General :: Does "Awesome" Wm Run Correctly All Qt And GTK Apps

Sep 30, 2010

If I install "Awesome", will I be able to run all the GTK & Qt apps with no problems?

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Ubuntu :: GTK Apps Don't Display Correctly On KDE Until Opening Appearance Preferences?

Jul 18, 2011

I recently installed KDE and began using that instead of Unity (less buggy, IMHO) and it was running smoothly until I began configuring my GTK applications for transition in that. I installed the Oxygen-GTK them from and set that as my default theme for GTK applications under the KDE appearance preferences.

When I log in, however, GTK applications just use the stock Xorg theme until I run "gnome-appearance-properties" in my terminal.I believe that a fix involving .gtkrc would suffice, but I honestly cannot configure it no matter how hard I try.

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General :: Smooth Fonts In Gentoo Terminal In Awesome WM?

Apr 20, 2011

I had GNOME DE but recently I've switched to Awesome WM.The only problem I have I can't set smooth fonts in Gnome-terminal.If I start gnome-settings-daemon, all the fonts in terminal become smooth, but is it possible to make it work without gnome-settings-daemon?I would change the terminal if in another smooth fonts were.

My ~/.fonts.conf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">


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OpenSUSE :: Can I Install Awesome On System

Oct 19, 2010

I just wondering can we install Awesome Desktop Manager or some people call Windows Manager on OpenSuSE 11.2.. coz my machine to slow to cater KDE 4.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Awesome Bar Not Working In 10.04

Apr 29, 2010

My Firefox Awesome Bar isn't working in ubuntu 10.04. Instead of automatically redirecting keywords (ie, google goes to google, wikipedia to wikipedia) I'm just getting comcast's search page. I assume this can be fixed in about:config, I just don't know what setting.

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Ubuntu :: Any Distro That Use Awesome By Default?

Sep 2, 2010

I've been wanting to play around with the idea of switching to a tiling wm. So I started up virtual box and installed Ubuntu minimal, then installed awesome, gdm, terminator, Firefox, gedit, and a few other trinkets. What I would like to know, is their any other programs that work good, and look decent in awesome. I switched to terminator from gnome-terminal because I like the look of terminator better when it is in awesome. Also, is their any distro that use awesome by default, I may be able to play around with or get ideas from? Post some screen shots, I'm interested in how everyone else is set up. Once, i get mine set up to fit me, i'm going to remastersys it, and use it on my production machine.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Customize Awesome 3 Desktop

Feb 14, 2010

I got awesome 3 desktop working and am in it right now, however I do not know how to customize it. It says theres a /home/.awesomerc file but when I go to nano it there is nothing there. What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Awesome 3.4.1 Upgrade And Status Bar Icons

May 28, 2010

I'm on Ubuntu (crunchbang actually) 9.04, and I've ventured to the world of the tiling WMs. Specifically, Awesome. I used 2.3.4 for quite a while, but have recently upgraded to 3.4.1. I've managed to get the vicious widgets working to display network, cpu, mem, etc., but the one thing that is driving me crazy is the statusbar icons.
to avoid the tl,dr;
Is there anyway to turn off the program icons in the status bar for the open programs? i.e. terminal, firefox, etc. I' ve googled as well as I can with no luck, and the awesome wiki for this seems to be outdated, as its suggestion bricks my awesome config.

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Ubuntu :: Awesome Or Tiling WM Users Unite

Dec 11, 2010

So who here also uses awesomewm, or a tiling window manger? I've been using awesome for about 6 months at home, and started using it recently at my new job on my desktop at work. Whether it's at work or home, I've noticed that a tiling WM has increased my productivity 10 fold. I'm able to organize everything by tag, then tile. With awesomewm I have come to love it's reliainace on the LUA language. If I need a new feature, I can add it pretty easily. i.e. I have created custom prompts with some scripting to rdp and ssh into box's with the login information, resolution, already inputed.

Put in some if/else in there also, for certain hostnames that require different credentials, or different settings. It also mounts the c$ or root drive once connected to my /ticket/##### directory. So it's a snap to copy any file over. With LUA I've been pretty much able to extend the window manger to my needs with any script I can imagine. So come on everyone, discuss! Whether you are using awesomewn, or dwn or another great tiling window manager. Post your code, your settings, lets make this thread as big as the conky thread.

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Software :: Firefox Awesome Bar History Clean Up?

Feb 22, 2009

I continue to try and get the back the Firefox I grew to love prior to the 3.0 release. My latest endeavor is to clean-up the Awesome Bar history. I don't understand the reasoning behind the well established "Clear Private Data" tool and the fact that nothing seems to work to clear the Awesome Bar history. Why have the tool if it isn't going to clean the Awesome Bar also. I don't want to get into the merits of the Awesome Bar I just want to clear it when I want to. I have done a lot of searching on this and there doesn't seem to be a real solution. There are many sudo solutions that don't actually clear what the Awesome Bar keeps track of as to merely hide it from view. The most common are the Firefox 2 history bar reincarnations.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Awesome Window Manager

Dec 27, 2009

I've been searching for tutorials on how to install awesome, it would be nice if someone can guide me on how to install Awesome Window Manager.

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Fedora Installation :: Awesome Doesn't Work / Resolve This?

Jul 31, 2011

I've installed the Awesome WM using "sudo yum install awesome" (as described here ). I can also log into awesome, but nothing works! I can open the menu on the top left of the screen, but when I click on e.g. "Open Terminal", nothing happens. Same thing for all other menu options except "Shut down" which logs me out of Awesome. I've also tried the terminal shortcut, but nothing works.

Has anyone an idea how to make it work?

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Terminal Awesome Screen Flickering / Error

Feb 7, 2011

I am not able to change to any tty at all. if i press ctr+alt+ f4 nothing happes if i then press f7 and return the screen turns totally black and my gui is only recoverable witrh restarting my displaymanger slim.also when i press ctrl+alt+del in aqwesome (windowmanager) the computer reboots immediatly, what makes me think that, however the terminal isn't properly "seperated" from the windowmanager.After restarting slim and login to awesome i 'am able to change properly to tty's and back to xserver. after reboot i am not able to change to tty's properly again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Connect Wireless When Using Awesome Window Manager / Fix It?

May 4, 2011

As I mentioned on the thread title, I can not connect wilreless under awesome window manager,it can scan wirless, but just can not connect it. I am using
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "...." key s:"***"
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "...." key s:**** (I try both, neither of it works)

and I do some search, and trying
sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "..." key s:*****
it is not working as well.

So, hoping you can give any solution. I am appreciating your helping.

But, interesting thing is, under gnome, it wireless is pretty good, I have no idea how it could be, but just works fine.

btw, under awesome, when I typing nm-tool, it always indicate that wlan0 is disconnect.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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General :: Environment Variables Not Being Set Correctly?

Jun 21, 2010

he $g09root is picked up ( in both the csh and the bash), but not the $GV_DIR or the $GAUSS_SCRDIR. I guess it's some stupid error, but it is highly frustrating.Here is the .profile file:Quote:

# To make use of this feature, simply uncomment one of the lines below or
# add your own one (see /usr/share/locale/locale.alias for more codes)


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General :: Not Booting Correctly Into SuSE 10.3?

Feb 4, 2011

"Something" happened to my friend's computer, and now he somehow expects me to know how to fix it. Sigh.The symptoms: There are two partitions - a Windows XP partition and a larger partition for SuSE 10.3 it seems. He can boot into the Windows, but not into the SuSE anymore. However, he can boot using the Fail-safe method.

I know this is very vague. but I can't get to the computer at present to check things for myself. Do any of you know what a possible cause of these symptoms could be and how to fix the problem?

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General :: How To Confirm Source Was Correctly Installed

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed CFEngine from source (for those of you who aren't familiar with the product, check out the wiki page) on an AIX server. I had some issues setting it up but finally got it to gmake successfully.

Once I run gmake install I get a very short output (based on other source builds) and no errors. I figure something is fishy and I now I need to figure out a good way to find if it was correctly installed. I tried:

find / -name cfeng* 2> /dev/null

Is there something analogous to rpm -qa | grep cfengine?

Here is a copy of my output in case anyone needs: [url]

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General :: Japanese Font Not Shown Correctly In Vim

Apr 19, 2010

I am using vim for opening and editing my source code, but the problem concerned japanese fonts is occurred. Japanese text can not be shown correctly (not japanese) by using vim.

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General :: Information Not Displaying Correctly On Gnome Desktop

Jun 19, 2010

I have installed both Fedora and Ubuntu with Gnome Desktops and it displays the information an inch to the left, this problem may have to do with the fact that the display comes up as unknown.

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General :: Ssh'ing To A Host And Executing A Command Not Working Correctly?

Aug 20, 2010

I have the following command:ssh $USER@$HOST "ls /ops/pkg/ec/`grep "PKRTS" /ops/pkg/ec | awk '{print $1}'`* > /tmp/tmp_file"What the above SHOULD, ssh to the host then execute the command.The command should first execute the grep and awk between the back ticks, and generate a file name, then ls using that filename* and write that data to a temp file.However, it executes the grep and awk before even SSH'ing and the command that goes to the server is simply an "ls /ops/pkg/ec/* > /tmp/tmp_file" since the grep and awk return nothing on the local machine.

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General :: Arch Fails To Log Out Of Xfce4 / Openbox Correctly?

Jul 4, 2010

I have installed Arch and all is well. startxfce4 gives me a working desktop but when I log out, everything fails. The monitor goes black and I can't get into another tty. I have to power off the computer the "wrong" way and boot again.

The video card is an Intel 82845G/GL Brookdale integrated.

Not sure what to do next.

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General :: Encrypting External 4K Sector Drives Correctly

Jan 29, 2011

I've recently brought a Western Digital Elements 2TB external hard disk and have been planning to encrypt it for use as a backup drive. However, it seems that these 2TB disks use the new 4K sector sizes and thus need to be handled more carefully than the older 512K ones.

After spending a week looking on Google, I have to admit I'm pretty confused and hope somebody here might be able to verify my conclusions

The drive reports that it's a 512-sector drive which is probably false. Using fdisk -uc, the original partition starts at sector 2048 so I assume that is a valid sector also to start a dm-crypt partition overwriting the previous one?

I've also read that every layer that is added to these drives must support the 4k layer. That means both dm-crypt and the ext3 filesystem I intend to put it on have to do so also.

Looking through the cryptsetup document, it states under the option "--align-payload" the following:

"Align payload at a boundary of value 512-byte sectors. This option is relevant for luksFormat. If your block device lives on a RAID, it is useful to align the filesystem at full stripe boundaries so it can take advantage of the RAIDs geometry. See for instance the sunit and swidth options in the mkfs.xfs manual page. By default, the payload is aligned at an 8 sector (4096 byte) boundary."

The fact that the payload is aligned at 4096 seems to indicate to me that it should be fine using default settings. Does everybody agree with this? Or do I need to take special measures due to the dm-crypt headers?

When I later finish up the dm-crypt layer, then I need to put ext3 on it. I understand adding -b 4096 to the mkfs.ext3 command will resolve that. Is that also correct and will it work well in combination with the dm-crypt layer?

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General :: Hindi Fonts In VIM - Letters Not Positioned Correctly

May 29, 2011

I use debian 6.0.0. I have installed scim scim-m17n scim-gtk2-immodule m17n-db im-switch. I can write hindi fine in browsers & gedit using transliteration. In vim I see that matra & letter are not positioned correctly. Here is screenshot post.jpg. I am using 'Akshar Unicode' . 'Monospace' does not help either. Otherwise , what font you use?

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General :: Ensure Mount Point Is Mounted Correctly?

Jun 21, 2011

I need to know particular mount point mounted or not before send data to that mount point.Are there any commandsi used this command. mount -t nfs /root/shared_storage/pc50 -o rw,hard,intr but it take long time (when machine( is not available)

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General :: Wine Doesn't Correctly Work / Resolve This?

Feb 15, 2011

I use Wine on Kubuntu 10.10.
Whenever some-application to open the Internet, wine browser is opened in loop untill I end process tree of wine server.
Also when I use it to execute .exe program I have error
e.g. I tried to run DriverGuide DriverScan:


Component 'Codejock.DockingPane.v10.4.0.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Does anyone know whats missing ?

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General :: GUI Apps Run Without An X Server?

Jun 26, 2010

This is a general newbie question about using a GUI on Linux: If I got it right, all graphical applications in Linux ultimately call the X server to display output on the screen, even on the local host. Isn't there a performance penalty to go through a local server application to write output instead of just writing to the video card? Can Linux GUI apps run without an X server?

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General :: Run Most My Windows Apps ?

Apr 23, 2010

Ok I am finally fed up enough with Microsoft to actually consider making my primary computer system a 100% Linux system... I build a really nice system about a year ago and got Windows 7 64 bit edition (all software is legal and legit) and my computer frequently freezes at random times... I'm pretty sure its not the ram or the motherboard and I run two hard drives with raid0 striping... I have used various Windows OS's on here and they all randomly freeze up during operation.. sometimes during heavy gaming and sometimes right when my system starts up... I dont think its a heat issue since I have a huge and efficient $75 heatsink/fan combo designed specifically for my cpu...

If I make this move, it will cost me a lot since I use a lot of Music and applications such as Ableton Live and Reason, and 3D software like Cinema 4D and zBrush.... Photoshop CS4... and games like Call of Duty MW2....

Will I still be able to use all my apps? I have heard of Wine but have never used it and I dont know how much you can do with Windows apps on Linux these days...

My system: i7 Quad Core/6GB ram/EVGA X58 mobo/GeForce9800GTX...

What I am looking for here is assurance that I will be able to run most of my major applications on Linux with out losing much system efficiency.

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General :: Apps Not Working On DSL?

Dec 10, 2010

None of the apps will work on DSL. Example Firefox or notepad will not open. FF says input/output error. it is a compaq presario laptop with win xp sp3 in case that is important. I am not sure if the windows reference is important at all?

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General :: Where To Download Src Of Apps

Sep 28, 2010

where to download src of apps which includes thier ./configure scripts?

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