General :: GUI Apps Run Without An X Server?

Jun 26, 2010

This is a general newbie question about using a GUI on Linux: If I got it right, all graphical applications in Linux ultimately call the X server to display output on the screen, even on the local host. Isn't there a performance penalty to go through a local server application to write output instead of just writing to the video card? Can Linux GUI apps run without an X server?

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General :: Server Not Responding At Some X Apps?

Feb 25, 2011

i m experiencing some problems connecting via ssh two ubuntu workstation: a ssh client and a ssh server The goal of that is to run from local client computer some X applications on the remote server machine

i have configured both client and server for X11forwarding (i think) properly Infact when i launch xeyes on the client i see the X app running

the problem is for all other X apps. For example when i run xclock, nothing happens on the local PC the prompt continues blinking without any reponse, no windows opens and the strangest thing, the shell is stucked. No possible to interrupt with [CTRL]+c the onyl thing to do is close the shell window

Starting in verbose mode (debug), X11 seems works correct , it says x11 confirm as last message .

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Server :: Calling Remote Apps On Windows Server From 'buntu' Client

Apr 23, 2010

My desktop is running 'buntu 9.10 and I have recently aquired a couple of half decent servers running Windows server 2003. I have a few windows app's that I use regularly for work that I have had limited success in running with wine or in vm's. I stumbled upon a how to to call apps in a vm to run seamlessly on the host desktop and did some playing and have succeeded in calling app's on my servers from my 'buntu desktop, the command I have set in my launcher for one of them (DIALux)

My question is, can I change the default application/file association in 'buntu with a custom command so I can double click on a file and have it open in one of these remote app's??If I can, what is the correct custom command to be using as using the above doesn't work at all, it just tries to open the file with rdesktop not the remote app.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Know Of Any Good Server Monitoring Apps?

Jun 2, 2010

Anybody know of a good server health/status/performance monitoring apps? I have only used cacti never really tried anything else.

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Software :: Opening Several Graphical Apps Via X On A Remote Server?

Mar 5, 2010

This is my first post here. I hope someone can help because I'm quite frustrated by now. I'm trying to write a bash script which will start a graphical app on our Ubuntu compute servers via X. I'm using a loop like:

for machine in 1 2 3 4 5 6
ssh -X computer-$machine "xeyes" &


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Debian Multimedia :: Tightvnc Server And Can't Start GUI Apps As Root

Feb 12, 2015

I have headless debian as a server which i use over tightvnc server running on it. Vnc works fine but I can't for example run sudo mousepad or any other gui app from terminal, it says something about not having the rights to open it as root. I understand this has something to do with security, but my computers are behind nat so the vnc server can only be connected inside my lan so i don't mind.

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Fedora Servers :: Installing X System/apps On Headless Server?

Sep 17, 2010

Background: I need some help regarding install X server/apps on a headless(ie. no monitor, no graphic device) server. The server is in fact a virtual one by Amazon EC2. So there's no monitor nor any graphics hardware. Fedora server (6, i believe) is pre-packaged. The problem is that I want to be running a server app with a GUI. The app won't start without the GUI (and I probably need to tweak a few things through its GUI too).

I plan on setting up very very bare minimal X on the server and then uses NX for remote access. Can somebody shed some light here?

Simply put, my questions are:

1) What would be the minimal list of package i need to install?
2) Where can I find docs about installing and setting up NX? I could only find very fragmented/outdated docs about it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rerun Inst For LAMP Server Apps?

Mar 30, 2010

I think this is a really simple question...forgive me. My installation of Ubuntu server went fine, the box runs great. But I forgot to select "LAMP" server for web/php/mysql etc services. I could re-run the whole thing, but isn't there a shell command to kick me back into the script so I can just add the LAMP stuff?

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Server :: Postfix Configuration To Split Mail Between Apps On Same Host?

Jul 19, 2010

I have an OpenSuse 11.2 system that is running 2 BBS systems independently, both of which are capable of receiving smtp mail on prot 25. What I would like to do is set up Postfix on the OpenSuse OS to receive all mail for both those domains and then send the relevant mail to the correct BBS. I would therefore have Postfix listening on Port 25 External and the 2 BBS applications listening on different ports on the localhost address. At least that is the plan.

how to do this. I want to do it and still make sure Postfix is secure and not accidentally open up any nasty relay holes etc etc.

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General :: Run Most My Windows Apps ?

Apr 23, 2010

Ok I am finally fed up enough with Microsoft to actually consider making my primary computer system a 100% Linux system... I build a really nice system about a year ago and got Windows 7 64 bit edition (all software is legal and legit) and my computer frequently freezes at random times... I'm pretty sure its not the ram or the motherboard and I run two hard drives with raid0 striping... I have used various Windows OS's on here and they all randomly freeze up during operation.. sometimes during heavy gaming and sometimes right when my system starts up... I dont think its a heat issue since I have a huge and efficient $75 heatsink/fan combo designed specifically for my cpu...

If I make this move, it will cost me a lot since I use a lot of Music and applications such as Ableton Live and Reason, and 3D software like Cinema 4D and zBrush.... Photoshop CS4... and games like Call of Duty MW2....

Will I still be able to use all my apps? I have heard of Wine but have never used it and I dont know how much you can do with Windows apps on Linux these days...

My system: i7 Quad Core/6GB ram/EVGA X58 mobo/GeForce9800GTX...

What I am looking for here is assurance that I will be able to run most of my major applications on Linux with out losing much system efficiency.

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General :: Apps Not Working On DSL?

Dec 10, 2010

None of the apps will work on DSL. Example Firefox or notepad will not open. FF says input/output error. it is a compaq presario laptop with win xp sp3 in case that is important. I am not sure if the windows reference is important at all?

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General :: Where To Download Src Of Apps

Sep 28, 2010

where to download src of apps which includes thier ./configure scripts?

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General :: Wins Apps Running On 10.04?

Jul 14, 2010

my wife needs the 'horrible' dos because she uses - Russian - programs written for windows only.

i suppose:
they - the Russians - never discovered the linux-os (very surprising)
she - my wife - got the wrong version.
my Q:

is there an easy way to run windows-progs on ubuntu 10.04 ?

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General :: Apps On SLAX Does Not Run / Solve This?

Oct 26, 2010

How to solve this:
I've installed GIMP 2.7.1 (OS Slax), but it doesn't work. Clicking on icon doesn't start GIMP.

In Shell:
kdesu /usr/bin/gimp
gimp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_dgettext

I cannot run most of apps, including mono.

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General :: Security - Run Apps With Other Users?

Feb 6, 2011

OS: Fedora 14 i386It's used as a ""normal desktop laptop""."USER A" - it's the mainly used user, i log in with GDM with it, etc.Goal: I need a little more security - separate a few apps!How: run 3 applications ( Transmission, Google Chrome, Wine ) with other users ( so not with "USER A" ). But when i'm logged in ( in GUI ) with "USER A", i need icons on he's the Desktop. E.g.: just one click ( without asking for password!! ) and Google Chrome starts with another user.How exactly can i do this? - How can i "grant" "USER A" with permissions ( securely ) so that it doesn't needs a password, when running applications with "USER B", "USER C", etc.?

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General :: Firefox Only Not Having Same Cursor As All X11 Apps / Wm?

Mar 6, 2011

I changed my cursors. However the firefox browser is having the black one.gtk is the theme I choosed.gimp is fine, the theme.I found that kspread is not ok, it does not follows the main choosed x11 theme, all other apps does well the selection of the x11 theme that has been selected.

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General :: Linking GPL Apps To Non-GPL Libraries

Jan 20, 2010

I have a library that I have ported from Windows, and is not a derivative work of Linux. The library is subject to copyright law, and I can't disclose the source. I would like to link a GPL application to this library, and want to know if the linking would cause the library to be GPL. If the library becomes GPL, is there some other way (kernel loadable module?) that I can keep my library from becoming a work of GPL?

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General :: Possible To Create GUI Apps Using Script?

Mar 21, 2011

Now my requirement is planned to create a GUI backup tool for both "Source Code Backup" and "Mysql Backup" is it possible to write own code for this , or else any other opensource Backup tool is available which option is better? My wish is Write own code for this? please suggest me is it possible to creat GUI apps using Script.

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General :: Find A List Of Rpm And Yum Apps?

Nov 13, 2010

I downloaded rpm so far but my only problem is I don't know what apps there are for it?

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General :: Assigning Admin Rights To Apps?

Sep 30, 2010

I am using linux mint and have installed Netbeans on it but whenever I run netbeans from accounts other than root it throws an error for not having permission to start glassfish server of netbeans. I also tried running this application using run as administrator option but then the application does not start.

So is there a way to assign netbeans admin rights permanently so that whenever I start this application from other accounts I should not face this error?

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General :: Display GUI Apps Running On One Box On Another Machine?

Sep 8, 2011

I'd like to display GUI apps running on one Linux box on another machine.

I already do this with local machines, but how to do this over the internet?

Update: I'm already using ssh to access the machine over the internet.

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General :: VIm Copy & Paste Between Apps As A Non-superuser?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm using a work computer so i don't have a root access. I've tried "+y, "*y, set clipboard=unnamed. It looks like my vim doesn't support +clipboard (version 7.0).I'm using Linux Centos 5 so fakeclips doesn't actually help (i think)It's a pain to type stuff manually from firefox to vim or other apps and vice versa.

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General :: Cd-rom Can Not Be Used In Apps As Normal User In Opensuse 11.1?

Jul 8, 2010

Using opensuse 11.1 64 bit with kde 4.1.3, apps like k3b, or any multimedia apps can not see the optical drives unless I run the apps as root. I also found that to run bladeenc, I have to do it in a root terminal. Is there a way to set permissions for the normal user? Firefox or any text editor work fine as normal user.

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General :: Start Up With Same Apps As Previous Session?

May 29, 2011

Can fluxbox remember the apps that were running when it was shut down and reopen them when it is restarted?
If so, how?

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General :: Alter Resolution Of GL Apps/games?

Jan 1, 2010

I have just got an Nvidia GT240 card and have for the first time set up dual monitors (An LCD @ 1024x768 and a projector @ 1152x864) I have them set up as twinview so I can drap/drop between the two and run compiz across the two. My problem is in running some games (Hedgewars, Powermanga, I have no tomatoes) These games run full screen and currenlty span the two monitors which is not workable as they are not side by side and run different resolutions. How can I tweak these apps to run on only one monitor without altering the xorg.conf and losing the functions mentioned above? I have found a resolution setting in Hedgewars but it only give one option and does not allow me to overtype it.

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General :: Auto Running Apps In Succession?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to write something that will run apps in succession.For example, you'd click on the app icon,and it would start up one application, have questions alert the user to add a file to do something in that program, run that program & finish. Then open up another program to take that file and prompt the user to do something else with it, and so on.Basically I have a friend who needs an auto, completely easy interface to accomplish certain tasks that require multiple application steps to perform.

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General :: No Sound On Any Apps (Skype / Rhythmbox)

Apr 12, 2011

No sound input or output with Ubuntu 11.04
HOWTO: PulseAudio Fixes & System-Wide Equalizer Support
damo@damo-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$ pkill pulseaudio; sleep 2; pulseaudio -vv
I: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted
I: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Operation not permitted
D: core-rtclock.c: Timer slack is set to 50 us.
D: core-util.c: RealtimeKit worked.
I: core-util.c: Successfully gained nice level -11.
I: main.c: This is PulseAudio 0.9.21-63-gd3efa-dirty
D: main.c: Compilation host: i686-pc-linux-gnu .....

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General :: Open Apps At Boot Automatically?

Dec 3, 2010

Is there a way (in Ubuntu) to open applications automatically after login (and maybe after a couple of seconds) so that they are automatically placed (in sequence) on a particular portion of the screen and assigned to a particular desktop number?

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General :: Like To Add And Remove Unused Or Needed Apps?

Jul 16, 2011

I haven't tried any random password patterns yet but I have tried knoppix because of a suggestion and it didn't work. I am useing knoppix as my OS not from CD or DVD. I would like to add and remove unused or needed apps. My linux language is week for the time being so I use the Software Center option from the Preferences option from the Main Menue.When I click on the remove icon a screen comes up asking for the Authentication Password and I don't have it, I as can not change the time on the desktop because it says that I am not the owner. How do I reset all the passwords and regain complete control of my system

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