Software :: Reduce Lvm In Size In RHEL5.0 / System Is Not Booting Saying File System Corrupted Error?

May 14, 2009

reducing the size of LVM. I did it by using the commands, lvreduce,fsck,resize2fs.After reducing the lvm size, my system is not is saying file system corrupted error.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RHEL5 Won't Exit Screensaver And Causes File System Error

Apr 27, 2010

I've got a fresh install of RHEL5 with updates installed running on a PC104. If the machine starts up the screensaver, I can't ever get out of it. The mouse pointer comes back up on the screen, but the desktop doesn't appear or a box to enter a password. I try to reboot X and get an error that X can't be started and it drops me to a prompt. I reboot from the command line and then I get the filesystem error and have to wait 2 hours while it scans.

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General :: Windows 7 - HP Laptop, Corrupted Graphics, Not Booting Win System Board?

Aug 3, 2010

My friend has a HP Pavilion dv2699ea (dv2500 series - somehow *shrugs*) that has stopped working. It's a Core2Duo laptop with a Nvidia GPU. The unit is no longer under warranty. Problems first started a few days ago with the laptop showing corrupted graphics in Windows and BSOD'ing after a few minutes of use. I tried booting to an Ubuntu LiveCD which worked for a while before succuming and crashing as well. The freezing/graphics corruption/BSODing does seem somewhat heat related (CPU runs at ~95'c under load) however I believe that if it is heat related, then it's already damaged components inside.

Now the system has corrupted graphics on bootup[1], including booting Ubuntu[2], and neither operating systems will boot at all (Windows can sometimes get logged in before showing a black screen and becoming unresponsive. Ubuntu just looks like [3] after X starts). (See comment below for links.)

The fact the problem occurs both under Linux and Windows says to me this is not a driver issue. I have run Memtest which passed fine and none of this seems HDD related as I managed to get ~30GB of data off the system before it finally gave up the ghost.

She has been using it repeatedly without giving it adequate ventilation for years (i.e. on the bed, or on a pillow), so it's my opinion that the system board has probably warped over years of cooling/heating and that's causing this current problem. If that is the case, then I can buy a replacement system board and fit it myself, saving about £200 over the cost of an out-of-warranty HP repair. Of course, I don't want to make her spend £100 on a replacement part for it to be the wrong thing, hence asking for a second opinion here!

Hopefully I've covered all the bases here. I'm a former IT support guy myself, so I've tried all the dumb stuff (driver updates, examining memory dumps from BSODs [one 'unrecoverable hardware error', three relating to the graphics card], etc).

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Booting - System Announced Corrupted IPtables And Didn't Load KDE

Dec 8, 2009

I recently installed Suse 11.1 from the Live CD on an older PC. Suddenly, when booting up yesterday, the system announced corrupted IPtables and didn't load KDE. After login, I tried commands like KDE, run KDE but the bash didn't understand the commands.

So I booted from the live CD, but I can't find an option in the install menu to repair the existing installation. The help in the boot-up screen claims there should be an install option, but it doesn't show it at that point, only after KDE has started from the Live CD.

Since I've already made some changes (newer firefox, downloaded thunderbird etc.), I would like to keep and repair the current installation, instead of a new installation.

I don't however understand enough about the automatic partitions I'm being offered in the installation menu to know what to choose to keep the existing files. I did choose the offered automatic partitions the first time, and have now several partitions, home swap and so on.

Second question: While 11.1 was still running nicely, I could not find the option to upgrade to 11.2 in the Yast menu (I don't know any batch commands, so I only use Yast for installation). Looking at the download sites on opensuse on the internet, I saw an update option, but when I tried to add that URL to the Yast repository, it somehow didn't work. I also didn't see a nicely packed .rpm or similar update package.

Third problem: I downloaded a newer version of Firefox and Thunderbird and after some tries got Yast software repositories to install them. But the Avira antivir tar.gz package I downloaded, did not appear on the Yast repository manager. Doubleclicking to Ark didn't work, and when I went to console and tried to run the install file in the zipped package, it wanted parameters, and I didn't know what to answer.

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Red Hat :: RHEL5 Booting - Error 15 (File Not Found)

Jan 21, 2011

I have installed Red Hat Linux 5 and using it. But when I uninstalled one package and booting after that, I got the following error
Error 15 : file not found

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Ubuntu :: Corrupted EXT3 File System?

Feb 9, 2011

I am using Ubuntu since release 8.10, but it is first time when i can`t solve problem

when i tried to create new NTFS partition on unallocated disk space with Paragon Partition Manager (damn, that was stupid). Process was aborted with error (later i finally made it with Gparted without problems)

After reboot mine Ubuntu say:

Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /

Press F to attempt to fix errors, I to ignore, S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery. I pressed "F" but that had help only for a boot and doesn`t really fix error :`(

Later i booted from liveCD and had checked partition (/dev/sdb1; file system - ext3) with gparted (result - aborted fixing process with error) Now i can`t even boot from that partition and even mount it from other linux system.

mine fdisk -l
/dev/sdb1 * 1 5957 47849568 83 Linux - problematic partition (unmountable)
/dev/sdb2 5958 29983 192988845 7 HPFS/NTFS


PhotoRec recover most of my files, but i need complete partition.

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Hardware :: Help With Testdisk And A Corrupted File System

Aug 1, 2010

I think that my external hard drive was either "unsafely removed" or powered off at a critical moment because when I tried to connect it to any OS Mac, Windows Ubuntu etc. It could not be read. I forget the Windows error message but the Ubuntu one was "mount error 2".In any case I downloaded testdisk asked it to analyze my hd and about half way through it said that the number of heads per cylinder were 128 and it more than likely should be 255 (or the other way around I forget which but I know the numbers are right). So I went and changed the geometry of the external HD such that the number is what testdisk told me was and the result is that my computers can read it but it seems that all the files are missing.

I used photorec and I have recovered all the files (unnamed and disorganized of course)So this leads me to the following question: is there any way I can repair my file system or access the files so that I don't have to go through the 16,000+ files rename and reorganize them again?

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Fedora :: Re-size Logical Volume And Then Re-size File System?

Jan 19, 2011

is lvresize with --resizefs options re-size the Logical Volume and then re-size the file system? i mean we don't need to use resize2fs?I looked at man pages but it doesn't explain this option.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Inode Table Size And File System Size

Dec 14, 2010

How can we find the maximum size of the inode table and what decides it, and how the maximum size of volume of file system is decided ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: File System Is Corrupted After Every Reboot?

Nov 21, 2010

Recently I installed openSuSE 11.3 x64 on PC with Intel motherboard, 4GB RAM & two of 1TB WD RE3.Of course I set RAID1 during installation After some struggle with GRUB which pointed to wrong devices after installation I started to work. But suddenly I found that file system is corrupted after every reboot (It does not depend on what I use and what the way I use - reboot, shutdown -r now or even just poweroff - everything follow to:

Starting MD Raid mdadm: /dev/md2 has been started with two drives
mdadm /dev/md3 has been started with 2 drives
mdadm /dev/md4 has been started with 2 drives
mdadm /dev/md5 has been started with 2 drives


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Ubuntu :: Error Creating File System: Helper Exited With Exit Code 1: Cannot Open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only File System

May 2, 2010

I bought a new SD card which I intend to put some MP3s on - except that I can't write to it because it tells me the destination is Read Only. No-probs thinks I: I'll just reformat it.

"Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only file system"

Various chmod commands all result in Read-only file system. I tried umount then mount commands, but it couldn't find it to mount once I'd unmounted it using the same /media/ file path (I assume it's the only one).

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Ubuntu :: File System For External Drives - Won't Get Corrupted When The Power Fails

Aug 10, 2010

I'm going to reformat my external drives to get rid of the crud that I've built up. (Crud being incremental backups, windows software, and similar things.)(I also want to get rid of the FAT32 file system that they use.) These are USB 1TB drives. The theory is that data is written to it once, but read back a number of times. (I also burn that data to DVD. If there was software that could organize 5TB of data on DVDs, I'd be using them.)

I"m trying to decide whether to use ReiserFS, Ext4, or another file system. Basically, I want something that:

* Won't get corrupted when the power fails;
* Can handle files that are 4+GB in size;
* Uses extends --- preferably without user intervention;

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SUSE :: Ext4 File System Corrupted - Unable To Open And Use Programs

Feb 8, 2010

The Ext 4 file system of the partition (dev/sdb1) is corrupted. When I seek to repair this using the boot repair tool it is unable to resolve this. I admit that I don't fully understand the problem - except that I'm unable to open and use programs.

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General :: Make A File System Like Ntfs Like RHEL5.0 ?

Apr 7, 2010

How to make a file system like ntfs in linux like RHEL5.0 ?

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Server :: Reduce RAID5 Partition Sizes / Reduce The Size Of Md1 And Grow Md0?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a rack of four 1TB drives all partitioned identically with three primary partitions. On each drive

- the first partition is only 64MB;
- the second is a large 900GB partition and
- the last holds all the remaining space

mdadm has been used to set up
/dev/md0 - RAID1, comprised of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1
/dev/md1 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, /dev/sdc2, /dev/sdd2
/dev/md2 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda3, /dev/sdb3, /dev/sdc3, /dev/sdd3

OK, so it was a silly mistake to make - but I am now need to increase the size of /dev/md0. My thinking is to reduce the size of md1 so that I can grow md0.

On md1 I have two logical volumes. I've successfully reduced the size of the volume so that I can reduce the size of md1. Now I'm at the nervous stage; I can find little written on the topic of shrinking RAID5 arrays - and even if I do this I'm unsure if I can move partitions around to regain the space I so desire.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reduce PDF File Size Little Bit More

Jul 7, 2010

I made 272 Photos from one book. Total size was 920MB. I used than gscan2pdf to create pdf document, and reduced there quality size. Result 116 MB. Than i converted it to grayscale [URL] with:


gs -sOutputFile=grayscale.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH color.pdf
Result: 108MB

Is it anyway possible to reduce size more? Something like Google does with their books?

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General :: Reduce The Size Of A File?

Oct 31, 2010

How to reduce the size of a file. Is truncate related to this?

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Software :: Reduce The Size Of Img File?

Feb 17, 2010

I was cloned an entire disk (with one NTFS partition of 70GB, only 15GB used) using ddrescue with the following command...

ddrescue --no-split /dev/sda /media/usb250/ntfs.img /media/usb250/ntfs.log
The img file it's around 70GB. Now I want to restore it to another computer with 30GB of space. How can I reduce the size of img file?

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Fedora :: How To Reduce Picture File Size

Mar 11, 2010

I'm all new to linux. I've got Fedora core 12 - I'm ex windows user. I have these 3 websites to maintain: These are in finnish language. So called pikalaina sites:

And I have to add pictures to these pages. I don't know how to do even that I don't know web programming or HTML. But my images are about 1 mb in file size - I use to have windows and photoshop and there is this save for web feature where file size is reduced.I have this GIMP -program now - it's terrible compared to photoshop, but it's free. In GIMP there is no feature how to reduce file size for ex. 1mb to 20 Kb. How do I do this? Do you know any good program to do it?

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General :: Use To Save The .mp2 File As .mpg And Reduce The Size?

Aug 15, 2010

I have copied some vides from my camcorder and the size seems a bit excessive - 140mb for 3 mins! Is there a program I can use to save the .mp2 file as .mpg and reduce the size?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Reduce Avi Video File Size?

Jun 7, 2010

I have rendered out less than two minutes of High Definition animation to Avi-Jpeg Format in Blender. Now, I have this 2 GB file. Going at this rate, it's going to take a whole DVD set to play a 15 min movie.

Surely, this file doesn't need 2 GB just for 1:45 min/sec, right? Even at high def? How do I reduce this file size down to like a manageable number, say, 20 miB?

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General :: Get File / Folder Size With SSH On System?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using SSH to connect to a CentOS server and I want to get the file in mb of some files and folders, how can I do it?

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Fedora :: How To Increase System File's Partition Size

Feb 22, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to increase system file's partition size.I have ext3 type partition where FC11 is installed.Is it possible to increase the size of ext3 without lost of data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Increase File System Size?

Jun 3, 2010

I downloaded ubuntu 10.04 and install it from windows vista (32 Bit) and gave it initial memory 5 GB, but after I started using it I always got a message that I have a very low memory left (16 MB only !!!) and I cannot install any updates or new applications , so is there any way I can expand the File system files without reinstall the OS again????

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General :: File System Is Best For USB Drives For Booting Systems?

Sep 29, 2010

iv been looking around at the different Linux systems particularity the smaller ones such as DSL, Slax and Puppy Linux. However i need a Linux distribution that doesn't have a GUI desktop environment just the plain old terminal to work on. The system would have to be able to boot from a USB drive also. If anyone knows a systems that fits those requirements or something else related please post. Also what file system is best for USB drives for booting systems?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting/Installation Error (noob?) System Repair #?

Apr 15, 2010

Im probally just being a noob here but for the projects sake I thought it would be good to identify this problem. I have an old advent laptop and I tried to install Opensuse from DVD on it. I followed the installation as normal but when I tried to boot it said some sort of check was forced and then I have to enter the admin/root password upon doing this I got the message system repair # in red. I have tried to repair the system through the installation DVD and tried re-installing it but I still get the same message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual-booting - Vista - No Root File System

Jan 3, 2010

I recently recieved Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition CD-ROM through snail-mail after requesting a copy online and I want to install it on my laptop, although I wish to keep Vista which is on it now.

My laptop has a 250GB hard drive. Although when in Vista this is represented as two separate drives each of 110GB, (C or ACER and (D or DATA.

Using the CD, I start the installation and everything is straightforward and self explanatory, until I get stuck at step 4...

Where I am told by the ubuntu installer: "This computer has several operating systems on it." (I'm confused now, I thought it had one, Vista.)

Beneath I am shown a bar representing my disk space which is divided between...

I am given the option to use the entire disk: 'SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) - 250.1GB ATA WDC WD2500BEVT - 2', (and from the mention of 250BG in the name I'm assuming this is one disk and not the two separate drives named C: & D: in Vista.) ...along with a warning - "This will delete Windows Vista (loader), Windows Vista (loader), Microsoft Windows XP Embedded and install Ubuntu 9.04". (The aforementioned "several operating systems" obviously.)

But I wish to keep Vista, so I select the option to "specify partitions manually" and am brought to a screen named 'Prepare Partitions', where there is a table somewhat like this:

I am then given the option for "New partition table", and if I select any of the bottom four devices I can 'edit partition' or 'delete partition'.

Selecting the device /dev/sda3 (because it is the one that I'm guessing has no operating system data on it, judging by the previous screen) and choosing 'edit partition', allows me the following create a new partition size, to select what I want to use the partition as. (There are also two options for formating a partition, which is a checkbox, and Mount point. These are both greyed out.)

When I look at the 'Use as:' option, within 'edit partition', the drop down box allows me to use the partition in the following ways:
- do not use the partition
- swap area
- FAT 32 file system
- FAT16 file system
- XFS journaling file system
- ReiserFS journaling file system
- Ext2 file system
- Ext4 journaling file system
- Ext3 journaling file system

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Red Hat :: File System Corruption - Super Block Could Not Be Read Or Don't Describe A Clear Ext2 File System

Jul 12, 2010

My Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 with 6x partitions (/, /boot,/home, /usr, /var, /tmp) of 6.0 GB IDE Hardisk was working quite fine. I decided to create LVM on /home and /var partitions but due to some errors occured and I delete the /home partitions. That's why partition table altered. I then delete 4,5,and 6th partitions (/home, /var, /tmp) partitions and now try to create one by one but following error is coming:-


The Super block could not be read or do not describe a clear ext2 file system. E2fsck b 8193 <device> I have tried following commands,but could not successful:- e2fsck -p /dev/hda7 (where hda7 was created but afterthat it was deleted) e2fsck -a /dev/hda7

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recover Corrupted System Files?

Jul 26, 2010

before i proceed,I'll like to say that I'm a complete newbie, but enjoying my time with Ubuntu.

Recently, due to hard disk failure, some of the System files got corrupted, I have no idea to which files, but booting Ubuntu from the latest kernel is not working, instead I have to select the previous version from the grub screen.

How to recover these files? Is there a way by which Ubuntu automatically scans and repairs the system files.

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CentOS 5 :: System Gets Corrupted When Abort A Kickstart Installation?

Dec 14, 2010

System gets corrupted when I abort a kickstart installationI have a simple kickstart installation of CentOS 5.5 (same issue on 5.3)The only user interaction is the partitioning screen.if, in my cfg file, I state :-

# Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel


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