Ubuntu :: Xserver Terminal Awesome Screen Flickering / Error

Feb 7, 2011

I am not able to change to any tty at all. if i press ctr+alt+ f4 nothing happes if i then press f7 and return the screen turns totally black and my gui is only recoverable witrh restarting my displaymanger slim.also when i press ctrl+alt+del in aqwesome (windowmanager) the computer reboots immediatly, what makes me think that, however the terminal isn't properly "seperated" from the windowmanager.After restarting slim and login to awesome i 'am able to change properly to tty's and back to xserver. after reboot i am not able to change to tty's properly again.

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General :: Smooth Fonts In Gentoo Terminal In Awesome WM?

Apr 20, 2011

I had GNOME DE but recently I've switched to Awesome WM.The only problem I have I can't set smooth fonts in Gnome-terminal.If I start gnome-settings-daemon, all the fonts in terminal become smooth, but is it possible to make it work without gnome-settings-daemon?I would change the terminal if in another smooth fonts were.

My ~/.fonts.conf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 9.10 64-bit - Screen Keeps Flickering

Jan 5, 2010

I don't know if this has been asked already, but I cant seem to find it anywhere. I have a gateway, p 7915u with an nvidia 260gtx graphics card. im trying to install ubuntu 9.10 64-bit on it but the screen keeps flickering before I can even install it or try without change.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Flickering After Opening Laptop

Jul 30, 2010

Whenever i close and then open the lid of my Compaq nc6220 laptop the screen will flicker when actions are made like moving the mouse, opening a program or typing. This is a known problem for the Intel 915 card and the solution is to disable the RANDR process. The thing is i cannot get to the service managaer and the RANDR doesnt come up in BUM which i installed. Does anyone know how to disable RANDR or any other solutions to this very annoying problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Alpha - Screen Flickering?

Mar 11, 2011

I had 10.10 installed and decided to chance it by upgrading to the Alpha release 11.04.Graphic card is ATI Sapphire X1550 I think (512MB).Apart from trying to get used to the buggy interface (to be expected from the alpha), the screen keeps blinking, goes black for a second every 30 seconds.

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Ubuntu :: Flickering Screen & Freeze On 1st Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

When I first boot up it gets to the checking sensors, then freezes and the screen flickers all the time. I have to do a hard shutdown then when I turn the computer back on everything works normally in fact the boot time is greatly reduced! And so far the system has worked fine after the 2nd boot.Anyone had anything similar?

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Ubuntu :: Natty Screen Distortion And Flickering After A While

May 29, 2011

I am using Natty and its favoring me with too much of screen and cpu overloading problems.After some usage with movies or browsing, it gets a distortion and whole horizontal lines appear on the screen like a 8BIT distorted Video game. The background actually runs good, since i tried playing mp3 and got the error after wards. After distortion, the windows start flicker and changing. Is there any way to stop this?Second thing,The cpu easily becomes full while mounting drives or surfing itself.

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Ubuntu :: Flickering Screen And Unable To Install

Jan 16, 2010

I downloaded the 9.10 from the Ubuntu website (not as torrent, but as direct download) and I burnt the ISO image in a CD. I intruduced the CD in the computer where I want to install Ubuntu and I rebooted it. Then the Ubuntu install-try menu appeared. I chose "try" and appeared a white ubuntu logo fading in and out, and then some text that was like the boot up of Ubuntu. In that point, the screen starts flickering every second, and when I push the power-off button of my computer it stops flickering and says something like "you pressed power off - please remove the CD and close the tray", and then the computer shuts down.

The same happens when I choose Install. At the point it appears a progress number (0%) of the file system, the screen starts flickering and the progress it seems it stops, or at less it's extremely slow.My computer it's a bit old but I think that's not the problem. It's a Pentium IV at 3'40Ghz, 1GB of RAM and what seems to have the problem, a Nvidia Quadro 256MB graphics card (I don't know the exact model but if you need it I can find it).

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Ubuntu :: Flickering Screen After Fresh Install Of 11.04

May 22, 2011

I did a fresh install of Ubuntu Studio 11.04 on a machine with Vista previously installed. The computer also came with a Personal Media Drive (movable harddisk) of 500GB. The only modification to the HW conf is that I recently added a harddisk of 2 TB that I wanted to install Ubuntu on. (I.e. in total 4 harddisks on the scsi slots)I ran the install cd that I burnt form the iso and I chose the option to manually partition the disks, and I only partitioned the new Harddisk. The installer chose to make some partitions: grub as the boot loader, one ext4 partition of 2 TB and 3.5 GB swap space (and some kb of waste space).

The install cd was readable and the tests that could be performed on the install cd itself and on memory terminated ok, and install seemed to have worked fine. It also discovered the Vista / ntfs partitions. I thought the install would work ok since I had made the new disk the 1st to boot in the HDD boot priority in BIOS setup.

When I rebooted after install I got a blank screen. I then tried with making the Vista HDD the 1st to boot in BIOS, and then I got the GRUB screen with two options for ubuntu two for mem tests and two for the Vista partitions.I found it strange that GRUB would take over, since the grub partition should be on the new lower prioritized HDD in the boot order.When I run the first Vista option everything works. Vista boots. However, when trying to get it to boot either of the ubuntu options I get a flickering screen, in the normal ubuntu boot a white one where the upper third of the screen is more steadily lit up whereas the lower 2/3 is flickering. When booting with failsafe option the color is red/pink instead, but with the same flickering.

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Flickering After Installing 11.3?

Jul 16, 2010

the screen flickering after installing opensuse 11.3? There are lines flickering on my screen horizontally. I have the Mobile Radeon HD 4200 graphics, ACER Aspire 4540 Laptop. I am currently using the default video driver rather than the proprietary driver.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flickering Login Screen After Start?

Jan 4, 2010

I've just installed a fresh Ubuntu 9.10 (I'm using Windows 7), after completing the installation, may laptop rebooted but following the white icon of Ubuntu were the 2 lines "Ubuntu 9.10 computername tty1 ...etc" appears and I could not login due to flickering.

My laptop is T500 Lenovo with ATI Radeon HD3650.

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Ubuntu :: Occasional Flickering Screen And Blanks Connected To LCD TV

May 16, 2010

I just connected my LCD TV to my desktop and now I get two things happening which I didn't get when I used a proper monitor:

the screen scrolls down and sort of flickers every minute or so, plus: every few minutes it goes competely 'blank' i.e. reverts to the blue screen of my TV when there is no signal.

It should be in Ubuntu NOT Kubuntu!

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot - Constant Screen Flickering

May 18, 2010

When attempting to boot into Ubuntu 10.04, the screen constantly flickers. It'll stay off for about 2-3 seconds, then come back on for <1 second. This constantly occurs. When reaching the main screen (I think), I attempt to move into a TTY terminal, but the flicker continues. I have attempted to reset the X Server, stop the X server, etc., issue remains. The monitor does not turn off during this flickering. I am able to type, obviously.

Here are my system specs:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (6000+)
2.00 GB RAM
ATI Radeon HD2600 XT (x2, Crossfire)
HP w2207h 22" Monitor, connected via HDMI

I also have VGA inputs on the back of the monitor and can attempt to switch the input, but that requires me to dig through a box looking for a cable, so I figured I'd post this issue first.

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Debian :: Login Screen Flickering - ATI Card

May 28, 2011

i always had problem with my ATI card and Gnome GUI i decided to install Debian without any GUI at all. After login in CLI i used those commands:"apt-get update""apt-get install alsa-base xorg kdm kde gtl-qt-engine" .I decided to manually install KDE because i had no problem with it in Open SUSE. After that I restarted my pc and got flickering login screen, I'm unable to swith to console becasue after hitting ctrl-alt-F1 I'm getting black screen. I searched google but with no luck, and if there was some solution it required you to be logged in into GUI.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Even Install / Too Much Screen Flickering

Jan 14, 2009

I've been trying to install Fedora 10 but the screen flickers about once every two seconds (not at set intervals though sometimes 5 seconds sometimes < 1 second).I've been searching around and all posts I've read about hh ave pointed to an nVidia driver bug which would make sense since I have an nVidia card but these were all posted back in summer of '08 so I'm not sure if it is still lingering.

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Fedora :: 15 Screen Flickering - Set Up In The Config File?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a problem with the screen flickering on fedora 15 (and lots of other modern distros, eg: ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 and opensuse 11.4) i think it is something to do with xorg.conf as older linux distros work fine
so i added one using

Xorg :1 -configure
cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

but i still have a slight flicker. my monitor takes an input at 50-60Hz how do i set that up in the config file or is that not what is causing that? and can somebody recommend me a nice icon set for fedora

I need to add this somewhere Code: ModeLine "1440x900" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 903 909 934 +hsync -vsync in the xorg.conf no idea where!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Stuck At Black Flickering Login Screen?

Mar 10, 2010

so i have been trying to install ubuntu for quite some time now and i have run into a bit of a roadblock.

I have tried to install 9.10 and it installs just fine (the GUI works just fine and everything seemingly goes ok), however when i go to boot it, i get to a flickering screen asking for my username and password (this is not the gnome login screen, it is just a blank black prompt asking for me to login). however, the flickering is inhibiting me from easily entering anything in from my keyboard. Thus, i cannot log in to fix the problem (i cannot enter my password because i dont know if the keys i am entering are being accepted or not). and recovery mode does the same thing.

This happens if i try installing it straight up, or if i install it inside windows. I have tried all kinds of boot options and install options (all that acpi crap) but none of it works.

i even tried installing some of my old copies of ubuntu (8.04), but when i do that the grub cannot load the linux kernel. I have also tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit versions to no avail.

I am running an ASUS motherboard, AMD quad core x64, dual Nvidia geforce 8600's, 6 gigs of ram, and PLENTY of hard disk space.

I am not a noob to linux at all, but i have never encountered a problem like this and i have no clue how to fix it. Hell, i dont even know how to go about fixing it without logging in.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Writing Scroll Down / Flickering And Black Screen

Oct 18, 2010

I've put a new hdd into my old comp to try it out, I am using a usb to try and install. When I install I get writing scrolling down the screen then it flicks to a black screen and just stays there. Am i doing it wrong?

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Ubuntu :: 11 - Desktop Is Continuously Flickering The Purple Splash Screen

May 10, 2011

Ok so just updated 10.10 to 11 and I can't do anything, the desktop is continuously flickering the purple ubuntu splash screen behind it and if I click anything it will open but flashaswell, I did have nova desktop which changes my wallpaper automatically but I uninstalled it as I thought that may be thebprovlem

Is there anything I can do? Or will I have to copy the home folder to USB and then do a clean install?

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Debian Multimedia :: Squeeze KDE4 Flickering Screen

Dec 22, 2010

I updated my system as usually. Sadly since then my screen flickers every 10 (or so) seconds. It turns black for like 10ms and then back to whatever it showed before. This behavior occurs after some uptime. Haven't measured the flicker-free time span yet but I guess it starts after 15 to 30 minutes.I'm using a up-to-date Squeeze with KDE4 an the nvidia-driver for me GeForceGo. Interesting thing is: It does not flicker while using fluxbox using same xserver.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Flickering Screen While Installing After First Reboot Using Wubi 9.10

Mar 1, 2010

The wubi installer copied files successfully and asked for reboot. After booting into Xubuntu the flashing logo appeared for a minute. And then the screen looked as if it was trying to show something but could not and flickered and then became dark this continued till half an hour and then I pressed Alt+Ctrl+Del.I tried all the modes but to no avail, only the last mode with command line was working. But it was not helpful for me becoz I dont know most of the commands.When I tried "Verbose Mode" as directed by the WubiGuide - Ubuntu Wiki, CTRL+ALT+F2 did not work when the installer stopped.The computer I use is assembled with Intel pentium 4, VIA chipset and Mercury(Kobian) motherboard.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie - Intel 945M Flickering Screen

Sep 26, 2015

I found a nice old mini industrial PC with an Jetway NF92 motherboard (Atom N270/Intel GMA945 GPU).

Installed Jessie on it, I have a strange problem under X11: mouse pointer is garbled (looks like somebody cut the arrow in four separate sprite and shake them well , and screen flickering. If I move down the mouse in the lower part of the screen, the screen flicker slowly, if the mouse goes in the top part of the screen, screen flicker rapidly... And finally, putting the pointer on the last line of the screen make the screen stop flickering with perfect screen....

Code: Select allroot@telmat:~# uname -a
Linux telmat 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u4 (2015-09-19) i686 GNU/Linux

Code: Select allroot@telmat:~# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GSE Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GSE Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02)

[Code] .....

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen Distortions/flickering With 3d Apps Ati Radeon Xpress 1100 On Kubuntu 9.04

Jan 12, 2010

i installed kubuntu 9.04 yesterday and updated it with everything that was available, i have ati radeon xpress 1100 and i got everything running fine including kwin effects but i have a small problem i cant figure out how to fix:

When i run glxgears and put any window on top of it, i can still see the 3d gears rolling and i think this same problem is responsible for occasional artifacts on the screen. Its a very minor problem but i would like to see if fixed because i cannot use google earth properly, it seems that any 3d application likes to be focused on the screen, its like they flicker while being overlaid on top of everything.

Also i read the countless threads here complaining about not being able to use fglrx etc because of updated xorg. Well the reason im using 9.04 is because my wireless card alfa awus036h does not work with kernel > 2.6.31 and i have already tried kubuntu 9.10 on this laptop i wasnt having any problem with the display. All the kwin effects ran fine and no distortions of any kind. Seems there is some bug in 9.04.

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Fedora Hardware :: LCD Screen Flickers / Suspend The System Once For The Flickering To Stop?

Jul 13, 2010

I have this situation: I installed F13 on my laptop having an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator. The screen of my laptop was flickering and i did a 'yum update'. The flickering didn't stop, but after suspending the system once, the flickering stops and everything is fine. Now after each reboot i have to suspend the system once for the flickering to stop. Please help.

After discussing in #fedora in freenode, some people asked for these (i'm posting in case you need them too):

$ lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)

/var/log/Xorg.0.log -> url.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Fails To Find Screen?

Jul 21, 2010

I've been trying to solve the well known problem of Xorg with Nvidia cards. But instead, I've made it worst.

When i try to start gdm, here's what it tells me

: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.152175 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.143700 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.138337 seconds


I tried to put the more information possible(btw, I'm on a laptop).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA XServer Settings - Black Screen Of Death

Dec 11, 2010

I had Ubuntu 10.04 running fine. Then I got curious about NVIDIA XServer.

"ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]" - Video Card

I opened it up, clicked a settings change, and said OK.
It said you need to update your blah blah blah.
Then it said blah blah blah doesn't exist.
Then it said it would create it for me.
Then I said REBOOT!

Now I get a black screen of death.

The only way I can get anything to happen on my monitor that comes from this computer is to boot into the Install Disk and say "TRY UBUNTU".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Remote Servers Via Terminal Server Client And Xserver?

May 10, 2010

i found this video, and i really want to do the same. *newbie needs to learn [URL]...my question is, what need to be installed and how?

is there any specific configuration to make it works?

and will it work if i want to connect from Ubuntu to Fedora ?

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General :: Error: Cannot Start Xserver

Jun 10, 2011

Using GNOME2.X (default) and Fluxbox on ZorinOS4(upgraded from ubuntu10.10 to 11.04) When I boot up everything goes fine right up until the splash screen. Once I get to that, Screen goes black for 3 seconds or so, Then the command line pops up, Asks me for LOGIN: and PASSWORD:, and after I enter that it starts fsck then says something like:


/dev/sda5 mounted - sda5 mounted 22 times without check, Forcing check-- sda5 CLEAN Xnumberofblocks/Ynumberof blocks...

Error: cannot start Xserver

If needed I can reboot my machine and write the whole thing out and post it back. sda5 shows it is filesystem, ext4, 25g ,mounted at /,Partition type Linux(0x83), partition flags: - SO after it does a force check it brings me back to hevithan:$ ... I tried typing fluxbox to run that instead of GNOME and it says Error: failed to launch. Xserver is running.. So I reboot, and select: ubuntu-linux version(recovery mode). Look at the startup log it says what I already got in command: Failed to boot XServer is already running. So I select Restart X and it works fine after that.

Things I have downloaded/installed recently:

*Used additional drivers to enable propitiatory drivers.


*Simdock (Which I didn't like) so...


*A comic book reader (I forget the name but it was in the repos) and a few upgrades to software/programs I already had.

Why is X trying to start 2 times? Why is it forcing FSCK every time? Could anything I have downloaded changed my GRUB or Kernel info and confused the system?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Logging Out Of The Xserver Without Warning After Screen Saver Mode Or Lid Closed

Oct 8, 2010

One very specific issue regarding KDE in OpenSuse 11.3

- when I close the lid of my laptop or get into a screen saver mode, sometimes when the xserver comes back to life it basically goes back to the KDE login menu (log out) without any warning...

I have looked at the detailed settings and power performance management but nothing there.... I am in fact in "don't do anything" mode (power management) but this does not seem to do much.

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Debian Configuration :: Xserver 2:1.7.7-7 Fatal Error Nvidia.ko?

Oct 19, 2010

I just made the latest safe upgrade on debian squeese and everthing seamed fine untill i made a reboot. i tried starting an xserver after that none was started on boot. {worked fine before}the output below when starting xserverstartx --:3

Xorg-server 2:1.7.7-7
Parse error on line 13 of section files in file /etc/x11/f86config
Igonring obsolete keyword "rgbpath"


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