Hardware :: Fedora 11 Server Will Not Boot On Upgraded Memory?

Dec 16, 2010

I run my linux server on the Fedora 11 x86_64 flavour of linux. It did have 1GB of DDR SDRAM PC2700 (Crucial) in the first DIMM slot. It worked fine, however i felt the need to add more RAM to the server. So I purchased 2Gb from Crucial 2 * 1Gb memory stick of DDR SDRAM PC2700 333 CL2.5. However when these are used the machine goes through grub begins booting and then hangs. Sometimes it goes through to the login screen where it hangs, othertimes it hangs after logging in. I have performed a memory test and the results come back fine. However if I just use a single stick of memory the server boots fine (Either stick of memory works).The Machhine is dual boot and my XP professional partition always boots fine

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Fedora :: Upgraded Windows Partition Now FC 14 Wont Boot?

Aug 4, 2011

Everything has been running well FC 14 dual boot with a Vista partition. I haven't touched the Windows partition since FC 10.Now I upgraded to Windows 7 because I am having networking issues at school and want windows while I take time to address them( I am a novice) So I upgraded the Vista and now it only boots into windows. I know I only installed on the windows partition. How do I get my old Fedora boot screen back that lets me choose

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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Virtual Memory / Resident Memory Of Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we found that if we use 'top' to show the memory usage of a server (SuSe Linux 10), we can get virtual memory usage as well as 'Resident memory' usage. For virtual mem or a particular process, it is around 1.1GB, which is large but for resident memory, it only consumes 300MB. Are there anyone who knows what the differences are? I would also like to know whether the difference (1.1GB - 300MB) = 800MB are actually available for use by other applications in the system.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded To FC10 - Video - Fatal Server Error: No Screens Found Gotta Go, X Session Getting Corrupt

Jun 13, 2009

I must say, the RPMfusion version of the Nvdia driver package work better with FC10 than they did under FC9 for me, which is to say: they work at all. Still get corrupted output after a few hours of work, but I imagine that's just the underlying weakness of the Nvidia driver bubbling up. Either way, now I have other problems:

First off, the Intel driver for my onboard video setup has stopped working entirely. The attempt to bring up X on the Intel setup gets me to the KDE login screen and locks the machine up hard (poweroff required). A look at the xorg.0.log shows that the server seems to be stuck in a loop trying to determine the valid video properties for the session.

Here's my xorg.conf, BTW. I have it setup to perform different configurations depending on which DefaultServerLayout line gets uncommented (lines 4 - 6). If anybody has a better way of doing this, I'm all ears. While we're on my xorg.conf, pleas view lines 64-67 and/or 75-77. This is my quickie way of changing drivers (again, all ears) which brings us to the next problem, neither the nv or nouveau drivers work with my system. Interestingly enough, both drivers tend to fail in the same relative spot in the process, I think. Please refer to line 207 of this xorg.0.log with the nv driver or line 140 of this xorg.0.log from the nouveau setup. Either way, both sessions die with the same message: (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. Fatal server error: no screens found Gotta go, x session getting corrupt,,,

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Version 10 Won't Boot After Installing 4Gb Of System Memory

May 9, 2009

I have been using for over a year now, my 64-bit computer first with Fedora 8 and now with Fedora 10 with 2Gb of RAM just fine. Today I purchased an extra 2Gb for the system and upon installation from the GRUB screen Fedora 10 simply won't boot. It does boot with 3Gb, and it doesn't matter which stick I use for the 3Gb configuration, or what slot do I put the sticks into the motherboard, however if I place the four sticks, F10 simply won't boot. Should I pass a command line argument tot he kernel? If so, which?

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Server :: SFTP Memory Error / Getting An Out Of Memory?

Jan 8, 2011

I have been setting up a vps I got out with bhost.net, with CentOS installed. I've been learning and have set up everying I need with the exception of ftp/sftp.

Using yum I installed vsftpd and ran into problems, thinking it was something I might of done I did a fresh install of CentOS and I still recieve the same problem on a fresh install so it is nothing I have done to the server.

The problem is when connecting via a sftp client I get an out of memory error. This error is listed in the putty faq ( url ) under A.7.5, there is a brief explaintion of the cure under A.7.6.

there is mention of a login script but I don't know where this is located. I'm a novice at Linux but by no means incompotent when it comes to computing.

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Server :: Squid Excessive Memory Consuming On Fedora 12?

Feb 7, 2011

There is squid 3.1.8 on a Fedora 12 server with 2 GB of RAM. It is used for sharing the Internet for approximatively 80 PC's. The problem is that it is really a memory hog, when enabling delay pools. I am using the following configuration for the memory pools:


delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_access 1 allow drumuri


There are moments when the squid process uses approximatively all the RAM and goes into swapping. After that I restart it, it goes well for a while and again eats up all the memory. On the Internet it says that Squid uses a lot of memory, but should it use 2 GB of memory, even if all 80 people are online at the same time?

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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Ubuntu :: Upgraded Dual Boot From 9.10 To 10.04 And No Boot

May 14, 2010

i upgraded ubuntu from 9.10 (pretty sure it was .10...) and now my machine goes through the bios and i get a black screen w/a blinking cursor instead a boot choice to ubuntu or windows 7. system worked fine prior to upgrade... reading lots of things it appears i likely have a problem with grub2 (soemone correct me if i'm off base?) so i've been trying to restore and reinstall grub 2 (using this and silmilar threads: [URL]), got frustrated and reinstalled 10.04 over the upgrade install. same blinking cursor... i did the following from this thread: [URL]


i've gotten that response from trying to reinstall/repair grub 2 also. i'm near wit's end and am near completely wiping hdd and reloadng w7 OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.4, Now XP Won't Boot?

Apr 29, 2010

I've looked in the grub.cfg file, and it has :

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded 9.10 To 10.04 Now Cannot Boot

May 27, 2010

I upgraded 9.10 to 10.04 and now it won't boot. The way 9.10 used to boot was after turning on the computer it would go through the bios screen and then a screen would come up and list both operating systems, Windows Xp and Ubuntu. XP would be highlighted and would normally boot if I did not change the highlighted area. If I changed the highlighted area to Ubuntu it would boot into Ubuntu 9.10. Now after doing the upgrade, it gets to the same screen with the two operating systems listed.

When I change the highlighted to Ubuntu an error message is briefly displayed and then it goes back to the screen that lists both operating systems. I think the error message says something like couldn't find Ubuntu, or something similiar to that. Windows XP runs fine when I highlight Windows XP in that first screen, but I want to be able to run Ubuntu. I have Ubuntu on a secondary drive, but shouldn't it have rewritten the upgraded files on that same drive that had 9.10 on it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 And Now Win Xp Won't Boot

Jun 24, 2010

i just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now i cant get win xp to boot. win xp will show up on the grub list but when i select it all i get is a blank screen with a cursor flashing in the top left corner. i dunno whats happend, i have never had many problems with dual boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 LTS, Now Won't Boot?

Feb 18, 2011

So I was on 8.04, and I decided to hit the upgrade button on the gui to upgrade to 10.04. Well the upgrade went fine and all...until I rebooted. Now I get this

Starting up .
mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device
udevd[984]: error getting socket: Invalid argument
error initializing netlink socket
udevd[984]: error initializing netlink socket


I found some other posts and tried adding the rootdelay=35 and acpi=off but those did not fix it. This is a virtual machine running on VMWare ESXi 4.1.

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded 2.6.35-28 Doesn't Boot?

Apr 27, 2011

When "sudo apt-get upgrade" said packages have been kept back, used "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade."Obtained grub prompt on restart; purged and reinstalled grub using the chroot method. This has become customarily necessary after certain system-wide changes (see my other threads) but I still don't know why. But it's not the main subject of this thread.On restart obtained message saying kernel and fallback failed to load. Restarted and used shift to select 2.6.35-25 (3rd on the list) to load.I inferred that 2.6.35-28 is at fault since the recent upgrade mentioned kernel generic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 10.10 To 11.04 And Now Can't Boot?

May 17, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 via the update manager and somehow in the middle of it, the package failed. And so I carried on using the ubuntu, rebooted and now the disk is not ready and cannot mount. Press S to skip or M for manual recovery. Skip does nothing, only can use manual recovery.I tried everything from the ubuntu forums & google from other people who had the same problem. The problem is my root terminal on manual recovery doesn't have networking.Only can use liveCD which I still can't connect to the internet because I use wlan0 from ndiswrapper.

I am a dual booter of Ubuntu 10.10 on one partition and Windows XP on other. I edited the grub to boot those. One HDD is partitioned into 2 drives so one partition holds XP and the other partition is a "translator" that holds files which both ubuntu and XP can access. (don't ask me why, I cleaned the dust off my PC recently after 3 years )My outputs are:


title LINUX - Ubuntu 10.10 - kernel 2.6.35-28-generic
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-28-generic root=UUID=85de06c5-cf3e-46b8-8c14-2c217be8dd9d ro vga=0x317 splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-28-generic[code]....

- I commented the UUIDs, that doesn't work.

- I tried remounting it, no effect.

- I fsck'ed it, no effect.

- I booted using LiveCD but cannot connect to the internet due to wireless.

- Cannot apt-get update & upgrade due to no internet.

That's all I remember cos I basically tried alot different ways and cannot get it to boot.I am thinking of formatting the mess and start all over again but I don't really want to do that because it is a good system, just that the grub file and fstab is kinda cluttered.

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Server :: Having A Query Regarding Top And Virtual Memory - VIRT Mem More Than Actual Available VIRT Memory

May 4, 2010

I have a query regarding top & virtual memory. When we run top it show VIRT (Virtual Mem), RES (Resident Mem) & SHR (Shared Memory). The total virtual memory of my machine is 4 GBs (2 GB RAM + 2 GB Swap), but still I am able to see a process showing 4000m virtual memory column. what it means, as its show VIRT Mem more than actual available VIRT memory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 2.6.31-19 Kernel And Will Not Boot

Feb 5, 2010

This the second time it has happened after the security upgrade to kernel 2.6.31-19 with a clean shut down it goes into the grub menu and will not boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded 10.04 To 10.10, Unable To Boot Normally?

Oct 10, 2010

I had upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 (which had worked fine) to 10.10 and now if I try to boot normally, I see the "Ubuntu 10.10" text and startup meter... thing for only about a second, then it becomes a pure purple screen and all disk activity stops. I can still boot through Recovery mode with a failsafe X session and Windows (my other OS) can still boot. Along with that my desktop wallpaper is completely white. My PC is an Acer Aspire 4530-6823 with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 QL-62 dual-core processor clocked at 2GHz, a NVIDIA GeForce 9100M G and has a dual-boot between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 set up

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded System To 10.10 - Does Not Boot Into New Kernel

Jan 8, 2011

I upgraded a PC from 10.04.1 to 10.10 and it will not boot into the new kernel. Because the system started as Ubuntu 7.10, it is using Grub 1.

It gets to the point where it displays "Starting up..." then displays a flashing cursor at the upper left of the screen, it does nothing further.

Yet it will boot into the previous kernel from the 10.04.1 installation, but X will crash if I login using the XFCE desktop, yet it will log into LXDE without a problem.

Is this a known issue (not booting up with new kernel)?

The CPU is an AMD Athlon 32-bit which does have CMOV (per cat /proc/cpuinfo). I have also manually run various apt-get commands to upgrade/update everything, no change resulted.

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Debian Installation :: Upgraded To Jessie 8.2 Now Boot Hangs

Dec 4, 2015

I had Debian 7.9 up and running like a charm until yesterday. Today I did the upgrade to 8.2, now boot hangs. I see 3 boot entries for the new kernel now -

Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (sysvinit)
Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (recovery mode)

The latter 2 entries have no problem booting up. So do the previous kernel( entries. Only the first one hangs, for which I see these 6 lines on the console:

[ 0.214704] pnp 00:04: can't evaluate _CRS: 12298
Loading, please wait...
fsck from util-linux 2.25.2
/dev/mapper/myhost-root: clean, 198627/61000000 files, 2160052/24412 blocks
[ 0.047141] kvm: disabled by bios
[ 0.000985] kvm: disabled by bios

How can I make it boot up like others?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded 9.04 To 9.10 Now How To Remove 9.04 And Dual-boot

Jan 16, 2010

I have both 9.04 & 9.10 installed & running with a dual-boot...now I want to remove 9.04 and go to a single-boot of 9.10...how do I do this? I want to reclaim my disk space from the old OS as well...to make matters alittle messier, 9.10 was installed first...then after encountering trouble I installed 9.04 to see if it solved my problem...when I figured out how to solve problem it worked same on both releases...so I now want to remove 9.04 and stay with 9.10...but I don't want the uninstall of 9.04 to impact the 9.10 install...I would also like to adjust the partitions so that I can use all of the disk for 9.10 (including that which was used for 9.04 and it's swap file)..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.4 Now Get Get Keyring Password Box At Boot?

May 9, 2010

For some reason after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.4 I now at boot get the password box for unlocking the keyring. It does not seem to make any difference to the computer if I put the correct password in, junk or just cancel. Everything still works as it did before. So how do I turn it off, it's not doing anything from what I can see.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded Now Can't Boot Windows From Grub?

May 20, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 but now i can't boot windows 7 from the grub. what can i do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 8.04LTS 10.04.1LTS , Now I Can't Boot.

Aug 28, 2010

I just upgraded my server, and now I am stuck at "Kernel panic- not synching: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" I have read other suggestions about booting to previous kernels to reinstall latest kernel, but that doesn't work since I can't boot to any kernel. How can I fix this with the restore cd or from grub2 command line. Reinstalling is not an option as I have lots of configurations that I don't want to lose.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 11.04 Cant Boot Previous Install?

May 24, 2011

I updated to new ubuntu with the selection to leave the previous version untouched... At boot I try to log into previous version and all I get is 11.04... I dont like the new Ubuntu and I want to uninstall but how?

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Software :: Upgraded From Ubuntu 9.10 To 10.04 - Computer Doesn't Boot

Jul 10, 2010

One hour ago I had a nice computer running Ubuntu 9.10 and I ran the update manager and clicked on update to 10.04 LTS distrubution. Now the computer wont boot! I get this message:

init: plymouth main process (3083) killed by SEGV signal
init: plymouth-splash main process (477) terminated with status 2

... and after that nothing happens unless I hit Ctrl-alt-delete. the rest of my family is lining up for a chance to punch me. Yes, I have googled around and I see that I'm not alone about this but how the heck can I get the computer working again? I have a rescue partition so I can boot up another installation on the same machine

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded To 10.04 From 9.10 Without Server?

Apr 30, 2010

I want to upgrade without using the on screen updates. Can I do this from the iso?

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded - Dual Boot To Vista No Longer Working

Apr 29, 2010

I upgraded today to 10.04, everything went fine and was working fine. I went to boot back into Vista via grub2. I immediatly get the PXE-E61 Media Test Failure, check cable PXE-M0F Exiting PXE ROM

I first checked my boot order, and lan is very last. Also, through Ubuntu I can view everything on the hard drive so it is not that. I think it may have to do with during the update process, it asked about grub2 update preferences and asked about different drives and such (I am not exactly sure what it was called). I didn't select all of the choices, and I believe this may be the cause, as this was the only thing I had control of that I could have screwed up.

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded From Maverick To The Natty Beta - Unable To Boot

Apr 8, 2011

I upgraded from Maverick to the Natty beta a little while ago. It all worked fine for a couple of weeks. Then, this morning, I was unable to boot. I got to GRUB, picked the first option and it went to the Ubuntu 11.04 with the dots, then returned this:

fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/dev/sdb2: clean, 330122/2170880 files, 7302496/8683520 blocks
init: udevtrigger main process (367) terminated with status 1
init: udevtrigger post-stop process (372) terminated with status 1
init: udevmonitor main process (366) killed by TERM signal


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