General :: Ubuntu Command For Installing 'tr '

Mar 24, 2010

I need to use tr command in my bash script and since it is not found in my linux distribution I tried to install it by using the following command: sudo apt-get install tr

and it spitted out the following error message: E: Couldn't find package tr

what is the command I need to use in Ubuntu linux to install tr and get it working.

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General :: First Command To Run After Installing Ubuntu?

Mar 26, 2011

Ubuntu is a great operating system. It fast, secured and easy to use when compared to most of other operating Systems. But Ubuntu is not complete without some additional packages. One command make Ubuntu useful for everyday use. To get started, press Ctrl - Alt - T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When Terminal opens, type the command below and press Enter to install. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras Programs that will get installed after running the above command are: MP3, DVD Playback support Microsoft Fonts Java Runtime Flash Player and many codecs that are required to play MP3 and DVDs. (OR) install Ubuntu restricted extras Ubuntu by default, doesn't allow you to play MP3, DVD, Flash or most media formats for legal reasons. You must always install additional programs that will allow you to play those media To install Ubuntu restricted extras go to Ubuntu Software Center from the application launcher. Then search for "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" and Install . It will install commonly used pplications with restricted copyright (mp3,avi,mpeg,True Type,java,Flash,Codecs). Allu John Sudhakar System/Network Administrator

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General :: What Is The Function Of Createrepo - Command While Installing Yum

Jan 16, 2011

I m using Redhat linux 5.1, I want to know what is the function of 'createrepo .' command while installing yum.

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General :: Installing A Program And Have It Accessible As A Command From Any Directory?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to install a program (specifically metasploit), and have it accessible from any directory in the terminal. I have it installed correctly, but I have to travel to the directory it is installed in to run it (by using ./msfconsole ). I want to be able to be in any directory and just run "msfconsole" and have metasploit run. I have to copy the metasploit folder to the /opt/ directory? Maybe the /usr/bin/ directory?

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General :: Command (such As "tree") Without Installing It System Wide ?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm connected to a Linux box through SSH on which I don't have administrative privileges. The command I wish to use is called tree, but it isn't installed. Is there any way I can load the tree program into my home directory and run it without the need to install it system wide?

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Ubuntu :: Chmod Command For Installing HP All In One Printer

Jan 6, 2010

I'm such a newbie when it comes to Ubuntu, or any Linux varient, period. I was trying to install a driver for an HP All-in-One Printer and was trying all kinds of commands from different Google searches... still unsuccessful in the installation. I downloaded the file to my desktop, but after using a Chmod command someone mentioned, I now have a folder on my desktop named:

i right-click

Basic Tab
Type:folder (inode/directory

Permissions Tab

"You are not the owner so you cannot change these permissions". The folder's icon on my desktop has a red box with white circle on the middle right side and a lock symbol above that. I'm the only user so I don't get why the permissions are protected from me, how do i undo this?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Softwares Using The Dpkg Command?

Jul 8, 2011

After installing softwares using the dpkg command,my ubuntu is not detecting my keyboard or mouse.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Xfce In 10.10 With Command Line?

Oct 20, 2010

How to install xfce in ubuntu 10.10 with command line?

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Red Hat :: Installing RPM Packages Using Yum Command

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to install the rpm packages in a file by using "yum" command. The RedHat version is 5.3. This worked on RedHat 4.4, however it errors out when run on RedHat 5.3. Are there any options to include in the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Correct Command For Installing Wireless Pinter?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a Samsung ML-2525w, and have loaded the unified driver several times previously but long enough ago that I can't remember the correct command to install it. This is what I remember, in terminal viewer:

sudo ?(enter login)(then drag and drop the autorun file into the terminal viewer to install) I am going nuts trying to find the instructions again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sudo: Apt: Command Not Found While Installing?

Jun 21, 2011

so i was removing softwares using ubuntu software center.. games i don't play and cheese webcam booth because it was not working, i intended to re-install it. after my installation, half my icons (i have extensively personalized my desktop) changed to defaults. The themes page said 'theme will not be as it appears because default.kde is not installed'. i did not remove any such package. just games. and furthermore, i installed a kubuntu plasma desktop system which i read in a thread contains the file default.kde but that hasn't helped and i still don't know what do to..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Packages Via Command Line?

Sep 1, 2011

i am trying to install upgrades for my ubuntu server via webmin, and i put in the command apt-get install imagemagick and when i do that i see the output and it asks me if i want to install, is there a command that will automatically force the installation so that way i dont have to hit yes or Y?

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Ubuntu :: Command Prompt On Startup After Installing Freevo?

Jun 6, 2010

I've just done a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 and installed Freevo on it from the Medibuntu repositories. After rebooting I get a shell window with no frame in the top-left corner of the screen with the Ubuntu loading screen still taking up the rest of the screen. Typing 'startx' gave a error that there is already a display running on the port.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 9.10 Server - In Command Line Mode?

Feb 5, 2010

How to installing ubuntu 9.10 server in command line mode?

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Ubuntu :: Installing 64 Bit Adobe Flashplugin Preview In Single Command

Sep 17, 2010

I posted a blog on how to install 64 bit adobe flash plugin in Ubuntu Lucid in a single command


The command is

sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer && mkdir -p flashplugin-64 && cd flashplugin-64 && wget -c && tar xzf flashplayer_square_p1_64bit_linux_091510.tar.gz && sudo cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software To Base System From Command Line?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm a Linux newbie and don't know how to do a lot of things. Five months ago, I asked a friend at FreeGeek Columbus to delete the extaneous operating systems from my computer just leaving the one I used, and he accidentally deleted them all. No problem, I'll just reinstall when I get home. But everytime I try to reinstall K/Ubuntu, I get an error message saying
Installation Failed. The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:
[errno 5] Input/output error.

That happens with four Ubuntu installation Cds, three live Ubuntu Cds, one Kubuntu live CD, and one Fedora live CD. I suppose there's a problem with my DVD rom. PCLinuxOS and openSUSE, however, do install, so those are what I've been using (I've only recently ceased with openSUSE, for the time being). Today, however, I got lucky trying out something different. I used an Ubuntu 9.04 alternative CD (not live as they abort when they come to the input/output error message) to install the base system and grub with lvm.

It allows me skip over software installation which is where the input/output error message happens. It boots to a command line. I don't know what commands to use to get the software to install from a mirror, or how to install repositories from the command line. I've never had Kubuntu, per se (only Ubuntu with the KDE desktop); so since PCLinuxOS GNOME 2010 (a rolling distro) is more stable and polished than Ubuntu 9.10, I'd like to fill my base system out with Kubuntu software.

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Fedora :: Command For Installing PSTricks Package

Jul 9, 2010

Please tell me the command to install the pstricks package which is being used by TexLive.

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Debian :: Command Line For Installing Alliance P2p?

Jan 13, 2010

Does anybody know the command line for installing alliance p2p? i have kubuntu 10.9

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing Cvs - Xinetd - Command Not Found

Mar 12, 2010

I am new to Linux i am installing cvs in it.

I am facing the below problem:sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd reload sudo: /etc/init.d/xinetd: command not found. /etc/init.d/xinetd restart /etc/init.d/xinetd stop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype Command And Installing V4l2ucp Doesn't Stick

Sep 25, 2010

i have been able to get my webcam working in Skype by doing the LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype command and installing v4l2ucp but it doesn't stick. So next time i boot it is like i didn't do anything. I have read a few things on it on this forum and i am not sure what to do next. Is there a conflict with my nvidia video card? I only installed Ubuntu 10 a week ago i think.

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Server :: What Is The Command For Installing Japanese Fonts In VPS Centos 5.3

Apr 19, 2010

installing `yum` in my VPS Centos 5.3 (Final release) I need `yum` because I want to install Japanese fonts in my sever. What is the command for installing Japanese fonts in my VPS Centos 5.3 server

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Software :: Command For Installing Ruby Interpreter In Distro?

Jun 13, 2010

Would a representative from each Linux distro be kind enough to tell me what the command is for installing the Ruby interpreter in their distro? In Gentoo it is "emerge Ruby".

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CentOS 5 :: Installing Gcc On 5.4 - Error: Sudo: Apt-get: Command Not Found

Oct 21, 2010

I am looking for gcc installation in CentOS 5.4. I cannot use yum install since not connected to internet. I tried to do sudo apt-get install build-essential but received the following error: sudo: apt-get: command not found How to install gcc in my Linix machine?

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 And Command Line Scripts - Error - Android: Command Not Found

Mar 26, 2011

I know my way around MS Windows much better, but I just don't feel right trying to program something for Android on a Microsoft operating system. I am interested in Android programming so I followed the instructions on [URL] to install the environment on my computer...

I just installed the JDK, SDK, Eclipse successfully (or I assume):

* When I get to Step 4 where I'm supposed to run 'android' it will not run. I get the error message "android: command not found" (I am definitely in the right directory).

** When I double-click it in nautilus, it opens up in gedit. I can set the permissions in nautilus (through the properties - Allow executing file as a program) and get it to work,

My system:

Intel i7
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
eclipse 3.6.2

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Fedora :: Terminal Command For Installing Packages Zypper / OpenSuSE?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm considering making a switch from Ubuntu/Linux Mint to Fedora 15 because I just adore, love, cannot be without Gnome Shell any longer. SELinux - I actually am finding I hate this program as it blocks certain plugins (like Java), some programs I run it blocks functionality, etc. What's the best way to disable it or make it more like Ubuntu where it's pretty much permissive of everything. Common Apps I use - I haven't checked the repos, but at the least I use the following (some I know work, but I can't remember the specific ones I want to know if I need to compile or if it's in the repos)

a - Snes9x
b - PCSX Reloaded
c - KeepNote
d - libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4
e - MP4, MP3, AVI, MPEG, OGG, OGV codecs (I think I've converted any others like WMA and WMV... wait I have a few WMA files, crap)
f - Flash 64-bit - this one I have issues with SELinux wise, (reason for first question)
g - VirtualBox - it runs so much faster under Fedora so I know this one works
h - Sun Java

RPMs - Fedora uses RPMs right? Is there like an DEB Alien to convert DEBs to RPMs? Apache2 - Now maybe I found this as httpd or lightppd or something, but why isn't it listed as Apache2 in the repos? I'm more or less guessing that Fedora is not a "rolling" release, is there a variant or version that is or a repo I can enable? A software center, other than Synaptic; I'm pampered when it comes to Ubuntu Software Center and that, is there anything like that in Fedora that isn't Synaptic? What's the terminal command for installing packages, is it zypper or is that OpenSuSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Installing No Win7 But Just Command Line Of SUSE?

Aug 21, 2010

well, gonna straight-explain what I`ve here: had a Win7 64bit installed machine and created a D drive as I was intended to install Suse there (so it`s `Extended`) after succesfully installed SLED and finally restarted the laptop to see use Win7 again there was no Loader for me to choose which Operation System (I have another machine with XP,Ubuntu and Pardus - never had sucha problem)then I had to chose SLED of course but this time it didn`t bring me to the login page but to the Command Line of SLED, and the thing is that I can`t use command line on linux. tried several times and with failsafe login but stıll having command line and there is no Win7 to run on Loader.

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Software :: Know Command Line For Installing Cairo Dock Plugins?

Sep 28, 2009

ive downloaded both the cairo-dock and the plugin tar.bz2 pakages. ive had no problem installing the dock, but when i tried the plugins i wouldnt work.

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Fedora :: Installing Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge From An Old Iso File?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently decided to try installing Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge from an old iso file I had floating around my hard drive. I first mounted the iso and copied the files from it into a folder. I then used Wine to install. Everything went according to plan until I went to run the game. When I tried running Red Alert 2 (original) an error message popped up: Error - Unable to set the video mode. When I tried running Yuri's Revenge the same thing happened with one small exception, the first couple of times I tried the Yuri's Revenge splash screen popped up before showing the error message. However the splash screen no longer pops up.

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Debian :: Installing Kernel Sources - Make Command To Build Package Fails

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to build the package zaptel on debian, but I'm encountering two errors:
1- When I try to run the "make menuselect" command, I get an error stating that I need ncurses which is missing. I tried to get it installed but didn't get to do it yet.
2- After that, there's the command "make" I think it's to build the package. Yet again this fails, and the error I get is "you do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.26-2-686 kernel installed".

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General :: Append Command Output To File By Giving Command In Terminal?

Jul 3, 2009

I am using openSUSE 10.3.When I install software from tarball then to record time required I send output of date to beg.txt(when installation begins) and end.txt (when installation finishes).How can I append output of date to a file so I don't need two files?

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