General :: Arch Fails To Log Out Of Xfce4 / Openbox Correctly?

Jul 4, 2010

I have installed Arch and all is well. startxfce4 gives me a working desktop but when I log out, everything fails. The monitor goes black and I can't get into another tty. I have to power off the computer the "wrong" way and boot again.

The video card is an Intel 82845G/GL Brookdale integrated.

Not sure what to do next.

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Ubuntu :: Openbox Allows Login To An Openbox Session, But GNOME/openbox Just Redirects To The Login Screen?

Jul 17, 2010

I have installed openbox on ubuntu 9.10 by this



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Fedora :: Package Manager Fails In Openbox?

Mar 5, 2010

after a while of using Gnome with Fedora 12, I installed Openbox and started the configuration process. Everything is pretty much just the way I like it, but when I open the package manager and try to install something, it says "Authorization failed: you have failed to provide proper authentication. Please check any passwords or account settings" I'm sure it's because I forgot to add something to my, but I'm not sure exactly what...

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Slackware :: 64 Bit Kernel Builds A BzImage In Both Arch/x86 And Arch/x86_64 - Difference Between The Two?

May 7, 2011

Can anyone explain why a 64 bit kernel builds a bzImage in both arch/x86 and arch/x86_64- is there a difference between the two?

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Software :: Arch GUI Keeps Causing Arch To Crash?

Jan 10, 2011

I just did the pacman -Syu command today since i have had limited access to internet i could use with arch lately, (been tethering via droid which is only compatible in ubuntu) The command line works fine, i even reinstalled X to see if that was the problem,whenever i do startx it loads up for a second but before my xfce screen even pops up the screen blinks and blackens.

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Server :: Hplip Fails To Install Correctly

Apr 9, 2011

Installing support for Phototsmart 7150 on Ubuntu 10.10 server (no desktop).Installed 3.10.6 and 3.11.3a.
Installation hangs at the point where the printer is supposed to be detected (after the prompt to restart).At that point I break out with Ctrl-C.I then run hp-setup and select usb. That process complains about missing dbus file but prompts for the printing of a test page. The job begins but only a few lines are printed before the page is ejected, some more lines print, the page is ejected and so on.Have tried to uninstall with make uninstall but since there's no desktop I suppose the hp files are in the home folder?Please inform of proper uninstall for my case.I have also installed hplip via the webmin config. That install proceeds smoothly with no errors but print result is same.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To 9.10 - GDM Fails To Load Correctly

Mar 17, 2010

After an almost flawless upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, the desktop doesn't quite finish loading: when I log in I am left with unmovable but otherwise usable windows chiefly noticeable by their lack of title bar. I can kick the system into completing a normal startup by right clicking on the desktop and selecting "visual effects/normal" whereupon it pops up with "desktop effects not available" and subsequently the title bars all return and everything works as normal - even compositing (meta city). Something appears to be choking it at the last hurdle. How I might go about debugging it. Failing that, what do I need to purge/reinstall to make it work normally?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 Fails To Correctly Import Pps / Ppt Files - Openoffice 3.2.1

Dec 27, 2010

It would appear that novell openoffice on opensuse 11.3 fails to correctly import pps/ppt files. Slide transition data is lost and this results in presentations without sound. This problem does not exist in openoffice from openoffice from will play pps files with sound which will not play with openoffice from Novell. However the version requires JMF.

JMF is old and 32 bit. I have tested openoffice 3.2.1 from with JMF on a 32 bit 11.2 system and it works. I assume that JMF will not work with a 64 bit JRE. I also assume that it would be difficult to get a 32 bit jre to work with a 64 bit openoffice FMJ is an alternative to JMF. It plays various types of audio including mp3 and wav. It is packaged for installation on 11.3. Does anybody know if this works in place of JMF with openoffice from on a 64 bit system?

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General :: Openbox Using Lot Of Ram + Hotkeys?

Jan 12, 2011

i have recently installed arch linux with just openbox and tint2. i have heard that openbox is a light desktop enviroment but at boot it uses about 300 mb of ram and it seems alot to me.i am also trying to get alt+F2 hotkeys to open gmrun so i added this to the openbox config file:

<!-- Keybindings for running applications -->
<keybind key="C-F2">
<action name="Execute">


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General :: Get A GUI In Arch?

Mar 19, 2011

I recently moved from ubuntu to arch, upon installing it I realized it was command line based :S How can I get a GUI and make it look nice? I tried following this guide, but I dont even know what im doing.

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General :: Power Management In Openbox?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm fairly used to working with Fluxbox.There,if I want to let myself suspend the computer, all I have to do is add something like Code:[exec] (suspend) {sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend}to my .fluxbox/menu and it works like a charm, after having added me to the sudoers. I nstalled openbox earlier today because I was having some font rendering issues in flux and I've been trying to find a way to add something similar to my menu without success. I added this to .config/openbox/menu.xml:

<item label="suspend">
<action name="Execute">


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General :: Name Of The Download Manager For Xfce4 ?

Feb 1, 2011

Kernel, GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0).
Xfce 4.4

When browsing the web, maybe I end up in a link to download some stuff through the internet. When I click a window opens prompting me (desktop environment= xfce) what to do with the file. Who is in charge of the download procedure from my side of the cable? I'll assume he is the download manager, a term new to me up to recently.

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General :: Xfce4 - Getting Rid Of The Desktop Icons

Nov 28, 2010

I want to get rid of all and every one icon in the desktop. The desktop environment is Xfce4. Is there an easy way of doing it?

Note: has only mailing lists. No fora.

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General :: Arch Won't Update?

Aug 14, 2010

My Arch Linux can't update for over a few weeks now! It just says that everything is up to date and quits. But I hardly believe there weren't any updates, before there were a few updates a day!

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General :: Alternate Keyboard Layout In Openbox?

Jul 3, 2011

I constantly need to switch between the English and Hungarian keyboard layouts. When I add the Hungarian layout in Gnome/KDE/XFCE, I get multiple variations of the layout (like, Hun (101 key, qwerty, dead keys) etc), which I need, because the default Hungarian layout switches the y and z keys (qwertz). So I always choose the "qwerty" option.In Openbox there's no option for this, butfound a post about switching layouts with keybindings.That's OK, but if I type the command

setxkbmap -model pc101 -layout hu
I can only get the default "qwertz" option, which I refuse to use, lol

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General :: Remove All XFCE4.8 And GNOME3 Packages?

Jun 4, 2011

I've been doing a bit of tweaking, exploring, damaging the system *But making backups for those occasions... They weren't on purpose, I was just trying figure out how they work* Okay, so... How can I get rid of all the XFCE and GNOME packages? Is there a list of all the packages that I can remove? I don't like how minimal XFCE looks and GNOME3 is OKAY, but not my cup of tea, and KDE4.6 with classic toolbar looks pretty cool.

To clarify, I want to remove ALL XFCE and GNOME packages so I can just have a clean KDE environment without non-working and redundant packages.

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General :: Make A Desktop Shortcut In XFCE4 ?

Jun 19, 2010

I installed opera10 and I can start it from a shell script from the opera folder but when i try to make a desktop shortcut it does not work. Either from xfce or by right clicking and choosing to send it to the desktop as a shortcut.

I did not install opera system wide, only under one user. Do I need to set some kind of path or link or something?

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General :: Start New Installed XFCE4 AUTOMATICALLY?

Jul 8, 2010

I just removed the gnome from the ubuntu 9.10.then i reninstall the xfce4.i am invoking the xfce4 by typing#startxi want to start the xfce4 as usual like the gnome did automatically by asking login window.

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General :: Arch Does Not See Wlan0 Or Eth0

Aug 12, 2011

On a new Dell Lattitude e6400, I have installed both arch and Ubuntu. Ubuntu recognized wifi and ethernet right away and connected and is working fine, but in arch, I am having more problems then I usually do when using arch. From the output of lspci the ethernet is a intel device 1502, I have researched this and found it to need the e1000e module as its driver. I modprobed this module sucessfully, but no ethernet. With wlan, i have found that the card is a DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card that has a broadcom 4727 chip in it. I downloaded the windows driver for this chip and isntalled it with ndiswrapper but this did not help. What I think is the root of the problem is the error message that restarting networking creates.


Dell only supplies drivers for ubuntu, but it should still be possible to get this to work. I have tried booting various live distros that I had drives for and I found that the parted magic boot disk saw the ethernet port and was able to connect to ethernet, and that the ubuntu live disk was able to connect to both wifi and ethernet. Somehow they must be seeing the prescense of the hardware in a way that I have not tried with arch. Please help, I really need to get this computer workign with arch.

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General :: Clock Displays UTC In Arch?

Jan 21, 2010

I noticed that the clock in the FVWM taskbar displays UTC instead of my local time. And when I execute the date command, it shows the time zone as UTC. I wonder how to set it to display my local time zone?

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General :: Install Xorg In Arch?

Jan 18, 2010

How to install Xorg in Arch Linux? I am writing this from the command-line Links browser.

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General :: $DISPLAY Not Set Error In ARCH

May 24, 2010

I'm having problems loading compiz-fusion or the settings with my nvidia driver, or driver itself. Basically, I installed Arch (in vmware) then ran: pacman -Syu, pacman -S libgl xorg mesa xf86-video-vesa hal xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-keyboard compiz-fusion alsa alsa-util nvidia I've also added a user. I'm following the wiki guide but I'm not sure where to go from here. here's the error messages:


basically it says that my nvidia driver is incorrect or isn't configured properly. I have an Nvidia 7300gt btw, does anybody know which driver I should be using? [URL] This one should work, I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. it still says $DISPLAY not set when I type startx/ccsm/fusion-icon. And alos when I run pacman -S nvidia, is it downloading version 195.36.24? [URL]

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General :: Cannot Use The Arch Repository After Installing

Jan 10, 2010

The first problem is that I cannot use the Arch repository. Every time I try to, it brings up a "no address record" error. I have configured my network interface properly and can ping and receive a whole load of crap. Definitely working.
Whats wrong?

The second problem is that the boot-up process hangs for a very long time at "Starting Network." This make my boot of Arch just as slow as *buntu! WTF? Whats wrong there? Aside from that, I am unhappy that my Ethernet card is not detected but thats another question. The only ting I am pleased with right now is the speed of the system, and the fact that I used 4 different file systems on 7 different partitions without a hitch.

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General :: Openbox - File Is Not Restoring Things

Jun 13, 2010

I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly. I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/ file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my file: Code: # Autostart file for openbox nitrogen --restore & sleep 2s && tint -c /home/john/.config/tint/.tintrc) & (sleep 2s && trayer --expand true --transparent true --alpha 255 --edge bottom --align right --expand true --SetDockType true --widthtype request --margin 130) & I do have proper content in the .tintrc file located in /home/john/.config/tint/tintrc. Am I doing something wrong here?

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General :: How To Automount Usb Flash Drives In Thunar - Openbox

May 5, 2010

I`ve installed openbox with Thunar and now I have problem with automount function. thunar-volman is installed, volume management in thunar is on, thunar --daemon $ is written in . But automount is not working.

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General :: Xfce4-panel - Show Output Of Command?

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible to show the output of a command in xfce4-panel? Like you would do with Conky.The Xfce battery monitor consistently uses a bit of my CPU so I wish to run "acpi" (and work out a clever way to just show the percentage) every 5 or 10 minutes in the panel.

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General :: Access Denied To All Files In Arch?

Dec 13, 2010

Even if im logged into root I cant edit or view any files. Like if I type /etc/rc.conf in Arch it, says "permission denied" so how do I edit this file cuz I need to put gdm and dbus in my daemons

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General :: LAN Gaming Distro Based On Arch?

Jan 13, 2011

i'm looking for people that play LAN games under linux that would also be interested in producing an easy to use gaming distro that pre-scripts the installation of many popular wine-compatible windows games (plus those games that are cross-platform) all with the click of the mouse, my thoughts are


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General :: Xattr In Arch - Operation Is Not Supported

Nov 8, 2010

I installed pyxattr to play around with, and when I try to set them it says that the operation is not supported. Does Arch Linux not support xattr, or how do I enable them?

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General :: Connect To Wireless Network Arch

May 12, 2011

I just install arch linux yesterday. And I have an issue with the wireless connection. I can see wireless connections, when i click on thet networkmanager. But I cannot connect. If I remove WPA or any security from the wireless connection(from my wifi router) I can connect to wireless network without any issue. But when there is any security is involved to the connection it does not connect. How to connect to wireless. I've been using debian for a long time, but there was no any issue with this connecting thing. I am new to arch linux.

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