Fedora :: Ran Yum Update And Upgraded To Deluge 1.1.9-1?

Jul 6, 2009

I recently ran yum update and upgraded to deluge 1.1.9-1. It worked for a while, but after a reboot all I get is this:

[swarm32@smithers ~]$ deluged -d -L debug
[INFO ] 00:06:39 daemon:48 Deluge daemon 1.1.9
[DEBUG ] 00:06:39 daemon:49 options: {'loglevel': 'debug', 'quiet': False, 'logfile': None, 'config': None, 'port': None, 'pidfile': None, 'donot': True}
[DEBUG ] 00:06:39 daemon:50 args: []
[DEBUG ] 00:06:39 core:91 Core init.


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Ubuntu :: Seeding A Folder With Deluge And When Removed The File From Deluge Chose Remove Data By Mistake?

Jul 4, 2010

I was seeding a folder with deluge and when I removed the file from deluge I chose remove data by mistake, so can I recover my folder?

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Ubuntu :: Update Gives Error Message About Deluge

Jan 28, 2010

Whenever Ubuntu tries to update itself or if I initiate an update I can install every but Deluge's update.I get the following:

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/deluge-common_1.2.0-2~karmic~ppa1_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pyshared/deluge-1.2.0.egg-info/dependency_links.txt', which is also in package deluge-core 0

What does this mean? It suggests filtering broken to fix it. I do so and mark deluge for reinstallation but it doesn't seem to solve anything.

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Software :: Update RedHat 5.1 Without It Getting Upgraded To 5.5?

Jun 6, 2010

How I can update RedHat 5.1 without it getting upgraded to 5.5?

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Fedora :: Deluge Hangs At Start Up?

Feb 21, 2010

The title says it all.I'm not much for the command line so I really don't know how to debug this.Any help would be appreciated .It was working fine then I had some updates and now the window opens but It is just blank.deluge never fully starts.Transmission starts and I was using it for a while but it never worked as well as deluge.no where near for that matter. It was very slow and seemed to choke itself.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgraded But Update Manager Still Showing 11.04

May 2, 2011

I was using Ubuntu 10.04 and ran the upgrade. System > About now says I am now using 11.04. However, System > Administration > Update Manager says New Ubuntu release '11.04' available > Upgrade. Should I run the upgrade again, or is there a quicker way to fix this?

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Fedora :: Get Deluge WebUI Working On Home Network?

Feb 13, 2010

I'm trying to get Deluge WebUI working on my home network. But I can't even find the plugin , it's not in the plugins list or anywhere.


And I didn't get the newest Deluge version either , just got the 1.1.9 and the newest is 1.2 but that shouldn't matter for what I'm trying to do.

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Ubuntu :: Update System With "apt-get" Afterwards "0 To Install 0 To Update 3 Not Upgraded"

Mar 17, 2010

i don't know where to start exactly First i am kinda newbie in Ubuntu. I am working 7 months with Ubuntu and still i have many difficulties. I went through many problems and still i succeed to fix them all What have i done ? Well simply i have tried to update my system with "apt-get". Afterwards i saw a message "0 to install 0 to update 3 not upgraded". These 3 were linux-generic linux-headers-generic and one more. I have done this ... and suddenly i have chanched my kernel to the last version. After rebooting my machine the worst happened - i had no GUI, no graphics at all.

What the real problem is ? The problem is that i am student in IT engineering, where we work only and with Windows OS and ( isn't that funny?) and Windows Servers. However i preffered to use Linux because of the growing popularity of open source OS, because with linux i have more opportunities to learn new stuff and of course because i hate Windows the most . My problem is that i have 4 Virtual Machines in VirtualBox inside my computer.I still can see the files and i still can operate to some level. I have minimal graphic�l interface in "xterm" mode. Yes but i can't operate with them in "xterm" mode and that is so crucial for me. I have projects to make and i am depending of my virtualization. I don't want neither to change my beloved Ubuntu (if is still Ubuntu) and i can't risk to lose any data inside my computer. I will describe the steps i took in the next chapter of the thread

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Red Hat :: Yum Update On CentOS 5.3 Upgraded My System To CentOS 5.4

Oct 29, 2009

I just ran a "yum update" on my CentOS 5.3 system. After a reboot, I noticed /etc/redhat-release show CentOS 5.4.

I thought yum upgrade was supposed to do that?

I wanted to simply patch my CentOS 5.3 system without turning it into CentOS 5.4 ... YET.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded To F11 - Display?

Nov 10, 2009

Upgraded to Fedora 11 and my display aspect ratio is now broken. I have a 23" Acer screen, but in Gnome its auto detecting as a 20" Acer display and the aspect ratio is wrong and the display grainy. I read the FAQs and am trying out some suggestions. Created an xorg.conf file in the correct place, contains the correct monitor settings but my display is still broken. Q. How do I force the kernel to read the xorg.conf file ?(PS: I'm kind of a newbie, have only come back to linux after a few years of using Windows)

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded From 11 To 12 / But It Still Show 11

Dec 9, 2009

I did the upgrade, over the internet, using the "preupgrade" command. All the files downloaded and I rebooted and it is all apparently working fine.When I do a uname -a command I get this response:Linux Fedora11 #1 SMP Fri Dec 4 00:43:59 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux.When I open a terminal window it says username@Fedora11:~When I run "rpm -qa" it show my installed packages all end with fc12, so I am sure I am on Fedora 12.When I used to run Ubuntu, I would just open the file /etc/lsb-release and it would show me what version I was running.What file holds that information in Fedora 12 ?

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Fedora :: Have Upgraded To F12 / Cannot Remember Where Got Icons

Dec 12, 2009

recently I found a Cpu Speed Icon that went on the bottom bar of my F11 Gnome display and read out both CPU speeds.I have upgraded to F12 and cannot remember where I got the Icons.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded From F11 To F12 Using Preupgrade?

Jan 8, 2010

I did have F11 on my laptop all running smoothly and everything which is good. But now I've updated from F11 using the preupgrade tool which for what I could see everything downloaded and installed ok, that was until the reboot after the install had completed after seemingly loading F12 it left me with a black screen with a blinking cursor so after a few more reboots with the same out come I decided to see what the loading was stopping at and this is what it came up with


Welcome to Fedora
Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
Starting udev: [ OK ]
Setting Hostname Fireline.Yuki: [ OK ]
mdadm: No arrays found in config or automatically


And it stops loading after "Starting atd: [ OK ]" I am going to try a CD install either tomorrow or the day after then I'll go back to F11 depending if it works or not.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded F12 Runs Slow?

May 21, 2010

I've just upgraded my from F11 to F12 via software update and found F12 extremely slow to the extent that only the mosue cursor moves, the rest does not - not even opening folders or starting application.

My specs:

It seems that

npviewer.bin is taking up up to 50% of CPU. Xorg takes 20%..

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Ubuntu :: Deluge - How To Run - Says Not Connected

Mar 16, 2010

I've managed to install Deluge with webui using this link


Everything was fine and i did manage to connect to it

BUT it says not connected

Does it have anything to do with ports?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Deluge

Nov 9, 2010

How do I install deluge? This is the first thing ive tried to do... So far ive typed in my password 10-15 times, typed in commands in the terminal.... and still NADA.

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Ubuntu :: Using Deluge 1.2.2 In 11.04 With Python 2.6?

Jun 12, 2011

I am running a linux server with Ubuntu 10.04. It runs a deluge daemon. Deluge 1.2.2 with python 2.6. I have the client running in Ubuntu 11.04.

The problem is, some of the plugins require python 2.6 while I have 2.7. After some digging I have found that 11.04 supports and has installed python 2.6 /usr/bin/python2.6

I have edited all the deluge files



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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded And Now Can't Mount Home / Solution For This?

Mar 23, 2009

"Upgraded" from FC5 32 bit to Fedora 10 64 bit using Fedora Live KDE disk, and unchecking the boxes to format drives with my personal data. In the install it recognized these as SW raid devices. One is raid 1, the other raid 5.

Now, it still recognizes the raid devices, and mdstat claims they are working fine, but I cannot mount them (mount says must specify a FS type, but that doesn't work either).

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Fedora :: Upgraded To Fc11 - Huge Delays In Login

Nov 6, 2009

Recently upgraded to fc11. Have nvidia working ok. Using kernel (not the latest). When booting up I get to gui login and see the background change. It takes 20 seconds or more before I see the login dialog box. After selecting the user it takes another 20 seconds before I see the box change to enter the password. This only happens at boot. If I logout and log back in everything is fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Tecra A4 Upgraded From FC11 To FC13?

Jun 14, 2010

I had FC11 installed on a Toshiba Tecra A4 and when I upgraded via dvd, the system "hangs" after finishing the last gray bar(the bar flickers a lot at the last), keyboard ctrl-alt-del will reboot. I had used noapic and acpi=off before, but does not help now. Intel graphics, at first a flash about address collision.

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Fedora :: Upgraded Windows Partition Now FC 14 Wont Boot?

Aug 4, 2011

Everything has been running well FC 14 dual boot with a Vista partition. I haven't touched the Windows partition since FC 10.Now I upgraded to Windows 7 because I am having networking issues at school and want windows while I take time to address them( I am a novice) So I upgraded the Vista and now it only boots into windows. I know I only installed on the windows partition. How do I get my old Fedora boot screen back that lets me choose

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Fedora :: Just Upgraded From 13 To 14 (laughlin) Version And Evolution Won't Work

Apr 19, 2011

Recently I upgraded my Fedora 13 to its latest (stable) version Fedora 14 Laughlin. Things seemed to have gone well until I noticed that my evolution mail client stopped working. When I clicked to open Evolution, it loaded but immediately it got hanged, and every time I did I didn't work. I posted this question in fedora forum it self many views and no response. Can anyone in this form guide me as to why this is happening and how to rectify it?

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Hardware :: Fedora 11 Server Will Not Boot On Upgraded Memory?

Dec 16, 2010

I run my linux server on the Fedora 11 x86_64 flavour of linux. It did have 1GB of DDR SDRAM PC2700 (Crucial) in the first DIMM slot. It worked fine, however i felt the need to add more RAM to the server. So I purchased 2Gb from Crucial 2 * 1Gb memory stick of DDR SDRAM PC2700 333 CL2.5. However when these are used the machine goes through grub begins booting and then hangs. Sometimes it goes through to the login screen where it hangs, othertimes it hangs after logging in. I have performed a memory test and the results come back fine. However if I just use a single stick of memory the server boots fine (Either stick of memory works).The Machhine is dual boot and my XP professional partition always boots fine

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Hardware :: HP Printer 2605dn Failed When Upgraded From Fedora 9 To 14?

Jun 9, 2011

My network printer HP Color LaserJet 2605dn works fine with Ubuntu, Windows XP, Fedora 9 ... but not with Fedora 14 ( All printouts look like this:


The list of HP printer models on Fedora 9 has "Color LaserJet 2605", and it workes fine.

However on Fedora 14 the model is no longer in the list. I tried "Color LaserJet" and "Color LaserJet 2500" but the printout results were always corrupt.


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Ubuntu :: Deluge Grays Out At Startup

Apr 28, 2010

Recently, Deluge has not been starting up for me. The Window opens, but remains completely blank, and then grays out (as if unresponsive). I tried running it from terminal and got this in return..


(deluge:21099): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "aurora",
(deluge:21099): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "aurora",
(deluge:21099): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "aurora",


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Ubuntu :: Deluge Webui Not Writing Changes?

Sep 9, 2010

Ive got a dedicated server setup to run the deluge daemon and access it through thee webui. i can add and even delete new torrents just fine but when i go into the options and try to change values like upload speed limits etc the changes dont take. im assuming this is a permissions issue but i don't know what files or directories to change.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Crashes While Running Deluge?

Nov 13, 2010

whenever i have started "deluge" (a bittorrent client), my laptop simply freeezes within 5 minutes. Its something I haven't seen before ever with Ubuntu - the keyboard/mouse stops responding, and the CAPS-LOCK key starts blinking...and there's NO way to get the system back without a hard reboot

Another thing...I've noticed a zombie process called "netns" running which I suspect to be causing this - its always taking the pid 13, and its impossible to kill - I tried using kill, killall, pkill from su prompt, and it didn't go away at all !!

If there's anyway I can send logs/dumps for analysis to ubuntu team, how to do so and i'll do the needful to get them...

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Ubuntu :: How To Stop Deluge Using Crontab

Dec 26, 2010

My ISP specifies a time between 2 - 8 am for free upload /download

I would like to stop deluge using crontab at a specified time. How do i do this?

also even poweroffing the system would do..i tried adding a simple poweroff command in crontab under both user and root but it didnt work?

using xubuntu 10.10 and crontab...also have gnome-scheduler installed

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Ubuntu :: Deluge Won't Connect To Daemon?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm trying to connect the Deluge GTK UI to the daemon running on the same system. This worked just fine previously, but for no apparent reason I can't connect now. I have Deluge set to autoconnect on startup, but it doesn't. If I open the connection manager, it says the daemon isn't running (which isn't true; I checked), and trying to start or connect to the daemon from there does nothing.I get the following errors from deluge:

[ERROR ] 16:12:11 gtkui:343 Connection to host failed..
[ERROR ] 16:12:32 gtkui:343 Connection to host failed..


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Ubuntu :: 'Error' For Torrents In Deluge Over 2Gb

Feb 2, 2011

I've just setup a virtual Ubuntu 10.10 machine on my server running Deluge and WebUI. The WebUI seems to work fine, but if I upload a torrent with a total size over 2Gb I just get an 'error' as soon as the torrent is run.The download folder is a CIFS share to a NAS (Acer Altos EasyStore) folder, I can download torrents that are less than 2Gb in total without any problems.I can read/write large files from the command line or Nautilus but any torrent uploaded to Deluge larger than 2Gb is flagged as 'error' as soon as it is run (with no actual error listed in the torrent details).

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