General :: Any Way To Solve Clash Of Nautilus And Conky?

Apr 30, 2011

I am in gnome2. Nautilus always cover Conky.

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General :: Chroot - What Is Linkage Clash

Jan 30, 2010

While reviewing information about chroot, I ran into something called linkage, specifically in reference to legacy and ABI, that they sometimes need to be ran in a chroot because the support libraries might clash in name or linkage with the regular root. What is a linkage clash? And what would be an example of this?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Nautilus Crashes Since Update To Natty / Solve It?

Apr 28, 2011

Since I have updated last night from maverick to the latest beta of natty narwal, I'm having a lot of trouble getting Nautilus (desktop included) to work.

It seems to crash since the very start as when I turn off the computer, the message of "force exit" appears.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - GDM And XFCE Clash

Jun 13, 2010

I have 10.04 xubuntu on an old laptop I'm using and have had a problem since the last update I ran. I use aptitude to keep my stuff up to date and ran an update this morning as normal. After the update I used it for a while longer without problems before restarting. When I logged back in my window decorations preferences had been set back to default, but the panel I have at the top of the screen was still there in it's normal state. After everything had loaded though it looked like there was a GDM session running as well, with the standard gnome top and bottom panels on the screen.

The XFCE panel still works fine, but the top GDM one will sometimes pop out over the top of it, as if autohide is enabled, it isn't though. I was somewhat confused as to how this happened so thought I would log back in again and make sure I just had an XFCE session running from the session selector. (My normal setup is to have the auto-startx disabled so that you have to login in a shell and manually startx - just a preference of mine). So I undid this comment and went to login in the GUI and select my session.

When I did my usual username and password would not grant me access, nor would my root password - very worrying. After making sure I had typed it properly I gave up and had to revert to a rescue shell to re-comment out the auto-startx. When I did this I could log back into the shell OK and startx manually as normal (for me). I don't know what updates were performed, but I'm pretty sure it's the update that triggered this behaviour,the only other thing I did was install spotify. Is there a way to track a previous update in aptitude?

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Slackware :: Libpng Clash In Kopete And Kmess - Current X86_64?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm primarily trying to use kmess but have found the same problem in using kopete. A lot of the icons are missing and both applications crash. Running them both in the terminal reveals the problem:

libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.2.37
libpng warning: Application is running with png.c from libpng-1.4.1
in kopete:
libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.4.1
libpng warning: Application is running with png.c from libpng-1.2.43

I only have one package installed: libpng-1.4.1, although I can see that it contains both of the versions Both apps crash as a result of this error, curiously each for the opposite reason! I have tried the kmess slackbuilds from and, I have also tried compiling from source myself. I guess I need to force kmess to compile using the newer libpng, although I'm not really sure how to do that.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Quirk - How To Get Conky To Start Normally Without Having To Do Manual Restart Everytime Login

Jun 26, 2011

I have conky installed and set up as a startup application, however everytime I log out and back in conky creates itself as a new window:

How can I get conky to start normally without having to do a manual restart everytime I login?

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Debian :: Conky - Full Screen Config / 2 Conky Configs?

Jun 13, 2011

Said that all the config i find put all the info in one place of the screen, in this example on the right side:


or like conky colors where you can put in either side, or other complex examples that use folders with images..that at least i need one day to study all the variables it has...

What i want is something simple, in my black background i dont want images and effects, only white simple text.

My problem is: i want for instance my specs above, my log info in the middle, my music info bellow (above my clock) and in conky config i'm hitting my head in the wall....

For instance if i use my facebook script to appear in the midle how the hell can i put my music info bellow without ruined the facebook in the i need 2 conky configs?

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Ubuntu :: When Type "conky" In Terminal It Returns With Conky: Invalid Configuration File

Feb 1, 2011

when I type "conky" in terminal it returns with Conky: invalid configuration file '/home/user/.conkyrc' Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** : This program is calling the Imlib call: imlib_context_free(); With the parameter: context being NULL. Please fix your program. I've tried completely uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling, still same error?

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OpenSUSE :: Failed: Conky Hardcore "Conky Transparency With KDE (3 And 4)"

Jun 19, 2010

I have a problem with conky. It draws a black background instead of using pseudo-transparency. I ofc tried to achieve this with feh but to no avail. All the instructions here failed: Conky Hardcore! Conky transparency with KDE (3 and 4)


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General :: Apps On SLAX Does Not Run / Solve This?

Oct 26, 2010

How to solve this:
I've installed GIMP 2.7.1 (OS Slax), but it doesn't work. Clicking on icon doesn't start GIMP.

In Shell:
kdesu /usr/bin/gimp
gimp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_dgettext

I cannot run most of apps, including mono.

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General :: Cannot Format My Pendrive / Solve This?

Jan 8, 2010

I cannot format my Transcend 4 Gb Pen Drive.. When i try to format with the following command code...

I'm not able to format it...

dmesg gives code...

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General :: Can't Install Ubuntu / Solve It?

Jan 19, 2010

My hardware is-

HD-80 gb
RAM- 256 mb

I cannot install ubuntu.Which form of Linux will be favorable for me?

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General :: Fedora 13 Dvd Won't Boot / Solve This?

Jun 28, 2010

I downloaded Fedora-13-i686-Live.iso from the fedora project web site, and did the instruction on how to burn it using dvd. i used nero selecting burn a CD from an image file. after doing that, i restarted my laptop to install fedora 13 choosing to start the boot at the disk dvd but it won't boot to run the installation. instead the laptop will resume booting to its previously installed OS, fedora 9.

i browse the dvd media and there are 3 folders namely EFI, isolinux, LiveOS and GPL file.

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General :: Solve The Smb Link Lost?

Mar 10, 2010

in My Ubuntu host,I often use samba service to open the share fold of another computer which is WinXP .But everytime When I logout or restart the Ubuntu ,The link will lost ,I have to reconnect it again, I want to know if there is some easy way to connect it always

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General :: How To Solve 'unknown User'

Nov 23, 2010

I've recently configured our mail server (postfix/dovecot). Everything is running, I have a reverse DNS, MX records, A records etc.. I've added the users already.Here is the problem, whenever I test email from an email client(Outlook 2003), there's no problem. But when try sending email from the outside the mail just bounce or deferred.

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General :: How To Set Semi-transparent Conky

Jun 24, 2011

I am using conky 1.8.0-1.1 in my debian box. My wallpaper changes automatically after every 15 min. Based on the color sometimes it is difficult to understand the conky message. That's why I need semi-transparency which can be controlled upto a level where I can read conky easily. I have already tried with without any success


own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 200
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_ta

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General :: Obtaining IP Address For Conky?

Mar 1, 2011

I use conky to display my IP address on the desktop. I do this by using wget in the conky config to grab the ip off of, but sometimes it seems the sites down, and conky will then not display itself while it periodically trys to get the address

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General :: Eclipse Crashes While Running / Solve This?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with eclipse, it keeps crashing while I'm working working with it, running from the terminal i found this:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment code...

i have googled and i found a ubuntu forum where a guy had the same problem, his solution was disabling the php browser, so i try to do it and go to window>preferences>General>Web browser... as soon as i click "web browser" it just crashes with the same error above, so i guess the "browser" is the problem, i didn't find the "php browser" option so that's why i click on "web browser"

if anybody has a solution for this please help me, i would be awesome to solve this.

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General :: Solve Some Partition Based Query?

Sep 16, 2010

how to applied permission on /etc directory. i want to deny all permission except me(owner) this possible?

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General :: Grub Loading Error 2 / Solve This?

Aug 4, 2010

I need help repairing a Grub loading error 2.

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General :: Domain Not Listning To Any Port Other Than 80 / Solve It?

Apr 26, 2010

I have one server, in this one application is running on ports 80 and 443,
but i want to run another application in different ports,
When start the application, application is running fine in the server but i am not able to connect to that application from the web browser.

It seems to me that other port(i.e. except 80 and 443) not listen by the server.

Can anybody tell me what is the problem?

and what can i do to solve this problem.

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General :: Wrong Chown Command / Solve This?

Jun 29, 2010

I ran a command chown apache:apache / and just about everything... i wanted to do it on a directory but it did it on complete server.

i unable to login to phpmyadmin and even all the databses are empty. any tips on how can i solve this.

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General :: Possible To Have Album Like Application In Desktop / Conky?

Apr 6, 2010

Is it possible to have an album like application in my desktop/conky? (If you don't understand what i mean,its basically the one as in vista)

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General :: Auto Reload Webpage In Conky?

Nov 17, 2010

I have just install conky to my Linux Mint 9 system.I like to know if I can set up conky to auto reload a webpage.FYI, the webpage do not have rss feed therefore I cannot set conky to use rss.

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General :: Conky Feeding A Line Of Crap?

Oct 10, 2010

i started messing around with conky. its really neat and i like making new configurations and what not, just for fun. the thing is, the other day i was playing around with the 'cpu' variables (cpu, cpubar, cpuguage) normally if you wanted to see the usage of say cpu0 or cpu1 you could call the variable as ${cpu cpu0} or ${cpu cpu1} respectively. well i input ${cpu5} (obviously i dont have 5 cpu's) well it still gave me output as if it was showing me the usage of that cpu. can any of you guys explain this. it also works for other parameters as well. is conky just showing me a bunch of random graphs and percentages or when i called that imaginary cpu does it default to a certain one. these are the only two answers i can come up with on my own.

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General :: Audio CD Not Getting Detected On OpenSuse 11.2 (Xfce 4.6) / Solve This?

Feb 4, 2010

Operating system : OpenSuse 11.2
Desktop environment : Xfce 4.6
Kernel : Default

All other CD's do get detected on the above mentioned platform on my laptop, but the 4 new Audio CD's I've brought do not get detected there.

By detection I mean:
i. No icon is shown on the desktop.
ii. ls -R /media/ shows nothing.

Those Audio CD's do get detected on a different laptop with OpenSuse 10.3 with Kde 3.5.7 on it !!

Kindly let me know if I need to give more information regarding the above problem.

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General :: Can't Enable Desktop Effects When I Try To Add Extra / Solve This?

Jul 12, 2011

When i try to add extra effects it says cannot enable desktop effects..and then i type compiz --replace it says

compiz (core) - Fatal: Software rendering detected.
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0

Launching fallback window manager
what i have to do to enable effects..

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General :: Cannot Get Moonlight To Run Properly On Ubuntu 9.10 Firefox / Solve It?

Feb 4, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 - Firefox 3.5.5 - Dell Latitude D600 Lap top.

Can anyone view any of the movie content on this page?

When I try to view one it starts and then just turns white. Then Firefox crashes. I have no clue what is going on with it.

Oddly I have no problem viewing the Silverlight content on this page:

Or many other Silverlight pages. I've seen this happen not only on the above page but other Silverlight content.

So anyone experience the same thing? I'm guessing there is some code on the web page that triggers a bug or something.

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General :: Temp Script To Minus Value To Display In Conky?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an K10 AMD CPU and unfortunately it has a borked temp sensor. I have figured out that if I subtract 8 from value stored in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/temperature that the result is very close to being spot on. The problem is I have no idea to do this and conky has no built in way to do this.

The data stored in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/temperature looks like this:

temperature: 52 C

Is there some sort of script that can do this?

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General :: Installed Glossy Theme On Ubuntu Not Working / Solve It?

Mar 13, 2011

I just installed ubuntu and want to install a theme
i downloaded it and tried to install it but when I did it said that GDT + theme is not installed. I looked it up and found that I had to install them from synaptic package manager, I did it but still not working. How can I solve it?

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