General :: After Debootstrap - Get Vmlinuz And Initramfs?

Aug 13, 2010

I just did a simple debootstrap lenny /opt/lenny-chroot There is no vmlinuz or initramfs under /opt/lenny-chroot/boot. What would be the next minimalistic necessary step to get it there?

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Fedora :: Kernel Update Doesn't Edit Grub.conf Vmlinuz And Initramfs Missing?

Dec 23, 2010

after yesterday's update to kernel my grub.conf didn't get updated and ll /boot shows that neither vmlinuz or initramfs exist for that kernel. uname -r though tells me I'm running

How can I do that? and on another more reallystic matter how can I generate the missing files so I can manually update grub.conf?

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General :: Information Each Of /rhgb And /vmlinuz Sub Directors Include?

Jan 1, 2011

One question /vmlinuz-2.6.9-34.EL ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet 3 and boot the system. what kind of information each of the /rhgb and /vmlinuz subdirectoris include

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General :: Removing Previous Older Kernels 'vmlinuz' When Updates Get Newer Versions

Mar 30, 2010

Is removing previous older kernels "vmlinuz", when updates do get a newer version an easy task, or do the more recent Linux like Ubuntu 9.10 do that automatically, and only keep a few older previous kernels ?

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General :: Use Nash Instead Of Busybox In Initrd And Initramfs?

Apr 30, 2010

Why use nash instead of busybox in initrd and initramfs? I'm just looking for pros and cons of both really (and any other applications with similar functionality). I'm currently leaning towards busybox being the better option, why redhat and fedora use nash in their initrd.

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General :: Initramfs - Attempted To Kill Init ?

Nov 10, 2010

For a special purpose I needed a initramfs - that didn't work. So I reduced the initramfs setup to the simplest.

Mount the root and switch_root into it. But that didn't work either.

If I go with the init-script for the initramfs I posted below the system prints out the switch_root usage-text from busybox. But the syntax is right, ain't it?

When I use chroot instead of switch_root then it prints the usage-text of init before the kernel panic.

If I try with "/sbin/init 5" then, after a while the system reports "init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl".

In the other cases I get the following error messages before the system hangs: "Kernel Panic", "Attempted to kill init", "init not tainted"

(With the init script below there is a error saying:"sh: can't access tty; job control turned off". I know why it's there - but don't know if it is connected to this problem.)

This information may be important:
- The machine boots from a usb-harddisk
- /sbin/init on the new root is available
- the system on newroot is sane and runs perfect standalone (without initramfs)
- the system on newroot uses baselayout-2 with openrc
- busybox is built as static binary
- busybox version is v1.15.3

Here is the relevant data:

My uname -a on that machine:


Content of the initramfs:


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General :: Running Executable From Initramfs - Kernel Panic

Dec 2, 2010

I need to run an executable from initramfs which after executing should restart the system. How is it possible?.I tried using exec within the init of initramfs but it shows kernel panic (I guess exec after executing the binary it tries to exit and exiting with pid 1 is giving the panic).

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General :: Busybox/Initramfs Prevents Launch Of Ubuntu Server 8.04.3?

Sep 27, 2009

Prior to posting this I entered search arguments, "Busybox," then "initramfs" to attempt to find another user who may have experienced the same thing; if the solution is imbedded in the message threads, I must have missed it. On hand is a Ubuntu Server 8.04.3 installer CD. What works: Installs to a Mac Pro under both Parallels, and then under Fusion both were successful first try.

Install to a newly purchased 2 gig Acer Aspire One seems to have succeeded, but upon launching from Grub, Busybox/initramfs intercepts and halts the launch with an error I don't understand:

Starting up ...
Loading, please wait ...
Check root = bootary cat /proc/cmdline


The new Acer-PC Aspire One was partitioned into four 80 gig partitions using the Paragon software to do the partitioning. XP is on the first, and Ubuntu Server on the next 80 gig partition. Install was "successfully" done from a Lite-On external CD/DVD over USB.

During the install I changed the default name from Ubuntu to something else (probably a bad idea), and I naively entered "/" root to answer the mount question (finding nothing to tell me what to do). Ubuntu required a disk driver choice from a long list - finding no reference or guidance as to what to enter, I naively entered IDE Generic, and it took (I guess it "took").

FWIW the Ubuntu installer didn't require me to indentify the mount entry or the disk driver during installs on my Mac (Fusion/Parallels).I did connect the Internet during the install. I did checkoff/install LAMP during the install from CD. Goal: To use Joomla in a mock server environment.

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General :: When Try To Boot Stick It Gets As Far As Executing The Initramfs Init Script Then Restarts?

May 12, 2011

I'm booting Gentoo off of a usb-stick. This has been working previously but now when I try to boot my stick it gets as far as executing the initramfs init script then restarts.The last two lines of my initramfs/init are:

echo "finished initramfs."
exec switch_root /new-root /sbin/init


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Debian :: Debootstrap To LVM - Booting But No Root

Nov 21, 2015

first time with debootstrap, i followed: [URL] the error i get on boot looks like this:

Code: Select all [URL]

they did not mention lvm speficically so i just installed lvm2 inside the chroot and created my fstab like this:

Code: Select all/dev/mapper/debian--unstable-root / ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
/dev/mapper/debian--unstable-home /home ext4    defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/debian--unstable-tmp /tmp       ext4    defaults        0       2
/dev/mapper/debian--unstable-var /var    ext4    defaults        0       2

Having one mounted from jessie looks like this:

Code: Select all/dev/mapper/debian--unstable-root on /home/julius/other-systems/debian-unstable type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

So I guess the fstab is correct

I already tried to "refresh" the inittab with:

Code: Select allupdate-initramfs -u
command ran ok, but no change at boot.

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Debian :: Debootstrap Warnings - Getting Them Constantly ?

Aug 26, 2010

Im currently installing debian on my old server, its a 64bit computer, so i've downloaded the amd64 for this project. But under the Basis Installation, of this cd image, im getting a debootstrap warning every time i want to continue the installation, the last warning i remember was something coreutils_6.10-6_amd64.deb (Something like that, not totaly sure), and im lost, can't find anything closely related to the subject.

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Debian Configuration :: Root Password Debootstrap And Ssh

Feb 11, 2010

For my dissertation I created a debootstrap install of Lenny. When I boot this system I just can login with root without a password. When I want to ssh this machine with the debootstrap install I can't just login with root. I'm asked for a password which I don't have.

So I created one with passwd root and after that I can connect to the machine with ssh and the given password. But the machine still logs in with without a password.

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Ubuntu :: Debootstrap Does Not Get Correct Package Repository?

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to run "sudo pbuilder create" where it runs debootstrap. Then it says:

I: Checking component main on Problem is that this is the old repo I've used. After installing pbuilder and the other dpkg essential packages I've run "sudo pbuilder create", noticed the message of the repo and since I am no longer in Bulgaria, interrupted the script, went to synaptic and changed the repo from there (now is Even rebooted. Double-checked in synaptic the repo is still changed, grepped the files in /etc/apt for "bg" and all results were commented. I ran again "sudo pbuilder create" and it still reports the old repo.

So where does debootstrap reads the repo setting from and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Debootstrap Warning - Install Server 10.04

Aug 7, 2010

I've been trying to install Ubuntu server 10.04 and I keep getting a Debootstrap warning. Warning: file:///cdrom/pool/main/p/plymouth/libplymouth2_0.8.2-2ubuntu2_i386.deb was corrupt. I am then presented with options to Continue or Go Back. Whichever option I choose, the installer keeps giving me Deboostrap warnings. I've tried to find solutions online and I've done the CD integrity test as well as a memory test. I've passed both. i am installing this on a Dell Dimension 8400 machine with 1 GB RAM and a 80 GB HDD.

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Server :: Using Debootstrap To Install Foreign System

Feb 9, 2010

At work they gave me the following task (and i need some help from you guys!):At work we have a normal PC running Ubuntu 9.10 (32-bit), which works good.We also have a LaCie Ethernet Disk Mini v2, which runs embedded Linux (RedHat), but is so trimmed down, you can't use the disk we would like to use it.The task is this: On the X86 machine, make a bootable image for the ARM architecture and write it to a harddisk (which fits the LaCie offc.) so it can boot off it.Now i have done some investigation, but don't know how to combine it all:

- I can use debootstrap to create a minimal Debian system, but there comes the problem, you can't chroot into a foreign created system (i.e. X86 cannot chroot into ARM system).
- I can use QEMU, which can emulate a ARM processor, but can i use the image that QEMU uses as a normal image for a harddisk, so it would boot off it (when using dd to write it to a real harddisk)?
- Current kernels support the LaCie hardware (Marvell chipset)
- I know how to use tools such as dd, so if the image is generated i can write it to disk and have the LaCie boot from it.

The LaCie box has the following: 1 ARM9 ARMv5TEJ (266 MHz) CPU with 64 Mb RAM, Gigabit network controller and 1 usb host port, internal there is a sata port obviously.The only thing i want at the moment is to have the LaCie boot Debian and i can SSH into it, from there the rest is easy as pie.Is someone willing to help me accomplish this task? It would seriously mean and help alot!If all goes well and if i get all things up and running i would like to make a Howto of it and place that here, maybe it will be of some use !

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Software :: BzImage OK But Vmlinuz Not Booting

Aug 31, 2010

I use Linux (Gentoo) since many years. I always used gentoo-kernels which I configured and compiled. Once it was done I usually got a "vmlinux"-file and a "bzImage"-file. I always used to copy the "bzImage"-file to my boot partition and I configured Grub accordingly and everything was fine.

Last week I compiled in my VM not only gentoo-kernels, but as well a xen-kernel (for my domU). Once it was done compiling the Xen-kernel (used the usual command "make -j2 && make modules_install") it didn't generate a "bzImage"-file, but a "vmlinuz" file. I therefore took the vmlinuz-file, copied it as usual to the boot partition and configured Grub to use that one, but with this time Grub doesn't want to boot and returns each time the error

Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format
Press any key to continue...

I tried with both "vmlinuz" and "vmlinux" but neither worked. I have no clue what I should to - should I try to somehow generate a "bzImage" (tried "make bzImage" after a "make clean", but it tells me that it doesn't find any bzImage to create), convert vmlinux/z to bzImage or make Grub somehow boot using vmlinuz?

Are there any "tricks" to make Grub boot using a vmlinux/z?

I can say that it's not a problem of the partitioning or setup config in Grub, as in the same grub.conf I have other 2 kernels (bzImage) which boot without problems only the config section that has to do with the vmlinuz/x doesn't want to boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Debootstrap Can't Use Desktop CD As Package Source?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm running Karmic Desktop Live CD from a USB stick, and trying to install Ubuntu to a hard disk using debootstrap I get these errors:

$ sudo debootstrap karmic /dir file:///cdrom/


I: Retrieving Release
I: Validating Packages
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
W: Failure trying to run: chroot /dir mount -t proc proc /proc


I've read this bug report: [URL] basically, the discussion states that Desktop CD can not be used as package source for debootstrapping, I understand it is because of different file structure than the required for a repository, but would like to know more specific information about it, and if possible, how could I use the CD as package source for debootstrap?

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Debian :: Grub Update - Can't Boot From Vmlinuz

Oct 2, 2010

I have a Lenny inside a xp. I changed my installation and make a boot partition , a home directory, and a system directory. now I reinstall my xp and do this:

find /grub/stage1
root (hd0,6)
setup (hd0,6)

and grub menu found! but when I clicked on debian, can't boot and I have a message about can't boot from this vmlinuz ( or any thing similar!) , click on any key and then it come back to grub menu. my debian is on (hd0,9) and (hd0,6) is my boot partition.

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Server :: Difference Between Initrd And Vmlinuz Images?

Jul 21, 2011

the difference between initrd images and vmlinuz images. I've gone through many documents,but didn't got an exact answer.

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Debian Installation :: Installing Wheeze Using Netinstall - Debootstrap Error

Feb 26, 2011

I am installing Wheeze using netinstall.

After the partition step, the installation gives me the following error: Debootsrap Error. 

Invalid Release file: no entry for main/binary-amd64/Packages

I have tried several iso's with several cd's but nothing is working.

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Fedora Installation :: Vmlinuz Is Booting Into RAM And Taking Most Of The Space?

Sep 15, 2009

I have and IBM e-Server, with 256RAM, however when I force the fedora installation to be perfomr in grapgical mode, Anaconda return a message that say that I dont have enoght Memory to perform the graphical installation. To my uderstanding It requiere 192MB of Memeory for a graphical installation.

What I'm doing wrong?, or is that the vmlinuz is booting into RAM and taking most of the space?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Could Not Find Kernel Img:/casper/vmlinuz

May 25, 2011

I'm using an acer aspire one netbook and attempting to install ubuntu 11.04 on it using flash drive. I extracted the installer using the universal usb installer. Anyway as soon as I get to the ubuntu installer screen it won't let the installer begin and says this: "could not find kernel img:/casper/vmlinuz. I have tried many things including typing in this:"vmlinuz initrd.img" and extracting the data to the flash drive again but nothing has worked.

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Debian :: Is Possible To Make Installer With Full Vmlinuz Instead Of Busybox?

Jan 10, 2010

It is just a question regarding ISO and the lack of -o loop or function of busybox.One can custom the ISO of debian-installer and make a syslinux config file having : vmlinuz of one normally running installed Debian distro, and keep the initrd of the iso regular debian-installer.I think it may be conflicting the vmlinuz kernel version and the installer of initrd.I am learning, so it may be completely wrong or kernel panic.

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Debian :: Debootstrap Error On New Installation - Bzcat Is Not Available On The System Check /var/log/syslog

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to install Wheezy testing i386 using netinstall .iso disk.

After the disk partition stage and while in the 'Install the base system' stage I get the message;

Debootstrap error:

The following error occurred: The bzcat is not available on the system Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 the details.

I have over the past couple of months downloaded three daily builds of testing and the md5sums are good on all of them yet I have the same problem with each disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Karmic Xen DomU On Etch Dom0 Via Debootstrap?

Mar 10, 2010

I have an etch-based Xen server that has several Xen domU's on it. All the domU's are etch or lenny based, but I'd like to install a karmic guest. I use xen-tools to install my domU's - e.g., xen-create-image --debootstrap <etc.>After much googling, I've found bits and pieces of info that have gotten me closer to the goal, but the debootstrap script I have is for hoary (I think etch came with this), and I'm pretty sure this won't work.

If you have been able to successfully install a Karmic guest on an etch or lenny host, I'd be very grateful for pointers.

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Software :: Grub Re - Install ( Includes Vmlinuz/initrd Files )?

Mar 7, 2011

today some one of my friends removed /boot/grub directory from my pc. i tried both

root (hd0,0) Kernel /vm - but it's not coming (coz that file is already removed.

and after
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

it showed grub file is installed but i couldn't find

/boot/grub/grub/conf or vm linuz
and after i used rescue method.
/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda
tried this method but still couldn't make effect.


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CentOS 5 :: Yum Install Of Nvidia Rpms From ATrpm Fails Due To Vmlinuz Filename

Oct 16, 2009

I have installed Centos 5.3 64 bit version and run yum update so the system is up to date. However, I have noticed the kernel version that is installed is:

uname -a
Linux elektra.chemresearch 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

and when attempting to install from the nvidia driver I get this message:

yum install nvidia-graphics169.07 nvidia-graphics169.07-kmdl-`uname -r`
Missing Dependency: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.2.1.el5 is needed by package 1:nvidia-graphics169.07-kmdl-2.6.18-164.2.1.el5-169.07-94.el5.x86_64 (atrpms)

Now, yum says the kernel is up to date so how can I get the nvidia driver rpms to install? The entries in /boot are:


I have checked to make sure that the update repo is enabled. There were quite a few updates applied after the initial installation and the initial kernel was updated as the yum log indicates and also the entries in /boot.

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Ubuntu :: Vmlinuz - Can't Create - Delete And Open - Root Password Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2011

i found an encrypted file called vmlinuz that i didn't create and can't delete and can't open because i dont have the password and the root password doesnt work either, what is it?

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Debian Installation :: Installed Vmlinuz And Initrd.gz (squeeze) In /boot/newinstallation And Added To Grub The Lines?

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed vmlinuz and initrd.gz (squeeze) in /boot/newinstallation and added to Grub the lines:titleNova Instalaçãoroot(hd0,0)kernel/boot/newinstall/vmlinuzinitrd/newinstall/initrd.gzNevertheless, when I choose this option at the grub, it begins to start the kernel vmlinuz and thus restart the system. The installed Debian Lenny boots in a normal way.

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Debian :: Chroot 32 Bits On Amd64 Debootstrap Error "Invalid Release File"

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to build a chroot to have 32bits application on a amd64 arch. but when I try the debootstrap command i get this error that I am unable to get through; here it is: debootstrap --verbose --arch=i386 sid /var/chroot/sid-ia32 I: Retrieving Release E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-i386/Packages

then i tried this solution: [URL] and i progressed but stopped again at one error: E: can't find checksum for packages file.

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