Ubuntu :: Accessing File System In Terminal?

Nov 7, 2010

i just installed ubuntu on my old dell inspiron 4000 laptop. I have a problem with my screen though thats making ubuntu split in half makign it nearly impossible to use.. i found the possible solution at [URL] but im havin g trouble accessing File System where the document i need is located The solution states to open etc/X11 then to do some other line and change something in a text but i have no idea how to access File System using terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing EXT4 File System Through Windows

Jul 31, 2010

Windows 7 by default cannot read/mount Ext4 type file systems. I installed Ext2fsd which allows me to mount my linux drive and navigate all the subfolders of my root (/) directory, however when I click on a folder from there (I.E, /home) this is what comes up: [URL].

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Ubuntu :: Accessing File System From Windows Vista?

Nov 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows Vista on my laptop. I would like to be able to access the File System in Windows because I need to use iTunes to sync my iPod, while I actually get most of my Music in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing File System On Internal Hard Drive In 11.04

Jul 14, 2011

when I load into Ubuntu 11.04 from my USB drive, why can't I access the files on my internal hard drive? I mount the drive but I cannot see any of the music, videos or documents contained on that drive (which is also an Ubuntu 11.04 drive). I was wondering so I could copy those files onto my external hard drive and reinstall since my Ubuntu crashed.

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Ubuntu :: How To Rename File To System Date In Terminal

Nov 4, 2010

is there a way in terminal to rename a file to system date?

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Ubuntu :: Locate An Ext2 Or Ext3 File System By Using The Terminal?

Nov 13, 2010

how can i locate an Ext2 or Ext3 file system by using the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Network Mounts Via Terminal?

Mar 19, 2011

Is there a way to access remote mount points that were created within the "Places" dropdown or within Nautilus? I haven't been able to locate a mount point for these.

I know I can create a mount point using fstab that will solve my problem but I was hoping for something using these automount procedures as it's really clean.

I just want a way to access these remote shares via terminal when created within Gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Which Command Should Run From The Terminal To Know Which File System (ext3 - Ext4) Runs On

Dec 27, 2010

I'd like to know which command i should run from the terminal to know which file system (ext3, ext4, etc...) my Ubuntu runs on.

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Fedora :: Accessing Directories From Terminal?

Aug 29, 2010

o, incredibly simple problem that I am having a terrible time finding an answer to. I am trying to setup a program in Fedora to be redirected to a folder in my 64-bit Window$ partition, however I am not sure how to tell Terminal that it has a "(" and ")" in the path name.

The exact path in standard value is as follows: "/media/12842F85842F6A85/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps" What SHOULD this look like in Terminal?

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General :: Accessing Network Through Terminal?

Sep 19, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble accessing my Internet through terminal, while I am able to access it through browser.

In terminal, if I try to ping any server with its name, like ping google.com, I am able to do that, even I can successfully used nslookup and several other network commands, but when I tried to download something, using "wget" or install something using "gem install" or checking out some code using "svn", I got server timeout error.

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Fedora Networking :: Accessing VPN And Terminal Server At Work

Aug 20, 2009

Loving my new Fedora system and the steady march towards making a MS free house but I have a problem. I need to be able to connect to my company server via VPN and then initiate a terminal server connection. Two clicks on XP but I have no idea what to use now. As soon as I have this down I can remove my XP partition forever as I have everything else I need daily working like a charm.

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Programming :: File Access Alert \ Only Gives The Processes Accessing The File At That Particular Moment?

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to check what all processes are accessing a particular file (a UDP socket in my case) on a filesystem.I am using 'fuser' for that.But, it seems, it only gives the processes accessing the file at that particular moment.Is there any way to continuously run 'fuser' (or some other command) which will give all processes accessing the file during its run?OR is it possible to generate a filesystem alert when a particular process accesses the file?

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General :: How Many File Descriptors Accessing A Given File

Nov 28, 2010

On linux, is there a way to count the number of file descriptors open to a some file?

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General :: Run Programs From System Terminal Without Blocking Terminal?

Jun 19, 2010

Right now when I start a program from a terminal I can't use that terminal instance again until I close the program.

I am a new user of linux, and I want to know if there is a way to execute a program/application from a terminal without blocking the terminal until the program ends.

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Networking :: VSFTPD Accessing Ftp On Client System?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to access ftp server without entering user name and password ,second thing i have create repository on my Installation Server that is redhat os now i have created another server and i want to access that repository so what changes i can do on /etc/yum.repos.d/server.repo file

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Slackware :: Why Accessing My Hard Drive - Locking Up My System

Aug 25, 2010

At first I thought it was the daily cron jobs, but it's been at it for like 3 or 4 hours. It's driving me crazy locking up my system. I suppose I should get off the computer anyway, no real reason to be on for so long.

The only things that look weird in system monitor is kwin, virtuoso-t and X seems to be higher CPU usage than it should. And CPU usage is 20-50% when I'm not doing anything. It was indexing my files.

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Ubuntu :: Several Scripts Simultaneously Accessing One File

Jan 21, 2010

I made a script for batch processing brain scans (with FreeSurfer). I have a batch file stored on an NFS server that looks something like this:



now my script is performed on several computers at a time, first it marks an item to be in use (with sed -i 's/.../...'), then processes it (it gets the actual subject files from elsewhere on the server, then puts them back), then marks it to be finished in the list. so during action the batch file should look something like this:


subject1 finished
subject2 inprogress on host1
subject3 inprogress on host2

so i tried a run and watched the batch file, now i observed something like this:


subject1 finished
subject2 inprogress on host1
subject3 inprogress on host2


there was only one script running on host1. the subjects never got marked as finished, although i know for a fact that they were finished. also, the script sometimes seemed to hang for moments.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Drive When Fstab Contains UUID's / No Longer Pertinent To Any Hardware On System

Jul 8, 2011

I cloned one of my hard drives to another, using Acronis True Image Home 2011.In the process, of course, fstab got copied verbatim from old to new.I then, using a livecd on a flash drive, mounted the new drive, went into fstab and rewrote the UUID's, using the numbers I'd gotten previously by doing sudo blkid.Now, the new drive had the UUID's revealed by that command.Then, I used boot-repair, from yannubuntu, to make that drive bootable, since it wasn't after the cloning and after the fstab rewrite.The drive is bootable, and it's mountable from a flash drive, or from the old drive.

I can access files either way.the fstab file on the new drive still has the old numbers, yet when I ran boot-repair, it apparently changed the UUID's for sectors 1 and 5 on the new drive.fstab seems to be irrelevant at this point, yet everything I read about it indicates that it is not only relevant, but necessary.I don't understand how I can be accessing the drive when the fstab contains UUID's that are no longer pertinent to any hardware on my system.

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Ubuntu :: Error Creating File System: Helper Exited With Exit Code 1: Cannot Open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only File System

May 2, 2010

I bought a new SD card which I intend to put some MP3s on - except that I can't write to it because it tells me the destination is Read Only. No-probs thinks I: I'll just reformat it.

"Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only file system"

Various chmod commands all result in Read-only file system. I tried umount then mount commands, but it couldn't find it to mount once I'd unmounted it using the same /media/ file path (I assume it's the only one).

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General :: Accessing .dd File Extension

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to access a .dd file extension. Do I have to mount it?

# fdisk -ul VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd
Blocks Id System
VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd1 8192 1535999 763904 5 Extended
VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd4 * 32 8191 4080 4 FAT16 <32M
VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd5 8224 106495 49136 6 FAT16


I am trying to grab some files off this file to create a PXE vmware boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting A Phtml File While Accessing Webserver Through Firefox?

Apr 27, 2010

I'd like to ask a question about the apache webserver. I'm very sorry to post this topic here. It seems likely that this post is better off in server platforms and i didn't know where to post it.

Anyway, i have a problem with my apache webserver. Well, not so much however it is behaving strangely. When i installed the apache webserver and accessed the webroot (/var/www) through my webbrowser it said: It works!. Then i added a folder with an .php file to the root folder and get an error: access denied when i accessed it through my webbrowser. I'v tried to modify /var/www with chmod but this didn't work, however i do get a .phtml file offered as a download.

Also i have looked for a configuration file (httpd.conf) to alter the "DirectoryIndex" string. I did find the apache2.conf instead but it has no "DirectoryIndex" directive. I did google this problem but there is no straight answer to this.

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Server :: Accessing Other Linux File Systems?

Jun 19, 2010

I have 3 linux systems configured for running applications in each, named system1, system2 and system3. I have around 100 GB of space in system3 under /usr but not much being used. In System1 very less space is there but mostly hits coming here and need to have proper backup, as the system1 is quite old and not planned partitons properly. So I want to use a disk having more space for backup requirements.

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Server :: Accessing Database In FBD Data File

Feb 19, 2011

We purchased a new database system at work last October, ditching the old system because of a lack of support from the vendor. This is a retail Point of Sale and Backoffice database system. I am not sure what system the new one runs on, but the system we replaced was a Firebird data base. The reason I am posting is because we are now in need of the information contained in the old database which was not completely imported into the new system. Unfortunately, we parted company with the old vendor under extremely hostile conditions, and they are not a source of help for this problem, nor are the new vendors.

Basically the problem is this: The database in on a Windows XP system and I found a copy of SQL Manager Lite 2008 on the system, which after quite a bit of studying, I figured out how to extract the database into a removable file. I have this file (178MB) on a USB stick in a file called Backoffice.fbd. I can get into this database with MySQL. All I want to be able to do get into the database and create tab deliminated spreadsheet files for each of the database sections (Customers, Repairs, Sales History, stock files, etc.) Is it possible to do this with Ubuntu and MySQL and if so, can an expert suggest one or two things to get me started.

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Programming :: Accessing File And Manipulating With With Folders?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .csv file with a list of Drugs Name that i need to remove from the folder. The folder consist of files that stored as drugname.mol format.

What i need to do is to sieve out those mol files from the folder?

How do i

(1) access the drugs names from the .csv file line by line (variable x)

(2) how do i access the files in the folder one by one (variable y)

(3) how can i do a comparison whether $x.mol == $y

(4) and shift them to another folder if $x.mol == $y

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Red Hat :: File System Corruption - Super Block Could Not Be Read Or Don't Describe A Clear Ext2 File System

Jul 12, 2010

My Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 with 6x partitions (/, /boot,/home, /usr, /var, /tmp) of 6.0 GB IDE Hardisk was working quite fine. I decided to create LVM on /home and /var partitions but due to some errors occured and I delete the /home partitions. That's why partition table altered. I then delete 4,5,and 6th partitions (/home, /var, /tmp) partitions and now try to create one by one but following error is coming:-


The Super block could not be read or do not describe a clear ext2 file system. E2fsck b 8193 <device> I have tried following commands,but could not successful:- e2fsck -p /dev/hda7 (where hda7 was created but afterthat it was deleted) e2fsck -a /dev/hda7

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Fedora Servers :: Accessing Index File By Hostname?

Sep 6, 2011

I have my home network up and running. I can access my index file by the ip I gave to eth0 -

I put this same ip into etc/hosts: localhost localhost.localdomain
One space separates the hostnames from the ip in /etc/hosts.
The hostname command returns: localhost.localdomain

I have /etc/resolv.conf configured the right way, so I can use my isp's DNS servers. I know this because yum works and I can ping anywhere by url. The next step is to learn to access the index file by url locally on my own network.

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General :: Accessing Network Files Using File Protocol

Nov 11, 2010

I'm running Red Hat Linux 4.5 in VMWare Server (virtual machine) on Windows XP (host machine). I'm using a loopback adapter to assign an IP address of to the VM.How would I set up file protocol to access the VM's filesystem? Is it possible?

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Programming :: CSH Permission Denied When Accessing Local File

Mar 9, 2011

I've just recently started learning shell scripting and I've been working on a basic csh script, but I've been having a few problems. Here's the script

echo Enter a file name
$< = FILE ##Name of file
echo enter a size (in kilobytes) to monitor
SIZETOMON = $< ##Size value that's input by user
du -k $FILE = $SIZE ##Size of the file that the user wishes to monitor
while (1)
if $SIZE > $SIZETOMON then
echo ALERT: File size is greater than $SIZETOMON

And here's the output
/home/lucer/foo.txt: Permission denied.
Badly placed ()'s.

I'm not really sure what the issue is with the "badly placed ()'s" or why it won't let me access files that I can access with the same shell when it's not in a script.

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Fedora :: Stale File Handle - Accessing WLAN0 Interface?

Mar 22, 2010

I've got a problem while accessing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file, CLI's throwing: "Stale File Handle" - there's no access to this file. Problem is the same regardless wlan0 interface is up or down.

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Networking :: Accessing Home File/print Server Through The Internet?

Mar 30, 2011

I just received a 2 tb drive for my server to be. The pc is a P4 3.06 ghz with 4 gb of ram. I have found a number of posts on this forum, as well as on the net in general, about setting up a file/print server at home. What I want to be able to do is to access my server through the internet from my office computer (windows 2000) How can I do that? I have not yet spent much time trying to decide which distro I will use. It seems that a number of them are suitable for this purpose, so I just plan to try several from a live cd and then choose one.

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