General :: Screen Doesn't Work In Cronjob-SH

Sep 12, 2010

i wanted to ask you for help in setting up a cronjob, that restarts a game server.By now I made a script that kills the screen of the server and then restarts it.

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Server :: Cronjob Rsync Doesn't Work

Mar 28, 2011

I have a computer that I would like to backup the home directory onto a server. I created a script called that contains the following:

#!/bin/bash -l
/usr/bin/rsync -rv --delete-after --ignore-errors -e /usr/bin/ssh root@wngr403-unix2:/home/ /space/systemimager/Wien/

where wngr403-unix2 is the computer I am backing up, and the script is ran from the server. If I run the script by itself, it works just fine. If I run it as a cronjob, the /var/log/syslog says it ran, but it does nothing.

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General :: Screen Freezes And Scars - Keyboard Or Mouse Doesn't Work

Apr 3, 2011

My screen is frequently freezing and even the keyboard or mouse doesn't work. I've been told to read the logs, But I don't know where thy are or what to look for?

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Ubuntu :: Full Screen Doesn't Work?

Jul 12, 2010

My current version is


Whenever I try to pla a video in full screen mode, it crashes. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 RC Screen Saver Doesn't Work

Oct 10, 2010

I downloaded and did a fresh install of 64bit 10.10 RC a couple of days ago.I've run the Update Manager and everything is up to date.The sceen saver doesn't work. After the set idle time, the screen remains at the desktop and never goes blank. I set it at System / Preferences / Screen saverI have Regard the computer as idle after: 4 minutes

I've checked Activate screensaver when computer is idle.I've checked Lock screen when screensaver is active. I have it set to just do a blank screen.I have a 10.04 machine and a 9.somethingorother machine and the screensaver works normally on both of those.

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Ubuntu :: Split Screen Option Doesn't Work?

Nov 24, 2010

I have inadvertently caused the main menu (Applications,Places and System) icons to change to a single icon, a white triangle. I've tried to put back the default but no luck. How can I restore the original?

On workspaces, I created a second workspace but the Workspace Switcher doesn't want to show the 2nd workspace; the display should show a blank window. Also the split screen option doesn't work. Do I need an applet (Pager) to sort this out?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Xp Beside On Boot Screen Doesn't Work?

Dec 3, 2010

Yes, I've been trying to get Windows xp and Linux Ubuntu installed on my computer in the boot screen to pick from one but Linux ubuntu works but Windows xp won't even boot.I just sets there With a little line like that just blink for hours and nothing happens I end up just pulling the power plug to restart the system back into Linux because the side by side Install didn't work.There was software, that should allow me to do this but I forgot what it was, software that would allow me to set Linux ubuntu in the boot screen .

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Doesn't Work In Log In Screen

Dec 16, 2010

When I start ubuntu I can't use my mouse and keyboard. It works in a second when the log in screen appears but then it freeze. It works in bios, grub and safe mode. I use mx518 and ace kl 400.

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Fedora :: Mouse And Keyboard Doesn't Work At Login Screen?

Apr 8, 2010

Got myself in a bit of a squeeze here. I was messing around with the Xorg install on my Fedora 12 system. I ended up reinstalling it. Now my mouse and keyboard work fine in single user mode / terminal. But if I try and boot to X they dont work at the login screen. HAL and udev are booting. Ive done a udevadm monitor test in single user mode and its seeing the devices connect and disconnect. Ive also tried both USB and PS2 devices. Same issue. Ive tried playing with xorg.conf and generating it with Xorg -configure :1 I dont know to use to fix it. After banging my head against the wall for 20+ hours I decided it was time to ask for help. m just Lynxing around the web at the moment =X

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Ubuntu :: The Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work - Black Screen

Oct 21, 2010

I just installed Maverick on my HP tx1000. Jockey offered me two drivers for my NVidia Go 6150. I tried the recommended one--and it seemed to be working. It had a green light next to it in Jockey, Compiz worked, etc. Then I rebooted.

Except it didn't reboot--the disk thrashed for a while, and then I was met with a black screen. I tried recovery mode and got a bash prompt...which crashed when I ran `startx'. Then I tried Failsafe X, which did work. After some experimentation, I realized it was the Nvidia driver at fault, so I tried the not-recommended one, which didn't work, and now I've disabled both of them. But isn't there a proper driver for me to use? IIRC, I was using a restricted one with Lucid, and it was working all right.

Fun fact: The day before I installed Maverick, Windows 7 randomly decided to not boot all the way. It would show the splash screen, and then hang with a black screen too. But it works in Safe Mode. And had been working fine for a while beforehand. There must be demons in my graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Black Screen - No Gui - Startx Doesn't Work

Dec 25, 2010

I'm having a pretty serious problem, whenever I try to boot into Ubuntu the screen goes black, I see a flash of purple or violet and then i get a prompt asking for my login credentials, afterwards I'm stuck with a terminal trying to start the gui... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, fresh install tried to reboot after getting the display driversinstalled idk if that could be a problem. I tried to commands in the terminal already:

sudo service gdm start
return = start: Job is already running: gdm

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Ubuntu :: Why Startx Doesn't Work - Black Login Screen

Jan 5, 2011

afeter installing ubuntu studio 10.10 a black login screen after login it asking me to type a command i've typed '' startx '' but it does't work

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Desktop Mode Doesn't Work - Screen Goes To Blank

Aug 7, 2010

I was upgrade my PC's RAM to 4GiB on 32bit platform, the problem is when I set AGP appture size to 64 MiB suse was detect physical memory at 3.4 GiB but when I set AGP appture size to 32 MiB or lower physical memory was detected at 3.6 GiB but I can only boot with failsafe mode, desktop mode doesn't work and screen goes to blank and I want to use the whole 3.6 GiB.

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Ubuntu :: Xdmx / Dummy Screen / Vnc - Capslock/shift Doesn't Work?

Aug 15, 2010

I've been playing around with xdmx for quite a while now. Everything works fine, but my keyboard goes "crazy". I've tried all the command line options to set model etc. For example the cursor keys capture a screenshot. The letters work, but capslock/shift doesn't, etc..Today I tried to create a dummy screen in xorg.conf and then vnc into it. Then the mouse didn't show or work in the vnc client.

Is there any way to fool the nvidia driver to think that there is a second display connected? I think that would work better. The dummy driver doesn't have xrandr etc.I'm trying to get this to work on my desktop and laptop. They both have totally different hardware.I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and xdmx and vnc have been pulled from the default repos.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Doesn't Work - Screen Went Blank

May 26, 2011

i had an nvidia geforce 6800 card in my pc and that just all of a sudden stopped working (the screen went blank) so i went to my onboard video and it works but no matter what video card i install, it doesn't work (still a black screen) and i know the cards work on other pc's but just not this one. i've tried different ati cards and nvidia cards with no luck. i've also wanted to disable my onboard card all together but my bios doesn't have that option for some reason. i also thought that it might be the slot but when i install the video card in the pc, the fan works so it's not that.

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Ubuntu :: Driver - Screen Resolution Doesn't Go Above 800 X 600 And Sound Card Does Not Work

Jan 14, 2010

I have a few issues with my new install of Ubuntu. My screen resolution doesn't go above 800 x 600 and my sound card does not work. I believe these are driver issues.


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Ubuntu :: Ati - Fglrx Driver - Get Only Black Screen When X Tries To Start And Keyboard Doesn't Work

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to fix this problem: [URL] I have a problem with fglrx driver since Catalyst 9.9. After installation and reboot I get only black screen when X tries to start and keyboard doesn't work however when I press power button then the system shuts down properly after a while. I have noticed this for the first time on Hardy after installing Catalyst 9.9 and since then I have the same problem on Karmic and Catalyst 9.10/9.11 as well. I don't understand the bold text, What is this X he's talking about?

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Fedora Installation :: Lockup At First Boot Screen - Can't Move The Mouse And Keyboard Doesn't Work

Jun 11, 2009

I downloaded the Fedora 11 KDE livecd, installed it, and after the reboot when I get to that "firstboot" screen, I can't move the mouse, the keyboard doesn't work, I have to hold down the power button to turn off the computer.

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General :: Mail() Function Doesn't Work With HOTMAIL But Its Work With Others?

Apr 27, 2011

i have tried mail function in php to send email from the local host its work for yahoo but not with HOTMAIL whay ! actually i tried to figure it out,

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General :: How To Set Cronjob In /etc/crontab

Apr 10, 2011

I know crontab -e sets a cronjob in /var/spool/cron but how do I set a cronjob to run from /etc/crontab? Is there a command used for this or would I have to manually edit a certain file?

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General :: Cronjob / Run The Files Everyday At 11.00 Pm?

Apr 23, 2010

I need to run the files everyday at 11.00 pm (Monday to Friday).

How would I put on cronjob? I have files ready.

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General :: Configure Cronjob To Run Every 45 Days

Nov 19, 2010

we have requirement like we need to run the sql script, which needs to be executed for every 45 days.

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General :: Pop Up Message From Cronjob Run Script?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm working on a bash script that will be run regularly via a cronjob. As there is no easy way for the user to see if it's running in the background, I'd like a have some kind of pop up window what say's something like "Process started" and "Process finished" when it's complete. Ive read though some similar threads and came across xmessage. It kind of does what I want, with the exception of:-Id like the message Process started to stay up for the whole process, but it looks like the script wont continue until the xmessage window is closed. I cant get any xmessages to appear when the script is run from a cronjob. It only appears if I run the script manually from a terminal window. Which is no good for me. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great and just to add, it's doesn't have to be xmessage, any text box would do. I'm working with Redhat 4 and 5, if that makes a difference. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognises the element of surprise.

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General :: Return Value Of Tftp Is Always Zero In Cronjob?

May 15, 2010

I have called an script in cronjob named as follows:

MAC=`ifconfig eth0 |sed -n 1p|awk '{print $5}'|awk -F : '{print $1$2$3$4$5$6}'`


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General :: Change Rsyn Cronjob Via PHP Script ?

Apr 13, 2010

Currently we have to comment out an rsync task every now and then. Is there a way to have a PHP script on the server so we can simply browse to it to uncomment the rsync task and another one to comment it out again ?

The rsync job is the only job in crontab so even if it means deleting / re-creating the job wouldn't be a problem. I just want to avoid connecting via SSH and VPN every time I am asked to disable it

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General :: Cronjob / Execute At 4:30 Pm On 2nd Monday Of Each Month?

May 10, 2010

Cron setup for execute at 4:30 pm on 2nd monday of each month.

50 16 8-14 * mon /home/user/

It seems to be ignoring the date range 8-14?

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General :: Receive Emails About A Cronjob Execution?

Jun 15, 2011

how I can receive emails about a cronjob execution or where to go to read about that? I am using CentOS 5.4.

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General :: Setup A Cronjob It Only Runs If Logged In?

May 6, 2010

I wrote this little script and it runs very well, however when I setup a cronjob it only runs if I am logged in. I would like to have this script running even when I am not logged in. At the moment it runs but only when I am logged in. I logged as denis and in terminal (su root) and edited crontab as shown below, what do I need to change or setup to have this script run when no-one is logged in the computer. I run Fedora 12 (64 bit)

backup script:

cd /home/denis/Documents
tar -czvPf /home/denis/Backups/docsbackups_$(date +%Y%b%d_%HH%MM).tar.gz /home/denis/Documents
# above line will produce file with name in this format "docsbackups_date&time.tar.gz" in the /home/denis/Backups folder


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General :: LAMP Set Up In Ubuntu10.04 Rev189 And CRONJOB?

Jul 12, 2010

I am a PHP developer.I have always used XAAMP(in Windows7) for development purpose. I am driven to turn to Linux now . I have installed Ubuntu10.04-rev189(Wubi) in Windows7 recently. I have a PHP script which require the following tasks to be performed.

1. Give permissions "777" to the following files and folders:_cache media images /configs.php mages/config_photo_preview.jpg

2. Set up cron jobs on your site like this: /usr/local/bin/php -q /your-site-root-dir/cron/index.php I need to get an environment like XAAMP and perform the above mentioned tasks.

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Ubuntu :: "login Screen Settings "doesn't Work

May 4, 2011

i got to this system called" awesome" and I can't get out The "login screen settings "doesn't work

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