General :: Install Ubuntu 11.4 Onto An Xp Laptop With 3 Partitions?

Jul 19, 2011

im trying to install ubuntu 11.4 onto an xp laptop with 3 partitions, c, d, e and i would like the 11.4 on the d partition but i get to the point where it says the partitioning thing but cant figure how to place it in the (d) ,

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Ubuntu :: Install In Laptop Over Window 7 In A Separate Partitions?

Jan 6, 2010

I have Sony Vaio nw23 ne laptop. This came with window 7 home basic 64 bit, so my question is that can I install Ubuntu over window 7 in a separate partitions

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OpenSUSE Install :: Access Partitions From Vista - Can't Open Ext3 Partitions

Jan 9, 2010

I have vista and opensuse 11.2 on my computer, the problem is i can't open ext3 partitions from vista but i can the other way. I tried Ext2fsd but the linux partition is always in a read only mood even when i change this option. Also, all folders are empty I downloaded the program as admin and compatable with XP SP2.

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Ubuntu :: New Laptop Partitions And 64 Bit - Store All Of My Files On The NTFS

Jun 15, 2011

I recently got a new laptop and I'm trying to figure out how to divide up its partitions. I was thinking that I would install Ubuntu on a relatively small partition and store all of my files on the NTFS parition, linking them back to Ubuntu.

What's a comfortable size for an Ubuntu parition?

Also, I've tested 64-bit Ubuntu and it doesn't seem to have any major problems. Though I might upgrade, I only have 4 GB of ram right now. Should I install 64- or 32- bit?

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General :: Cannot See Windows 7 Partitions On Install?

Mar 7, 2011

I've been trying to install Linux as a dual boot with Windows 7 on my Dell latitude e6510.It is currently running Windows 7 and I have used the MS disk tools to shrink the Win 7 NTFS partition to make room for Linux.The issue I'm having is that when I run Linux installers by boot from CD they see the entire hard drive as unallocated space. I have tried Ubuntu 10.10, Kbuntu 10.10 and Fedora 14 and they all have the same problem.I have also tried the Ubuntu "install in Windows" option and could not get it to work.EDIT:Booting Gparted 0.8.0 from a usb drive did not work. It reported the entire drive as unpartitioned.

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General :: Partitions - Initial Install ?

Feb 1, 2010

I just got an hp dv4-2145dx and I am attempting to install ubuntu 9.04. I understand that the maximum number of primary partitions is four. The four on this hard disc are the windows one, a tiny one called hp tools, another tiny one called SYSTEM and then the recovery drive. Does this mean that I will be unable to install linux without deleting one of these partitions? Are they all necessary? deleting any since I don't know what they do.

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General :: Partitions Do Not Match The Way Configured Them At Install?

Oct 24, 2010

On my last install I put Drive one windows on the first partioncreated a swap partitionlinux on the third partion rive twoLinux on the first partiton Grub found an old windows and made a menu for it So why does sfdisk -l return this? Code: Disk /dev/hda: 19457 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/trackUnits = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 * 0+ 2549 2550- 20482843+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2 2550 10388 7839 62966767+ 5 Extended


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General :: Minumum Partitions Required To Install?

Feb 27, 2010

I have one doubt regarding minimum partition required to install linux O/S to the best of my knowledge, "/", "swap" & "/boot" are the essential partitions required for installing Linux, but i think linux should also work without "swap". please suggest or correct me if I am wrong

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General :: Slackware 13.1 Install - Proper Size For Partitions

Jul 1, 2010

I will install Slackware 13.1 on my desktop in 50 GB of disk space but I'm not sure about the proper size for the partitions "/" and "/ usr / local". I want to use most of the space for "/ home" partition, so I can keep my data when I upgrade to a newer version (right?)

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General :: Overlapping Partitions After Failed Attempt To Install PCLOS

May 4, 2011

I think the installation caused the corruption of the partition table. I removed the last 3 logical partitions and gparted correctly reported the 2 remaining distros and the swap. The problem hopefully will be solved when I reinstall those distros. I have a 160 gig HD with 3 Linux,1 swap,and a Windows partition. I attempted to install PCLINUXOS unsuccessfully. When I rebooted I had the same grub. I checked gparted and it indicated all 160 gigs as unallocated. fdisk shows the partitions. and indicates one partition as empty where I attempted to install PCLOS.

No problem in accessing any of my distros, but currently I can't make any changes to my HD. I've tried parted magic and there was no solution there. I have been unable to download the Ubuntu Rescue remix. Is there a way to restore? I haven't used fdisk or cfdisk for that purpose. I am beginning to think I would need to delete all of the partitions in the extended.
omitting empty partition (8)

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x23213b72

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 5354 43005973+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 5355 15690 83022975 5 Extended
/dev/sda3 18740 19059 2560000 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda4 19059 19458 3203072 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 5355 7908 20506624 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 7908 10840 23552000 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 10840 13772 23552000 83 Linux

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General :: Install Into A Laptop Without Cd/dvd?

Jul 10, 2011

i have a small compaq mini (with xp)which i would like to use as my linux education shuttle is there a way to install without cd

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General :: Install From The Laptop HD To Another HD

Dec 18, 2010

I have no FD or DVD-Drive. But I do have a extra laptop HD with nothing on it. Can I install from the laptop HD to another HD? btw I am currently running windows on this HD.

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General :: Australia: Finding EEE PC Or Laptop To Install Ubuntu 10+?

Apr 12, 2011

I though I would be able to buy an Inspirion notebook form the USA.I had a long chat with DELL support in the USA who told me more or less that DELL has exhausted its supplies of Inspirion with Ubuntu... I was surprised. I spoke to the DELL supervisor who repeated more or less DELL was not working anymore with Ubuntu 12 April 2011 ...sad to hear that

Now I am looking for a Laptop like ASUS and may be a EEE PC. I need some addresses or link. I don't like the EEE PC coming with W7. Is there any other retailers selling the EEE PC without W7? I would like a Asus laptop but which one? same thing still with W7? Any solution for this problem in Australia to find a laptop with CD rom and wifi. I intend to do W-driving with Wifi laptop..

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General :: Install Ubuntu Latest Version In Laptop ?

Mar 18, 2011

Explain me in detail step by step procedure to install ubuntu latest version in laptop.

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General :: LVM Partitions Are Equals To OS Partitions?

May 26, 2011

When we install a linux OS, we've an option to create partitions. In my laptop I've create partition for /opt, /home, / and /tmp. Are these partitions the same type of partitions as the partitions created by LVM?

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General :: Virgin Install On Old 120MHz Laptop?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to get any Linux on my Compaq LTE 5200. The problem is that it dose not have a floppy, and will not boot from CD or Network. The distros I'm working with; Damn Small Linux, DSL-Not, Spri, Puppy, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu -mini, U-Lite, Watt, Crunch Bang (Lite), or DeLi.

I have a few other laptops that I can work with the HDD, and USB-HDD dongle. However, whenever I put the HDD back into the LTE 5200, I get all sorts of errors LiLo 99, GRUB 17, 2, 18.

How can I install on system {A}, to work on {B}? Is there a way to dd if=bootdisk.img of=/dev/hda1 so that it will boot? Other ideas? P.S. Not quite a "n00b", but did not know where to place this question.

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General :: After Install Ubuntu To My Laptop - Can't Access No Network Or Wireless Internet

Jun 1, 2010

I can't get WLAN or wireless drivers for my hp pavilon v5000 notebook

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General :: Ubuntu And XP Install On Sony Vaio Laptop (Vista Preloaded)

Jun 21, 2010

I have sony vaio laptop which is vista preloaded. But I don't want windows vista and want to install ubuntu and windows xp on complete hard disk. Can I remove window vista completely? Will be any problem in future if I remove vista completely? And at last, is my laptop hardware vista completable and may give problem? I urgently want ubuntu and don't want virtual os as ubuntu...

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General :: Install System On My HP Pavilion Dv5-1125nr Laptop?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a Hewlett Packard Pavilion dv5-1125nr laptop containing factory loaded Windows Vista. I have a lot of hard disk space on it and I wanna install Linux. But I don't know which version/distribution will work on this laptop.

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General :: How To Install GUI On Server / View GUI On Windows Laptop

Jan 6, 2011

I have a linux server in a remote location. I have access to it only via putty. How do I install GUI on the linux server and view the GUI on my windows laptop?I installed KDE and when I type startx I get errors.

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General :: Can Install Suse And RHEL 5 On Same System - Laptop ?

May 1, 2011

1.Can I install Suse Linux and RHEL 5 on same system (Laptop)?

How many OS can I install in one laptop?

My laptop name in Compaq Presario CQ42-462TU i5 M460 2.53GHz 3GB RAM 320GB Hard Disk

2. Can I install 64bit RHEL 6 and 32 bit RHEL 5.5 on same laptop?

I have RHEL 6 installed on my laptop, but when I try to install Suse Linux after hitting installtion button it starts loading lernel but then it blacks out and stays there for years.

It also shows some ACPI error when I tried to install second LINUX OS .

3.What should I do? Should I change my newly brought laptop?

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General :: Install D-Link DWA-125 On Laptop Running Slackware 13?

Oct 15, 2010

I have just started with linux and have installed slackware 13 on my laptop - a Compaq Armarda. I need to install a wireless card and have a d-link dwa 125 usb adaptor. How do I install it?

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General :: Way To Downlosd Packages To Usb On Vista Laptop Then Install To Desktop

Mar 12, 2011

I have Fedora 14 on my old desktop,Thats it no other OS. Is there a way i can downlosd packages to usb on my vista laptop then install to my dasktop. you know things like mplayer and all the codes.

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General :: Install Fedora 14 On Netbook Using A Network PXE Server On Laptop?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm trying to install Fedora 14 on my netbook using a network PXE server on my laptop. I can see in the syslog, that initrd.img and vmlinuz get sent over tftp. The problem seems to be in my kernel parameters:

LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
kernel /images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/vmlinuz0
MENU LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
append initrd=/images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/initrd0.img ksdevice=bootif lang= kssendmac text ks= selinux=0
ipappend 2

On booting up the netbook it can't find a root device. I'm not sure what to specify for the root= because I have deleted all the partitions on /dev/sda. I did this because originally it kept booting up the old OS, and I assumed there was a way to format the disk as part of the install. I'm stuck now and was hoping someone with more experience of bootloaders might be able to help. If possible I'd like to do this using the network rather than a usb.

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General :: Install Imageos On Old Laptop Buti Cannot Figure Out The Password?

Mar 12, 2011

i am trying to install imageos on my old laptop buti can not figure out the password. i have tried a ton of them,

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4, Gnome 3 New Install / No NTFS Partitions Detected?

Apr 24, 2011

I've just installed 11.4 and then updated to gnome 3. I've noticed that Nautilus doesn't appear to mount my windows NTFS partition. I find this odd because both Ubuntu and Fedora detect and mount it just fine in Gnome 3 (I've been trying all 3 this week).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How I Should Be Setting Up Partitions On Install

May 5, 2010

I'm running WIN 7 and trying to dual boot with 11.2--the install goes fine until I get to partitioning. Then I get this message: Del windows partition /dev/sda1 Resize impossible due to inconsistent FS try checking FS under windows.Del/dev/sda3 Del Windows /dev/sda5.Then it wants to install extended, swap and root. I tried to resize the partition prior to intalling SuSE with paragon partition manager which failed.Could someone tell me how I should be setting up the partitions on install please.

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