General :: Can't Start The Installation Of Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 11, 2011

when i try to boot from the cd that contains the ubuntu 9.10 it doesn't give me any thing: i have dell inspiron 1564 VGA: intel hd graphics windows 7 i doubt that the problem is caused by the vga

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Installation - GUI Failing To Start

Dec 5, 2010

I had an Ubuntu 10.10 installation that ran fine for around a month or so. I decided to go out and try to install aptosid (formerly known as sidux) as a dual boot. I couldn't get the desktop to boot in the LiveCD and kept getting an error saying that the nouveau module could not be loaded. I rebooted and at the main LiveCD screen, I added xmodule=vesa xres=1440X900. I was able to get a 1024x768 resolution. I decided that I really didn't like aptosid, so I shut it down and took out the LiveCD. When I booted back into Ubuntu, my resolution changed down to 640x480 for some reason. I decided to remove the proprietary nVidia driver I had installed via jockey. Once it was removed, I restarted. Now, I see no startup splash or a login screen - my monitor just goes to sleep.

I have all my files backed up already, so I decided to pop in my Kubuntu 10.10 LiveCD to install that. Once I choose the "Start Kubuntu" option, my monitor goes to sleep. I tried putting in Linux Mint Debian Edition LiveCD to see if that would work, and I had the same issue. After this, I went for the nuclear option and installed Windows 7 to see if it would wipe out any memory of my Linux drivers from the system. The Windows drivers for my card worked fine, so I decided to put the Kubuntu LiveCD back in and got the same problem. I am currently running a Partition Magic LiveCD, but could only boot into it using the Xvesa option instead of Xorg. My video card is an nVidia 9800 GT - and it has always worked in the past.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adobe - When Click On Icon In Start Menu Or On Desktop It Fails To Start

Oct 27, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, downloaded Adobe reader '.bin', from the terminal

It extracted and asked me for a installation location, to which i put [~]

It then finished the installation.

But when i click on the icon in the start menu or on desktop it fails to start, when i also click on a .pdf document it also fails to start!

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General :: Pc Will Not Start After Aborted Installation?

Aug 1, 2010

I dont really know what screwed up, but I build a tower pc and installed ubuntu on it and it was working fine. I thought I would try out arch linux, and so started to install it however, the power accidently got turned off half way through. After this the pc would not start - no lights, nothing. I held the start button in for a while with no power and then turned the power back on.It came on, so just to play safe, I re-installed ubuntu and it was working ok. I only get to use the pc occasionally as I dont have elecricity, I live in a truck and normally use a laptop. The other day I went to use the pc and nothing. It wont turn on, and is as dead as a do do. If I hold the start button in for 30 seconds the fan on the cpu starts to spin for about a second and then nothing, no lights or anything. Does anyone have any ideas pls? Have I screwed my motherboard up, by the installation being aborted?

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General :: Installation - Wipe Hard Drive To Start Over

Aug 8, 2011

I had Ubuntu on my hard drive and tried to install Arch Linux. Things got messy and I now have an unstable, unbootable machine. I feel the installation failed because there were remains of Ubuntu. I'd like to wipe the hard drive and start over from scratch; without anything on there. How do I do this? I have several partitions made in a desperate attempt to make it all work. So I'd like to remove all partitions and any other information that's on the drive. I can not start any OS, but I can boot with the Live USB of Arch Linux...

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General :: Uninstall Current Opensuse 11.3 Installation And Start Again With A Different Distro?

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to uninstall my current opensuse 11.3 installation and start again with a different distro. How do I go about doing this?

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General :: Start Script Bash When System Start Stop Reeboot?

Dec 10, 2009

I have 3 script BASH. I want start this script when the system start,stop and reeboot.

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General :: Start Up Script That Displays Icons On The Far Right Of Start Panel?

Sep 2, 2010

I am using Rhel5 and I'm new to linux so pardon me for sounding a bit green around the ears.Anyway..I got an error message a few weeks ago about how the start up script that displays icons on the far right of my start panel was malfunctioning and it was going to be deleted from the start-up. didn't really know what it really meant and I just clicked ok.wireless eth0 status icon as well as my amarok status icon are hidden on the start panel. How do I get it back/add that script back to the start-up

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General :: How To Get Conky Start Automatically When Start Fvwm

Sep 22, 2009

I use Opensuse 11 with fvwm. How can I get conky start automatically when I start fvwm?

I setup the conky under fvwm session for my Opensuse 11 but it won't start automatically. I am wondering how to write some kind of scripts to force it to start automatically and with a delay about 10 seconds after fvwm starts.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Installation Won't Start After Upgrading From Karmic To Lucid

Apr 30, 2010

My Windows Vista installation won't start after upgrading from Karmic to Lucid. If I select it on GRUB2, it leaves a blinking cursor on screen. And I tried doing the whole test disk thing and the boot info script. This is what my Results.txt file says


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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Won't Start, Installation Won't Boot?

Oct 13, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 2 days ago and tried to instal it on my:HP EliteBook 8540wIntel Core i7 740QMIntel QM57 Express8GB RAMnVidia Quadro FX 1800 with CUDA (1GB)Of course I went 64bit, but the Live CD wouldn't start. Instead I get some weird artifacts on my screen.I can see bits of my Windows-background with taskbar and some of the windows I was using earlier before restarting, like the download manager. If cold boot my PC I see black and white boxes with coloured dots on them.

Thus I thought of an issue with the 64bit architecture and possibly the grafics card too (the artifacts are clearly remnants of data from the VRAM)I tried the same with the 32bit version and got the same issue (indicating NO issue with 64bit, at least not directly).In the end, I installed Ubuntu from the alternate 64bit CD and now am stuck with a non-working installation of Ubuntu.I get some kind of error concerning pcieport (probably PCI Express).When I install Ubuntu on Virtualbox through Windows 7 however, I don't get any kind of issue (I'd still like to be able to run Ubuntu natively)Any idea on how to fix the problem?PS: I'm not very experienced with Linux, so if you ask me to go into console mode, please be detailed on what command I should input.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB - Can't Start XP After Installation Of U10.10 / Sort It?

Jan 26, 2011

After I finally successfully installed ubuntu, I cannot start Windows from the GRUB start menue.

Since I am an absolute beginner

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cups Will Not Start On New Installation Of Natty?

May 17, 2011

I am unable to print on a new installation of Natty.The print configuration utility reports that no printing service is available. I have comfirmed that cups is installed and get a positive response to "whereis cupsd" When I attempt to start cups from the cl (service cups start) I receive the following response: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.63" (uid=1000 pid=5577 comm="start cups ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))

There are no errors produced in the logs - either cups or syslog and if I turn apparmour to complain mode nothing improves: sudo aa-complain cupsd

I am aware of this post: [URL]... but since the workaround has no effect and in the absence of error messages I am not sure that it applies and cannot implement - and note that no print drivers are in play since I can't get cups to start.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Netbook Installation Does Not Start?

Mar 16, 2011

I wanted to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10 on my Netbook, which is a HP Mini 210. I created an USB-Stick to boot from (with UltraISO, because the USB-creator which is delivered in the Ubuntu image does not work well somehow). I created bootable USB-Sticks with UltraISO before so I don't think I did anything wrong there.

BUT: The installation does not even start. When I turn the power on I get this message:

"Start booting from USB device. SYSLINUX 2.84 2009-12-18 EBIOS Copyright (c) 1994-2009 H. Peter Anvin et al" Then a blinking cursor... but nothing more. It doesn't matter how long I wait, nothing happens. Even though the cursor is blinking, I cannot write anything. All I can do is to turn the power off.

So I don't even get the installation menu... what is the problem? Any idea?

PS: I'm a beginner to Linux / Ubuntu

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Fedora Installation :: 15: Impossible To Start Live Usb Installation?

May 24, 2011

Downloaded few minutes ago Fedora 15 live x64 and used Fedora live usb creator to make my usb drive bootable.Once configured correctly my bios Syslinux starts but it hangs on the startup message

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Installation X Fails To Start

Jun 10, 2009

I'm attempting to install F11 on my desktop. I am unable to complete the installation because the X environment for anaconda fails to start and instead the installation reverts to text mode (in which I cannot seem to to a custom disk partitioning layout for the installation, which I have to be able to do). This was not a problem with the Alpha or Beta, but the preview and now the final release have both had this problem.

My system:
intel 3.16 core 2 duo
4gb ddr2 ram
dual nvidia 9800gtx+

output of lspci:


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Ubuntu Installation :: After Re-installing Mysql-server-5.1 - Giving Error Message At End Of Installation When Trying To Start Server

Mar 3, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx.

I have reinstalled mysql-server-5.1 using the command "sudo apt-get --reinstall install mysql-server-5.1".

But its giving error message at the end of installation when its trying to start the server.

The error message is as follows.

When i tried to start the server after the installation, i get this error message

Note : The file "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" is empty.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Installation Of 10.4 Will Not Start?

Apr 30, 2010

I have installed 10.4 on a PC running Vista 64-bit with AMD64. It has 3 x internal hard drives, 1 x1Tb for back uo. 1 x 768Gb partitioned for files. 1 x 300G in two partitions of 150G each for each of the two OS: Vista and Ubuntu. I used the wubi ti install The install itself seemed to go well. However, on reboot, which then does the final install and set up, it refuses to boot. Generally I get a black screen, but I can get it to sometimes give me info by pressing ENTER after some time in black screen state. The message it gives is to the effect "Windows was not shut down properly. Log off, shut it down and try again", and "the drive is in Hybernation so enter the following in command line ' mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda1/ isodevice'"

Mainly there is nowhere to enter this, but I found a way of starting up the boot that does a line by line and when that stops I have tried entering the above command. I get a message "not found".

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Installation :: Ubuntu Won't Start?

Oct 28, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu for the first time in my life. I'm a total newbie. So today i downloaded 10.10 Maverick Meerkat and installed it on my Computer as a dual boot additionally to Windows 7.Before I installed it I tryed it and it worked perfectly. But now that I've installed it, it won't boot. When I start my computer the menu where you can choose which OS you'd like to boot appears. But when I choose Ubuntu the only thing my computer does is it shows a purple screen in the left top corner. In the middle it says "Ubuntu" and underneath it are five dots. But nothing moves or changes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Start 10.10 From Cd/dvd?

Dec 30, 2010

trying to use Ubuntu and obviusly I've done smoething wrong. I've followed the instructions about burning the iso file but when my PC boots from the dvd for trial mode there is a message:(initramfs) Can not mount/dev/loop0 (cdrom/casper/filesystem.squqshfs) on //filesystem.squashfsdoes anybody know what it means?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get VLC To Start

Jun 19, 2011

I just started to work on Ubuntu and i'm having a problem with vlc , i can't get it to run i'm not trying to run it as user Root , i followed this tutorial from google URL...The problem is that I installed VLC and all seem well,i can find it in Applications > sound and video > VLC but when i click on it to run it nada ,nothing happens , this is the error i get when in terminal i use "vlc" command.

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Ubuntu Installation :: MySQL Will Not Start

May 3, 2010

I have had tons of issues with the linux today. Now when I try and start mysql it just fails. the syslog says:

May 3 16:19:40 tp-inventory /etc/init.d/mysql[7783]: 0 processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in
May 3 16:19:40 tp-inventory /etc/init.d/mysql[7783]: ^G/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Update - KDM Does Not Start

May 5, 2010

Since installing the 10.04 update on my kubuntu 9.10 x64 system I can no longer log out, kdm doesn't restart. It just ends up with a black screen. Also when I unmute the sound and mouse over anything that has a thumbnail icon in dolphin the speakers pop. This includes pictures and movies. Then also when I leave my computer idle for a long amount of time, it wont wake up, just black screen. I have the newest ati drivers installed from ati website.
Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Thunderbird Won't Start

May 8, 2010

I'm on a fresh install (albeit I've kept my former separate /home partition) of 10.04 UNR. Thunderbird (mail client) won't start saying it's already running and I've either to close it before or reboot.

Problem is Thunderbird is not running as also confirmed with the terminal output below Rebooting didn't solve, nor did uninstalling Thunderbird, rebooting and reinstalling.

--------copy of terminal output----------
ps aux | grep thunder
miki 1892 0.0 0.0 3320 804 pts/0 S+ 10:44 0:00 grep --color=auto thunder


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Ubuntu Installation :: Xubuntu 10.10 Won't Start?

Oct 11, 2010

I upgraded today my Xubuntu to v 10.10, but I have a serious problem. Everything was fime till the system asked for rebooting but never did. I have actuallu a black screen with a white square terminal-like. It displays jbogdani@bdus~$ but I can not type on it! It is frozen!Nothing works, no services (ssh, apache, etc.), no GUIs no terminal!The only server that is working is samba! How can I get my computer working back without terminal?What is happening? Is v10.10 so unstable and unsecure?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 8.04 To 10.04 - Won't Start Up

Oct 13, 2010

Since I noticed a new version of Ubuntu (10) was out and I was still running an old version (8.04) I thought about upgrading. With the update manager is selected update to 10.04 and everything went on it's way.

During the process I got asked if I wanted to update the GRUB loader. Since I also use Windows and with a previous update of GRUB I couldn't start into it anymore I selected, "keep this version" (which I think is now causing this trouble).

The upgrade completed and restarted, however, Ubuntu now doesn't start anymore.
I get prompted with:

mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device udevd(896): error getting socket: Invalid argument ...

edit: I started Ubuntu with the live CD and typed gedit /booot/grub/menu.lst which gave me a blank file. Is that normal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Rid Of The Start Window?

Jan 11, 2011

i created an ubuntu 10.10 live system on an usb stick last weekend using the build in startup disk creator. The System itself is working quite fine, but since I don't want to install ubuntu to the computer I'm using the stick with, I want to get rid of the start window (TRY OUT or INSTALL). How can I achieve this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ten Minute Start Up?

May 1, 2011

I just updated to Natty yesterday and I went straight into burg no problem, but from that point Ubuntu takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to boot. I literally have to leave the room and go do other things while waiting. So, today I did a complete fresh install and it is on ssd with plenty of space, go straight to grub no problems. Windows 7 will boot at its normal speed, but Ubuntu just sits with a purple screen for anywhere to 5-10 minutes after grub menu. I have reinstalled two more times and still same issue, holding down and tapping shift key did make it boot one time in about a minute and a half (usual time in 10.10 on my machine is about 12 seconds). I don't think it is a graphics issue but I am running an ATI card.

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General :: Automatically Start A "vi" At Start Up?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm new to this linux.I installed "fedora 14" on my desktop.I just changeed text mode.(etc/inttab -> id:3:initdefaultSo, when my pc powers on, I want automatically start "vi" program.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Games Crashing As Soon As They Start?

Jan 6, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my netbook, and the preinstalled games work fine. But every game I've tried to install, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, and Freedoom, specifically, crashes. I haven't tried any other ones because of this. They will start, and then I'll get to the main menu and choose to start a new game, and then the game just closes.

All the drivers are updated as of a couple weeks ago. I read something about disabling screen savers and desktop effects, but I already have all that done. Somebody also mentioning installing caffeine, but apparently, that just automatically does the same thing.

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