General :: Accessing Network Through Terminal?

Sep 19, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble accessing my Internet through terminal, while I am able to access it through browser.

In terminal, if I try to ping any server with its name, like ping, I am able to do that, even I can successfully used nslookup and several other network commands, but when I tried to download something, using "wget" or install something using "gem install" or checking out some code using "svn", I got server timeout error.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Network Mounts Via Terminal?

Mar 19, 2011

Is there a way to access remote mount points that were created within the "Places" dropdown or within Nautilus? I haven't been able to locate a mount point for these.

I know I can create a mount point using fstab that will solve my problem but I was hoping for something using these automount procedures as it's really clean.

I just want a way to access these remote shares via terminal when created within Gnome.

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General :: Accessing Particular Network Adapter On Demand

Dec 23, 2010

I have 3 network adapters on my Linux Machine. All I want is whenever I ping I want to use 1st Adapter card.In the same way, the next time if i want to use the 2nd Adapter for my other application, I should use the 2nd only. How gonna it be possible?

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General :: Accessing Network Files Using File Protocol

Nov 11, 2010

I'm running Red Hat Linux 4.5 in VMWare Server (virtual machine) on Windows XP (host machine). I'm using a loopback adapter to assign an IP address of to the VM.How would I set up file protocol to access the VM's filesystem? Is it possible?

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General :: Accessing Windows Network Printers From A VirtualBox WindowsXP Client

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to access windows network printers from a VirtualBox WindowsXP client running under Ubuntu 10.10 host? The networking type is NAT. Would Bridged Networking solve the problem? If so, is there a tutorial on how to set up bridged networking for virutual box?

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Fedora :: Accessing Directories From Terminal?

Aug 29, 2010

o, incredibly simple problem that I am having a terrible time finding an answer to. I am trying to setup a program in Fedora to be redirected to a folder in my 64-bit Window$ partition, however I am not sure how to tell Terminal that it has a "(" and ")" in the path name.

The exact path in standard value is as follows: "/media/12842F85842F6A85/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps" What SHOULD this look like in Terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing File System In Terminal?

Nov 7, 2010

i just installed ubuntu on my old dell inspiron 4000 laptop. I have a problem with my screen though thats making ubuntu split in half makign it nearly impossible to use.. i found the possible solution at [URL] but im havin g trouble accessing File System where the document i need is located The solution states to open etc/X11 then to do some other line and change something in a text but i have no idea how to access File System using terminal?

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Fedora Networking :: Accessing VPN And Terminal Server At Work

Aug 20, 2009

Loving my new Fedora system and the steady march towards making a MS free house but I have a problem. I need to be able to connect to my company server via VPN and then initiate a terminal server connection. Two clicks on XP but I have no idea what to use now. As soon as I have this down I can remove my XP partition forever as I have everything else I need daily working like a charm.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Samba Shares In KDE?

Jan 6, 2010

I wonder how to get Samba share access working well...Dolphin supports Samba but it doesn't really mount anything, it seems... Non-KDE Applications therefor can't access samba that way. In Gnome there was a workaround for the same problem. You could simply go to ~/.gvfs in any application and find the samba mounted there.Is there anything like that in KDE? I set up a Samba mount via /etc/fstab for now but that is quite annoying because it fails after each Suspend, changing WLAN Access Points, etc. Then I have to go to the console and manually launch sudo mount -a to get it working again. How can I make things more comfortable?

P.S.: I'm even up for using something else than Samba to talk to my fileserver. However I don't know of anything that would work better in this regard. (NFS would have the exactly same problem for example)

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Snmp Devices Through Nat?

Jan 12, 2010

I've problem to access snmp devices through nat.Some devices I can access others not ...All are the same devices...What I see that I have problems it the device has logical interfaces and I want access with snmp to the logical interface...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing A Machine Behind A Firewall?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm in the situation where I'm trying to create 2 private networks using ESX server, all behind a NAT router (static ips are used). I used an openSuse11 vm as a router and was able to configure it so that a machine on one private network was able to access the public network. The problem I have now it that I need to be able to access a machine on the private network from the public network using a different set of IP's.

So if a machine in the private network has an IP of I should be able to ping it using or some other IP. I have never done this before and after reading up on iptables and linux routing I feel more confused than before. Is it possible to add IPs to eth0 (public) and have them mapped to machines on a private network eth1 or eth

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Hardware TO GF's Windows 7?

Nov 19, 2010

I am running openSUSE 11.3 KDE on my computer, which I have the printer and scanner attached to, all in working order;I would like to know how I can get my girlfriend's Windows 7 Laptop to be able to access that hardware on her computer (without having the need to change to USB plugs back and forth) - both our computers are on the SAME router so I am hoping that we can 'network'(?) the two computers despite the OSes are quite different.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Network Shares In Xubunutu?

Sep 21, 2010

I am using Xubuntu 10.04 and can't find where I can create shares as well as access network shares. In Ubuntu I just go under Places/Network and there are my shares. How do you do this in Xubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Accessing Network Share In K3b?

Jun 10, 2011

I have some large files on a network share that I would like to burn directly to a DVD using K3b. Any new data project does not have access to the Windows share. I can access the files ok in Natty Norwhale. Just cannot seem to find them in K3b.

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Networking :: Accessing Low Level Network Interface

Jul 7, 2010

I would like be able to access packets coming off the network with the hopes of coding a primitive packet sniffer for learning purposes. I would also like to be able to piece together my own packets and send them out on my network. Eventually, I would also like to write a simple firewall so I want the capability to drop packets as well as let them pass. I assume I will have to access the kernel with some system calls to do this, any one have any information or resources that could help me on this project?

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Networking :: Accessing Web Site On Same Network Using Domain Name?

Mar 30, 2010

I find it hard to explain but I will try. I have a small network using CentOS 5.4 with a static ip and I am running a web server which has an local ip of and has the domain name of problem is I have other computers on the same network and can only access the web server using instead of am finding it to be impossible to test my web site work using external links that call back to my site

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Hard Drive On Network?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a network where several machines are connected through a switch. I'd like all machines to be able to read/write to/from the hard drives of the other machines. for example:

machine1 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine2
machine2 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine1
machine3 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine1
machine3 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine2
etc etc...

all of this reading/writing will be done through the terminal, and programatically. rather than SSHing into a machine to read/write files from it, I'd be happy to set up some 'conventions' on how to access hard drives of various machines. for example:

'hdd1' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
'hdd2' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
'hdd3' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
etc etc...

this way, when I want to read/write a file, its PATH will be something like ~/hdd1/myfile.txt; ~/hdd2/anotherfile.txt;

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Provider Blocking PC's From Accessing Web?

Feb 21, 2011

Today I have tested the networks at several schools in the area,and at the town hall. It is not possible to surf on www on any of these networks using a PC running Linux. My conclusion is that there has to be some kind of filtering of traffic that exclude PC's running Linux. From the same PC I can send and receive email, I can ping and trace (mtr) addresses on www, and I can view webpages that are on servers on the inside of the filtering-gateway. The filter used is InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance from TrendMicro

I have also demonstrated for the admins at the town hall that using Linux-PC on a "clean" network, surfing is no problem. By doing these small tests I have demonstrated that Linux is not the problem.

Tomorrow I'm going to visit the network providers admins, so that they could see what happens when a PC running Linux tries to access www. What kind of things should I test to document, or find the problems? So far I have just used MTR to document slow respons, wget --no-proxy to document that www hangs and ends time out, ifconfig to show NiC settings, and route.. Could this be a problem with /etc/resolve.conf?

The network provider is the same company that refused to turn on IMAP on the exchange servers, resulting in 3 week without mail at our school. All the other schools had to upgrade Outlook in order to connect to the new exchange-server with MS MAPI settings. MS Gold partners are so nice...

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Networking :: Network Provider Blocking PCs From Accessing Website?

Feb 21, 2011

I have tested the networks at several schools in the area,and at the town hall. It is not possible to surf on www on any of these networks using a PC running Linux. My conclusion is that there has to be some kind of filtering of traffic that exclude PC's running Linux.

From the same PC I can send and receive email,I can ping and trace (mtr) addresses on www, and I can view webpages that are on servers on the inside of the filtering-gateway. The filter used is InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance from TrendMicro I have also demonstrated for the admins at the town hall that using Linux-PC on a "clean" network, surfing is no problem. By doing these small tests I have demonstrated that Linux is not the problem.

Tomorrow I'm going to visit the network providers admins, so that they could see what happens when a PC running Linux tries to access www. What kind of things should I test to document, or find the problems? So far I have just used MTR to document slow respons, wget --no-proxy to document that www hangs and ends time out, ifconfig to show NiC settings, and route...

The network provider is the same company that refused to turn on IMAP on the exchange servers, resulting in 3 week without mail at our school. All the other schools had to upgrade Outlook in order to connect to the new exchange-server with MS MAPI settings.

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Server :: Accessing Apache/HTTPD In Home Network?

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to setup Fedira 12 Linux Apache in my home network. I am able to access the hosted website from inside my home network without any problem. I am facing the problem to access it from outside. At the moment i have connected the Apache directly to DSL modem for testing purpose. I was reading "The ISP may have blocked the HTTP port 80. So check it by connecting the Apache directly to DSL modem." The temporary network connections for testing purpose are as follows..

DSL modem (SIEMENS Speed Stream 4200)-->Fedora 12/Linux Apache Server

I am even unable to PING the real ip (IP for DSL modem).(Firefox gave me error message "Connection Timed out) I have tried to ping it from the internet.I can PING the DSL from Apache without any problem.

1. Why i am even unable to PING the real IP of DSL modem at my home.?

2. Is it possible to run/setup Apache by using this type of DSL modem?

3. DSL modem has real IP. DSL MODEM assigns private IP (192.168.x.x) to Apache. So when a http request form the internet came to DSL modem on port 80, will it forward to Apache automatically.? or i have to made any changes.(I can not see anything in DSL modem to change/modify), OR do I have to use another DSL MODEM/Equipment (router)? This setup is just temporary. The actual design is as follows

DSL MODEM(Speed Stream 4200)-->Fedora 12 Linux ROUTER--->Internal network with DNS/Apache Server

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Fedora Servers :: Monitor What Sites People Have Been Accessing On Network?

May 14, 2009

Does anyone know of a tutorial or site where I can learn how to monitor what sites people have been accessing on a network?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Prompted For A Password When Accessing A Windows 7 Share?

Feb 14, 2010

I have searched for days on this problem and no one seems to have the fix. Everyone else seems to go off on tangents.I have 3 computers. One runs XP pro, one runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and one runs openSUSE 11.2.The two windows machines can share files between each other with no problems.On suse I setup samba correctly. When I go to Computer -> Network on suse, I then go into Samba Shares. Then I see my workgroup name. I click to go in and I can see all 3 of my PC's listed here.When I click on my XP pro machine,am prompted for a user name and password. I put it in and I gain access perfectly.

When I click on my Windows 7 machine, I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter it in and it prompts me again for the user name and password. It will not let me in.I have changed all of the settings in 7, I have disabled the firewall, I have changed the security policies, I have changed the encryption strength.Simply Samba is nolaying well with Windows 7. I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Server In Order To Modify Website?

Feb 27, 2011

I was saddled with the job of maintaining my department's website (I work at a college). When I still used windows I would access my department's folder on the web server using the following procedure: (in windows XP) go to the start menu > click 'run' > enter the folder address, I would be prompted for my login and password. The folder, and the whole server in fact, would then be visible in the windows file browser, under the 'networks' icon. I could then navigate to my department's folder and modify the files I need to to update the website.

How do I do this in Opensuse (using Gnome). I tried going to 'network' in nautilus and then 'open location' but no luck. I also tried 'connect to server' in nautilus (in the 'file' menu), but again no luck. which I could stomach if my college provided reliable access to computers on campus, but they don't so I have to use my laptop, which is now windows free . My current job is only going to last for a few more months, so having only so recently got rid of windows I am reluctant to re-install it just for this purpose (which is just about the only reason I currently have for using windows - the other is being able to download audiobooks from the public library, but that's another matter).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Blog On Local Network And Internet?

Jun 29, 2010

i have php5 and mysql on ubuntu server which is hosting a WordPress blog. i activated it remotely over the internet and it works fine still over the internet. now im home and using my local network again and now when i try to go into it with its local IP, it just shows some text (blog title, posts and so on) with NO pictures.

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Ubuntu :: 2 Separate Users Accessing Network Folder On 1 Computer

Aug 8, 2010

I've just added my wife as a seperate user on my desktop and have a question about shared network folders. So /etc/fstab mounts network folders from a second computer and until today I've mounted them to /home/David/NetworkData

This of course means that when my wife logs in she won't see them since they're not mounted to her home folder. So what folder should I use and what tricks so that we both have it visible and accessible in Places from the top menu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Network Share Folders

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 since 2-3 weeks. First I tried live CD and the OS seems to be very good. So i installed it on my laptop.So far i had no problems until I tried to access the shared network folders of my Server running on MS Windows Vista and another trial PC running WindowsXP. I'm trying to solve this since 2-3 days, I haven't found a solution.1st of all my network works fine. All computers can ping each other and as the laptop had Windows XP installed the server was accessable.1st I installed the SMB4k tool with this program. I could see the computer names, but as soon as I select a Windows computer the tool searches and nothing happens.

I tried a lot of different variations of this command but in the end I receive this kind of error. I also tried to add -o user=username pass=password, nothing changed.After this I searched information about this error, some forum threads I googled are telling the SMB4K tool modifies the /etc/sudoers file and cause this error. So i tried to change it back with some kind of sudo chmod 0640 etc/sudoers but this won't work it seems I can not modify or edit thisw file using sudo.With the pyNeighbourhood tool I could only see my Laptop but not the Windows PCs.At the end I will install Linux systems on all of my PCs, but only if all my tests will pass .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Public Open Wireless Network?

May 5, 2011

Using my laptop, I'm trying to get onto the local library's wireless network, with zero results so far.Basically, I can see the network, but when NetworkManager tries to connect it just spins for a few minutes and then rejects the connection. (Or the connection is rejected by the router) My wireless connection works fine when connecting to my WPA home network.

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Ubuntu :: Multi Users Accessing A Remote Server On Local Network

Jul 24, 2010

I would like to experiment a "green" idea of virtual desktop where multiple users are served by a single powerful machine.

I have a server running 24/7. The monitor of this machine is turned off most of the time and the OS is on the login screen.

Other users, in the same local network, use less powerful machines, which could be a thin client or an old Pentium 3 machine. They access their accounts remotely and work with the GUI as if they were sitting in front of the server. Each user sees their own desktop (different themes, screen resolution, etc.). And of course it can happen that several users could log in at the same time.

The usage is modest: mostly web browsing and the usual default applications (office, wine, gimp, etc.). In particular no games or any demanding applications. The users want to use their desktop in graphical mode only.

Question: How do we call this way of using a server? Is it possible with Ubuntu? And how to implement it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Start Network Interface At Virtual Terminal

Mar 1, 2010

I would like to use zypper to update openSUSE 11.2 through the Virtual Terminals (tty1 thro' tty6).

Network Interface is wlan0 (Wireless LAN, home network through a Router) that requires a password using WPA2.

My question is how to start wlan0 through the command-line ?

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Is Gone - Connect To Local Network Using Terminal

Jan 29, 2011

Yhe only ptoblem was that he had forgotten the password to his network. This was really anoying and has happened before sp yesterday i decided to install some kind of WEP cracking tool so that it would not happen anymore.. After using sometime without getting anything to work i found this tutorial: [URL]

and started following it. i only got to the point where he has updated his computer using update manager and is about to patch his wificard. Then i noticed that the network manager for gnome was gone and the virtualbox logo in my top panel was changed to a red circle with a line running through it. I have tried to download network manager from another computer and installing it on my laptop but it needs internet to install. Then i tried to connect to my local network using terminal that did't work either i also tried connecting using a cable but had no luck connecting. The command iwconfig gives me:


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