General :: Networking - Make A Virtual WAN For Software Testing?

Jul 13, 2011

I am in the process of writing a socket program that will need to talk to different computers across the world. I want to set up a virtualized WAN on my computer so i can install the software on a virtual machine, and test it's connectivity in a "real"ish WAN environment.

[URL] Looks promising for setting up the WAN, but i was curious if anybody knew a better way to do it than setting up a bunch of virtual servers, and then another virtual server running WANEM to act as the WAN. I have never been very successful with Virtual Nic's

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Networking :: Virtual 'web' For Testing Embedded Devices

Jul 1, 2010

i've put together a slackware box that acts as a "virtual web" to answer pings from devices that ping various pages (such as to test their connectivity. this is for bench testing the devices to verify such complaints as "cannot connect to the internet" or "fails connectivity test". so far, so good, except for a few devices that seem to be also try to load a particular page wirh an embedded browser. this i need help with. currently, all that's needed to return a ping is to look at the DNS requests the device makes and add the requested web address ( for instance) to the hosts file. what i need is a redirect to a particular html file based on the address requested (i.e. yahoopage.html for, lgepage.html for, etc) any deas on how to accomplish this?

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Networking :: Virtual Interfaces For Bridge For Performance Testing

May 19, 2011

Now doing some research about performance of Linux switch. I'll start with basic structure of my system: PC1 is connected to PC2 - both have 1 NIC so not much to add.PC2 eth0 is divided in VLAN`s as far as maximum of 4094. Every VLAN has it's own switch (bridge). On PC1 when I run a test I just make VLAN/configure IP address and stream data to IP that's configured for that bridge on PC2.But now I want to add one more interface to each bridge, so I could stream from PC1 through bridge to Virtual interface (just an endpoint out of bridge). I could possibly add one more computer, physical interface to PC1 and make it work, but is there any way to make this work with virtual interfaces, like tun or something? Making just a simple tun interface and adding it to bridge, as you understand, doesn't do the trick, I need some kind of other endpoint that /virtually/ connects to tun interface. Maybe someone has made some kind of script or something? Using Iperf for my tests.

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General :: Make DHCP Server With Router - Use It For Testing

Aug 12, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu 10 to my desktop computer & I want to make it as DHCP server with Router, and use it for testing. I had installed dhcp server (apt-get install dhcp3-server) what should I do further? What file to edit?Also , I had 2 network cards, so I had to assign correctly the IPs & interfaces.

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Debian Installation :: Testing Netinst Network Down On First Boot In Virtual Box

Jul 11, 2015

I'm using the debian testing netinst image (from below url) and trying to install on virtualbox (part of a debian testing vagrant base box build pipeline I've got). This hasn't worked properly for last couple of weeks. Host system is also debian testing.URL....

if I accept all the defaults through the installer (apart from small details like timezone), I end up with a system in which the network does not work. It seems that /etc/network/interfaces has eth0 but the actual network card is called enp0s3, so no network comes up at first boot (despite that the network works fine during the actual install). I can easily fix it after the first boot by editing /etc/network/interfaces and replacing eth0 by enp0s3 and then doing an ifup. This is fine for a workaround but begs the question of why does it fail in the first place.

I have googled a bit and found this thread: [URL] .... which describes a similar issue, and there are other threads out there describing the change.

The udev change seems reasonable enough, but also some package involved in basic debian netinst installation has a bug given that the default install path results in a broken system. Question is, is there a bug already reported (I couldn't find it), or else, which package should I report the issue against? End result should be basic install does not require editing after boot to fix the network.

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General :: How To Make Virtual Machine Using Xen

Apr 10, 2011

how to make virtual machine using xen.

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General :: Not Able To Query From Virtual Machine / Make It Possible?

Jun 9, 2010

I have Fedora11 machine : ( Bare metal )-->
Another Fedora 11 machine : ---->
Virtual Machine on FC11 : ( VM )----->

I have DNS configured on Fedora11 machine, Also I have checked the connectivity of to port 53 of DNS.

Here is my /etc/named.conf file of FC11 machine code...

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General :: Make Virtual Machine Using Xen Kernel And Nfs?

Mar 31, 2011

how to make virtual machine using xen kernel and nfs.

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General :: Make Virtual Machine Using Virt-manager?

Mar 31, 2011

Unable to complete install: 'Invalid install location: Mounting location nfs:// failed' when i try to make virtual machine using virt-manager. i get this error.why this occur,please tell i take these steps for making virtual m/c.

1 change system ip into static and install virtualization group.

2 make one partition where i want to install vitual m/c

3 then vim /etc/exports, in which i give path where is data and give rw permission to all. then restart services of portmap and nfs.

4 then on login with xen kernel and on terminal i give virt-manager command and follow steps. at last i get above error. where i m wrong,clearify me so i make vir m/c .

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Networking :: Outgoing Local Trafic Over Virtual Interface Has Not Virtual Ip Address

Aug 25, 2009

When I create virtual ethernet interface and do a ping -I <v_int> <host> the outgoing address is the one of the physical interface and NOT the virtual interface.Is there no chance that trafic will go out with virtual interface address??Incoming trafic is done well i.e. responds to the virtual interface have the virtual address.

My problem is that I have 2 modems and want to check both default gw behind the modems.
If I do a "normal" ping both are reachable over default route even the modem which is not the default route will not work because ping goes over the working modem.So I have 2 routing tables and want to route the virtual interface to one modem the other to the other modem

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CentOS 5 :: How To Make 5 A Virtual SAN (storage)

Jan 5, 2010

i want to make my centos5 a virtual SAN (storage).

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Networking :: Debian Testing (Wheezy) Update REALLY Broke Networking

May 8, 2011

The update that broke things contained some 400 packages.The problem is NOT hardware related. There are 2 other linux installs on the laptop that work the way they should.This is all related to using a wired network connection.The update removed the package network-config and did not replace it. Not sure that is the problem because that package is related to the gui and I can not get an ip in cli.

I am stuck at cli because the new kernel broke nvidia (pretty normal). There was also a new xserver, which tends to break nvidia, and as I recall a new kde. Anyway I am unable to rebuild the nvidia driver because I can not establish a network connection to my network to get the packages needed to fix it.

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General :: Create And Configure A Virtual SAN Disk And Work On It With Virtual Machines?

Jun 29, 2010

I would like to configure and SAN disk. But I do not have a physical SAN disk. Is it possible to create and configure a Virtual SAN disk and work on it with virtual machines?I have around 400GB of space in my Laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Process Use Only Virtual Memory?

Oct 14, 2010

I understand that in linux virtual memory would be the same as swap and I also understand that linux only uses swap when your computer has used all your pc memory. I hope both assumption are right.Can I make a process like firefox use ONLY virtual memory/swap? No access to RAM.

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Ubuntu :: Make Window Bigger In Virtual Box?

Nov 12, 2010

Is there any way to make the window bigger in VB?? I can't find any info about this in the help files.

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CentOS 5 :: Virtual Box Don't Make Kernel Modules / Fix It?

May 28, 2009

I keep getting things like code...

but i already do
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install kernel-devel

I just reinstall my centos, and in the previous installation I used the virtual box without problems. that is giving wrong this time?
(i had tried the .run installer and the rpm installer but all lead the same.)

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OpenSUSE :: Make The Virtual Machine With Virtualbox Has More Sound?

Jul 2, 2010

How do I can do to make the virtual machine with virtualbox has more sound?

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box - How To Make The Resolution Full Screen

Feb 7, 2010

I'm got ubunt-desktop running VirtualBox. I installed MS XP HOME on a virtual disk. so everything *works* .. but I'd be a lot happier to have the box opened up all the way to my Ubuntu top-and-bottom bars.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make Virtual Machine Recognize It?

Aug 23, 2010

I set up the USB Filters just like I did on my laptop, but it says Unavailable and wont recognize anything I plug into usb port. When running and I right click on the usb icon at bottom they show up but shaded and will not let me select any uSB device. In Device Manager USB appears to be installed but NO DEVICES SHOW UP. I also have a thermal printer hooked to com1 serial how I make my Virtual Machine recognize it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make A Virtual Dedicated Server?

Sep 29, 2010

if anyone can point me in the direction of a tutorial (step by step) how to make a virtual dedicated server using ubuntu to host a website?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Make Virtual Host Using Apache2

May 5, 2011

I want make several virtual Host using apache2. Each virtual host will have virtual domains in localhost with different root.

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Programming :: Use ZIP Recurssive To Only Make A Virtual Image Of A Folder?

Feb 11, 2010

This would eventually use some coding to make it afterwards in a format : in this format:


AUTORUN.INF 99 1999.10.28 18:56.58
CLUF.TXT 19979 2000.1.27 7:17.18
DTPSTUB.EXE 24576 1999.8.4 0:15.52
EBE00.CD1 0 1999.10.28 18:57.0
EULA.INI 749 2000.1.12 7:14.56


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Debian Configuration :: Make Mailboxes For Each Virtual Host On Server?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm using Debian 5 with Exim 4 on my VPS. My purpose is to make mailboxes for each virtual host on my server. What do I have: 1. Exim is set correctly - receiving mail from [URL]... is successfull. 2. Mail for [URL]... is delivered, and the mail for [URL]... too. But [URL]... is the site written to /etc/hosts (it's localhost), and [URL]... is virtual host. But mail from both boxes writes to /var/mail/mail. Now what do I need: 1. Make mail for [URL]... store in [URL].... and mail for [URL].. store in www/Maildir. 2. Make mailboxes like [URL].... to receive mail by Thunderbird. 3. Set passwords for [URL]... and [URL]... (I don't want to enter my system user/root passwords).

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OpenSUSE :: Make Shared Folder In Virtual Box Mount On Startup?

Aug 31, 2010

I have mounted a shared folder in Ubuntu in VirtualBox, but I have to remount everytime I restart. how do I make this command run (for mounting) on startup or make it permanent?

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Fedora Servers :: Make A Website With A Virtual Host Of Apache Visible?

Nov 8, 2010

In first place i am sorry about my horrible English. I want to make a web site with a virtual host of apache visible by all the computers connected to my networking. I put this in the end of the file "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"("" is the IP address of my computer. The default gateway IP address is ""):


It works if i go to "" with the browser of the computer with apache inside, but on the others PC of my networking this method don't work!

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Networking :: Testing If A Particular Port Is Open ?

Jun 17, 2010

I would like to test myself if port 5060 is open for UDP packets.

I got a few shell accounts outside of my ISP that run Linux or different BSDs. Does someone know a common program where I could send UDP packets to port 5060 of the IP address that Virginmedia assigns to me and then I would need a program on a PC within my network who reads them _if_ they get through.

Background of all this is that my VOIP phones from two different VOIP providers are offline since last Monday.
One service provider confirmed that another VOIP client is online with the same service provider Virginmedia but in a different area.

So, while I don't know how long does it take that someone from Virginmedia can tell me if their port 5060 is open for UDP, I would like to find out myself in the meantime.

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Fedora Installation :: Make A Virtual Machine Using Exiting Installed Windows 7 On Laptop HD?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)

I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop


1- How can I fix that problem?
2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?

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Networking :: Testing The Ethernet Connection Continuously?

Nov 2, 2009

My program is working. However, I would like to add in some features. Let see my code first


if (returnresult<=0)


When the ethernet network connected, it will go into the else loop at line no. 13. The system will send status and display the status at control panel screen. If at this point, the ethernet disconnected, it will go back to the if loop at line 1. The system will keep trying to connect to the network and keep loop the if loop until it is connected.

Question now is I need the system to test the connection too after going into the operation loop that is start from the line no. 47. If the system went into the for (int c=0;c<cCOL;c++), it will need to do all the operations as indicated by cCOL times before it exit that loop and go into the previous loop.

I need the system to detect connection everytime an operation is going to happen or ended and if there is no connection, it will trying to connect. Before it is connected, it will not continue the operations. I tried to put the function "Connect (szPort, szAddress)" into each loop. Yes, the operation stop everytime the network disconnected. However, it shows on control panel screen "New Connection...." everytime it execute the statement. In fact, the network never disconnected.

I tried to look at the Connect function code, it is as below, I cannot figure out any statement that can stop the appearance of that "New Connection...". It may be hidden at the library source code, it is too hard for a beginner to modify the library code.


int Connect (char *szPort, char *szAddress)
/* Set the remote port */
int port; /* port number */


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Networking :: Open Source Protocol Testing Tools

May 15, 2009

Can we list out some of the open source protocol testing tools for Linux ?It will help us a lot.

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General :: Make Error - Make[2]: *** No Rule To Make Target

Oct 7, 2010

I am getting an error as below.

How do I resolve the error: make[2]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `mpg123'.

How can I resolve this error.

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