General :: Solve The Smb Link Lost?

Mar 10, 2010

in My Ubuntu host,I often use samba service to open the share fold of another computer which is WinXP .But everytime When I logout or restart the Ubuntu ,The link will lost ,I have to reconnect it again, I want to know if there is some easy way to connect it always

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General :: View CD Shortcut Link / List Link Name By Using Any Command?

Jun 8, 2010

Whenever we insert CD,it creates a shortcut link in desktop.Can we list this link name by using any command? I am using Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0.

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General :: Difference Between A Hard Link And Symbolic Link?

Jun 20, 2011

I have searched around and am trying to understand the difference between a hard link and symbolic link (soft link). I found this link is quite useful. But I am still not very clear. I understand soft link is not a copy of original file, but is a hard link a copy or not?

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OpenSUSE :: Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible: /srv/www/htdocs?

Apr 28, 2010

i only need localhost for testing some phpnow i get[Wed Apr 28 18:44:57 2010] [error] [client ::1] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /srv/www/htdocs

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Programming :: Link Directories - Symlink Not Updated / Hard Link Not Supported?

Sep 6, 2010

In the ordering of files I keep I need links to directories. Sometimes I even need to move directories to new locations. I have tried using symlinks, but they become dead when I move the directory they point to. I have tried hard links, but I haven't found any Linux file system that would support hard linked directories. How can I achieve that a complex structure of directories (currently with symlinks for directories and hard links for files) keep symlinks live when directories are moved?

- is there any utility that updates symlinks when a directory is moved?

- is there any Linux filesystem that supports hard linked directories?

- is there any good Linux interface to the new NTFS (the only file system I know to support automatically updating directory links, called directory junctions)?

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Ubuntu :: Send A Link For Download And A Link With The Installation Instructions?

Aug 16, 2011

I was looking for live link to download ubuntu mobile but unfortunately I don't find anything... Can someone send me a link for download and a link with the installation instructions ?? All the links that I found are dead.

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Server :: Create Soft Link And Hard Link In RHEL5?

Sep 8, 2010

how can we create soft link and hard link in RHEL5 when am using in command it is giving format error

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount To Vista Needed For Apache - Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible

Apr 26, 2010

I have a problem where I'm using Ubuntu linux to mount a Windows Vista machine's USB drive and access it on the web using Apache. I did have the USB drive plugged into the Linux machine directly and that was working via the web. FollowSymLinks is on in httpd.conf


The mount works and I can see the files (see above) from my regular linux user account. If I make a test file in /mnt and soft link to that, I can see it on the web. So it's just the mount to the vista machine that seems to be a problem. It's supposed to be a simple read-only mount and the apache login should (I think) be able to see the same generic root access permissions.

log from apache: [Mon Apr 26 20:39:42 2010] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /home/user1/pub_html/Music, referer: https://xx.xx.xx/~user1/music.html

The credentials have a login and password that matches a special read-only account on Vista. I can see the files on the system from Linux, but not via the web. As mentioned above, a different link to the same /mnt area works fine via the web. I've tried several different mount options with no success.

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General :: Apps On SLAX Does Not Run / Solve This?

Oct 26, 2010

How to solve this:
I've installed GIMP 2.7.1 (OS Slax), but it doesn't work. Clicking on icon doesn't start GIMP.

In Shell:
kdesu /usr/bin/gimp
gimp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_dgettext

I cannot run most of apps, including mono.

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General :: Cannot Format My Pendrive / Solve This?

Jan 8, 2010

I cannot format my Transcend 4 Gb Pen Drive.. When i try to format with the following command code...

I'm not able to format it...

dmesg gives code...

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General :: Can't Install Ubuntu / Solve It?

Jan 19, 2010

My hardware is-

HD-80 gb
RAM- 256 mb

I cannot install ubuntu.Which form of Linux will be favorable for me?

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General :: Fedora 13 Dvd Won't Boot / Solve This?

Jun 28, 2010

I downloaded Fedora-13-i686-Live.iso from the fedora project web site, and did the instruction on how to burn it using dvd. i used nero selecting burn a CD from an image file. after doing that, i restarted my laptop to install fedora 13 choosing to start the boot at the disk dvd but it won't boot to run the installation. instead the laptop will resume booting to its previously installed OS, fedora 9.

i browse the dvd media and there are 3 folders namely EFI, isolinux, LiveOS and GPL file.

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General :: How To Solve 'unknown User'

Nov 23, 2010

I've recently configured our mail server (postfix/dovecot). Everything is running, I have a reverse DNS, MX records, A records etc.. I've added the users already.Here is the problem, whenever I test email from an email client(Outlook 2003), there's no problem. But when try sending email from the outside the mail just bounce or deferred.

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General :: Eclipse Crashes While Running / Solve This?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with eclipse, it keeps crashing while I'm working working with it, running from the terminal i found this:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment code...

i have googled and i found a ubuntu forum where a guy had the same problem, his solution was disabling the php browser, so i try to do it and go to window>preferences>General>Web browser... as soon as i click "web browser" it just crashes with the same error above, so i guess the "browser" is the problem, i didn't find the "php browser" option so that's why i click on "web browser"

if anybody has a solution for this please help me, i would be awesome to solve this.

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General :: Solve Some Partition Based Query?

Sep 16, 2010

how to applied permission on /etc directory. i want to deny all permission except me(owner) this possible?

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General :: Grub Loading Error 2 / Solve This?

Aug 4, 2010

I need help repairing a Grub loading error 2.

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General :: Any Way To Solve Clash Of Nautilus And Conky?

Apr 30, 2011

I am in gnome2. Nautilus always cover Conky.

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General :: Domain Not Listning To Any Port Other Than 80 / Solve It?

Apr 26, 2010

I have one server, in this one application is running on ports 80 and 443,
but i want to run another application in different ports,
When start the application, application is running fine in the server but i am not able to connect to that application from the web browser.

It seems to me that other port(i.e. except 80 and 443) not listen by the server.

Can anybody tell me what is the problem?

and what can i do to solve this problem.

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General :: Wrong Chown Command / Solve This?

Jun 29, 2010

I ran a command chown apache:apache / and just about everything... i wanted to do it on a directory but it did it on complete server.

i unable to login to phpmyadmin and even all the databses are empty. any tips on how can i solve this.

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General :: Audio CD Not Getting Detected On OpenSuse 11.2 (Xfce 4.6) / Solve This?

Feb 4, 2010

Operating system : OpenSuse 11.2
Desktop environment : Xfce 4.6
Kernel : Default

All other CD's do get detected on the above mentioned platform on my laptop, but the 4 new Audio CD's I've brought do not get detected there.

By detection I mean:
i. No icon is shown on the desktop.
ii. ls -R /media/ shows nothing.

Those Audio CD's do get detected on a different laptop with OpenSuse 10.3 with Kde 3.5.7 on it !!

Kindly let me know if I need to give more information regarding the above problem.

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General :: Can't Enable Desktop Effects When I Try To Add Extra / Solve This?

Jul 12, 2011

When i try to add extra effects it says cannot enable desktop effects..and then i type compiz --replace it says

compiz (core) - Fatal: Software rendering detected.
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0

Launching fallback window manager
what i have to do to enable effects..

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General :: Cannot Get Moonlight To Run Properly On Ubuntu 9.10 Firefox / Solve It?

Feb 4, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 - Firefox 3.5.5 - Dell Latitude D600 Lap top.

Can anyone view any of the movie content on this page?

When I try to view one it starts and then just turns white. Then Firefox crashes. I have no clue what is going on with it.

Oddly I have no problem viewing the Silverlight content on this page:

Or many other Silverlight pages. I've seen this happen not only on the above page but other Silverlight content.

So anyone experience the same thing? I'm guessing there is some code on the web page that triggers a bug or something.

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General :: Installed Glossy Theme On Ubuntu Not Working / Solve It?

Mar 13, 2011

I just installed ubuntu and want to install a theme
i downloaded it and tried to install it but when I did it said that GDT + theme is not installed. I looked it up and found that I had to install them from synaptic package manager, I did it but still not working. How can I solve it?

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General :: No Operating System Found / Solve It With A New - Blank Harddisk?

Apr 5, 2010

I have been working with dualboot XP and ubuntu on my laptop and screwed the system completely. No matter what I do I get the message "Operating system not found".I also have been trying with, super grub disk, without success.
My question: Can I solve the problem with a new or a blank Harddisk?

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General :: Solve An Intermittant Serial Port On An Embedded Medical Monitor?

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to solve an intermittant serial port problem on an embedded medical monitor. We have determined that the port is receiving characters from the external device but the serial thread is not transferring the chars from the buffer. Has anyone seen this before? Looking for some guidance on what to look for. this problem happens at start up about 1 in 50 boots. We're using kernal

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General :: User Log Out While Working On Facebook In Updated Version (3.6.7) Of Firefox / Solve It?

Aug 1, 2010

I am using CentOS 5.4. I updated my firefox to 3.6.7.
After that when I login in facebook and click anything in facebook, my pc log out, even from root user.
cause & solution of this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Apache2 Directory Symlink Error "Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible"

Jun 2, 2010

There is a symlink from /var/www to a personal directory. FollowSymlink and chmod 755 are all set. It works perfectly until each morning I will get a "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" error. When I do a "sudo service apache2 restart", the problem will go away.

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Ubuntu :: Link To File On The Host System - Error "Invalid Cross-device Link"

Oct 25, 2010

I installed 10.10 using wubi (Host system is Win XP). I want to create a symbolic link of a file on the host system (Windows c:abc.doc file) in my Ubuntu home ~/ directory.
When I type command ln /host/abc.doc abc.doc It gives me following error ln: creating hard link `abc.doc' => `/host/abc.doc': Invalid cross-device link

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General :: When Would Creating A Hard Link Be Useful

May 25, 2011

There are basically two main limitations with hard links:

Hard links normally require that the link and the file reside in the same file system. Only the superuser can create a hard link to a directory.

Thus, symbolic links were introduced to get around the limitations of hard links. So, the question is, are hard links still needed? Might there be situation where they are more useful?

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General :: Creating A Permanent Sym-link?

Oct 1, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit

Partition on HD


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