Fedora X86/64bit :: Fedora 14 - Failed To Boot

Jul 25, 2010

Last time I want to run to fedora(14/64-bit), I faced to an error! I have a screenshot from monitor and attached it here I want to save my data on desktop

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F14 - Lcannot Boot After Failed Suspend

May 4, 2011

Last night I wanted to test the suspend mode on my laptop (Asus K52J) after I had successfully used hibernation mode, which did not work until I installed the latest kernel update. Unfortunately, it didn't go very well. I had to power off the laptop manually. This morning, I booted up Fedora but it didn't go beyond the blue screen with the logo. It just kept hanging there. I rebooted and tried previous kernel configurations but none of them worked. As a matter of fact, I have to write this from Windows.

This is all rather odd since I tried to suspend before and though it never worked, the fact that I had to power off the laptop manually didn't prevent Fedora from booting. I really hate not being able to use Fedora. It's fortunate that I put all my important data on a separate NTFS partition...

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Device-mapper - Reload Ioctl Failed - Invalid Argument Failed To Suspend LogVol00

Sep 10, 2009

I've read hundreds of threads on this problem but they seem to be intermittent and the resolution has been using a different kernel version.

I'm using the latest kernel but I still have this problem

Running Logical Volume Manager gui and attempting to extend the volume results in the same error.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 15 X86_64 Failed To Start?

Jul 27, 2011

I can not start fedora 15 because i take this message:HTML Code:Starting udev wait for complete device initialization failed, see ' system ctl status udev-settle.service for details

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Mounting Other Filesystems: FAILED?

Aug 25, 2011

Mounting other filesystems:FAILED i got this error on startup.Tryed to change names,to put none but always the same.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Oracle 11 Release 1 On 12 Installation Failed

Nov 20, 2009

Has someone managed to install Oracle 11.1 on Fedora 12 ?

The following packages failed to install :

I couldn't find any of these packages in the x64_86 or i386 DVD. i686 version of the above packages are already installed, but I still get the error while installation.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F12 Kernel Upgrade Failed - Eclipsed?

Dec 8, 2009

The -162 kernel upgrade just released failed to boot in my x86-64 system. Additionally, both previous kernels failed in (probably) the same way. The progress icon proceeded all the way to its 'f' image, and then hung. I touched escape key, and found several disturbing messages among a dozen or so lines --

mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically. A dynamic linking error occurred: /lib64/multipath/libcheckdirectio.so: no such file or directory awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `/etc/inittab` for reading (Invalid Argument). Init: rcS post-stop process (807) terminated with status 2s. I got into rescue mode with my install disk, then looked for libcheckdirectio.so in /mnt/sysimage/lib64 but it was not there. Also, locate -d /mnt/sysimage/mlocate/mlocate.db/libcheckdirectio.so found nothing.

Ran chroot and executed the fakd diagnostic (which I had not seen before) and rebooted. Same problem - although now the screen is telling me SELinux is requiring a targeted policy relabel. My dual-boot-to-vista system has been erratic (requiring fsck several times, and confounding the Vista partition to require file checks), primarily since a large install of Eclipse and multiple plug-ins AFAICR.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Installing VNC Of F7 - Failed Dependencies Error

Dec 22, 2009

I am pretty new to linux, I was trying to install vnc enterprise edition (x64) but was getting the following error message:

"error: Failed dependencies:
libX11.so.6()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libXext.so.6()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libXtst.so.6()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libc.so.6()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libcrypt.so.1()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libcrypt.so.1(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libdl.so.2()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libm.so.6()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libstdc++.so.5()(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libstdc++.so.5(CXXABI_1.2)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libstdc++.so.5(GLIBCPP_3.2)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64
libstdc++.so.5(GLIBCPP_3.2.2)(64bit) is needed by vnc-E-4.5.21561-1.x86_64"

What to do for me to resolve this error.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: FC12: Failed Dependency Nss For Thunderbird During Yum Update

Nov 4, 2010

A package nss >= 3.12.8 is not available. But it is needed by thunderbird update in the course of "yum update". yum exits with RC 1.Is "--skip-broken" the right way to exclude the thunderbird update ("Resolve depsolve problems by removing packages that are causing problems from the transaction")? Or is there a better way to exclude a package? Problem screen output:

---> Package thunderbird.x86_64 0:3.0.10-1.fc12 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: nss >= 3.12.8 for package: thunderbird-3.0.10-1.fc12.x86_64
--> Finished Dependency Resolution


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Fedora :: Can 't Boot Fedora 12 From Usb HDD After Upgrade From Fedora12 To Fedora13 Failed

Jun 25, 2010

can 't boot fedora 12 from usb HDD after upgrade from fedora12 to fedora13 failed

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F12 Locking Up On Boot

Nov 19, 2009

I added the rpmfusion repos so that I could install the nvidia drivers and downloaded whatever updates appeared. Initially after rebooting, I kept getting "No root device found" which I've managed to solve but now it keeps locking up after "Starting atd". That actually manages to load and then it locks so I'm guessing that it's "S99livesys" that is causing the problem.From googling, this appear to be a problem with certain kernels and can be resolved by either using an older kernel image or turning the process off in the command line. My problem is that this was a fresh install so there's only one kernel image so it's impossible for me to use a different one. For the same reason, I can't get into the command line.

Is there anyway to get around this without re-installing?I don't want to have the same issue if I re-install?Can I download the kernel images and just place them in /boot?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 15 Bugs At Boot?

Jul 5, 2011

i just upgraded from f14 to 15 the installation was successful but when i boot it bugs and dont start ...it stops here HTML Code:

Starting LSB : an anonymizing overlay network for tcp failed , see 'systemclt status tor.service' for details
Started lsb : install coredump handler wish saves segfault data


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Second NIC Will Not Start At Boot?

Aug 27, 2011

I am running it on a Dell PowerEdge 300 and am having all kinds of problems. First problem was that the second NIC will not start at boot. I have to manually start it every time I re-boot.

Ok, so I set up SSH and no mater what I do, it too will not start at boot time. Same with Apache and vnc.

So I use it as a development platform with eclipse. I have my Laptop running 14 32 bit and it was a dream. This eclipse install was a pain from the get go. Now I cannot get the debugger to consistently run no mater what I do. It will run for a bit then the next time I try it will not start. Very strange.

PHP is also a problem. None of the mysql functions work. Yes I loaded the mysql libs but still no luck.

Think I;ll go back to the 32bit 14 and stick with it for a while unless someone has some good suggestions on how to get it running smoothly.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - 9 - 32 Bit And 64bit

Aug 10, 2009

I need to create a dual boot system consisting of 32 bit Fedora 9 and 64 bit Fedora 9, but I'm unable to go about it. How exactly should I do it?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: New Kernels Simply Won't Boot?

Sep 24, 2010

Yesterday i updated fedora 13.After reboot problems started with te display driver.Scrolling sreens goes very slow and with little steps.Moving a screen from one side to the other goes also very slow.It seems there is a problem with the ATI driver.I also have problems after new kernel updates.The new kernels simply won't boot? The boot proces hangs everytime the fedora logo turns wite.

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Fedora :: After Install (F14 64bit Or F15 32bit) No Boot

Jun 6, 2011

I try install F14 32 bit, f14 64 bit, f15 32 bit and Centos 5.5 and when it arrives at the end of the installation and reboot, my system no boot. I try install it on a Hardware RAID 1 --> 2 x 2TB. Motherboard Intel DH57DD, Core I5, 4 Gb DD3. (Windows 7 afeter install boot OK).

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Error Before Booting \ Error Message:IOMMU: Mapping Reserved Region Failed?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm a recently proud owner of a new Aspire AS3810T with Fedora 12 installed, when it boots up before entering the boot screen when it loads I see this error message:IOMMU: Mapping reserved region failedHow can i fix this error? It's quite frustrating

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F10 Boot Stops At Starting UDev

Mar 29, 2009

I have done a fresh text-only installation of Fedora 10 on a Dell Dimension E521 for the purpose of setting up a server. After installation I ran yum update to bring the system up to date. After the update, I rebooted the computer, but the boot process froze. I recycled power and pressed "I" after the Dell BIOS screen and the GRUB bootloader appeared. I selected the most current version, edited the kernel line by deleting "rhgb quiet" and replacing it with "3." After making this change, I continued with the boot and the computer stopped at "Starting udev:" I have two fedora 10 revisions showing in the GRUB bootloader, the original installation and the update after running yum.

I repeatedly tried rebooting both versions and, after about 30 attempts, the computer finished booting and got me to the command prompt. Reading through the forums indicated there might be some issue with my nVidia GeForce 6150 onboard video and fedora 10. So, when I got to the command prompt, I followed the instructions in the forums [URL] to load the rpmfusion drivers. This appeared to be successful and when I looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf it appeared to be correct for the new nVidia drivers. After loading these new drivers I tried rebooting. Unfortunately, I have been trying now over and over to get back to the command prompt, but simply can't get past "Starting udev."

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Multi-boot - What Is Kernel Number

Mar 29, 2009

Ive loaded 64studio (hda6) grub in MBR, and fed10 grub on its partition (hda8), but from Studio it seems i cant Mount fed10 files to look at the Kernel path from MBR. (studio did not auto pick it up, like it did for Mandriva on hda7)

Does anyone know what it is ? something like kernel /boot/vmlinuz.....and Initrd(hd0,7)/boot.initrd.img .....then i can Edit menu.Lst in MBR grub.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Cannot Complete Boot After Most Recent Update

Apr 26, 2009

Just did the most recent set of updates late yesterday (kernel and Nvidia). Since the update I cannot get to a login screen - just blinking cursor. In fact the cursor blinks for a bit then disapears only to reappear as if there are repeated attempts to complete a process unsuccessfully.

The update replaced the xorg.conf. I tied a couple of revisions, inlcuding replacing it with the earlier working xorg.conf. No luck.

Hardware is MSI K9N6GM board with Nvidia Geforce 6100 nforce 430.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 11 Takes 45+ Minutes To Fully Boot

Jun 22, 2009

Machine Specs: Asus P5B Deluxe w/ Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, 8gigs of ram and an Asus GeForce 8400 GS. I downloaded and installed the x86_64 DVD Installation disc for Fedora 11 the day of the release. I allowed the installer to utilize 100% of the disk with the default partition configuration. I only installed KDE.

Upon first boot the machine didn't boot in under 20 seconds, but it wasn't slow enough to give it any though. Once logged in, everything ran great. The system has been running great since the launch date. I rebooted once or twice since them and thought the same thing as the first boot, not particularly fast, but not slow enough to care.

This morning I rebooted and it almost seemed broken. It takes about 20 minutes to get past the loading bar, and way too much time to log in. When the loading bar is going I hit escape. It looked like "Starting system message bus" took the longest, but it wasn't the only slow thing. After some more time, the background for the log in prompt appeared. Once the log in prompt fully appeared I mistyped my password. It took a good four minutes to authenticate unsuccessfully. I reentered my information correctly. It took another four minutes for the prompt to disappear, then it continued to load very slowly.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: After Udate A Does Not Boot?

Dec 3, 2009

I have installed last updates about 3 days ago. After this Fedora kernel does not start.booting it the last message I see"ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP):wlan0: link is not ready" then it stops. I have to boot with a previous kernel version

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 Randomly Freeze At Boot / Resolve This?

Aug 25, 2010

I just recently notice that my Fedora 13 is randomly stop at boot. This is a fresh install less than a week and with all the updated kernel and software as of today. I could not get much information from /var/log/messages (only about 3 lines at the time it froze).

It froze straight after it finishes the boot sequence. I can see a mouse cursor but that's about it. The last init sequence I could see before going to X was "atd" (if that helps at all)

This install is on a single Seagate 1.5TB drive without any other drives attached to the system (I rule out if that's problem with the other hard drives)
on Gigabyte P35DS3 mobo on ICH9 port
the mobo has AHCI mode for the hard drive
I got some bad sector on the hard drive (40 sectors)

For some reason, it kept stopping when I cold boot. Once it stop and I press the reset button it normally works.

I found another forum mentioning it can be issue with the video driver. So I here's further information of my system code...

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Boot From A Vanilla Kernel Without Initrd?

Oct 17, 2010

I've downloaded 2.6.36-rc8 vanilla kernel, then I copied .config file from my current working kernel, then I've configured, compiled and installed kernel like this:

make gconfig
make -j4 all (or make all)
make modules_all
make install
The last command edits my grub.conf file and writes this:

I checked my .config and ACPI, and File Systems are built into kernel and not loaded as modules... And, I have LVM but my /boot partition isn't in it, so I don't HAVE to use initrd, right? How can I boot from a vanilla kernel without initrd ?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Unable To Boot After Kernel Update

Feb 11, 2011

I am unable to boot my Fedora 14 after last nights kernel update. When I start the boot up and hit F2 the system fails after outputting the line : Starting vservers of type 'default'. At some point the console displays an error message :

serial8250 : Too much work for irq17

How do I restore my previous version? I know some people have suggested in the past - just modify the grub.conf but how? When I boot off the cd I only get access to the liveuser disk. I need to have access to my own /boot/grub/grub.conf file.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F14 No GUI Boot - Username AND Password Echoed

Aug 12, 2011

Just started happening this week -- I boot into a terminal (no GUI by default, but I use GNOME when I need it), and when I'm asked to login, I type my username <ENTER>, then I'm prompted for my password...

And the password is now echoed to the screen in cleartext. as I type it

Haven't changed any settings (although I have been keeping up with the updates).

I've searched the forums, and the occasional new user will complain nothing shows up in the PW field which is the expected behavior. Unfortunately, I have the opposite behavior -- something shows up, and I don't want it.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Version 10 Won't Boot After Installing 4Gb Of System Memory

May 9, 2009

I have been using for over a year now, my 64-bit computer first with Fedora 8 and now with Fedora 10 with 2Gb of RAM just fine. Today I purchased an extra 2Gb for the system and upon installation from the GRUB screen Fedora 10 simply won't boot. It does boot with 3Gb, and it doesn't matter which stick I use for the 3Gb configuration, or what slot do I put the sticks into the motherboard, however if I place the four sticks, F10 simply won't boot. Should I pass a command line argument tot he kernel? If so, which?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Boot After Install Gives Kernel Panic Failure

Aug 19, 2009

I was finally able to install Fedora 11 x64 after choosing to only install packages from the repository on the install DVD. Prior to that when I had chosen tio install from the default online repositories, the install itself failed with a Python exception ( see my other post ). Now, however, once I boot after the install I eventually receive a kernel panic message, and failure. The exact same thing happened with CentOS 5.3 x64 after a flawless install. So unless someone knows what might be going on I will assume that Fedore, Red hat, and offshoots for x64 bit systems are just not for me. I have been able to successfully install the latest Mandriva and SUSE x64 Linux distros so whatever Red Hat/Fedora has done just does not work on my system.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 64bit On Optiplex 740 - Hang On First Boot After Install?

Feb 15, 2010

New install of Fedora 12 64-bit from DVD on an Optiplex 740 (AMD) with 8GB memory I had to use the mem= option to get the install past the EDD probe, but it seemed to install successfully. Now on boot it goes all the way through the "filling icon" progress meter, then switches to a completely black screen with an X pointer cursor that responds to mouse movement, but nothing else happens. Ctrl-Alt-F{2-5} do not switch to a console login, so the system's inaccessible.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot Into 64bit - Kernel Not Loading Properly

Jun 1, 2010

I got a new laptop, this is the one: [URL] and decided that I wanted to go with Fedora instead of Ubuntu with this computer. The laptop runs win 7 64 bit so I'm trying to go with Fedora 64 but it will not boot. I first installed Fedora 12 64 bit from the DVD install and it would go to grub fine but when I boot the fedora os It just stops in the middle of the boot script. When it stops, the last 4 lines are:

? kernel_init+0x0/0x257
? child_rip+0x0/x20

I hadn't messed with it for a few weeks and yesterday I saw that 13 was out, so I downloaded and burnt the Fedora 13 64 bit CD. I popped it in, booted the computer and it did the same crap. It didn't stop at the same line but it was around a line with:
? kernel_init
So I guess the kernel isn't loading properly or something. Do ya'll think I would be better off using the 32 bit?

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