General :: Laptop - Setting Up External Screen As "primary"

Feb 13, 2010

I am a recent convert to Ubuntu 9.10. I have installed it on my by travel laptop, which is docked when at home with a 22' ViewSonic screen.

Under Windows all is good, I just plug it in and whamo, I can close the laptop lid and use the Viewsonic as my primary screen.

Under Ubuntu, it appears the above is impossible. I seek your guidance as below.

Q. Is it possible dock my 22" screen as my primary screen with my laptop?

Q If it is possible, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting External Monitor As Primary Display?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an ASUS 1000HE laptop running Lucid 10.04 (Desktop not netbook version) which I have connected to an external display (LCD). I don't intend to use the laptop by itself anymore therefore I have configured the display properties to turn off the laptop display and use the external display as primary. However, when the PC enters 'locked mode' or the display powers down after a defined period of time (as set in the properties) when I wake the PC and the display, it turns the laptop monitor back on .... switches the laptop screen to primary display (i.e. with the panels etc displayed on it) and extends the desktop to the external display! The only thing I can then do is go back into the configuration utility and turn the laptop monitor off again and boom, everything is fine and dandy displaying on the external display again! I don't really want to have to do this every time I come back to the PC after it has been locked nor do I want to write a script (if it can be avoided) to deal with it!

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Ubuntu :: Using External Screen As Primary On 11.04?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500 laptop on which I installed the beta of Ubuntu 11.04. Things seems to work smoothly at the moment, but with one niggle. I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, and can manage to have a dual-screen configuration, and I am able to move the mouse from one screen to another correctly; however, the menus, status bars and window icons remain stubbornly only on the laptop screen. This is happening with Unity as well as Gnome.

If I disable the laptop screen with grandr (the Gnome GUI for xrandr) they do migrate on the external screen, but they swoosh back to the laptop if I reactivate it. Trying to alter the layout with grandr or using xrandr with the --right-of option from the command line do not change anything good. I randomly get the laptop screen to become half black.Incidentally, something like it used to happen with Fedora 12 (I think) some months ago.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Use External Monitor As Primary Screen

Feb 21, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop. I have a 19" Acer monitor and in the past have successfully configured my xorg.conf to handle dual monitor setup with 1024x768 on the laptop and 1600x900 on the Acer monitor. What I have done now is run the laptop through a KVM switch. Due to this, I would like to set the Acer monitor as the primary monitor and just shut the laptop. How can I project my laptop screen to my Acer monitor so that I can use the 1600x900 resolution available rather than just cloning my laptop and using 1024x768?

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Ubuntu :: Designate Laptop LCD As Primary Screen?

Oct 21, 2010

Recently I connected second monitor to my laptop. Everything seems ok. I got what i wanted: extended working space, panel on second monitor with windows list that are present on corresponding screen. One thing that is annoying me is GDM. It displays login dialog on my second LCD not laptop. Is there a way to make GDM to display login dialog window on my laptop or how to designate laptop LCD as primary screen or something?

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General :: Laptop With External Screen Won't Run / Fix This?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a laptop that has been connected to an external screen ever since i installed linux on it but i now wish to use it as a proper laptop but i when i run it without the external screen, the laptop screen goes blank after the initial boot splash screen. Is there a way to fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: External Monitor As Primary Screen In Extended Desktop Into The Webcam

Apr 13, 2011

When my netbook has an extended screen, using an external monitor, all of the panels stay on the netbook, not the big monitor. When I connect an external monitor, I want to use it as my primary screen. I only really intend to use the netbook screen for skype calls (so I am looking into the webcam, and not away from it) since it is so small. I wish the secondary screen to be the netbook, not the external monitor. How can I do this?

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General :: Installing Into A Laptop With Non Working Screen Using A External Monitor?

May 10, 2011

I have an HP Pavilion dv9000 which I would like to use completely with any Linux OS. I have tried to install Linux Ubuntu 10.04.1 but it appears that it doesn't recognize the external monitor and ends the installation. I have a clean hard drive that I could install but I do not know which of the two drives I should replace. I can only get into windows in safe mode and I would think this may have something to do with the problem, don't no.

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General :: Setting Primary Monitor For Natty Narwhal

Jun 8, 2011

I'm having problems setting the primary display in my Linux environment. I tried following the instructions here which seems to be working for everyone but it didn't work for me. In my /etc/gnome-settings-daemon/xrandr folder, I edited the monitors.xml file as well. It looks like this:

<monitors version="1">
<output name="LVDS">
<output name="VGA-0">
<output name="HDMI-0">

The settings seem correct, primary is set to yes on the monitor that I want but it doesn't seem to be working as well.

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General :: Setting Primary Display (nvidia) Form Command Line

Apr 15, 2010

Normally I use disper to enable my external monitor, but I don't think I can force the 2nd monitor to be primary. [URL]

I've played around with nv-control-dpy included in the nvidia-control source, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. How to get: [URL]

This is a laptop, to which I connect an external hdmi display when I get to work. dipser -e extends the desktop for me, but the laptop remains the primary desktop (holding the panels etc). nvidia-settings can set primary monitor for me, but I want to use the cli.

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General :: Setting Up The Alternative Ad-hoc Connection In Case Primary Wireless Fails?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a device that is only accessible using wireless. By default it starts an ad-hoc wireless I can connect to. The problem is there is no internet access on the ad-hoc. So I'm connecting it to my router using the commands (its a gnu/linux):

iwconfig ath0 mode managed essid "ESSID"
ifconfig ath0 netmask up
route add default gw

I want to add it to start up script but I don't want to get locked out of the device forever if something happens to the router (its really old). Is there any way to check if the connection failed and create an ad-hoc instead if it failed?

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Ubuntu :: Connecting Laptop To External Screen?

Feb 4, 2011

I installed Ubuntu on MSI laptop. Works great. I am trying to connect the laptop to external screen through the VGA output. When the laptop's lid is open - it works just fine When the laptop's lid is closed - the VGA output content is gone. i didn't find tin the monitors' menu nor in the power menu, an entry where I can ask or set the VGA output to be active all the time.

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Ubuntu :: No Laptop Screen After Connecting External Display

Jan 2, 2010

I have tried to connect my GMA500 based Acer 751 to an external dsiplay via VGA connection. I couldn't get the right resolution on the external screen (1920/1080) so I disconnected it and rebooted. Now there is only an "unknown" screen in the display menu. I have rewritten the xorg conf file per instructions for enabling GMA500 but to no avail - conf file looks right but screen is "unknown", low resolution and 4:3 aspect ratio, instead of 16:9. How to restore to laptop monitor - I think I can take from there to enable the right resolution.

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Ubuntu :: No Picture On Laptop Screen, Only On External Monitor?

Jul 3, 2010

The laptop is a samsung X30 and i spent days trying to install ubuntu 10.04 unsuccesfully as there was no clear picture on the screen, just a black and purple splodge. I then saw a post on these forums discussing the default resolution of ubuntu and how it is incompatible with some machines so via VGA cable i connected it to my TV and sure enough i could see what was going on and finished the installation process. I assumed that once ubuntu was fully installed i would be able to change the resolution using the monitor preferences but none of them worked. I am now faced with the problem that unless plugged into the TV i have no picture on my laptop, does anyone know why my laptop screen wont work with ubuntu and how

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Debian Hardware :: Laptop Screen Goes Blank With External Monitor

Mar 28, 2016

I am running Debian 8.3, and I'm running Gnome 3.14.1.I have an external monitor plugged in with HDMI, and while Linux is loading both screens are on duplicate. Once the GUI kicks in, only the external screen works, so I have to enter my password blindly. Then, I open a terminal and run

Code: Select allsudo echo 950 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

and the laptop screen turns back on.

I'm wondering: Is there a way to streamline this so that it happens on boot, but after GNOME loads?Or: Is there a better method to solve this?

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Ubuntu :: System Only Shows On External Monitor - Not Laptop Screen / Fix This?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm a new user and recently installed ubuntu on an old samsung laptop, during the installation process i couldnt see anything on the screen and came to the conclusion that ubuntu's default resolution was different to that of the laptop screen so i plugged it into my TV and sure enough it worked however i still only have a picture on the tv, ive tried all the resolutions available in the 'monitors' box but nothing, does anyone know how to fix this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3: Unable To Boot On DELL Laptop With External Screen Attached To VGA Plug

Aug 23, 2010

1. When booting standalone (no extra display) everything works just fine

2. After plugging in an external display on VGA slot, the boot process hangs during xdm start


OpenSuse 11.3
KDE environment
DELL Latitude e6510 with 8G of RAM
Graphic card is DDR3 NVIDIA� NVS 3100M 512 Mo

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Black Screen On Laptop's External Monitor When Specifying Vesa Driver In Xorg

Jan 16, 2010

I have an Asus z9100 laptop with an Intel 855GM integrated graphics chip, which is running Karmic (the purpose of the laptop is to be a MythTV frontend so my understanding is that it needs to run 9.x in order to connect to the MythTV 0.22 backend - I have installed and configured this using the installable Mythbuntu package) and the laptop is subject to this bug which causes random freezes:


So, following advice for similar freezes I've seen, I have added the following options to my grub menu.lst on the kernel line:

nolapic nomodeset

and I have edited xorg.conf so that it makes use of the vesa driver instead of the Intel driver. This results in no freezes and if I wanted to watch Myth on the laptop screen I'd be squared away. However, the laptop has a damaged screen so the point was always to output the signal to an external monitor via its VGA out.

When I attach the external monitor and boot with the setup as described, the external monitor is never detected. But I noticed that if I remove the "nolapic nomodeset" from the kernel boot line, it is detected. However, signal is only output to it during the earliest part of boot (when the Ubuntu logo is in the center of the screen before the full-screen graphic with the animated progress line), after which the external monitor goes black and all the display output goes to the laptop screen. The external monitor power button is still lit up green as if it has been detected and is receiving signal, but it's just a black screen.

get the signal out to the external monitor after the initial part of the boot process, using the vesa driver? Here is the current state of my xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "vesa"


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Slackware :: Automating Xorg RandR Turning Laptop Screen Off If External Monitor Is Connected?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One) I'm running Slackware 13. and usually, I prefer to connect an external monitor. When I switch my machine on with the monitor connected, the display is duplicated on both screens and since I just want the netbook's screen to be off and only see the display on the external monitor, I can doxrandr --output LVDS --off

Great! However, it's a hassle to do this every time I log in and I'd like to automate the process if possible. I did some googling and I found that if you want to automate xrandr commands, you can put a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ (see this). I wrote the following script to automate my xrandr commands and since the Xsession.d directory didn't exist, I tried creating it. The script was called 45custom-xrandr_settings, as the one on the RandR wiki is called the same.

# Check whether the external monitor is connected


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General :: Force Gdm Login Screen To The Primary Monitor?

May 27, 2010

I have two monitors attached to my video card. Primary monitor has a resolution equal to 1280x1024 and second has 1920x1200. My gdm login screen always appears on the second monitor even if it is switched off. My question is how to force gdm to show login screen always on primary monitor with resolution 1280x1024? I use Ubuntu 10.04.Now I'm ready to modify gdm sources if there is no such option in configuration files.

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General :: Flash Player With 2 Monitors: Always Full-screen On Primary Monitor

Feb 21, 2010

My setup at home uses a laptop, with a larger external monitor in addition to the built-in LCD panel, which is primary. I can see the larger monitor from the rest of the room and use it as my TV, for playing DVDs and various types of web video. However, it isn't ideal for Flash video. For instance, if I watch a video from Hulu or any other Flash-based site, I can expand it to full-screen mode.

However, no matter which monitor the browser window is on, the full-screen mode is always on the laptop LCD panel, which is both too small and not visible from most of the room. Does anyone know of a way to force the Flash video to play full-screen on the monitor I select instead of the primary? My video chipset is NVidia, using kernel 2.6.31 (Ubuntu).

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Fedora :: Setting Windows 7 As Primary OS

Jan 17, 2010

I have Installed Fedora12(and also Vista and XP). When I switch on, a screen appears telling "Enter any key to Enter Boot Menu"(as I can remember)for about 3 seconds and then starts Fedora12 automatically.I want to change it and make Windows 7 as my primary OS or I want to see directly the bootloader first(not the 3 seconds message).

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Ubuntu :: Primary Monitor Setting In Gnome?

May 29, 2010

I have two monitors, the internal LCD of the laptop, and an external 23". It is working well, but sometimes dialog boxes pop up on the laptop screen inconveniently. The Gnome panel is on the big screen. For example, Firefox is running on the "main" external big screen, I select Edit|Preferences and the dialog box comes up on the laptop screen. 9.04 didn't do this. Is there a primary monitor setting or something to fix this?

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CentOS 5 :: Setting Up As Primary Domain Controller

Aug 24, 2009

I have setup Ubuntu servers as LAMP machines but that's pretty much it.

I need to work on an existing CentOS server that I will see for the first time tomorrow. I am told that, as of right now, it is "just serving the internet." The goal is to set it up to be a primary domain controller by which I mean:

1) A user should be able to login to the server from any of the workstations and then see their server stored documents

2) The clients will be a mixed bag of Linux, Windows and Mac machines

I could use a push in the right direction as to what I need to do to get this all setup. I know how to setup users and home folders (I use webmin typically and I understand that there is a version for CentOS) but clearly there is more that I need to do. I am really curious as to how I would map the necessary drives on the client machines upon login and have the users have automatic access to their data regardless of the client machine they log in to.

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Fedora :: External Monitor Won't Work - Both Monitor And Laptop Screen Black

Aug 7, 2011

I am having problems getting my external monitor to work. When I plug in the monitor, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go black. When I unplug the monitor, the laptop screen works again.
When I startup with the external monitor plugged in, neither screen works or teh computer hangs or something.

I have had the external monitor going on a couple of occasions. I did manage to configure my monitors through System Settings > Display. I turned off the laptop monitor as I just want to use the external. But after rebooting, things didn't work.

I have a Thinkpad E420, Fedora 15

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Ubuntu :: Making External Monitor The Primary Display?

Jun 12, 2010

I believe I'm right in thinking the type of graphics card I have is relevant somehow to this, so after some googling I think I worked out mine is Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Make Laptop Primary Monitor In 11.3?

Jul 23, 2010

I installed openSUSE 11.3 on my Dell studio laptop with Mobility Radeon HD 4500 graphics card and everything worked straight out of the box.

Now.. I am connecting my tv through HDMI cable as second monitor. Basically I just want to play movies on my tv while still having the laptop screen free to work. This also works, I just plugged it in and I had two screens.

My problem is that my tv is the primary monitor so basically my laptop background (and all the buttons that go with it) moves to the tv and my laptop background is just a background. See attached image at the bottom of this post(Laptop on the left and tv on the right).

This is exactly what I want but the other way around. I can't seem to change this in System Settings/Display. Is there a file somewhere I can change this?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Some Files From External USB Hard Drive Onto Laptop And Laptop Froze Up?

Mar 2, 2010

I was transferring some files from my external USB hard drive onto my laptop (running 64bit Karmic), and my laptop froze up for whatever reason.Everything on the screen stopped and the Scroll Lock and Caps Lock LEDs began flashing.Not knowing anything else to do, I hard booted off with the power switch.At this point, I was concerned if anything on either hard rive would be damagedI booted my laptop back up, and all seemed well until I trued to open my Documents folder.For some reason, Ubuntu will no longer open any folders at allI can't click on ComputerDocuments, Music, etc. When I do, a tab opens in the taskbar that says Opening folder. It stays on screen for about 20 seconds, and then goes away and the folder never opens.The weird part is if I open gEdit and try to load a file, I can see and get to everything.

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General :: How To Practice Setting Up Of NFS Server And NFS Client On A Laptop

Jul 18, 2011

I want to practice setting up of NFS server and NFS client on Redhat using virtual machine on my laptop. I dont think setting up NFS should not be a problem but how do I replicate a NFS client. I just have one laptop. Is it possible to replicate both server and client using the same laptop? If so, can anyone tell what tools i can use to perform the above for practicing.

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General :: Backtrack Playing Video On External Monitor For Laptop

Jun 11, 2010

I've got a laptop running Backtrack4 and an external tv/monitor. Is there a program/command/configuration file that I can use to allow my laptop and monitor to connect with one another via HDMI?

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