find all kinds of wrong posts about not Natty, and not my video card, and I try this n that,and it doesn't work. I'm all about reading the forums, but I can't find the right info for my sitiation, and I'm overwhelmed/irritated.

Long story short, I added some repository ppg something, and then dl'd and installed the "nvidia-current" driver. After a reboot, I fire up the nvidia gui, and it tells me I have no xorg.conf and to run a particular command in terminal to make one. So I did it. and after another reboot, my system just hangs at "ubuntu" with the four (five?) dots. Reboot, recovery, something something something, safe graphics, backup your xorg.conf? yes. reboot and all is ok now. still no nvidia support. Now I'm reading the internet machine about the xorg.conf being old school, and how I have to make a monitor.conf file with config settings. only problem is it tells me to go to x11/xorg.conf.d/whatever. I have no xorg.conf.d directory. So what's the deal? How in the hell do I get the nvidia driver installed (I think I got that), configured (I have no clue), and running (yeah, I just saw a flying pig)?

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Ubuntu :: Separate Dual Screen In 11.04 - Nvidia Settings ?

Jul 9, 2011

I currently have a problem with my nvidia settings

I reinstalled 11.04 kubuntu recently and I no longer could use my second screen.

I looked into my nvidia settings and enabled my second screen (separate x screen).

However when I do so and press apply the second screen does nothing.

This is two desktop monitors and not a laptop and a monitor.

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Hardware :: Dual Head Monitors Under Nvidia With A Twist?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an Nvidia card that supports two monitors. Actually I have it setup. The problem I am having is I want to turn one of my monitors sideways so I can read forms easier. I can do this with just one monitor. RandR works fine with that. But it seems that when the system makes the two monitors into one long one it will not allow me to tweak the rotation in RandR.

Is there something I am missing. I deal with a lot of contracts and forms. And when I am reading them I hate scrolling. So I thought this could be an option. I have searched the net for 6 hours now. Maybe I do not know what I should be searching for.

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Fedora Hardware :: Nvidia - Dual GPU - Hard Lockup - Freeze ?

May 16, 2010

I've been running F@H on my system for a while now, these specs:

ASUS Rampage Formula
Q9450 @ 3.6Ghz
8800GT 512MB
Fedora 12

Running various different nvidia drivers, with working 3D, and running the latest nvidia drivers with cuda for GPU2 folding + SMP folding.

I decided to add a 9800GT to the machine for more folding PPD, and I've run into some issues.

Firstly there were problems starting X, it would hang as it started or even before it started, so I switched to RPMFusion's repo drivers which have the VGA_ARB patch applied. This now gets me into X and working 2D.

The problem I have is, although the system is completely stable running folding on all four cores, SMP, 24/7, as soon as I start anything involving 3D (such as glxgears) it will run for 3 seconds then hardlock the machine. I mean seriously lock it, no switching to terminals, and an ssh session into it from another PC dies.

Its the same with any other driver that will boot into X with the VGA_ARB patch (talking nvidia binary here).

Both cards work perfectly individually, AND both cards work, including full 3D in Windows 7 when together, which would tend to rule out a hardware fault.

Here is my xorg.conf


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Ubuntu :: Dual Head On 2009 Mac Mini (nvidia 9400)?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm looking at the 2009 apple mac mini ([URL]and wondering if anyone has gotten dual head working? I'm putting two 17" or 19" monitors on, so nothing too adventurous. I know that I'll require the "Mini-DisplayPort-to-DVI" to get Dual DVI Adpaters, but I wanted to confirm that dual head would be supported from the start. I'm aware that there are issues with rebooting the device, possibly as a result of the wireless drivers. That doesn't bother me. Dual-head is a requirement I intend installing 9.10 and dual booting macos for firmware updates.

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Ubuntu :: Save The Dual Monitor Using Nvidia X Server Manager?

Feb 18, 2010

I wanted to know how to save the dual monitor using Nvidia X server Manager. I googled how to and it said to delete the "xorg.conf" However I dont have the Permission to delete this file so I would also need to know how to gain full admin access to my Ubuntu Account.

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Ubuntu :: NVidia Dual Monitor - Auto Detection - Without To Restart X?

Jun 22, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu on my laptop. My laptop has an nVidia card so I'm forced to use the nVidia configuration tools. What I'd like to happen is for it to automatically start using my monitors if they're detected. OR, make a simple script that will enable the monitors without needing to restart X.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wish To Install As Dual Boot On A Nvidia RAID

Jun 2, 2011

I am currently with Wubi 10.04 under Vista and my Dell XPS 630i has a 1 TB Nvidia RAID controller.First image (Option A) suggests /dev/sda as device for boot loader installation, while second image (Option B) suggests /dev/mapper/nvidia_bcidhdja.I think that the way of keeping the RAID would be using Option B as the device for boot loader installation. Would Option A break the RAID instead?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Install NVidia Drivers To Use Dual Monitor

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to install nVidia drivers on CentOS 5.4 and it is requiring kernel-source
# lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)

For the installation of kernel source, I have followed the steps on [URL]. I followed the steps under 2.1 and they worked for me. Now what can be done for the installation of the kernel-source package. When I am trying to install nVidia drivers, I am getting error, following are lines from installation log of Driver.

-> Tagging shared libraries with chcon -t textrel_shlib_t.
-> License accepted.
-> Installing NVIDIA driver version 185.18.31.
-> No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you like the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel from the NVIDIA ftp site [URL]? (Answer: Yes)
-> No matching precompiled kernel interface was found on the NVIDIA ftp site; this means that the installer will need to compile a kernel interface for your kernel.
-> Performing CC sanity check with CC="cc".
-> Performing CC version check with CC="cc".

ERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the 'kernel-source' or 'kernel-devel' RPM installed. If you know the correct kernel source files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the '--kernel-source-path' command line option.

ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details. You may find suggestions on fixing installation problems in the README available on the Linux driver download page at [URL]. I want to install driver.

# rpm -q kernel-
# rpm -q kernel-devel
# rpm -q kernel-source
package kernel-source is not installed

The nVidia Driver I am installing is:
# uname -a
Linux harvey 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu May 13 13:48:44 EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Only reason to install the proper driver is to use dual monitor.

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Debian Multimedia :: Configuring Individual Font DPI For Dual Screen (Nvidia)?

Dec 9, 2010

When using dual screen (separate X for each one), how can one set specific font DPI for each screen, when they also have different resolution (with Nvidia driver)?

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Fedora Hardware :: F12 Upgrade - NVidia Card - Dual Monitors - Only One Monitor

Nov 26, 2009

I used preupgrade to upgrade from F11 to F12. In F11, I used the proprietary nVidia drivers from rpmfusion, and they worked well. I have refrained from installing the nVidia drivers in F12, because of the problems reported for users of KDE. I removed my old xorg.conf, which has references to the nVidia driver and to "TwinView," the proprietary method of managing two screens, so as to let X discover both monitors.

Now, however, my second monitor stays black, even though xrandr and KDE RandR show both monitors correctly. Xorg.0.log shows the nouveau driver is loaded. (I also tried to create a new xorg.conf following guidelines from the web, but many of the guidelines are from before xrandr, and I'm not confident I have it right yet.) It seems that X believes I have two monitors, because I can drag a window off into the blackness (and it's never heard from again!) I know that the hardware is working, because I just booted into Windows 7, and I could see the desktop on both windows.

How do I convince X and KDE to display on both monitors?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Tool For Dynamic Dual Monitors For Nvidia - Disper

Feb 28, 2010

Anyone using dual monitors (dual head) and has a nvidia graphic card, might be interested in the app, Disper, nvnews.

You can configure a dual monitor, on/off, via nvidia-settings, but you can automate it with Disper by writing a script to execute something like:

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Kde / Nvidia Slow Down With Dual Monitor Configuration - Resolve It?

Mar 4, 2011

I run opensuse 11.3/kde desktop.
- updated to KDE:Factory
- X11 repository (V1.9.3)
- proprietary nvidia drivers (260.19.36)

Video card is a Quadro NVS 290. A dual head configuration using twinview is run.

The desktop becomes slow almost immediately (couple of seconds) after logging in (all applications). Turning off desktop effects does not make a difference as well as trying the various recipes on the internet regarding x.org conf-files.
The only action restoring responsiveness is to simply start nvidia-settings. Putting the following pseudo-action into a script-file and mapping it to a key allows to have a workable environment:

nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=0 && nvidia-settings -a PixmapCache=1

It is very annoying having to press a key every minute or so. Instead of creating a cronjob I would like to solve this issue. This behavior has been consistent across kde/x-org/nvidia/kernel updates for many month now.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cannot Run Dual Monitors With NVidia-gfxG02 Proprietary Drivers?

Mar 15, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.4 with standard KDE and two screens attached.Here's the question: How do I configure dual monitors when using the proprietary nVidia drivers?The openSUSE 11.4 installation put in the "nouveau" drivers for my nVidia card and I was able to configure dual monitors using KDE's Configure Desktop --> Display & Monitors GUI configurator. I could also set up dual monitors using a script based on xrandr (e.g. "xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto --pos 0x0 --output DVI-I-1 --auto --pos 1920x0")My screens are detected as VGA-1 and DVI-I-1 by the nouveau drivers.

OK, today I switched to the proprietary nVidia drivers. Only one of the screens is now detected and displayed in the KDE monitor configurator and that's marked as "default" rather than as a VGA or DVI connection.When I run xrandr to configure monitors, I get error messages if I refer to VGA or DVI hardware.

More info -- RPMs


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Ubuntu :: Dual Workspaces On Separate Monitors With Nvidia Propriatary Drivers

Feb 25, 2010

I need a seperate workspace on each monitor and I use nvidia propriatary graphics drivers (I have a Geforce 9500 GT Graphics Card. It has one dvi port and one vga using both for my monitors.) The only problem is whenever I try to save the settings I apply something like twinview or the seperate x workspaces with the second monitor enabled It applys it but this is what happens in sequence (It may be only twinview that does this but i'm not sure not at my home computer right now):

1.) Picture cuts out to a blank screen on main monitor
2.) Pictures turns on in the second monitor (Its a seperate workspace from the main monitor)
3.) 3 to 5 seconds later the picute cuts out to the second monitor
4.) I'm left with two blank screen monitors and no way to turn the GUI back on other than a complete restart of the computer.

I need help on both of these issues. If it helps any one monitor is a CRT (The one on the right) and the one on the left is an LCD (The LCD is the main one). I also have Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit Karmic Koala if that helps. Lastly I have the latest propriatary graphics driver from nvidia (185 I think.) I also installed the driver from nvidia via Jockey (I think thats the name of the default driver installer for ubuntu..?) That is my situation and as you can tell its a pretty complicated one.

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