General :: DF -h Shows Md2 100% Under Var Dir?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a older server I am working on that was setup by someone else which is reporting "Insufficient system storage" when trying to send mail.

Here is the output from df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md3 4.9G 615M 4.3G 13% /
/dev/md5 997M 45M 952M 5% /boot
/dev/md1 7.9G 6.6G 1.3G 84% /home


When I go to these dirs using a scp client the files show 0 bytes. Same if I ls -s the dir contents. What is using all the space?

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Networking :: Connection Manager Shows Wired Connections And Shows Wireless As Being Disabled

May 2, 2010

My connection manager shows wired connections and shows wireless as being disabled. here is some terminal info getting wireless going?

Here is a bunch of things I have tried and the results.

nixon@nixon-desktop:~$ sudo ifup wlan0
Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.
nixon@nixon-desktop:~$ sudo ifdown wlan0
ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured


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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Yast2 Shows Ports Open, Nmap Shows Them Closed?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm encountering a strange problem. I need to open and forward all UDP and TCP ports related to VoIPtelephony (5000:32000) in the Suse 11.1 server that's acting as router/firewall in our setup. The ports must redirect to a Asterisk server in the local network. (This server has the IP adress've opened ports in Yast (Firewall>Ports>Advanced) and putted in some masquerading rulesirewall>Masquerading):0/0,,tcp,5000:31000,5000:310000/0,,udp,5000:31000,5000:31000when I do a nmap localhost I get:Starting Nmap 4.75 at 2010-01-08 16:52 CETInteresting ports on localhost (

Not shown: 991 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp


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General :: Two NIC - Only One Shows Up?

Feb 9, 2010

The computer contains 2 NICs. Both were recognized during installation, however eth0 was designated as the primary card.

After installation, however, only eth0 shows up when I type ifconfig. ifup eth1 results in "ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1"

How do I use the second NIC?

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General :: Play An MP3 With Banshee It Just Shows An X?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a fresh installation of Banshee on my machine and I'm having a hard time playing MP3's - it just puts an X icon next to the song with no description. It looked under Preferences and didn't find any kind of enable MP3's option. Is there a specific bitrate or something I need? The MP3 in question came from iTunes.

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General :: 64 Bit - Different Commands Shows Different Results?

Jul 10, 2010

The system of my VPS is centos 5. I want to know if it is 32bit or 64bit. > uname -a Thu May 13 13:49:53 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

looks like 64 bit.
> getconf WORD_BIT
Looks like 32 bit.
Which is correct?

I believe the linux of my VPS is 32 bit. Because I downloaded a 64bit mongodb, found it can't start. And when I downloaded a 32bit instead, it works well.

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General :: DVD-r Shows Up As Blank Disc?

Oct 26, 2010

I havea tv show burnt to DVD-r using the Panasonic DMR-E50. Now I would like to play it on my pc. However, it is only recognised as a blank disc. Can you think of anything I can try to move this project along?

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General :: One Of My LVM Partitions Is Not Mounted/does Not Shows Up

May 26, 2011

Created partitions, some of them LVM, in a server, say A. Did the same for another server, B, but created one more LVM partition.

Installed RHEL in A, and some other applications. Made dump files for each partition of A and restored all of them them in B. No error in that process, except B wouldn't boot. Did chroot /mnt/sysimage and grub-install /dev/sda--still no good. B came to a halt with GRUB> dispalyed. <tried many things many times.. searching Googles..but w/o luck) Gave up, and restored the bootloader part using OS CD -- I say restored because now B boots ok and I can see application that I had installed in A. So far so good.

Problem: that extra LVM partition is missing! I did not knowingly overwrite it, so where did it go? Somebody is keeping it from being displayed!

Is it the grub.conf that tells the OS what to mount and what not to? If yes, problem is , grub.conf is missing in B. In A, it is in /boot/grub/. df -kh shows other partions (some of them LVM) just fine.. what is going on?

I tracked a file called menu.lst in a strange place, in /usr/share/doc/grub-0.97.. but I didn't see any entry that loads partitions.

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General :: Rpm -qi Shows Wrong Relocations

Jul 27, 2011

rpm -ihv Test-01.rpm --relocate /opt/Test01=/opt/Test02

while issue

rpm -ql it shows the file from /opt/Test02 that is correct

but when i query

rpm -qi Test-01
Name : Test-01 Relocations: /opt/Test01

it shows the old Relocation

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General :: No Way To Record Shows From Radio

Dec 8, 2010

I like using Ubuntu, the main reason I need and want to use it I can't. It's so frustrating and sounds (no pun intended) so basic to me.Al I need to do is record my radio show from a radio I have plugged into my iMac. That's right. For now, I am dual booting on my iMac until I can afford to buy a dedicated PC desktop just for Ubuntu.I can't believe that there seems to be no way for me to record my shows from my radio. Works fine when I boot into the Mac side and even when I use Ubuntu using VMware Fusion. When I boot into Ubuntu directly, Audio In in the Sound preferences doesn't seem to work. No audio coming through when I try to record from the radio.

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General :: Big Cpu Usage But Top Shows No Heavy Use Process

May 6, 2011

I have been running to a strange problem. For a few days, a few times a day something seems to take over my machine. Suddenly I can't type, or the key shows up about 5 seconds are being pressed, music players halt, etc. In anticipation, I had top and htop running. Sure enough, when this business begins htop reports all 8 cores firing at near 100% for a few minutes. However, top is telling me nothing about who is too blame. The cup%sy on top shows heavy usage, but the top processes are nothing remarkable, mostly just top and htop and conky, all running at around 1 or 2% on average. I am a bit puzzled as to why I can't see the cpu hog so that I figure out what is going on. My question then: Are there some processes (in kernel space?) that don't show up in top, yet which could be hogging the cpu?

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General :: Umask Value In Machine Usually It Shows 0002 - What Is First 0 For

Nov 26, 2009

When I see the umask value in a linux machine usually it shows 0002. I understand last three digits (002 in 0002) what is first 0 for?

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General :: Kde Desktop Is Shows Black Screen?

Mar 19, 2010

whenever i open my kubuntu desktop it brings a black screen. the pointer of the mouse is active but i cannot see anything.but my gnome desktop works well.what might be wrong?

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General :: TCP Port Shows As Closed / But No Firewall

Feb 18, 2010

nmap is showing a port as closed. I have the firewall stopped on both hosts.It shows as closed on localhost as well.The process that's listening to that port is not started from xinetd so i doubt hosts.allow/deny is the issue.I can't help but feel that I'm forgetting some other access control mechanism.Both hosts are RHEl5.4

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General :: Can't Remove A Pv From LVM It Shows No Space Left But Don't Have Any Data

May 28, 2010

I have a lvm with 5 disk, I've been doing some benchmarks on the file-system with this lvm know I would like to remove one pv from the volume, I've tried

# pvmove -v /dev/sde1
Finding volume group "test-vol"
No extents available for allocation
and also


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General :: Is There A Traceroute-like Tool That Shows Ports As Well As IP Addresses

Jan 31, 2010

Is there some traceroute-like tool that shows ports as well as IP addresses? This is more for seeing how NAT works (on my home network) than for a practical need.

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General :: IDD Shows Pointing To Wrong Library Directory

Jun 16, 2010

For some reason, my Slackware 13.0 system has multiple problems.
When I do ldd /usr/bin/X | grep libpixman
I show a libpixman which is NOT in /usr/lib.

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General :: System Not Booting - Shows Black Screen

Feb 23, 2011

I have a laptop which have vista,fedora 12. Today i have install another operating system ubuntu in my laptop. But when i restart it, it not boot up and show black screen. how to resolve this

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General :: Starting Xfs Service On Centos 5.3 Shows Error

Oct 7, 2010

while starting xfs service on centos 5.3 shows error as starting xfs :mkdir:cannot create directory "/tmp/.font-unix':too many links

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General :: Docky Shows Default Launcher Icon On Ubuntu?

May 13, 2011

I am using docky on Ubuntu. I want to have a launcher for intellij in my docky bar, but I have an issue.No matter which method for adding the launcher to the dock I use, the intellij icon specified in my .desktop won't display. Instead I get the lame spring board launcher icon. Once I launch intellij it creates another icon on docky. So now I have intellij's correct icon and the spring board launcher icon. Once I close intellij we are back to just the spring board again.Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?I shouldalso note that "idea" launches a shell script if that mattersDesktop file

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Intellij IDE


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General :: Hear Beep After Hour Of Usage - Shows Up In Dmesg

Jun 24, 2011

I recently assembled a new computer so that all hardware is pretty new. Since then I've been experiencing some problem with IRQs when running Debian 6.0. On random occasions, usually after an hour or so of running I hear a beep and this shows up in dmesg:


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General :: Evolution Sync With Server - Shows As Unread In Web Version

Feb 12, 2011

I have setup my gmail and yahoo account in evolution. I can see my mails and send mails from evolution. But they(evolution and server) is not synchronized, i.e. if I read a mail in evolution, it still shows as unread in web version. or deleted mail keep coming back unless i delete it from web also.

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General :: Disk Utility Shows The First Partition Labeled As Sdb2?

Jul 8, 2011

Before doing a clonezilla project I opened Disk utility shows the first partition labeled as sdb2, then second partition as sdb1is this normal? I will add that this is a windows drive, but I wanted to back it up before installing debian to it. How will the disk partition labeling affect partition naming in debian?

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General :: Grub2 Shows Multiple Entries For Each Of Quad-boot OS's?

Nov 18, 2010

So my grub menu is showing several selections for each of my OS's. In Ubuntu, my OS of choice for now, how can I access the grub and edit it.

I would like to know the steps for console, but also I hope somebody can show me how to use Super Grub to do it.

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General :: Minicom Shows Offline And Is Not Capturing The Serial Data Being Sent?

Jan 5, 2011

Minicom was running fine two days ago capturing data from a gage device via a serial cable. Yesterday, users of the data started complaining that they were not receiving any data.

The minicom status line reads offline. Is this part of the problem or is this normal (I never really noticed it before.) All settings on the gage device match the minicom settings.

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General :: Ubuntu Doesn't Boot Up Shows Splash Then Goes Blank

Aug 20, 2010

fresh install ubuntu does not boot up shows splash then goes do i get into boot c-line

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General :: Install Package It Shows One Warning 'yum-complete-transaction'

Sep 29, 2010

whenever i'm trying to install package it shows one warning 'yum-complete-transaction'. but i try to yum-complete-transaction command but i got the result bash: yum-complete-transaction: command not found. so how to clear this warning, y this warning comes

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General :: Linpus Lite - Desktop Shows Black And White Bars

Jun 10, 2010

I prefer ubuntu (which I have been meaning to install for a while) but my netbook currently has linpus lite on it. (It's an acer aspire one). One night I left the netbook sitting open (forgot to close it), and when I went to use it the next day, when I started it up, the desktop did not show the normal icons in the background. It still showed the bar at the bottom with the connection icon, power icon, etc. as well as the "Internet" search bar in the top right corner.

But instead of the usual linpus desktop icons, there are just black and white horizontal bars, with some coloured dots in the black bars. I can still use the terminal to open firefox, and presumably other programs. It still connects to wifi signals, and the bottom bar looks normal and functional. I am posting this message right now with my netbook, and it doesn't seem to have lost any functionality. I would much rather just click on things most of the time instead of opening terminal for everything.

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General :: Tool That Shows Disk Space Of Mounted Volumes Graphically?

Dec 20, 2010

I am looking for such a tool, very much like the one that is on Windows 7, where you can basically with one glance see how much of a volume is occupied (graphical bar) and that for all mounted volumes. I have been looking for this, but so far I have not found it.Also, important: that it is auto updated. So that it is not like a report that was generated and then does not change anymore, but a live thing

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General :: 4.0 - 5.0 - 5.2 - While Installing It Shows A Msg AHCI Adapter Drivers Not Available And System Halts

Jan 16, 2011

I had a problem while installing linux 4.0, 5.0 & 5.2

My system configuration is as follows:

MSI 785 GM E65 MotherBoard
AMD Phenom IIx2 550 processor
RAM 2GB Kingston DDR3 1033GHz

While Installing linux 4.0 it shows a msg AHCI adapter drivers not available and system halts

While installing linux 5.0 it shows a msg

KERNEL PANNIC and system halts

While intalling linux 5.2 it halts

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