General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Which Oh Which Installation To Use?

Aug 27, 2010

Possible Duplicates: Is dual boot worth-while? Is there any practical reason to dual-boot Linux alongside Windows? Is it better to dual-boot or run a VM? ok so here's my issue, I'm taking a PC programming class and want to install ubuntu to work on some of the programming. Should I install ubuntu as a dual boot, or as a virtual machine? If i install it as a virtual machine will it be able to use the same amount of resources as if i dual booted it? Also, if i go that route what virtual software should i use?

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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General :: Fedora 12 Installation / Change The Installation Background Not Desktop Background?

Feb 16, 2010

I want to change installation background image in fedora 12.

How to change the installation background not desktop background.

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General :: Ubuntu Installation Without CD?

Mar 20, 2011

How can I install Ubuntu from my download folder? I have an .iso file. Also, I am wanting to install Ubuntu on an external hard drive.

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General :: 2nd HDD Is Not Mounted After Ubuntu Installation?

Apr 20, 2010

I recently formatted my hard drive and installed Ubuntu and I have the following problem: My laptop has to inbuilt hard drives, one which I use for the operating system and one which I use for storage. Up until 3 days ago, I had Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.04 installed on one of the hard drives, but decided to switch fully to Ubuntu 9 because Windows was giving me far too many issues. So I downloaded the ISO, burned it on CD and then installed. I formatted (as far as I could tell) only one drive but the other one has disappeared from view ever since. I asked a more Linux savvy friend of mine for help and he only got as far as determining that the 2nd HDD is still detected but not mounted. And then he referred me here.

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General :: Scisoft - Installation On Ubuntu?

Jan 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop and I am trying to install "Scisoft" software. I have downloaded the tar file but I do not know how to install it.

It seems only untarring the tar ball is not enough for installation, since when I untarred it and then recalled for example "ds9" nothing happened.

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General :: After Installation Of Ubuntu 9.10 PC Keeps Hanging

Dec 16, 2010

a few weeks ago i installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my PC on which i was previously using Ubuntu 8.10. However after the installation of the new version, my machine keeps hanging all the time,like i can use it for 20 minutes and it hangs and completely freezes, so i have to force a shutdown in order to restart and it does so very often, i don't know where the problem really is. The PC is Pentium 4, 40GB hard disk, 512MB RAM, processor speed of 1.8 GHz.

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General :: Can't Start The Installation Of Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 11, 2011

when i try to boot from the cd that contains the ubuntu 9.10 it doesn't give me any thing: i have dell inspiron 1564 VGA: intel hd graphics windows 7 i doubt that the problem is caused by the vga

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General :: Java Installation On Ubuntu 10.10?

Feb 5, 2011

I have recently left windows for Linux. Because I am used to windows I am also used to the installation wizard that made installing programs easy. I'm finding difficulty in using the terminal for installation of Java. once I had made the download I moved the file into my home directory and used the terminal to install from there. But when I tried to install the Java SDK package I received this error message. "Could not locate a suitable jar utility. Please ensure that you have Java 6 or newer installed on your system and accessible in your PATH or by setting JAVA_HOME" it seems I did something wrong. I know this is probably just a major newbie mistake but

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General :: Ns-2.29 Installation On Ubuntu 9.04 / Getting Error?

Oct 19, 2010

I have installed ns-allinone-2.29 onto Ubuntu 9.04.Tcl 8.4.11 works perfectly but I am facing a problem with nam 1.11

I used the following commands

ns-allinone-2.29:~$patch -p1 <mannasim-patch.diff
ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29/mannasim:~$sudo gedit dataGenerator.h
ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29/mannasim:~$sudo gedit sensorNode.h

I got the same MouseWheel error

If any other details are necessary to clear the picture i can provide them (i dont know how much to mention right now)

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General :: Oracle10gr2 Installation On Ubuntu?

Sep 18, 2010

Ihave downladed ubuntu86x64 (Linux version2.6.32-24-generic) from ubuntu site and installed it on my windows vista X64 laptop. I'm trying to install oracle 10gr2 on ubuntu 86x64. First of all I don't want to go with ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs /opt/oracle/database/install/oraparam.ini could be fixed some how... Because it is lot easier to fix the errors before installation rather than after installation.

Enterprise Manager configuration failed due to the following error.... Invalid value null for parameter PORT

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Installation Does Not Complete

Feb 12, 2011

i am having a problem installing ubuntu 10.10. i had windows vista and used ubuntu inside windows with no problem. then, i wanted to reset my vista to its factory conditions (just to clean up space and get rid of hidden or unnecessary things) using the recovery disk - and the recovery disk partially worked, removed my os and didn't 'restore' anything. so i decided to just go all the way to ubuntu anyway, which was the plan all along, just sooner now.

i have the disk and i can easily make it to the 'try ubuntu' feature. however, when i try to actually install ubuntu, i make it all the way to the 'who are you page?' but the 'forward' button isn't accessible (which is how i noticed something might be wrong). this happens whether i try to install after trying ubuntu or if i try to direcly install without trying it first. i fill in the data, the installation says it's copying files, etc... and then, when it's done, it says 'ready when you are'. that's it. i can't click on 'forward', and none of the 'information about ubuntu' features and pics scroll by while the setup is taking place. i can't do anything at this point. the system isn't really frozen but it just does nothing. (i thought i might have to restart the computer but the only options i have are 'hibernate' and 'suspend'. also, once i manually restart everything it reloads all over again. when i take the disk out and restart, i see NOTHING. the vaio logo comes on, then the screen goes black and i see the cursor prompt but nothing else at all and i can't do anything at all.

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General :: Can Virtual Current XP Installation Within Ubuntu?

Aug 19, 2010

I have XP currently installed on my work machine, which is getting a bit outdated and sluggish. I was hoping to install Ubuntu 32-bit through Wubi and use VirtualBox to run XP.Would it be possible to mount my current XP installation?Would this even be advisable in order to speed up the XP applications I need to access?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Compile General (FreeCiv)

Feb 12, 2010

i tried to find a .deb for FreeCiv but can't find nothing, and the unofficial packages shows one from getdeb, but there was no file, like usual, i have never found anything at getdeb! how come you love that site that much?.

Anyway, i still want to install a couple of games, for instant freeciv, how to compile these tar.bz2 packages?

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General :: Devices Lost After Ubuntu Installation

Apr 28, 2011

After I managed to crash my Debian on a version upgrade and failed to reinstall it by the netinstall CD I decided to switch to Ubuntu on my (old) fileserver. Unfortunately some of the disks can not be mounted:


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General :: Encryption On Ubuntu Lucid After Installation

Jul 21, 2010

I'm a relative newby to Linux so forgive me if this is a simple question. I know that if you install Ubuntu using the alternate CD, you can create a whole disk encrypted installation, but what about after a normal installation? What is the best procedure to use to get more than just the home folder encryted? Installation of Fedora 13 gives the option during a normal install to encrypt more than just the home folder. I really only want to encrypt my Ubuntu partition. I have a laptop with a multi-boot setup with Windows 7, Fedora 13 and Ubuntu 10.04 all residing in their own partition. Because of this setup I really can't use whole disk encryption. I use Truecrypt on my Windows 7 partition and it works great but encryption of a Linux system partition is not supported.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Installation - GUI Failing To Start

Dec 5, 2010

I had an Ubuntu 10.10 installation that ran fine for around a month or so. I decided to go out and try to install aptosid (formerly known as sidux) as a dual boot. I couldn't get the desktop to boot in the LiveCD and kept getting an error saying that the nouveau module could not be loaded. I rebooted and at the main LiveCD screen, I added xmodule=vesa xres=1440X900. I was able to get a 1024x768 resolution. I decided that I really didn't like aptosid, so I shut it down and took out the LiveCD. When I booted back into Ubuntu, my resolution changed down to 640x480 for some reason. I decided to remove the proprietary nVidia driver I had installed via jockey. Once it was removed, I restarted. Now, I see no startup splash or a login screen - my monitor just goes to sleep.

I have all my files backed up already, so I decided to pop in my Kubuntu 10.10 LiveCD to install that. Once I choose the "Start Kubuntu" option, my monitor goes to sleep. I tried putting in Linux Mint Debian Edition LiveCD to see if that would work, and I had the same issue. After this, I went for the nuclear option and installed Windows 7 to see if it would wipe out any memory of my Linux drivers from the system. The Windows drivers for my card worked fine, so I decided to put the Kubuntu LiveCD back in and got the same problem. I am currently running a Partition Magic LiveCD, but could only boot into it using the Xvesa option instead of Xorg. My video card is an nVidia 9800 GT - and it has always worked in the past.

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General :: Installation Of Sound Drivers In Ubuntu 10.10?

Nov 20, 2010

install the sound driver in ubuntu 10.10

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General :: Ffmpeg Installation With Ubuntu 10.10 And Configure With Php?

Apr 25, 2011

I have installed xampp1.7.3 in "/opt/" directory .

Where i have to install ffmpeg either in web root i.e 'htdoc' or any where?

How to install ffmpeg?

What are the lib has to be installed for converting any movies uploaded by user to avi and capture image from video?

How to configure with php so that ffmpeg is visible in phpinfo()?

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General :: Knoppix Versus Ubuntu Installation CD

Feb 12, 2010

On my ms windows machine, the OS went out of order, and I wanted to salvage all my pictures, and decided to use a live CD and move some of my media files to my mp3 player... its storage is 8 gigabytes I tried a latest Knoppix first, it did not provide me a nice GUI. Instead, it provide me with a humble looking, less than friendly, menu-based interface which I gave up on in about 3 minutes. I was thinking for a minute, and when I tried to install Ubuntu in the past, one of the options I was provided when I ran the Ubuntu installation CD was "Try Ubuntu without installing it" and I thought it meant the Ubuntu installation CD could also be used a live CD. And I put together an Ubuntu CD and attempted to use it as a live CD! ah man it was beautiful. It even recognized the video card on my machine. I am never going back to knoppix. From now on, when someone ever mentions Knoppix to me, my response will be, "what is Knoppix?"

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General :: Preventing Package Installation In Ubuntu 11.04?

May 1, 2011

I'm in the process of installing the usual Python/Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib combination. I'm using the installed version of Python (2.7) on Ubuntu 11.04 but I've compiled Numpy and Scipy (and ATLAS/LAPACK etc.) from source. I now want to install matplotlib from the repositories but every time I do python-numpy is installed as a dependency of python-matplotlib. I've tried "apt-get hold python-numpy" etc. and also locking the version of each package in synaptic but both synaptic and apt-get will happily install the packages when requested, I assume because hold/lock version don't work on packages that aren't yet installed.

How can I prevent these packages being installed? Or is there a way to tell Ubuntu that I already have versions?

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General :: Mouse Pad Is Not Working After The Installation Of Ubuntu?

Feb 28, 2011

i have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my sony vaio VPCEB34EN laptop but its mouse pad is not working.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Installation Stalls?

May 1, 2010

I've downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 from the UK mirror of the Ubuntu site. When I try to install the OS from the CD it stalls at various different places. I have been able to get it to a max of 25% of installation before stalling, but more often than not it stalls when I'm trying to choose the keyboard type, or when I'm trying to setup my username / PC hostname.

I've carried out an md5sum on the iso and it shows no errors. I've downloaded the iso a second time and carried out the same check, and similarly no errors.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Lts Installation Using Flash Drive

Feb 25, 2011

I am successful installing ubuntu on new systems. I am unable to install the os on pentium 4 with 256 mb RAM using flash drive. I am getting "could not find kernal image: linux"

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General :: Install Veetle On Ubuntu 10.04 Installation

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to install Veetle on my Ubuntu 10.04 installation. at the end I get this message:


Veetle Installed Successfully. You can now browse our video-web at [URL] it says its installed but when I go back to the website to watch a channel it just tells me to download and install again so I can watch.

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General :: Create A Bootable Ubuntu (10.04) USB Installation For Macintosh?

Jun 3, 2010

I tried searching the Internet, but could not find a decent tutorial explaining how to create a bootable Ubuntu Linux (10.04) USB installation that could be run not only on a PC but also on Macs and MacBook Pros. In addition, I tried refit, but ended with "Missing operating system" error.Here is basically the layout of my bootable under PC Ubuntu USB drive (using MBR):Partition 1 (ext3, bootable) - Ubuntu Linux 32 bit, contains also grub2 bootloader.Partition 2 (ext3) - Ubuntu Linux 64 bit.Partition 3 (fat32) - contains data.What would be the best way to enable this drive to boot under Mac OS X? And if refit has to be used, could I simply have one more partition on the USB drive containing it?

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General :: Find The Installation Path Of Binutils, Gcc-3.4.4.tar.gz In Ubuntu?

Apr 5, 2011

I have ubuntu 8.10. In this I could find the binutils, gcc are installed. But when ever I try to know that glibc, glibc-linuxthreads are installed are not. It showing that no package is found. For that I have downloaded glibc-2.3.3.tar.gz, glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.3.tar.gz.I want to install these two package.i dont know where to install as am novice to linux.

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General :: Acer Aspire One D255e - N57 And Ubuntu Installation?

Jun 5, 2011

The acer netbook D255e - N57 comes with a factory installed linux OS but Acer reps seem unable to fully instal Ubuntu 10.1 or 10.04. Even linux lite lacked the drivers to run several things. Is it possible to do this??? If it can be fully installed I will definitely go for a new cyber life with linux but if not I may have to remain a thrall to bill gates and go for a Eee PC netbook instead.

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General :: Creation Of Swap Partition During Ubuntu 9.10 Installation

Mar 26, 2010

When I do a "clean" install of Ubuntu 9.10, Step 5 of 7 is when you choose how to partition your hard drive. My Acer Aspire Desktop has 8GB of RAM and a single 160GB SATA hard drive. If I choose to let Ubuntu do the partitioning, only three partitions are created and one of them IS a Swap partition. However, if I choose the second option to manually create my own partition tables, there is NO Swap option listed in the drop-down list of partitions to create!! Why in the world not, considering the importance of this partition and the fact that the first option DOES automatically create it? A second related (I think) is about the Live System Rescue CD and GParted 4.9. When do you use either of these utilities? After all, GParted is included System Rescue CD.

So, if I want and choose to do a manual/advanced partitioning of my hdd, the only time I can see using either utility is after the complete installation of the Ubuntu distro. Yet, choosing to manually partition my hard drive always results in an error or warning message that I haven't created a Swap partition before proceeding to Step 6 of the installation. Well, of course not since the choice isn't even possible. Good grief, what am I supposed to do when I arrive at the step where I am supposed to choose and then create the partitions for my hdd? Choose the first option, which I don't think is wise/good at all, especially with security in mind. Or choose the second option of using a program like GParted at all? It is hard enough for me to choose a partitioning scheme at all, since opinions on how many partitions are needed and what sizes they should be.

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General :: Installation Of Ubuntu 10.04 By Virtualbox/vmware Player

May 30, 2010

My computer has 512 mb ram..i am using xp..i want to install ubuntu 10.04 within this xp(without dual booting).I heard about virtual machine such as virtual box or vmware player that help us to do the i want to ask which one will be good practice vmware or virtualbox..remember i have only 512 mb ram...

I have also doubt regarding these quereis..
1) can i install software of my choice in ubuntu after installation.
2) can i access internet by ubuntu
3) if i keep some data in ubuntu...will it be kept there also after machine shut down.

Actually i did dual booting xp and ubuntu..i succeed but sometimes my computer get stucked due to low memory..

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