Ubuntu :: Any Distro That Use Awesome By Default?

Sep 2, 2010

I've been wanting to play around with the idea of switching to a tiling wm. So I started up virtual box and installed Ubuntu minimal, then installed awesome, gdm, terminator, Firefox, gedit, and a few other trinkets. What I would like to know, is their any other programs that work good, and look decent in awesome. I switched to terminator from gnome-terminal because I like the look of terminator better when it is in awesome. Also, is their any distro that use awesome by default, I may be able to play around with or get ideas from? Post some screen shots, I'm interested in how everyone else is set up. Once, i get mine set up to fit me, i'm going to remastersys it, and use it on my production machine.

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Ubuntu :: Distro That Uses ROX As The Default Environment?

Mar 24, 2010

I am curious if anyone has played around with this desktop environment? I would love to see a Linux distro use this as default. I think one thing Mac does well is self contained apps. Has anyone been able to get ROX to work on Ubuntu? Does anyone know of a distro that uses ROX as the default environment?

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General :: Looking For Distro With Broadcom As Default?

Jun 22, 2011

I currently have ubuntu on my dell inspiron 17 which I installed myself last year with no IT or linux experience and spent 4 days sorting out the wireless with the help from some very patient people on here. A stupid 'friend' formatted my laptop and now I am without wireless again. I found the old thread that helped me set up the wireless last time but I just can't follow it. I believe it was bcmwl-kernal-source driver I needed. There was some mention on the thread of other distros having the broadcom driver I needed as default, does anyone know which ones?

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General :: Good Distro With Vmplayer Installed By Default

Mar 30, 2011

What is a good distro with vmplayer installed by default.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Awesome Bar Not Working In 10.04

Apr 29, 2010

My Firefox Awesome Bar isn't working in ubuntu 10.04. Instead of automatically redirecting keywords (ie, google goes to google, wikipedia to wikipedia) I'm just getting comcast's search page. I assume this can be fixed in about:config, I just don't know what setting.

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Ubuntu :: Awesome 3.4.1 Upgrade And Status Bar Icons

May 28, 2010

I'm on Ubuntu (crunchbang actually) 9.04, and I've ventured to the world of the tiling WMs. Specifically, Awesome. I used 2.3.4 for quite a while, but have recently upgraded to 3.4.1. I've managed to get the vicious widgets working to display network, cpu, mem, etc., but the one thing that is driving me crazy is the statusbar icons.
to avoid the tl,dr;
Is there anyway to turn off the program icons in the status bar for the open programs? i.e. terminal, firefox, etc. I' ve googled as well as I can with no luck, and the awesome wiki for this seems to be outdated, as its suggestion bricks my awesome config.

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Ubuntu :: Awesome Or Tiling WM Users Unite

Dec 11, 2010

So who here also uses awesomewm, or a tiling window manger? I've been using awesome for about 6 months at home, and started using it recently at my new job on my desktop at work. Whether it's at work or home, I've noticed that a tiling WM has increased my productivity 10 fold. I'm able to organize everything by tag, then tile. With awesomewm I have come to love it's reliainace on the LUA language. If I need a new feature, I can add it pretty easily. i.e. I have created custom prompts with some scripting to rdp and ssh into box's with the login information, resolution, already inputed.

Put in some if/else in there also, for certain hostnames that require different credentials, or different settings. It also mounts the c$ or root drive once connected to my /ticket/##### directory. So it's a snap to copy any file over. With LUA I've been pretty much able to extend the window manger to my needs with any script I can imagine. So come on everyone, discuss! Whether you are using awesomewn, or dwn or another great tiling window manager. Post your code, your settings, lets make this thread as big as the conky thread.

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OpenSUSE :: Can I Install Awesome On System

Oct 19, 2010

I just wondering can we install Awesome Desktop Manager or some people call Windows Manager on OpenSuSE 11.2.. coz my machine to slow to cater KDE 4.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Terminal Awesome Screen Flickering / Error

Feb 7, 2011

I am not able to change to any tty at all. if i press ctr+alt+ f4 nothing happes if i then press f7 and return the screen turns totally black and my gui is only recoverable witrh restarting my displaymanger slim.also when i press ctrl+alt+del in aqwesome (windowmanager) the computer reboots immediatly, what makes me think that, however the terminal isn't properly "seperated" from the windowmanager.After restarting slim and login to awesome i 'am able to change properly to tty's and back to xserver. after reboot i am not able to change to tty's properly again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Connect Wireless When Using Awesome Window Manager / Fix It?

May 4, 2011

As I mentioned on the thread title, I can not connect wilreless under awesome window manager,it can scan wirless, but just can not connect it. I am using
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "...." key s:"***"
sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "...." key s:**** (I try both, neither of it works)

and I do some search, and trying
sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "..." key s:*****
it is not working as well.

So, hoping you can give any solution. I am appreciating your helping.

But, interesting thing is, under gnome, it wireless is pretty good, I have no idea how it could be, but just works fine.

btw, under awesome, when I typing nm-tool, it always indicate that wlan0 is disconnect.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Customize Awesome 3 Desktop

Feb 14, 2010

I got awesome 3 desktop working and am in it right now, however I do not know how to customize it. It says theres a /home/.awesomerc file but when I go to nano it there is nothing there. What do I do?

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Software :: Firefox Awesome Bar History Clean Up?

Feb 22, 2009

I continue to try and get the back the Firefox I grew to love prior to the 3.0 release. My latest endeavor is to clean-up the Awesome Bar history. I don't understand the reasoning behind the well established "Clear Private Data" tool and the fact that nothing seems to work to clear the Awesome Bar history. Why have the tool if it isn't going to clean the Awesome Bar also. I don't want to get into the merits of the Awesome Bar I just want to clear it when I want to. I have done a lot of searching on this and there doesn't seem to be a real solution. There are many sudo solutions that don't actually clear what the Awesome Bar keeps track of as to merely hide it from view. The most common are the Firefox 2 history bar reincarnations.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Awesome Window Manager

Dec 27, 2009

I've been searching for tutorials on how to install awesome, it would be nice if someone can guide me on how to install Awesome Window Manager.

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Fedora Installation :: Awesome Doesn't Work / Resolve This?

Jul 31, 2011

I've installed the Awesome WM using "sudo yum install awesome" (as described here https://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Awesome-3-fedora ). I can also log into awesome, but nothing works! I can open the menu on the top left of the screen, but when I click on e.g. "Open Terminal", nothing happens. Same thing for all other menu options except "Shut down" which logs me out of Awesome. I've also tried the terminal shortcut, but nothing works.

Has anyone an idea how to make it work?

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General :: Smooth Fonts In Gentoo Terminal In Awesome WM?

Apr 20, 2011

I had GNOME DE but recently I've switched to Awesome WM.The only problem I have I can't set smooth fonts in Gnome-terminal.If I start gnome-settings-daemon, all the fonts in terminal become smooth, but is it possible to make it work without gnome-settings-daemon?I would change the terminal if in another smooth fonts were.

My ~/.fonts.conf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">


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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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Networking :: Why Doesn't Distro 9.0 Setup Work For 13.1 Distro?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.

This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.

Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.

I am able to ping mirror.aarnet.edu.au (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to mirror.aarnet.edu.au, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).

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General :: Does "Awesome" Wm Run Correctly All Qt And GTK Apps

Sep 30, 2010

If I install "Awesome", will I be able to run all the GTK & Qt apps with no problems?

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General :: Best LXDE Based Distro/distro That Supports LXDE?

Dec 15, 2010

Lubuntu is nice - but it seems the LXDE version is not as up to date as Fedora LXDE Spin or even Debian squeeze with LXDE installed. I do like Chromium on Lubuntu though... its faster and a nice touch. I am looking for a lightweight 64-bit distribution for my main laptop (it is by no means "old" or "low spec" but I like that Lubuntu starts up in like 2 secs).

LXDE version seems not to be recent (esp in 10.04 version which seems to work more stably for me - with Nvidia drivers etc)64 bit install is currently a pain - requires first install of minimal CD or alternate CD both of which required wired Ethernet, then install of lubuntu from PPA. Native 64-bit support would be nice. Linux Mint LXDE, for example, is also only 32-bit.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Default User Log On / Accidently Deleated Lucid Default Theme

May 18, 2010

accidently deleated ubuntu lucid default theme,and lost the default user logon,it's now flat and gray.how to get it back?i still have the background, not the user logon

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Default Package Installer From Lucid Be Default In Maverick?

Oct 24, 2010

in maverick the default package installer (when I double click on a .deb) is Ubuntu Software Centre, how can I make the default package installer from lucid (was it called "dpkg"?) the default again? Ubuntu Software Centre is too slow and freezes every time I click on something, can it be replaced?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adjust The Default Setting Via /etc/default/grub?

May 29, 2010

I have already had Vista installed on another drive and from what i've read on the webs you get to dualboot if you install ubuntu after vista. when i did install it (i installed on a blank hdd with no partitions, choosing the "erase entire disk" option since for some reason default option was attempting to eat a part of my windows 1 gb drive instead of using disk i specially made for it) and the grub 2 loaded for the first time, there was NO option to run vista. only 2 linux (normal and recovery) and 2 memtests. I've ran linux and went to google this. I found that i should add something to some config files in /etc/grub.d/From reading the readme file i understood i could add my own files that are named like NUMBER_SOMENAME and insert code into them. Because it said:Quote: For example, you can add an entry to boot another OS as01_otheros, 11_otheros, etc, depending on the position you want it to occupy inthe menu; and then adjust the default setting via /etc/default/grub. But then i found a file 40_custom that said:

exec tail -n +3 $0


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Ubuntu :: Changed Default Mp3 Player But Default Still Starting

Aug 21, 2010

I changed the default player for mp3 to audacious, which works fine, just that every time I doubleclick a mp3 file, a second application button appears in my taskbar saying "opening [file]" which looks like the default player. this program will eventually time out and go away, but it's still annoying - any idea on how I would go about fixing this?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Default Studio Appearance To Default?

Sep 28, 2010

I was using ubuntu 10.04 till yesterday.. and due to hdd crash i have changed my hdd.

while looking for my installation disc, my wall-mate gives me this Ubuntu Studio dvd and instead of downloading a new one, i have installed the studio. at the first sight ... i am being a fond of studio version .. its really cool.

now, i am quite habituated with default appearance of ubuntu, i found studio appearance is quite unusual (for me, menu layouts, panel everything).

I would like to know how do i change this default appearance like ubuntu default 10.04 appearance. I am attaching a screen-shoot of my friends desktop, he upgraded his ubuntu thru apptitude update.

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Red Hat :: Change The Default Text That Is Displayed On The Default BASH Logon (attached)?

Sep 12, 2010

How is it possible to change the default text that is displayed on the default BASH logon (attached)?

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Ubuntu :: Get Default Mail Icon And Default Chat Icon To Popup On Launcher?

Apr 24, 2011

How do i get the default mail icon and the default chat icon to popup on my launcher?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Set Default Browser To Chromium - Asks For Default Browser?

May 31, 2011

For some reason, i cannot set my default browser to Chromium. Whenever i open up Chromium, it asks whether it should be the default browser or not. I say yes i mean "Set as default" But nothing happens. When i open it again, i am greeted with the same question again.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For A Distro?

Jan 4, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for ages now and is 1 of my fav operating systems.

I would however like a distro which is ubuntu based except its basically blank.

for example there is a distro called tiny core linux (and micro core linux is the command line version) at 6 and 10 mb depending on which 1 u get.

I would basically like a distro like the micro core linux at 6mb but ubuntu based so i can build it from scratch exactly how i like without all the crap i dont want or use, which i can obviously insall ubuntu compiled apps on.

i kno there is linux from scratch but after playing for a short while its just 2 'scratchy' for me.

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Ubuntu :: PC With XP Now Which Distro To Go For

Sep 30, 2010

I have an old PC that runs win XP (slowish...) and was my faithful PC for 5 years. Alas, its RAM has degraded and it never had a graphics card to speak of, but it has a nice 1.6GHz CPU and a 80GB HDD. I'm thinking of using it has the network storage server, or just a second backup PC - and I want it as a file server to store my extra stuff.

RAM: 192MBs (really degraded)
CPU: 1.6GHz AMD KM400
graphics: A graphics chip of 16MBs
HDD: 80GBs

It also has a optical drive capable of reading DVDs and writing CDs (but I'm not so sure on that one) and 6 USB ports. Which distro should I go for? I was thinking Xubuntu, and I don't want a server edition as me and CLIs are fine but not friends!

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Ubuntu :: Accessing 2nd HDD From Distro?

Feb 19, 2010

My Desktop only has a 60GB HDD which I am running Linux Xuuntu on. I just found a 40GB HDD that I install into the desktop as well. What I really wanna do with it is wipe it clean and then format it to be accessible from my Linux Distro like "Extra Memory" for storing things like music etc. I'm having trouble doing this. It reads in Gparted but not quite sure what I need to do to do this.

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