General :: Migrate An Existing System With RHEL5 OS To RAID1?

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to migrate my existing system with one IDE disk , tools installation already done... without loosing informations and having to install once again every things, to RAID1 (soft) with a second IDE disk I tried to do this using somme informations given on forums but i always have a kernel Panic at the end of boot What I did:

The system is going down for system halt NOW!
login as: root
root's password:
/usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority


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Fedora :: Adding Second Drive To Existing System For RAID1?

Jul 31, 2011

I have an existing Fedora 15 system installed from scratch.I've ordered a harddrive identical to my SDA and want to add it to my existing system as a RAID1 setup.I've googled around and cannot find recent clear instructions how to accomplish this. I don't want to reinstall everything from scratch. It should be possible to create the RAID1 using the existing data disk and then mirror everything up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving An Existing System Disk To An ICH10R RAID1?

Mar 12, 2011

I've read many of the postings on ICH10R and grub but none seem to give me the info I need. Here's the situation: I've got an existing server on which I was running my RAID1 pair boot/root drive on an LSI based RAID chip; however there are system design issues I won't bore you with that mean I need to shift this RAID pair to the fakeraid (which happens to most reliably come up sda, etc). So far I've been able to configure the fakeraid pair as 'Adaptec' and build the RAID1 mirror with new drives; it shows up just fine in the BIOS where I want it.

Using a pre-prepared 'rescue' disk with lots of space, I dd'd the partitions from the old RAID device; then I rewired things, rebooted, fired up dmraid -ay and got the /dev/mapper/ddf1_SYS device. Using cfdisk, I set up three extended partitions to match the ones on the old RAID; mounted them; loopback mounted the images of the old partitions; then used rsync -aHAX to dup the system and home to the new RAID1 partitions. I then edited the /etc/fstab to change the UUID's; likewise the grub/menu.list (This is an older system that does not have the horror that is grub2 installed) I've taken a look at the existing initrd and believe it is all set up to deal with dmraid at boot. So that leaves only the grub install. Paranoid that I am, I tried to deal with this:

dmraid -ay
mount /dev/mapper/ddf1_SYS5 /newsys
cd /newsys


and I get messages about 'does not have any corresponding BIOS drive'. I tried editing grub/device.conf, tried --recheck and any thing else I could think of, to no avail. I have not tried dd'ing an mbr to sector 0 yet as I am not really sure whether that will kill info set up by the fakeraid in the BIOS. I might also add that the two constituent drives show up as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and trying to use either of those directly results in the same error messages from grub. Obviously this sort of thing is in the category of 'kids don't try this at home', but I have more than once manually put a unix disk together one file at a time, so much of the magic is not new to me.

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Red Hat :: Adding A Root Mirror Drive To Existing RHEL5 System?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a running RHEL5 system, which has two physical disk drives, but is currently running on a single drive of the pair. The single drive the system is running on contains a root/boot partition and a swap partition. I would like to be able to add a mirror drive to this existing setup without having to disturb the running system (much). That is, I don't want to have to completely dump, reinstall (creating the mirror on the way up), and reload from backup media if I can avoid it. I have seen procedures that go as follows:

- the "extra drive" (the one not being used as the current root/boot device) is first brought under LVM control as a root object with one physical mirror attached.

- the data from the running root/boot drive is rsync-ed over to the LVM-controlled half-mirror, and boot records added.

- System rebooted on newly created half-mirror.

- Original root prepped to be second side of LVM mirrored root, and is added in.

Can one boot from an LVM disk directly? There seems to be some question on this that came up in other lists I had read online.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrate Working Single Disk System To Existing RAID Array Using Disk UUIDs

Aug 1, 2010

I had done a new lucid install to a 1 TB RAID 1 array using the alternate CD a few weeks back. I messed up that system trying to some hardware working that lucid doesn't have drivers for yet, so I gave up on it and reinstalled to a single 80 GB disk that I now want to move over to the RAID array.

I moved all of the existing files on the array to a single folder, then copied all of the folders from the 80 GB disk over to the array with permissions and symlinks (minus the contents of /proc and /sys, which I created empty).

These are the commands I used:


p -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /b*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /d*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /e*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /h*


I tried to change fstab to use the 689a... for root, but when I try to boot, it's still trying to open /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d...

So then I booted from the single disk again and chrooted into the array, then ran update-initramfs -u. I got 3 "grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory" errors, and "cat: /proc/cmdline: No such file or directory"- so I created directory /proc/modules, created an empty file /proc/cmdline, and ran the initramfs update again. Then I tried to shut down, which hung (probably because I was doing all of this from a terminal window in Gnome), so I killed the power after a couple of minutes.

It's still trying to use /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d... to boot.

What am I missing? I assume I just have to change the UUID to mount as root, but I don't know how.

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General :: Mirror The Boot Partition On Existing Raid1?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a raid1 setup on a machine. Recently it died and I thought one of the drives had failed as it was shooting errors. So I tried unplugging that drive get it to boot off the mirror but it seems the techs forgot to mirror the boot device so the 2nd drive can't boot on its own. After a while it was realized that the sata cable was in fact bad and replaced so now its working again.

However, this occurrence showed a flaw in the setup where the RAID1 isn't working as its supposed to. I would like to correct this. Can I somehow mirror the boot partition so the 2nd drive will boot independent? I'm not sure how I would go about this. This is a CentOS 5 installation.

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Software :: Migrate Existing Proxy Server To Xen?

Jul 20, 2009

I have an existing proxy server which connects to my main office in London. I would like to move this server to a guest in Xen environment. Or i can install the proxy server on the guest and copy some relevant files? But please note that the environment is slightly different

Old Server: Redhat 4 with proxy 5.1
New Xen guese: Redhat 5

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Software :: Migrate Existing Fedora 9 To Virtualbox Guest?

Feb 2, 2009

i am planning on installing virtualbox on a fedora 9 machine and would like to know if it is possible to migrate another fedora 9 (totally seperate) machine to a virtualbox as a guest OS.

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Server :: Add Additional Web Domain For Existing Web In Rhel5?

Nov 25, 2009

I have configured web server now i want add additional web domain to my web server how can i add it.

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General :: Commercial NAS RAID1 Disks Moved To Software Raid System?

Feb 14, 2011

I've got a couple of commercial NAS boxes and I'm wondering if they (ReadyNas duo, DLink DNS-323) or any other NAS is suitable for having their RAIDed disks moved to a software-based NAS. To be specific, I'm a big fan of the (largely) Debian-based Ubuntu. Can the aforementioned NAS drives be migrated to Ubuntu (e.g. using the mdadm Linux command)?

Secondly, is there any commercial NAS that can be migrated over? Incidentally, here is a link to somebody who succeeded in a migration:URL...My specific scenario I'd like to prepare for, is the eventual (sudden) death of one of the NAS motherboards.

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General :: Make A File System Like Ntfs Like RHEL5.0 ?

Apr 7, 2010

How to make a file system like ntfs in linux like RHEL5.0 ?

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General :: Configure A System To Boot Windows XP / CentOS 4 And RHEL5

May 21, 2010

I am trying to configure a system to boot Windows XP, CentOS 4 and RHEL5. I have one hard drive that contains both Windows XP and CentOS 4, and a separate drive that contains RHEL5. Until recently, I only had one SATA cable, so I could only connect one drive at a time. Under this configuration, everything works fine. When the RHEL5 drive is connected, I can boot into it. When the Windows/CentOS drive is connected, I can dual-boot into either OS. (GRUB was configured on this drive automatically when I installed CentOS into a new partition.)

Opening the box and moving the SATA cable is a lot of trouble, so I finally got a second SATA cable and enabled both SATA0 and SATA1 in the BIOS. I currently have the Windows/Centos drive as the primary, and I can still boot into both Windows/Centos. Now, I want to add RHEL5 to menu, but I can't find the file GRUB is using to present its menu at startup.

I have configured GRUB before on other systems, but I just know the very basics, such as where the grub.conf file should be. So, I spent a whole day reading advice online and asking friends who might have experience with these issues. Here are the steps I have taken so far:

I confirmed there is no /boot/grub directory, and /etc/grub.conf is a broken soft-link to /boot/grub/grub.conf. I did a find for grub.conf, which found nothing. I did a find for menu.lst, which found one item -- an example GRUB config file in /usr/share/doc/grub-0.95. I noticed that when CentOS boots, I see the GRUB commands printed to the screen, the first of which is:

root (hd0,2)

So, I did a grep -R "(hd0" * at the / directory, which also found only one item -- the example menu.lst file in /usr/share/doc/grub-0.95. I discovered that I can go to the command line grub from the grub menu and do:

cat (hd0,2)/grub/grub.conf

The cat command returns a printout of the grub configuration the system is obviously using. I didn't create this file, but the titles are identical to what I see in the GRUB menu, the default boot is Windows, and the timeout is very short. This must be the file. It looks like:

title CentOS (2.6.9-89.ELsmp)


I've also tried making the RHEL5 drive the primary drive. In that case, I can modify the existing /boot/grub/grub.conf file and see my changes at the GRUB boot menu. However, I can't get Windows to boot in this configuration. I've done a lot of google searching on the topic and added map commands to make Windows think it is on the primary drive. But, I'm still unsuccessful on this front as well. I think I'm closer to solving the problem with Windows/CentOS as the primary. However, if you think I will have more success with RHEL5 as the primary drive, I can provide more details as to my current grub.conf on that drive in a later post.

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General :: Adding XP To An Existing Ubuntu System

Oct 4, 2010

I want to move my windows XP image from my old PC's C: and put it onto my new PC, with Ubuntu 9.10 already on it. Will this procedure work?First I'll burn an iso image of the windows C: to a CD or DVD, using the Win XP computer. Then, I'll load a (live Ubuntu), from my thumb drive and boot into my new PC, and move the Ubuntu partition to another location, in order to create the partition needed to install a Windows OS. I know that Windows, God bless them, needs to be first on the HDD. This procedure will destroy the grub loader.Then rebooting should load correctly to the grub bootloader, right?

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General :: Create A New Partition From The Existing System?

Nov 20, 2009

how to create a new partition from the existing system I am using ubuntu 9.04 as Host system and work on LFS. The command given in LFS book throws i.e

khirod@khirod:/dev$ mke2fs -jv /dev/sda5
mke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
/dev/sda5 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!

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General :: Partition On An Existing System - Extended Not Being Used

Jul 14, 2011

I have a 120GB HD that I installed my linux-mint distro to and have been using for a while now, maybe a year or so. However, it has been running great so I haven't paid much attention to the actual install. Recently, I have been getting notifications of very low disk space remaining. I ran gparted and discovered that there is a very large extended partition that doesn't appear to be mounted. Can I just boot into a terminal, set a mount point and be on my way or will this hurt my existing installation? What is the safest set of steps to mount this partition since it looks to be the swap space as well?

Here is output of fdisk for the drive:
Disk /dev/sdb: 122.9 GB, 122942324736 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14946 cylinders


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General :: Migrate An Installed Ubuntu System From A Software Raid To A Hardware Raid?

Jun 29, 2011

migrate an installed Ubuntu system from a software raid to a hardware raid on the same machine? how would you go about doing so?

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General :: Mount A Hard Drive With Pre-existing File System And Data?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a drive that kept kernel panic'ing so my data center recommended using the spare hard drive to reinstall OS on, and import the data from the old drive. (they checked the hardware, it wasn't the hardware) The new install is done, and I need to mount the old drive and get backups off it since my data center does not provide management whatsoever.

It's the same OS on both (Cent OS 5.4 32-bit) I'm an advanced user on windows, but linux gets me. I can ssh in, do basic stuff like setup IP ranges and restart services. I normally navigate the box through SFTP so I have a gui. WHM shows me my drives as such

Found Disk: hda
Found Disk: sdb

so I'm assuming SDB is my old drive and the drive I need to access. I attempted to follow instructions on

but I'm assuming FreeBSD would work differently and I wasn't totally sure what the labels of the file systems should be.

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General :: Reinstall But Graphic Install From ISO Sees No Existing System (s) 2overwrite?

Jun 11, 2011

Lost my guru, ran out of HD space, erased too much, need to reinstall. Downloaded ISO, burned disk, tested disc, tried to install, but it fails to recognize old partitions in the prepare space part. Hardware is a 4-system(partition) SSD in RAID 0, with all the bootable systems, and a 4-partition HD in RAID 0 (one disk failing) for data only. How to I get it to recognize a particular partition on the SSD RAID 0 to install over? AND can it reinstall the system software and leave the other stuff as it was installed over 2 years?

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Fedora Servers :: Migrate System To New Hardware?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a working system running some older fedora, and new hardware running a fresh, new fedora install. I want to basically transfer my computer's "soul" into the new system ( user's stuff, firewall configuration, the various server & security configurations, etc.) and basically any customizations and non-hardware related packages installed that weren't part of the standard fedora install process. I'm looking for a magical easy button I can push to do all this (pause for laughter). Essentially, I want to "upgrade", but starting with a clean install on a different computer with different hardware. I have a vague idea of what needs to happen, like copying the /etc/*.conf files, /home directory, etc. but this seems very tedious, and the likelihood of me forgetting or overlooking something is 100%, and copying over entire disks or partitions wholesale is not necessary, and does not work for this scenario. I need to place/merge just the right files/directories in just the right places with surgical precision. Is there a utility for this? Maybe a way to diff the packages of the 2 computers and install the difference? Or at the very least some sort of checklist that could be scripted for my system? I'm desperately trying to avoid the pain, human misery & suffering encountered getting everything in the 1st system going.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Method To Migrate 11.3 System To 11.4

Jun 17, 2011

I am currently considering migrating an openSUSE X86-64 system from 11.3 to 11.4. There seem to be 2 possibilities, upgrade or reinstall. Opinion seems to be divided on the process of upgrading from the DVD.I have not been able to find any reasonable guide to using either method to migrate an 11.3 system to 11.4 and have the 11.4 system in the same working state as the 11.3 system was. What I have found for the reinstall method is trivial. for the upgrade method I have seen a reference to running rcrpmconfigcheck but I have been unable to find a man page for it on my 11.3 system or via google.

Does such a guide exist? It should be created by the openSUSE project for each release.If it works the upgrade process looks to be the best method. The last 2 migrations were via the install method. 10 to 11 but also 32 to 64 bit and then 11.1 to 11.3 onto a new machine before moving the data across. Both rebuilds took many days.I have seen many posts saying that it is very quick to rebuild the system. As little as 2 hours has been quoted. I have not yet seen an explanation of how they do it. I suspect that they rebuild systems regularly and have it all scripted or their systems are very simple. An explanation of how it is done would be interesting.Given that I do migrations once or twice a year, building and testing a script to do the migration is probably not worth the effort especially as the only test machine is very old and slow

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Ubuntu Networking :: Migrate A System From One Machine To Another?

Mar 4, 2010

How do I migrate a system from one machine to another. By this I mean install a new system on a new machine then have a copy of all the settings etc from the old one copied to the new one.

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Software :: Reduce Lvm In Size In RHEL5.0 / System Is Not Booting Saying File System Corrupted Error?

May 14, 2009

reducing the size of LVM. I did it by using the commands, lvreduce,fsck,resize2fs.After reducing the lvm size, my system is not is saying file system corrupted error.

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Debian Configuration :: Can Migrate From Virtual Machine To Physical System?

Oct 6, 2015

I've been experimenting with Debian coming up with a system with suits my needs. I have done this and I'm wondering, "Do I have to start from scratch on my physical machine or can I convert an existing VDI to IMG and possibly port it to the physical machine?"

System: Debian Testing

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Migrate To Dependency Based Boot System

Jan 13, 2010

I have just had an auto-update, and the process has stopped with the warning above. The full error message is given below. I had already had problems (not sure if they're somehow resolved or related to this) with updating [URL]. Tests have determined that problems in the boot system exist which prevent migration to dependency-based boot sequencing:

package virtualbox-ose removed but not purged, insserv: warning: script 'K20acpi-support' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'usplash' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'hwclock-save' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'acpid' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'gdm' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'failsafe-x' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'acpi-support' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'udevmonitor' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'hwclock' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'rsyslog-kmsg' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: script virtualbox-ose: service vboxdrv already provided!, insserv: script virtualbox-ose: service virtualbox-ose already provided!, insserv: warning: script 'dmesg' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'procps' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'atd' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'avahi-daemon' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'udevtrigger' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'apport' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'udev' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'ufw' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'rsyslog' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'anacron' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'network-manager' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'dbus' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'udev-finish' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'module-init-tools' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'hal' missing LSB tags and overrides, insserv: warning: script 'cron' missing LSB tags and overrides,

To reattempt the migration process after the problems have been fixed, run "dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc".

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OpenSUSE Install :: RAID1 File System Corrupt?

Dec 30, 2010

I just got openSUSE 11.2 set up on my home server. The machine has two 2TB HDDs, the first (/dev/sda1) is partitioned thusly:

10GB /
1GB swap
1.82TB /home (/dev/md1 in RAID1 array)


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Slackware :: Setup Software RAID1 On A Running System?

May 23, 2011

I have a nas / server running Slackware64-13.37 with two raid arrays, one with 3x500GB disks and the other with 2x2TB disks. I also have 1x80GB hdd which contains the os. I found a spare 250GB hdd from my closet and want to set up raid1 array from os hdd and that spare drive.I know that I can't make use of the extra 170GB of space but I don't care as long as I have working installation on the other disk if that 80GB hdd breaks. How can I set up that kind of raid1 without losing any data?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Lost GUI In RHEL5 System

Sep 8, 2010

I lost my GUI. I was trying to install some Driver files in my Redhat5 system. Unfortunately I lost my gui. If I reboot my system it showing this error "spwaing too quickly wait for 5 min". I am in runlevel5 but no graphical view. I tried startx but it's not working. How to solve this in command mode.

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Fedora Hardware :: Software RAID1 /boot Volume Doesn't Mount Automatically At System Startup

Feb 7, 2010

My software RAID setup is as follows.

/dev/md0 (made from sda1 and sdb1) RAID1 /boot partition
/dev/md1 (made from sda2, sdb2, and sdc2) RAID5 / partition

Earlier on I had some trouble with my sda drive, it dropped itself from both arrays, screwing up the mirroring of my two raid partitions participating in the /boot partition. I eventually got everything sorted out and back in sync. (I also have grub installed to MBR on both sda and sdb). Things are working fine regarding that, but since then I've had this issue:

During boot up, I'll get an error message that it could not mount my /boot partition (when fstab is set to either /dev/md0 or the UUID). It claims c9ab814c-47ea-492d-a3be-1eaa88d53477 does not exist!

My fstab:


[mark@mark-box ~]$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Wed Jan 20 16:34:41 2010


As far as I know, it isn't neccessary for /boot to be mounted always, correct? Although, as I understand, I need to have it mounted whenever making kernel changes correct?

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Server :: RHEL5 System - FTP Transfer Fails After About 1 GB

May 6, 2010

I have a RHEL 5 system running vsftpd. If I do a put to the box, files larger than 1 GB fail around the 1 GB point. Smaller files don't have a problem. If I do a get from the box there is no problem. Both the FTP server and client are plugged into a Netgear switch. I'm trying to create an FTP server and web server so my friends and I can upload our vacation pictures. Ultimately I want my friends to be able to access my server. Right now I'm just trying to make it work between my two machines.

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Networking :: Iptraf Command Not Found In System (RHEL5)

Apr 11, 2011

I got iptraf and netconfig command not found in my system(RHEL 5 ).

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