General :: Running Executable From Initramfs - Kernel Panic

Dec 2, 2010

I need to run an executable from initramfs which after executing should restart the system. How is it possible?.I tried using exec within the init of initramfs but it shows kernel panic (I guess exec after executing the binary it tries to exit and exiting with pid 1 is giving the panic).

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 (Headless) Running Into Kernel Panic On Startup

Apr 29, 2011

I'm new to ubuntu and I wanted to setup a headless server (Asus Hummingbird, 2GB RAM, Ubuntu Server 11.04). The installation was successful but: After I tried starting my server without any connected monitor, the server did not start -> I run into a kernel panic (if I connect the monitor after a while I can see the messages on the screen, Keyboard lights flash...). What do I have to do to get the machine running without any monitor? My second problem is, that the Network is always powered down on system power down -> no WOL is possible. Is there an easy way of enabling the WOL function? I tried several things from different tutorials but nothing worked...

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General :: Kernel Panic In 64bit Arch Linux After Kernel Recompile - 2.6.35-rc3

Jun 15, 2010

I have recompiled a few kernels, but all on 32bit systems so not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Running Arch Linux 64bit, most recent version.

Kernel Output:


My first thoughts was that it might be my grub bootloader configuration, so had a big play around with that but it didn't fix it. Also made sure support was built for filesystems. However almost all that Fstab mounts are ext3 anyway, and certainly the root and /boot are. Now thinking it may be a memory error so will run a check when I shutdown.

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General :: Getting Info On Kernel On Another Disk - Kernel Panic Error 6 Ext3

Feb 13, 2011

Dell laptop booting from a USB stick with a CentOS 5.5 minimum installation.

Uncompressing Linux...OK, booting the kernel.
Red Hat nash version starting
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
mount: error 6 mounting ext3
mount: error 2 mounting none
switchroot: mount failed: 22
umount /initrd-dev failed: 2
Kernel panic - no syncing: Attempted to kill init!

1. Does minimum installation not drop on a kernel or initrd with ext3 support? I can't imagine that's true, but have to ask.

2. The USB stick is single partition ext3. Maybe there is some limitation specifically related to USB stick booting that requires boot to be FAT16 or FAT32? Except the CentOS 5.5 installer refuses to let me install on either FAT.

3. How can I do the equivalent of lsmod on a linux installation that will not boot? i.e. I have CentOS x86_64 running in VirtualBox, I can plug the USB stick in there, so how do I get information on the USB stick's kernel and initrd if I can't boot from it?

4. Is it possible to rebuild the i386 based initrd on this USB stick, when the computer is not booted from that stick, with a system that's x86_64 based?

System Info:
Dell Latitude i686 Laptop which has run CentOS 5.5 and Fedora 12,13,14 in the past, and boots from Fedora 14 Live CD transferred to a USB stick. So I know USB booting is possible on this machine, and this stick.

The process of creating the stick:

CentOS 5.5 i386 on a USB stick. Old Dell i686 laptop which has previously run CentOS 5.5 installed from DVD, and has successfully booted from this same USB stick holding transferred Fedora 12,13,14 Live CDs. CentOS 5.5 was installed onto the USB drive directly by the CentOS 5.5 DVD installer (running virtualized in VirtualBox 4.02 on Mac OS X 10.6.5.). No errors or complaints during installation.

For whatever reason, the installer did not do some things correctly. First Grub wasn't working correctly, I got that sorted out and have the Grub+CentOS splash screen, it finds vmlinuz and the initrd, and then I get a kernel panic.

Ext3 was built into the kernel and that's why I'm getting this message. I do not know how the installer would have dropped a kernel or initrd during instalation that that don't contain such a basic thing that obviously comes in linux kernel 2.6.18-89 EL.

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General :: Tried To Install Bcmwl-kernel-source And Now Getting Kernel Panic

Jun 25, 2010

I am running an Hp Pavillion dv6000 with the Broadcom card that never seems to work for Linux. I recently talked with my friend who said he found a way to get it work.following his instructions I opened Synaptic and checked the package bmcwl-kernel-source to be installed.I went through the process of it all and it said it had install successfully. I restarted the computer and when I tried to enter my operating system I got this error "Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,1)"
I have previous versions of Linux on my computer so I can still get in to those if need be but I don't know how to undo what I did or why it isn't working for that matter. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?

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General :: Just Tried To Install New Kernel / Get Kernel Panic When Try To Boot From It

Jul 17, 2010

this is what i did i downloaded the latest stable kernel archive from and extracted the archive into the download directory (i don't think that matters though) then i downloaded and installed the ncurses archive (needed for menuconfig) then i opened a terminal and navigated to the directory that was extracted from the archive and issues the floowing commands

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General :: Running Executable In Bash Script

Mar 27, 2011

I've been trying to write a bash script called that runs an executable that also takes in some parameters and outputs the results to a text file. The executable, sorter, takes in a number parameter. I want to make it so that you can input as many number parameters into as you want and it will run the sorter executable for each one. So far, what I have looks like this:

if [ -z args ]; then
echo "Error"
while [ $# -gt $INDEX ]; do
echo $NUM
echo ./sorter $NUM

My problem is that when I run ./ 100 on my terminal, it just prints this to the screen:
./sorter 100
How can I have so that it properly executes sorter and outputs everything to a text file?

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General :: Options For Running Executable Text Files

Aug 4, 2010

I have created some text executable files and put them on my desktop. In the way of background I created them in gedit. Then used chmod ugo+x (filename) to make them executable. One of them is a ping test to see if a printer is on. Text in file = ping Others are to turn my laptop touchpad on and off. text in file = sudo modprobe -i psmouse.
I have 2 questions about executable text files:

- When I click on an executable text file it present a window with 4 options (Run in terminal, display, cancel, run). Can I set a parameter or do something else so it just runs in terminal? I know I can set an option in Nautilus to run them but when I select run nothing seems to happen. In addition I would want to set this option on a case by case basis not globally in Nautilus. If there is an option or flag where it would run this file in terminal I would use it on my printer ping test.

- When I click on these executable text files to turn my touchpad on and off, the text within the file uses the sudo command so that requires that I input my password. After I click on either of these files a window appears with the 4 options (Run in terminal, display, cancel, run). I select run in terminal, a terminal window opens and requests my password. Subsequent to inputting my password the file executes fine.

Is there a way to set a parameter or do something else so I don't need to not only select the run in terminal option from (run in terminal, display, cancel, run) but also not to enter my password?

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing - No Init Found - Try Passing Init - Option To Kernel

Apr 19, 2011

Im am building a Linux distro. It will be very tiny and fast.

I only have a minimal linuxkernel (bzImage) who is 1,2 mb big. And then I have Busybox who is 174,6 kb big.

The commands in busybox is: cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, wget, httpd, clear, rm, poweroff, halt, reboot, fdisk, mount, umount, free, and cp.

When I compiled the kernel i use initramfs/initrd function and point it to a folder where initrd/initramfs source is.

The kernel works OK with others initramfs/initrd files. But not with my own.


Here is how the end of the kernelcomplie look like.


Here is my init file who is the initrd/initramfs source.


The initramfs folder contains "bin" (folder) and "init" a file. No more.

The problem is that the kernel cannot find/read init file.

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General :: Kernel Panic After Updating 2.6.37-r4

May 3, 2011

I use gentoo linux and some minutes ago I thought to upgrade my kernel version. I had 2.6.36-r5 and I want to set 2.6.37-r4. After merging gentoo-sources I did this:

# cd /usr/src/linux
# make menuconfig
# make && make modules_install
# mount /boot
# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-2.6.37-gentoo-r4
# module-rebuild populate
# module-rebuild rebuild

At the end I changed the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. The last two commands are for reinstall modules that are not included in the kernel source. After rebooting the system this is what it printed out and stop loading.

sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
EXT3-fs (sda3): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240)
List of all partitions:
0800 313474754 sda driver: sd
0801 56196 sda1
0802 2104515 sda2
0803 310407930 sda3
0810 48843636123 sdb driver: sd
0811 48843636123 sdb1

No filesystem could mount root, tried ext3 vfat msdos iso9660
Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3)
Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.37-gentoo-r4 #1
Call trace
? printl+0xf/0x11

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General :: Kernel Panic Error In RHEL 5.2

Feb 14, 2011

we are facing the problem related to Kernel panic in linux . Could u send me details of kernel panic . Why the kernel panic occur and how to resolve this problen

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General :: How To Tell When A Machine Is Fsck-ing And Hasn't Had A Kernel Panic

Jul 31, 2011

I have a server with Debian on it that I regularly reboot after upgrades. Sometimes (on schedule) fsck will check a disk when the computer is booting. With the exception of sitting in front of the console to observe the fsck, how can I determine the difference between a problematic halt and an fsck (besides waiting out the fsck, hoping it is an fsck)?When I send the computer down to reboot, I will usually have a terminal window open pinging the computer so I know when it has come back up. My first thoughts drifted to fantasizing about hacking fsck to respond to pings with some special magic byte so you could tell via ping that a computer was fsck-ing, but I'm thinking there have got to be easier ways..

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General :: Kernel Panic - No Filesystem Could Mount Root

May 5, 2011

I have just tried to update my kernel from to 2.6.39-rc3 on a Slackware 12.1 distribution. I have successfully updated the kernel before, but it was from a newer distribution and newer kernel(Slackware 13.1 and After I updated and rebooted, I got the following error:

List of all partitions:
0300 4194302 hda driver: ide-cdrom
0800 312571224 sda driver: sd
0801 244197560 sda1 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000sda1
0802 68372640 sda2 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000sda2
No filesystem could mount root, tried: romfs
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,1)
Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.39-rc3-smp #1 .....

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General :: Kernel Panic On Connecting Mobile Phone

Aug 23, 2010

I am the new bies for redhat.i am using "Nokia 5300" on "RHEL5"as i am going to connect the phone to the sysytem.System gets hang.on the main screen it shows some alphabeats and it Gives the message "KERNEL PANIC".i had read in some thread to use "VID" and "PID" but i dont know how to use it.Is their any method so my kernel can Find my hardware.and runs smoothly. please suggest me some methods so i can use my Nokia phone as an MODEM.

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General :: Kernel Panic Error On Source Installation

Aug 31, 2010

Kernel Panic.
I am using
"HP Pavilion dvb 111x"
"AMD Turion X2"
"ATI RADEON Graphic Card"
And "RHEL5"

I am not register user of Redhat. I am trying to switch kernel form linux-2.6.18.X To linux- I had download source of kernel and install it as per README file. During installation everything was fair but as I am trying to boot from my new kernel it shows me "Kernel Panic" error. It Displays

" ide_generic :I/O resorce 0x1F0-0x1F7 not free.
ide_generic :I/O resorce 0x170-0x177 not free.
Redhat nash version starting.
mount : Could not find filesystem. '/dev/root'
setuproot : mounting /dev failed : no such file or directory
setuproot : mounting /proc failed : no such file or directory
setuproot : mounting /sys failed : no such file or directory
switchroot : mount failed : no such file or directory

Kernel Panic not Synching:
attempt to kill init! "

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General :: Kernel Panic On Update To Ubuntu Linux 2.6.31 ?

Dec 16, 2009

Update manager downloaded and installed latest kernel (Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31 -16 -generic). When I tried to restart I get the message { 1.661235}Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,38). Everything works fine on previous update.

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General :: Kernel Panic - Machine Is In Enforcing Mode

Aug 11, 2010

I am using RHEL 5.4 in VMware. Recently i have made changes in /etc/sysconfig/selinux and made it to be in "enforcing mode". Now when I rebooted my system, It is showing the following error:
"Unable to load SELinux Policy. machine is in enforcing mode.
Kernel panic- not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"

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General :: Switching Hard Drive Causes Kernel Panic?

Aug 12, 2010

I had an old Dell Precision 470 with 2 hard drives, a 250GB boot drive with Red Hat installed, and a 500GB hard drive with data on it. Both of these are SATA. The computer died and I have replaced it with a Dell T3500. I was hoping just to move the hard drives into this computer and let generic drivers take over until I make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, I get the following kernel panic message after POST:

VFS: Cannot open root device "Volume00/root" or 00:00 append a correct "root= " boot option Right now the arguments to boot from the hard drive are:

ro root=/dev/Volume00/root hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi

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General :: Ubuntu Install Freezes / Kernel Panic

Jul 24, 2011

Yesterday I decided to dual-boot windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04. I successively instaled Ubuntu the first time using a flash drive. However, I found that I had made the partition for Ubuntu way to large. Having no idea what to do, I messed around with the partition sizes. Through a series of... mistakes, I deleted the two (the main space and swap space) linux partitions. When I restarted my computer I got the "partition not found" error. So from there, I burnt another ubuntu disk, (the flash drive I used had been reformatted for use on an Xbox) I am able to boot a live version of ubuntu on my computer. However, when I go to install Ubuntu, something goes wrong. After copying all the files, it goes into kernel panic about not syncing, and freezes.

I had looked up some advice on the web, and they said that it might be a memory error. However, Ubuntu 11.04 does not have the memtest86 or whatever, (at least that I could find) So I took out the smallest RAM stick (1 gig, leaving the laptop with 2 gigs of RAM) and it still freezes.

I included the story to see if I did something wrong with any of my steps that may have permanently done something bad to it.I know it does not sound like it, but yes, I only installed Linux yesterday, therefore, still a newb.

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General :: Booting Into Kernel - Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Sep 13, 2010

I've been playing around with trying to assemble a bare-bones Linux system on a disk.img file through a loop device. I compiled the most recent stable kernel and then copied it onto the root partition in the image. When I try to boot up into the image using qemu, grub gives me this:

Booting 'tiny'
root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /boot/vmlinux
Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format

Press any key to continue... I am confused because I compiled the kernel with 'make bzImage', and the architecture hasn't changed (qemu on the same machine used to build the kernel). So it should be bzImage format. Is that what this Error 13 means, or could it means something else is wrong...?

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General :: Kernel Panic On Boot - Authentication Process Failed

Feb 22, 2011

I got home today to find that my KDE login screen would not let me log in. It said the authentication process failed or something and I needed to terminate the screen lock process manually. So I go over to another virtual terminal and try to log in. As soon as I enter my user name, a bunch of errors come up and I am unable to log in. "This can't be good" I think to myself, and reboot.

I am greeted by this error upon booting:
The error says that it says it cannot find /sbin/init. I loaded up a Ubuntu live CD and verified that /sbin/init is indeed present and all my other files still seem to be there. I tried booting into arch fallback on grub but that didn't work either. Midway through the day I SSHed my desktop from my phone and started it doing an upgrade. I was able to login.

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing: Attempted To Kill Init?

Jan 4, 2010

I used ubuntu in my ARM board. but now i rebooted it says that "kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" i have to reinstall my OS or any other way to get retify?

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General :: Kernel Panic Not Syncing Attempted To Kill Init?

Sep 12, 2010

Our email server and fax server configured in a Linux server.2day mornin onwards i am getting the error.kernal panic -not syncing : attempted to kill init.

Bootin "powerserver"(Centos-4 i386)-up( 2.6.9-11 EL)
root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs,partition type 0*fd


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General :: Kernel Panic Not Syncing Attempted To Kill Init

Sep 20, 2010

How to resolve "kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init" problem in Linux?? And why this error occurs? In my case, this error occurs when i boot my computer and after this error my computer goes on rebooting..

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General :: ACPI Error & Kernel Panic On Boot - Fedora 12

Jan 7, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12. When I boot, only the following three lines are printed: pnp 00:09: can't evaluate _CRS: 12298 ACPI: Expecting a [Reference] package element, found type 0 Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) I first installed Fedora using a RAID 1 setup that mirrored each partition, so I thought the problem was coming from GRUB and confusion from what to boot off of. However, I reinstalled Fedora using a simple single drive setup (left the second drive without any partition), and the same error was returned. Is this an ACPI issue with this particular motherboard/BIOS? Any ideas for how I can fix this?

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General :: Megaraid Controller On Dell 2850 (kernel Panic)

Jul 2, 2010

megaraid controller and Dell2850, all that I can see on thi screenshot:


All drives successfuly passed verifing from LSI controllers (Ctrl+A at startup), also I tried to boot from rescue llive cd and mount all the morrored drives and check it by fsck - ok.

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General :: Doesn't Start Anymore (kernel Panic) - Repair?

Jun 18, 2011

while I was using a live cd, I accidentally deleted some files on the hard drive, including apparently the init file. The fact is that linux doesn't start anymore (kernel panic).

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General :: Unable To Boot On Vmware Workstation 6.5. Kernel Panic

Aug 7, 2010

I'm unable to boot the LFS-6.6 which i've built on a vmware workstation 6.5. i had no trouble in installing all the packages and have managed to run all the test suites successfully w.r.t stable LFS-6.6. while booting i get 'kernel panic' and it says unknown device /dev/sda1 and unknow block (0,0). i've only one primary partition without any swap partition. i've a label assigned to /dev/sda1 and have included it in my fstab file. shows 2 entries:

One for the floppy and the other for my harddisk which is- hd0 /dev/sda. this is for the 2nd time i'm stuck at a point after perfectly installing all the stuff as mentioned in the LFS-6.6 book. i've also noticed on this website the many users have similar type of issue. it would be great if somebody could help me.
note: while configuring the linux, i've inbuilt everything required for my system, including support for ramfs and other required filesystems, scsi driver etc.

My host machine is on a intel core 2 duo processor. my virtual scsi hard disk is 3 GB in size and is a ext3 fs. scsi is configured with LSI Logic which is recommended by vmware while adding an hard-disk.

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Red Hat :: RHEL4 Strange Kernel Panic On Boot - Kernel Update No Solution

Dec 31, 2008

I have the following strange thing with a RHEL4 installation. Since last week, the system did a reboot and now something is really fucked up. During boot we get the following messages (don't care about 'strange' typo's, my colleague typed it 'blind' from the screen)


The strange thing is that we never see a 'could not mount blabla' or similar messages. First we thought it was a failing kernel update by plesk, but even after manually updating the kernel with RHN RPM's, still the same message. Booting with rescue mode and then chroot the system works. After that we even can start things like plesk and so on.

We double checked things with another RHEL4 install, and at least two things were odd:

1: the working machine has /dev/dm-0 and /dev/dm-1, the broken one doesn't

2: some files on /dev didn't have group root, but 252

We tried to recreate the /dev/dm-X nodes with [vgmknodes -v], output:


A fdisk /dev/sda shows: /dev/sda2 XX XXX XXXXX Linux LVM (I removed the numbers because this line is from another machine, but rest was identical)

We have a copy of the boot partition so if one need more info please let me know.



last part of init extracted from initrd-2.6.9-78.0.8.ELsmp.img:


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General :: Boot Disk - Returns Kernel Panic - Not Syncing Cpu Context Corrupt

Mar 6, 2010

I am a Windows 7 user. I have two machines a laptop & a new bench top. Both machines run & boot Windows 7 very well. I use a very good program to clone my Hard Drive to an external USB drive. called Macrium Reflect. It is free and is a dream to use & very fast. This program creates a Linux based boot disk, which will allow you to find a backup clone file on an external drive to restore your hard drive. It works a treat on my laptop & has saved my bacon many times when I have messed things up fiddling with the registry etc.

The problem I am having is that my new desktop will not boot from the start up CD & returns the error kernel panic,not syncing cpu context corrupt. & then just tries to reboot again. I don't know what this problem relates to whether it is the computer hardware or the Linux CD or both. My laptop with the same OS does not have a problem, It is an Acer Aspire 5920G with 1.6ghz Intel dual core processor & 2gig Ram. The bench top has an Intel Dual core 3.3ghz processor, Zotac mother board & 4gig of Ram. both machines are running 32 bit OS.

I have browsed through the posts on this forum with people having the same error at boot, but as I am not using Linux & only using a boot CD I didn't think it appropriate to but into their threads. So I am hoping if some one can tell me is this a hardware issue or a Linux/New dual core CPU/ or Bios/Mother board issue. If it is a Linux issue then my Laptop surely would not boot would it? My bench top is only a week old and guaranteed, should I be sending it from Adelaide back to Sydney(purchased online from MWave) for fault inspection? or just take to a local Technician for a diagnosis. I am not having any hardware problem running Windows 7.

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