Fedora :: Setting Windows 7 As Primary OS

Jan 17, 2010

I have Installed Fedora12(and also Vista and XP). When I switch on, a screen appears telling "Enter any key to Enter Boot Menu"(as I can remember)for about 3 seconds and then starts Fedora12 automatically.I want to change it and make Windows 7 as my primary OS or I want to see directly the bootloader first(not the 3 seconds message).

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Ubuntu :: Primary Monitor Setting In Gnome?

May 29, 2010

I have two monitors, the internal LCD of the laptop, and an external 23". It is working well, but sometimes dialog boxes pop up on the laptop screen inconveniently. The Gnome panel is on the big screen. For example, Firefox is running on the "main" external big screen, I select Edit|Preferences and the dialog box comes up on the laptop screen. 9.04 didn't do this. Is there a primary monitor setting or something to fix this?

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CentOS 5 :: Setting Up As Primary Domain Controller

Aug 24, 2009

I have setup Ubuntu servers as LAMP machines but that's pretty much it.

I need to work on an existing CentOS server that I will see for the first time tomorrow. I am told that, as of right now, it is "just serving the internet." The goal is to set it up to be a primary domain controller by which I mean:

1) A user should be able to login to the server from any of the workstations and then see their server stored documents

2) The clients will be a mixed bag of Linux, Windows and Mac machines

I could use a push in the right direction as to what I need to do to get this all setup. I know how to setup users and home folders (I use webmin typically and I understand that there is a version for CentOS) but clearly there is more that I need to do. I am really curious as to how I would map the necessary drives on the client machines upon login and have the users have automatic access to their data regardless of the client machine they log in to.

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General :: Setting Primary Monitor For Natty Narwhal

Jun 8, 2011

I'm having problems setting the primary display in my Linux environment. I tried following the instructions here which seems to be working for everyone but it didn't work for me. In my /etc/gnome-settings-daemon/xrandr folder, I edited the monitors.xml file as well. It looks like this:

<monitors version="1">
<output name="LVDS">
<output name="VGA-0">
<output name="HDMI-0">

The settings seem correct, primary is set to yes on the monitor that I want but it doesn't seem to be working as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting External Monitor As Primary Display?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an ASUS 1000HE laptop running Lucid 10.04 (Desktop not netbook version) which I have connected to an external display (LCD). I don't intend to use the laptop by itself anymore therefore I have configured the display properties to turn off the laptop display and use the external display as primary. However, when the PC enters 'locked mode' or the display powers down after a defined period of time (as set in the properties) when I wake the PC and the display, it turns the laptop monitor back on .... switches the laptop screen to primary display (i.e. with the panels etc displayed on it) and extends the desktop to the external display! The only thing I can then do is go back into the configuration utility and turn the laptop monitor off again and boom, everything is fine and dandy displaying on the external display again! I don't really want to have to do this every time I come back to the PC after it has been locked nor do I want to write a script (if it can be avoided) to deal with it!

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General :: Setting Primary Display (nvidia) Form Command Line

Apr 15, 2010

Normally I use disper to enable my external monitor, but I don't think I can force the 2nd monitor to be primary. [URL]

I've played around with nv-control-dpy included in the nvidia-control source, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. How to get: [URL]

This is a laptop, to which I connect an external hdmi display when I get to work. dipser -e extends the desktop for me, but the laptop remains the primary desktop (holding the panels etc). nvidia-settings can set primary monitor for me, but I want to use the cli.

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General :: Setting Up The Alternative Ad-hoc Connection In Case Primary Wireless Fails?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a device that is only accessible using wireless. By default it starts an ad-hoc wireless I can connect to. The problem is there is no internet access on the ad-hoc. So I'm connecting it to my router using the commands (its a gnu/linux):

iwconfig ath0 mode managed essid "ESSID"
ifconfig ath0 netmask up
route add default gw

I want to add it to start up script but I don't want to get locked out of the device forever if something happens to the router (its really old). Is there any way to check if the connection failed and create an ad-hoc instead if it failed?

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General :: Laptop - Setting Up External Screen As "primary"

Feb 13, 2010

I am a recent convert to Ubuntu 9.10. I have installed it on my by travel laptop, which is docked when at home with a 22' ViewSonic screen.

Under Windows all is good, I just plug it in and whamo, I can close the laptop lid and use the Viewsonic as my primary screen.

Under Ubuntu, it appears the above is impossible. I seek your guidance as below.

Q. Is it possible dock my 22" screen as my primary screen with my laptop?

Q If it is possible, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu :: Windows On Primary HDD And 9.10 On Second One

Feb 26, 2010

I have Windows on my primary hard disk and I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my secondary hard disk. When I boot my PC Windows just loads. I want to have a menu so I can select either Windows or Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Shrink Windows 7 64 Bit Primary Partition?

Aug 17, 2011

know the best way to shrink the Windows 7 64 bit primary partition (C: drive)? The C: drive was originally just over 900 GB free space. I shrunk it using Windows 7 Disk Management, but it would only let me shrink to 468 GB, which I did. I want to shrink it to 100 GB. Will G-Parted work for this? Will I be able to boot into Windows after I use G-Parted? Or will I have to use the Repair Disc to fix Windows? If so, will the Repair Disc work. I have a new PC. I had Ubuntu 10.10 dual booted with Windows XP on my old PC.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp Instead Of Lucid As The Primary Os On Computer?

Sep 28, 2010

I have ubuntu lucid as the primary os on our main computer here at home. Due to some compatibility issues (wife), I need to install Windows xp instead of lucid as the primary os on this computer. I do plan to put ubuntu back on it as dual boot, beings that I don't particularly care for windows for what I use this computer for.I'm usually fairly competent when it comes to installing operating systems and whatnot, but for some reason this computer will not boot from my xp boot cd, irregardless of whether or not I select boot from cd.. It just boots straight to ubuntu.

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Applications :: Access My Windows 7 Primary Drive In Ubuntu?

Dec 25, 2010

I have mounted hard drive, but there is no data that is supposed to be on my Windows 7 partition C:

How can i access my data? How can i scan drive C: with antivirus?

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Fedora Installation :: Setting Up Dual Boot With Windows Vista?

Jun 9, 2011

I have been trying out different Linux distros to dual boot with Windows Vista. First I tried Ubuntu and it worked fine. Then I tried Fedora 15 and it worked fine as well. Then I went back to Ubuntu but now I have decided to stick with Fedora. The first time I installed Fedora it gave me options for choosing default OS and other things, now I can't remember how I did that and can't figure out how to do that agian. How do I do that agian? I want it to automatically boot into Windows Vista. I am installing Fedora on a seperate hard drive.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Windows File Server W/ Samba On Fedora 11?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to load a HP Proliant w/ Fedora 11 and setting up as a WFS using Samba. However, I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Right now I have 2 36.4GB drives in RAID 1+0 and 4 146.8GB drives in a RAID 5 config. I wanna use the smaller drive for the OS and the bigger drive for the storage. I've managed to load the OS fine, the problem is I can't figure out how to mount the 4 146.8GB drives as a single logical volume and set Samba to use it. Right now all the RAIDs are setup using the built-in Compaq Smart Array utility (or whatever it's called) that's built into the SCSI hardware or BIOS.

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Fedora :: Change The Primary DNS?

Nov 22, 2010

Is there a method of changing the Primary DNS other than system-config-network?When using system-config-network the new settings are always over written with the original settings after re-boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Primary Partition To Install Fedora?

Jun 25, 2011

i have newly bought windows7 installed hp laptop. how to install fedora in it? currntly it has 4 partitions,

3.hp tools

there are plenty of spaces free in c:. but not able to shrink through windows disk management. how to install linux in it?

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Fedora Servers :: Slave Dns Fails W/o Primary Dns?

Mar 23, 2011

setup - one primary dns and one slave dns. zone transfer works, internet works, dig lookup works. if i bring down the primary, everything stops working. should'nt the slave dns pick up the slack when the primary dns goes down.

zone "2.168.192.in-addr.arpa." IN {
type slave;
file "slaves/192.168.2.db";

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Red Hat / Fedora :: F11 Install Created 2 Primary Partitions

Jan 17, 2010

I used Acronis' Disk Director Suite 10.0 ["DDS"] to create 7 logical partitions of 23GB each, into one of which I asked Fedora 11 to install. Fedora 11 completely ignored me and created 2 primary partitions of its own: a 217.4GB, a 2GB and a 2GB "unallocated." I will likely delete this installation for a number of reasons. How can I force fedora to install into a 23GB logical partition that I created for just that purpose? If I can't use DDS-created partitions then why do I need DDS-created partitions?

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Fedora Networking :: Primary DNS Server Gets Deleted After Restart?

Aug 12, 2009

I have been using Fedora since almost 1 week by now, and I'm really impressed by its features but there is one very small problem that I face everyday.At the first place, I had setup a profile settings for Network so all my static IP, Hosts, DNS servers were all configured in that profile.Now I had filled in something in the Primary DNS Server and then I had saved it. The internet works after that but when I reboot, that Primary DNS server gets deleted. I have to type it all the time and then click on save and then start using the internet again.

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Fedora Networking :: Why Primary Interface Is Eth1 Instead Of Eth0?

Jan 31, 2010

I have two network interfaces on my computer but only one of them is connected to an Ethernet cable. Until now on every Fedora release, the activated primary interface has been named as eth0 and everything has always worked well without any problem. Recently I switched to Fedora Core 12 and surprisingly I observed that for the first time, my primary interface has been considered by the system to be eth1 instead of eth0. I tried to replace the content of ifcfg-eth0 by ifcfg-eth1, yet system gave me an error that there was MAC address mismatching. I conserved their MAC addresses in their files and just replaced other connection parameters ( such as IP ADDR, NETWORK, NETMASK, etc.) but it did't work. When I do "server network restart", the command blocks.

As I try to install oracle on this system, regarding the fact that oracle requires static network configuration on the primary network interface, I don't know how to proceed in order to set eth0 as my primary interface (or rather set the current eth1 to eth0 because it is actually eth1 that refers to my activated primary network card).Just one more time, I would like to remark, that with previous versions of the Fedora Core, on the same computer (with the very same two network cards) I never had problem and I had installed oracle on the system with success, having the statically configured eth0 correctly detected by the system.

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Fedora :: Change Primary Monitor In Dual Screen?

Sep 11, 2010

I run a dual-screen setup, and the installation detected both screens without troubleowever I want to change primary screen, so the panels and menus will be located in the biggest monitor.I am not able to do this in the System -> Preferences -> Monitors interface. Where can I do this simple operation

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Fedora :: Convert Ext4 Primary Partition To Logical?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm trying to convert big ext4 partition to logical. I was able to do that with Arconis Disk Director Home 11 with swap and ext3 partition, but it doesn't recognize ext4.

Unfortunately I can't copy 2TB data to another HD Now I have:

Pri /boot ext3
Log / ext3
Log swap swap
Pri /media/X ext4 <- 2TB

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Fedora :: Nouveau Driver On 15 - Primary Monitor Becomes Disabled

May 29, 2011

I am having a problem with the nouveau driver in Fedora 15 Code: lspci | grep VGA 40:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41GL [Quadro FX 1400] (rev a2) The problem is that when I boot a Fedora 15 live Cd, either gnome or xfce, the monitors initially seem to work in that they display at the proper resolution, both as the CD boots and as X initially starts. I can see the background and the mouse cursor - it is "busy" ...

As the desktop finishes loading, however, my primary monitor becomes disabled. With gnome the screen goes black, with xfce it goes white. I can still see the mouse on my secondary monitor, but I can not seem to open any applications (such as a terminal) or change to a console (ctrl-alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-F2). I can boot into safe mode. Adding the boot option video=xxx sets the resolution on the console as it boots, but does not help running X.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Vista & Redhat -Incorrect Primary Partition

Aug 15, 2009

Initially I had vista and redhat 9 due to some reasons i had to re instal my vista again.. since then the dual boot menu disappeared.. i tried to re install redhat and changing the boot configuration of redhat 9 but i am not getting both the OS back .. I am not aboe to boot linux redhat 9 .. please check the attached screenshots for details .. Vista is getting on fine but no redhat .. every time i try to fix the issue i get an error message "Unable to align partition properly..incorrect BIOS geometry .plz check the attached files.

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General :: Primary Filesystem Type Used By Fedora 12 System?

Jun 21, 2010

What is the primary filesystem type used by Fedora 12 Linux?

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade F9 To F12 Fails With Parsing Primary XML Error

Dec 7, 2009

I'm having some issues upgrading my F9 to F12 using 'preupgrade' so I'm looking for anybody who has ever been able to complete a preupgrade from F9 x86_64 to F12. The error message I receive is TypeError: Parsing primary.xml error: attributes construct error. To my knowledge this has been reported as a bug in F10 which was resolved by a yum update to version 3.2.24.

For F9 the latest yum version is 3.2.21 which has this Parsing error bug that prevents the preupgarde to continue. Interesting enough that the preupgarde lets me select Fedora 12 and progresses with all the preupgrade steps properly until the parsing error occur. How to fix this Parsing error on a F9 x86_64 system.

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Fedora :: Desktop Icons Default To The Left Monitor Not The Primary?

Jun 25, 2010

I swapped my monitors and reconfigured x using Nvidia-settings. My main monitor is set as primary display and absolute. My secondary monitor is set to left of..

My desktop Icons default to the left monitor not the primary.

Is there a way to change this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Extending Primary Partition - Allocating Space To SDA1

Jun 27, 2010

I have installed oracle enterprise linux on VM ware with 20 gb allocated to guest OS. Now I want to install oracle apps in the guest Os, so I need to extend the volume. I have extended in Vm , but I have to partition in the guest OS, for that purpose I am using Gparted. But I am unable to extend to sda1. I need to have all the unallocation space allocated to sda1. Here is the screen shot, how can I do that. Right now when in press the command df -h in terminal I am gettig 18 gb as space available for sda1, I want to make it 200 gb, in which I would like to install oracle apps. Check out my screen shot.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Partition And Takes Errors,it Is Of Primary Partitions That Is About 77GB?

Dec 25, 2009

when i install fedora 11 after windows 7 ,i can not partition and takes errors,it is of primary partitions that is about 77GB that windows 7 had installed on it ,but when i install ubuntu ,it can be installled without any error ,when i asked for this one said me that ubuntu has grub installer that reference to another where for primary partition ,

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Fedora :: Failure: Repodata-primary.sqlite.bz2 From Updates: [Errno 256] No More Mirrors To Try?

Jun 10, 2010

Fresh install of F13, just went to update and I get the following error:Code:failure: repodata-primary.sqlite.bz2 from updates: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

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