General :: Kubuntu Wubi Finds Wireless And Says Connected. Can't Load Pages?

Nov 6, 2010

I have Kubuntu installed under windows 7. It finds my wireless connection and says i am connected. even with a wired connection it does the same. When i go to the web browser and try it out. says problem with connection. will include some pictures of "iwconfig" and others.

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Ubuntu :: Connected To Wireless Network But Pages Does Not Load

Jul 20, 2011

I just installed 11.04 on my Samsung n130.

It does connect to the router, but when I open a page it does not load it...

It works ok with the ethernet cable.

Edit: after restoring from sleeping mode, it does not see any wireless network, I have to reboot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid Wireless - Web Pages Consistently Slow To Load

Sep 21, 2010

Laptop: HP 6910p Wireless Card: BCM4312 NO issues with wireless in 8.10 (intrepid) - fwcutter driver. Performed clean install of 10.04 (lucid) onto a brand new hard drive (July 2010) - fwcutter driver. NO issues with wireless in 10.04 (lucid) until a few days ago, when. my laptop shutdown because the battery died and I safe-upgraded to 2.6.32-24-generic. Currently I have chronic wireless connectivity issues - slow to non-existent. Ping tests (ping -c6 or ping -c6 sometimes reveal 0% loss, sometimes 100% loss, sometimes "unknown host" - within 5 minutes of each other. Regardless of ping results, web pages are consistently slow to load. Skype will also cut out from time to time as the wireless connection vacillates. I have a MacBook Pro which I am using as my (wireless and consistently well-connected) control - and from which I am currently forced to draft this note.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless Connected But Cant Load A Lot Of Content?

Jun 24, 2010

i can open google ..... and many other but when i open opensue webpage and a lot other relate to it. it said problem loading page ,server not found

i also cant do any update or config of theOS that have to connect to the internet

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Shows As Connected But Won't Load Any Sites?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and i set up my wireless myself and I think I may have put in wrong settings. I looked through the forum and found these commands to put in the terminal from other posts. Could someone please see if they can fathom what I've done wrong. I have an wG111v2 netgear usb which works fine in windows but is very sluggish on Ubuntu. It worked for a while but since i have deleted and reinstalled my wireless numerous times I now can't get iternet at all. I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine which I duel boot with winXP.

ayte@kaytesRocket:~$ sudo dhclient wlan0
[sudo] password for kayte:
There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 1927
killed old client process, removed PID file
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.2
Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.


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General :: Wireless On Letux 400 Finds Networks Doesn't Connect

Jan 13, 2010

I bought a Letux 400 mini netbook and it works fine except for wireless Ethernet. It finds wireless networks, including mine, and then pretends to connect, after asking for a password, but finally never connects. I tried reconfiguring the wireless network from g to b/g and finally to b only, but nothing changed. Cable connection works. Unfortunately all relevant Letux Web pages are hopelessly slow and certainly too slow to use the forum and ask questions there. why the thing doesn't connect and how to make it connect? If it recognises networks, shouldn't it be able to connect as well?

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General :: Update After Wubi Install Makes Ubuntu Fail To Load

Jan 1, 2010

So after a win7 wubi install, I updated through system update. Now after I choose ubuntu in the win bootloader it takes me to a grub screen. How can I boot into linux and remove grub? (This isn't my computer otherwise I would dual boot and let grub take care of it).

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Debian :: Connected To WiFi But Cannot Open Any Pages

Jan 8, 2016

I have installed network controller driver(iwlwifi) in debian jessie and connected to wifi, but I could not connect to any web sites. I installed network-tools and input "iwconfig" it did show a wlan0 there.

Then I opened resolv.conf ,but there were 2 resolv.conf in my /etc,one contains "search lan nameserver",one contains "nameserver nameserver".

I changed the content of the first one to and restart networking,but I still could not open pages with wireless network.

And I open the first one again,and it changed back to,and an extra line "domain lan"above the line"search lan".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected But Not Loading Pages

Feb 13, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 in a dual boot Vista system (DELL INSPIRON 530). Everything was ok except the wireless network configuration. Afrer checking on the Internet I realized There was an issue with my network card (Broadcom BCM431. I first tried to install the drivers using Ndiswrapper with not succes. Finally, I was able to use the b43 driver by installing b43-fwcutter. Now the driver is shown and active in the Hardware Drivers Utilily. I am even connected to my Wireless Network. However, I cant load any website. I have checked the parameters in the network set up. I have even tried different options, like static or dinamic IP. But I cant load any website.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Finds No Wireless Network And Just Disconnected On 10.04?

Jun 6, 2010

Ive installed 10.04 on my laptop and notebook. It works perfectly on laptop. On notebook the problem is it finds no Wireless network and just says disconnected. I have no idea how to connect it, I tried reinstalling Ubuntu but no luck. I tried looking it up on internet but no luck in finding help. its an MSI U130. The wireless is defently turned on.

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Ubuntu Networking :: System Finds No Wireless Internet / Get It?

Dec 4, 2010

I've installed ubuntu on my laptop, but I've got one problem... I can't see my wireless Internet?

On my mac I see my wireless Internet i click on it, put the password in and I'm connected, but on my ubuntu he doesn't show the wireless Internet?

When i connect via cable I've got Internet so i think it can't be my network card because else he wouldn't connect via cable not?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 - New Wireless USB - Finds Networks, Can't Connect?

May 20, 2011

So I was the one who couldn't get their ethernet port to function properly. Most likely, this was the result of bad hardware since none of the community's suggestions for software fixes did anything. I believe this is probably true.Indeed, when I bought a cheap $10 wireless USB dongle, it immediately worked better than all the previous things. It detected networks, displayed network strength and even allowed me to attempt login.

The only problem now seems to be that it cannot login. I've rechecked the password countless times, but it just shows the 'connecting to wireless' animation for a minute or two and then poops out and says, 'disconnected'.I assume if everything is getting me this far, the driver is not the problem with the device. Is this a safe assumption?

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Installations With Wubi Win Installer?

Oct 24, 2010

I wanna install both Ubuntu and Kubuntu with Wubi win installer. Is this possible and how to do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Kubuntu Using Wubi - Getting Error?

Apr 30, 2011

I have insatalled Kubuntu using wubi (in windows). But when I am running Kubuntu it is showing the following error.
try(hd0,0) : FAT16 : NO WUBLDIR
try(hd0,1) : NTFS35 : NO wubldir
try(hd0,3) : NTFS35 :
What should I do???

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Ubuntu Installation :: WUBI + Kubuntu-desktop Wrecks Boot?

Mar 5, 2010

On my MS Vista 64bit machine, I installed Ubuntu through WUBI (some time in 2010) and was happily booting one or the other as needed. Then I added kubuntu-desktop (using Synaptic).Now, when I reboot, the Windows Boot Manager still offers Vista and Ubuntu as boot options. But Ubuntu, rather than boot, goes to a grub shell. I found a GrubHowto that includes "Manual boot into a Linux OS" - but it seems to suggest that clean Karmic installs use Grub2 and the Howto instructions apply only to Grub. I don't know if the WUBI install was Karmic or something older. I don't know anything about using grub manually.And I don't know how to get my (k)ubuntu back!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu 11.04 Freezes At The Boot Screen When Installing With Wubi

Aug 16, 2011

When I installed Kubuntu 11.04 using Wubi it did not load the Ubiquity installer like it normally does. Instead the boot screen (image attached so you know what I mean) remains displayed for the entire installation. The installation works fine once installed but I was wondering if this is normal or not?

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Fedora :: Midori Won't Load Certain Pages / Fix This?

Mar 30, 2010

Ive just install Midori, and overall I like this browser. But certain pages aren't loading in Midori. Like this forum, On exactly the same laptop, I can open this page with Firefox. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Pages Do Not Load On Certain Sites?

Mar 15, 2010

Pages do not load on certain sites (such as LinkedIn and Which? for example). The sites themselves load but when I click on links the pages load forever. With Which? I can close FF and open it again and then the link loads but after a few clicks they stop loading. It happens on all browsers (at least I tried FF and Chromium) but OK on Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Can't Load Web Pages?

May 17, 2010

Out of no where Firefox has just decided to not load web pages anymore. I've restarted my router, restarted my wifi card, restarted my computer, *completly* uninstalled Firefox then reinstalled it, still no luck at all. Anyone have any idea how to fix this? I'm stuck using Google Chrome now, I like it but I need the Add-Ons FireFox has (AdBlock Plus, Xmarks, DownThemAll, etc.)

Here are my specs:
Ubuntu 10.04 64bit
Acer Aspire 3680
Intel Celeron M 1.6GHz Single Core
40GiB Hard Drive

Basically all it does is sit there saying "Connecting to" for like 15seconds then gives me one of two pages, "The connection has timed out - The server at is taking too long to respond." or "Unable to connect - Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"Google Chrome, Skype, Ubuntu's built in messenger, System Update, and so on connect just fine to the internet.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade To 10.04 - Cannot Load Web Pages

Jun 30, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 using the built in upgrader. After upgrading, whenever I open Firefox, it will just say "The connection has timed out" for every page, but I am connected to the internet. Also, w3m will not load any web pages as well. But I am connected to the internet, because pidgin works, apt-get works, ping, and telnet work.

I will ping with success each time, then attempt to load in Firefox and it will say that it cannot connect to the host. I have tried both "Connect directly to the internet" and "Connect using system proxy settings" for Firefox (the system settings are to connect directly to the internet).

I then thought that maybe something was blocking port 80, so I used telnet (telnet 80), and with that, I got the HTML response of [URL]. what can I do to make my computer able to brows the web again? I am running Ubuntu 10.04 with kernel 2.6.32-22 on a Compaq Presario CQ60-417DX Notebook.

Processor: Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.20 GHz
RAM: 3.00 GB

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Ubuntu :: Some Web Pages Don't Load Right With Firefox In 10.10 64-bit?

Dec 19, 2010

To see what I mean take a look at the screenshots below.And this screenshot was taken in Windows 7 64-bit of what it should look like.

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General :: Man Pages Not Displayed / Saying Formatting Pages And Then It Is Displaying Blank Page?

Sep 9, 2009

when i input man <cmd>'s saying formatting pages....n then it is displaying blank page.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Load Web Pages?

Jan 5, 2010

I can't seem to fire up any web pages but I can do everything else on my ubuntu box. This seems to have started within the past day or so. My /etc/reslov.conf file looks solid.Again, I can ssh, vnc and ping to the outside but just can't load any web pages.

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Networking :: Cannot Load Pages On WiFi Connection

Jan 13, 2009

I have been using Linux via my Acer Aspire One for a few weeks now without any problem. Suddenly I find I can get a WiFi connection but consistently it fails to load the pages. I have tried 2 connections so I know it's my machine. And probably something I have touched. How to reset the the internet settings or better still can I reset the computer back a few days (like in Windows) to resolve this problem?

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Networking :: Pages Do Not Load With Any Browser Under All Distributions

May 27, 2010

I have a serious problem relating network connectivity under all Linux distributions. I have tried variety of browsers, but the webpages either load partially or do not load at all. Surprisingly, app manager still works well, and I can download apps at full speed from xterminal or app manager. This became an issue which renders Linux distributions close to useless to me. I am currently connected through a router, but direct connection does not solve the problem. What is more, my phone, Nokia N900 is experiencing the same problem with its web browser. I assume, it's due to the fact that N900 uses full Linux distribution. Internet works just fine under all Windows versions (XP, Vista, 7).

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Server :: Apache Configuration - Pages Do Not Load

Mar 20, 2010

I have apache running on my server, and also Zoneminder, a surveillance system running on the same machine. Both services runs without glitches, and I think apache's config as well as ZM's config are fine. I am not sure I understand how apache (not to mention the whole thing zoneminder, apache, web browser...) works. Pretty hard to manage when you dont know what you are doing. Also, when I try the supposed to work zoneminder webpage in my web browser, I get nothing (a blank page), or sometimes a "Not found" error message. The latest seems to be from apache because it is the same font as the "It works!" message when I try http://localhost:80

The only bit of information I have so far is in the apache error log (/var/log/httpd/error_log) and it says:
[Sun Mar 21 00:35:14 2010] [error] [client] script '/srv/httpd/htdocs/zm.php' not found or unable to stat
[Sun Mar 21 00:46:04 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/httpd/htdocs/zm
It seems that the "zm.php" is missing.... That would be why Apache cant find the page?

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Software :: How To Force Load Swapped Out Pages

Aug 19, 2010

I have just terminated a program which used almost all my free RAM space, so most pages from other processes are now in swap. When I need to access another process (e.g. browser), it will reload its pages from swap resulting in a lag. I would like to load all the swapped-out pages into physical memory before I need that process, how can I do this (supposing that I have enough free RAM for this)? The only way I'm thinking of is swapoff -a, then swapon -a again.

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General :: Wireless Connected But Not Web Browsing?

Feb 26, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10. I am connected through wireless (connection established) but I can not browse the internet on firefox. It works with out a problem when connected through the wire.

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Fedora Networking :: Connected To Router - Can't Load Sites - Can Load Sites In XP ?

Jan 14, 2011

I dual boot XP and FC14 and have 2 routers. I can connect and ping one of these routers when I'm in FC and I have an IP address I just can't load any websites. When I connect to the other router (my main router) it works fine. When I boot into XP and connect to the problem router I can load pages fine. It's only when I'm on FC14 and connect to the problem router that I can't load pages even though I have an IP and can ping around.

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Fedora Networking :: Web Pages Dont Load Completely ?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using BSNL WLL (Wireless Local Loop) on my Fedora system to connect to the internet My modem is Huawei ETS-1201, I use wvdial The problem is that, on every linux distribution I tried, Webpages dont load or load incompletely randomly This happens most during peak net traffic. I tried to edit the /etc/ppp/options file to set my MTU and MRU to 576

But, It does not seem to be working. There is no such problem on Windows and I can connect flawlessly I takes several retries to connect to a site. I sometimes become frustrated with this and switch to Windows But as you all know, Windows is not the right OS for people who want more from their computers.

Below my specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
WD 320GB 7200rpm HDD

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