Fedora :: External Monitor Won't Work - Both Monitor And Laptop Screen Black
Aug 7, 2011
I am having problems getting my external monitor to work. When I plug in the monitor, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go black. When I unplug the monitor, the laptop screen works again.
When I startup with the external monitor plugged in, neither screen works or teh computer hangs or something.
I have had the external monitor going on a couple of occasions. I did manage to configure my monitors through System Settings > Display. I turned off the laptop monitor as I just want to use the external. But after rebooting, things didn't work.
I have a Thinkpad E420, Fedora 15
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Jan 16, 2010
I have an Asus z9100 laptop with an Intel 855GM integrated graphics chip, which is running Karmic (the purpose of the laptop is to be a MythTV frontend so my understanding is that it needs to run 9.x in order to connect to the MythTV 0.22 backend - I have installed and configured this using the installable Mythbuntu package) and the laptop is subject to this bug which causes random freezes:
So, following advice for similar freezes I've seen, I have added the following options to my grub menu.lst on the kernel line:
nolapic nomodeset
and I have edited xorg.conf so that it makes use of the vesa driver instead of the Intel driver. This results in no freezes and if I wanted to watch Myth on the laptop screen I'd be squared away. However, the laptop has a damaged screen so the point was always to output the signal to an external monitor via its VGA out.
When I attach the external monitor and boot with the setup as described, the external monitor is never detected. But I noticed that if I remove the "nolapic nomodeset" from the kernel boot line, it is detected. However, signal is only output to it during the earliest part of boot (when the Ubuntu logo is in the center of the screen before the full-screen graphic with the animated progress line), after which the external monitor goes black and all the display output goes to the laptop screen. The external monitor power button is still lit up green as if it has been detected and is receiving signal, but it's just a black screen.
get the signal out to the external monitor after the initial part of the boot process, using the vesa driver? Here is the current state of my xorg.conf:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "vesa"
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Aug 17, 2011
My software and hardware information are as follows. I have Fedora 12 and KDE 4.4.5 installed on a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop. I believe it's a 64 bit processor; it's an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU. The external monitor is a Dell as well.
My problem is that my system does not seem to be detecting an external monitor that I have connected. Everything else is working just fine; however, I would like to have the option of attaching an external monitor. When I plug the external monitor into the laptop, the external monitor remains black and appears to be in power save mode. The results of xrandr -q (with or without the external monitor attached: it doesn't appear to change) are as follows.
How can I get my laptop to recognize that the external monitor is even connected? Let me know if I can be more specific or provide additional details.
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Sep 22, 2010
I recently installed Debian, using the amd64 Network Install .iso. I'm using XFCE4 as my desktop environment, and everything is working well... on my laptop's screen.
My desired setup is to have my laptop sitting on a well-ventilated shelf, closed, and to have an external monitor be my main monitor. I want this because I'm using my laptop as my "home" computer, so it never moves, and I don't like the keyboard/trackpad. My laptop has a VGA output, and I can get my desired setup on my Windows partition (not stating a preference ; just that the hardware CAN do what I want it to).
I've been working my way around the Internet for a few days, now, and I've got the commercial NVIDIA driver installed. If I run sudo nvidia-config --twinview I can get my external monitor to be part of the display, which is great, but it's part of a dual-screen monitor setup, which is not what I want at all, because (a) XFCE's multiple virtual desktops are good enough for me and (b) my graphics card is integrated, and I'm trying to squeeze every drop of performance out of my laptop that I can (1 gig of RAM; the less that my graphics card eats into it, the better). Plus, it'd be annoying to accidentally drop something on my laptop's screen, and then have to dig it out of the shelf in order to undo it. I'm not saying that I'm consistently clumsy, but I'd eventually end up doing it.
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Jul 3, 2010
The laptop is a samsung X30 and i spent days trying to install ubuntu 10.04 unsuccesfully as there was no clear picture on the screen, just a black and purple splodge. I then saw a post on these forums discussing the default resolution of ubuntu and how it is incompatible with some machines so via VGA cable i connected it to my TV and sure enough i could see what was going on and finished the installation process. I assumed that once ubuntu was fully installed i would be able to change the resolution using the monitor preferences but none of them worked. I am now faced with the problem that unless plugged into the TV i have no picture on my laptop, does anyone know why my laptop screen wont work with ubuntu and how
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Apr 3, 2011
Just did a fresh install of Natty B1 (previously had alpha 2).. I noticed this issue w/ A2, as well.. plugging in the exterminal monitor (via mini-displayport-to-vga connector) will do the following:
1) turn the screen on the laptop's display entirely black (but not turn it off).. i can move and see the mouse cursor.. but everything on the window appears to not rending or "painted" black..
2) external monitor never becomes active..
the only way to recover is to kill/restart X or reboot after disconnecting the extmon.. having extmon plugged in from boot produces the same results (and it doesn't seem to ever become active during boot up). sometimes this won't happen right away if i plug in the external monitor.. but opening the Monitors system prefs dialog will definitely cause (or detect displays) ,etc I waited to see if the issue would fix itself w/ the beta update, but it hasn't.. Any other 8,1 owners out there that can verify this issue? My (totally uninformed) guess is that it's due to differences in the display/gfx hardware and thunderbolt integration(?)
(I've seen a verification verifications of working-out-of-the-box.. but they were from 8,2 and 8,3 owners (which have discrete graphics cards))... If anyone's gotten this to work with some config stuff, I'd love to see that as well (since the wiki page for 8,1 says it works ootb). If someone could let me know where I should look to capture error output when the above issue occurs, that would be awesome.
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Apr 19, 2015
I have a laptop and an external monitor connected via displayport. I can configure both displays via settings with correct resolution and arrangement. However, this configuration is not sticking, and every time I shut down the laptop or close the lid I will need to fight with black screens and more to bring the same configuration again. Basically, it seems that the monitor is "stealing" the primary role to the laptop's native screen (I have it configured as secondary, but also being primary the configuration gets messed).
After many trial & errors, this is the routine I have found to make things work every time I boot / awake the system:
1. Boot. Laptop's display shows the booting sequence.
2. When the login screen should appear, laptop's display goes black, monitor shows background.
3. If I press F9 to increase brightness, the brightness icon appears in the monitor, but it is stuck at the minimum.
4. The only way to leave this point is by pressing F7 (project screen) and then F9 again to increase brightness. Then the laptop's screen does light up.
This is when I'm lucky. Sometimes the configuration goes mad and I get mirrored displays and different resolutions, without touching the settings myself. Also, if I unplug the displayport I run the risk of getting stuck with a black screen in the laptop, without any way of recovering the GUI other than rebooting (Ctrl Alt F2 will still show the command line screen).
My system is Debian 8 testing up to date, running in a Lenovo T430 with Intel components. I'm not sure the monitor is relevant here, but in any case it is an Eizo CS240.
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Mar 28, 2016
I am running Debian 8.3, and I'm running Gnome 3.14.1.I have an external monitor plugged in with HDMI, and while Linux is loading both screens are on duplicate. Once the GUI kicks in, only the external screen works, so I have to enter my password blindly. Then, I open a terminal and run
Code: Select allsudo echo 950 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
and the laptop screen turns back on.
I'm wondering: Is there a way to streamline this so that it happens on boot, but after GNOME loads?Or: Is there a better method to solve this?
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm a new user and recently installed ubuntu on an old samsung laptop, during the installation process i couldnt see anything on the screen and came to the conclusion that ubuntu's default resolution was different to that of the laptop screen so i plugged it into my TV and sure enough it worked however i still only have a picture on the tv, ive tried all the resolutions available in the 'monitors' box but nothing, does anyone know how to fix this?
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May 10, 2011
I have an HP Pavilion dv9000 which I would like to use completely with any Linux OS. I have tried to install Linux Ubuntu 10.04.1 but it appears that it doesn't recognize the external monitor and ends the installation. I have a clean hard drive that I could install but I do not know which of the two drives I should replace. I can only get into windows in safe mode and I would think this may have something to do with the problem, don't no.
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Jan 2, 2010
I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One) I'm running Slackware 13. and usually, I prefer to connect an external monitor. When I switch my machine on with the monitor connected, the display is duplicated on both screens and since I just want the netbook's screen to be off and only see the display on the external monitor, I can doxrandr --output LVDS --off
Great! However, it's a hassle to do this every time I log in and I'd like to automate the process if possible. I did some googling and I found that if you want to automate xrandr commands, you can put a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ (see this). I wrote the following script to automate my xrandr commands and since the Xsession.d directory didn't exist, I tried creating it. The script was called 45custom-xrandr_settings, as the one on the RandR wiki is called the same.
# Check whether the external monitor is connected
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Aug 11, 2011
I have an external monitor connected to my laptop (extended display). I always drag the Totem player from the laptop screen to external monitor to watch video files. I wonder, if the Totem player can be set to open in the external monitor automatically, everytime I open it?
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Aug 28, 2009
I installed FC11 on my laptop T43 and the video card is ATI Mobility Radeon x300. Now I have a problem of screen resolution with external monitor:
When I do presentation, I have to mirror the two monitors and both set to 1024*768, which is not perfect.
I remember that when I use RHEL 5 desktop edition, The system can automatically detect the external monitor and set it by itself ----- The laptop uses 1400*1050 and the external monitors such as projector uses 1024*768. But I haven't found such feature on FC11.
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Jun 16, 2011
I just install Ubuntu OS 11.04 recently to my HP Mini 110 netbook. When I try to display on my external 20inch samsung monitor. I get the black borders as shown on the pic. Resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher will cause the problem whereas lower resolution will not have that black border.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have slackware 13.1 installed on my laptop and use kde.I just bought a new external monitor 1680 X 1050. The laptop's monitor is 1280 X 800. From KDE i configured laptop's screen to be inactive and the external monitor at resolution 1680 X 1050. When i boot and enter KDE both monitors are activated, ican't understand their resolution. Then, just when i enter system configuration-monitor-monitor configuration the laptop's monitor automaticly turns off. Then i configure the external to 1680 X 1050 resolution. This happens every time i have to enter slackware. How to setup my xorg.conf file. You can see it below:
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Feb 15, 2011
I have been using Ubuntu for a while now on my netbook, however I have an older HP dv5 laptop that hasn't been used in a couple of years that I would like to format and install a linux distro on. Problem is that it has a very broken LCD screen and I had been previously using an external monitor with it. I had tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 on it at one point but could not progress very far into the installation due to the external monitor. I had also tried using the non-graphical installer but had little success with it as well.
I had thought of removing the HDD from the laptop and putting it into another of my laptops and installing it that way, but the specs are different between the two laptops and I figured that it would not work properly once the HDD was switched back to the older laptop. Is there any way to use an external monitor to install a newer version of Ubuntu? or perhaps is there another distro that is easily installed using an external monitor? My plan is to eventually remove the broken screen all together and only have the external monitor connected, the broken screen is a bit unsightly.
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Mar 1, 2011
I am looking for a way to switch quickly and easily between my Laptop Display and my External Monitor, in Windows I had it configured so that when I plugged my Monitor in it would switch to that and when I removed it it would switch back to Laptop Display. From what I have tried it looks like this isn't possible with Linux, but I would like to get to the stage when I can click an icon to switch (or 1 to go to External and 1 to go to Laptop) My Laptop has an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series Graphics Card and I have so far noticed the following issues.
1. If I use the Gnome Monitors instead of ATI Catalist Control Centre it seams to cause some strange issues include confusing Linux on what the max screen res supported by my External Monitor is.
2. When I try and enable/Disable either Display or change Resolution, I am told that I have to reboot before the changes take affect.
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May 13, 2010
I've been unable to connect an external monitor to my laptop running 10.04, even though the resolution and framerate are right. The monitor says something like "unsupported video settings".
In other news, I put the live cd into another computer which relies on a monitor and after the very first screen with the two logos at the bottom, the monitor decides to go to sleep. I try with another monitor and it just seems to have to feed. This is the more important problem, but I wonder if there isn't some built-in problem with 10.04.
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Dec 23, 2010
I don't know if it sounds weird but I've been trying for weeks with no result. I want to plug my external monitor through my laptop's vga plug, close the lid and work on my monitor instead of the laptop's monitor. I looked through the gnome power management settings and when the laptop lid is closed it can only suspend, blank screen, hibernate or shutdown. I can plug my monitor and I have clone displays and it works fine but I can' find a way to shutdown the laptop screen without shutting down the vga outlet. Its a brand new Acer aspire 5734Z with a 15,6 inches screen (wich is why I want to plug in my 19 inches monitor and work on bigger screen)
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Jun 11, 2010
I've got a laptop running Backtrack4 and an external tv/monitor. Is there a program/command/configuration file that I can use to allow my laptop and monitor to connect with one another via HDMI?
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Jul 7, 2010
I am having a Dell ST2410 LCD and a laptop IBM.I want to span my desktop so that some portion is on laptop and some on external monitor. I tried xdmx but it did not worked.
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Feb 5, 2011
I have openSUSE 11.3 with an nvidia card connected with two monitors. In the past I used xinerama which was ok, but now I need to have two separate desktops, one on each screen. I set the nvidia driver with x screen, and now one screen works perfect and the other only shows a black screen. When I move the mouse over the black screen, the mouse pointer turns into an X, but moves correctly, which seems to me that the problem is that I need to set the second desktop to that screen. I looked on forums on how to do so, and no luck.
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Nov 30, 2010
I have Ubuntu 10.04 running kernel .26 installed on my Dell Dimension 2350 with 512mb of memory. The problem I have been having is, When I am using the computer mostly Internet stuff for no reason the monitor will go black then on the screen it will be at a terminal screen, kind of like when you start up the computer, I don't remember what is all on it but the last thing in the list was: checking battery state: OK after that the screen will flash in multiple colors and then it goes into a loop of just black screen than a colorful flash and back over to a black screen. the only way I can fix that is by holding down the power button. this will happen mostly on face-book on the games and just on the profile page, but it does happen just checking my gmail or play solitaire it does this around 4-8 times a day.
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Mar 8, 2011
I'd like to solve a little problem that I have connecting my notebook with an external VGA monitor.Everything seems to work fine, but when I close the laptop monitor, also the external monitor shuts down.I've tried to find different energy-saving setting for laptop display and external monitor. with no luck...My video card is an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M. On the ATI website there is no catalist control center for linux. (It would be very useful). So, for now, I can only use the display options on the panel.
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Nov 23, 2010
I have Dell Vostro 3300 with Intel HD integrated graphic card and Samsung SyncMaster 2343BW external monitor.
This is the output of xrandr:
It runs on 2048x1152 full resolution, however, the picture on the monitor is blurry, it vibrates and looks like old TV with interlacing.
I tried to disable output to LVDS screen on laptop using xrandr but it doesn't help/
Previously I had HP laptop with integrated Intel and OpenSuse 11.0 and the external screen worked normally.
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Mar 6, 2010
i tried to install linux mint, at first i got 'out of range' with black screen msg but used compability mode and got past it and installed mint on my HD. a moment after it updated my nvidia drivers and after reboot I got the out of range message again, which leaves me in the situation where i cant do pretty much anything I tried editing xorg.conf added VertRefresh 60-75 and Modes "1440x900_75.00"
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Mar 23, 2010
I have an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM chipset. As I was playing around, trying to figure out how to get my dual monitor to work. The Mirror Screen was working fine, but then I uncheck the mirror screen option, both my laptop and my secondary monitor black out. I can only see the mouse, and it cans move on both screen.
Here is my xorg.conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
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Jul 2, 2009
I have this very frustrating problem... I'm trying to build a Linux-based HTPC (Home Theatre PC). I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty as the operating system, and it works fine when I have it connected to my 17" Samsung monitor. However, when I connect the HTPC to the TV via VGA I get a black screen after "startx" (I can access the console through recovery mode though). Ubuntu is running gnome, so I guess it's a gnome related problem?
I would have thought it was a problem with the drivers to graphics card, but since it's working on my 17" monitor I've ruled that out. The TVs resolution is 1024x768. What can be causing this? Apperently there's some difference between my monitor and my TV (forgetting the fact that it is indeed a TV, not a monitor), but what? I've previously run Windows on the same hardware without problems, and thought I should give Linux a shot. It doesn't look good...
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Jul 30, 2015
I've recently installed Debian v8.1 and installed Nvidia driver 340.46. In nvidia-settings I am able to enable my second monitor and enable it/set it's position..etc. My second monitor is not being detected in Debian Display and is 'on' but only showing a black screen. I've tried researching and implementing various 'fixes', but I'm not having any luck.
I'm running dual GTX 570's with a monitor plugged into one each (DVI). I noticed in my xorg.conf under Section "Screen" I have an option "MultiGPU" "Off"; would this be part of the issue?
I've tried:
- purging all nvidia drivers and re-installing
- installing different versions of nvidia drivers
- add nomodeset in grub
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Jun 18, 2011
I am booting XP and Opensuse 11.4 all was ok until I changed my old monitor for a widescreen monitor, Xp works ok but when I select Opensuse from the menu it just boots to a black screen.
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