Fedora :: Netbeans Has Bad Fonts In Kde4

Nov 28, 2009

I want to improve the ugly fonts in netbeans 6.7.1 on Fedora 12. I tried adding this to the start options:

--laf com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel

via the netbeans.conf

from some posted hints on the internet but it doesn't seem to help. I'm using the latest KDE4 (4.3.3-3) on Fedora 12 and openjdk

$> java -version
java version "1.6.0_0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6) (fedora-33.b16.fc12-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode) .


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General :: Netbeans 6.8 On Ubuntu 10.04 - Add Php To Netbeans And When Type Gksu Netbeans - Open Without Php Editor

May 23, 2010

Netbeans 6.8 Ubuntu 10.04: I add php to netbeans and when I type $ gksu netbeans its open netbeans without php editor. Only when I type $ sudo netbeans its open it properly

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Netbeans Via Synaptic But When Click 'NetBeans' It Doesn't Open

Mar 24, 2010

Installed netbeans via synaptic but when I click 'NetBeans' it doesn't open... no error nothing

Tried running 'netbeans' in terminal and it's the same!

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Software :: Error In File "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfontview.desktop": "fonts/package" Is An Invalid MIME Type

Oct 5, 2010

attempting to install VLC I get the following errors;

Error in file "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfontview.desktop": "fonts/package" is an invalid MIME type ("fonts" is an unregistered media type)
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/gnome-nautilus-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent)
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/gnome-nautilus-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/normal" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent)

Thoughts or suggestions on how to fix this. I running Fedora 13 and I used 'yum install vlc' to install the app.

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Fedora :: OpenOffice Installation - Dejavu-serif-fonts Conflicts With Dejavu-fonts

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to install the open office suite using Add/Remove Software. It however give the following error:


dejavu-serif-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts

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Fedora :: 12 Netbeans IDE Very Slow?

Apr 28, 2010

i installed Netbeans on Fedora 12 (Gnome - 64bit) and its very slow. I get same poor performance with OpenJRE and SunJRE. My pc specs are : HD3870 ATI, AMD x2 5000+ @ 3.2ghz, 3gb DDR2 800++mhz RAM.

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Fedora :: How To Uninstall Netbeans IDE

May 28, 2010

I used Netbeans IDE 6.8, then I updated, it error. Now I want to uninstall it, before reinstall it. Now,How to uninstall?

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General :: How To Remove NetBeans IDE From Fedora 15

Sep 8, 2011

I have two version of NetBeans installed in Fedora 15. I am unable to open them for the past three days.I would like to remove the existing ones completely but they were not installed via yum. How do I remove them?I tried the following, but in Gnome 3 if I type NetBeans it still shows two icons.

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Fedora :: Missing Packages In Netbeans After Upgrade From F11 To F13?

Jun 21, 2010

I upgraded from fedora 11 to fedora 13 which upgraded Netbeans from 6.5 to 6.8. Now 6.8 complains that package javax.persistence does not exist. Is this a fedora problem or a Netbeans problem? I've looked in the netbeans forums and can't find any discussion of this.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Wrong After Installing Truetype Fonts / Why Is So?

Jan 15, 2010

I just finished installing a bunch of truetype fonts. After installing them, firefox is displaying "bradybunch" font when I search google.

The font settings are all serif and sans serif in both the system fonts settings and firefox settings.

I am using ubuntu 9.10.

Any idea why this could be happening?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Fonts In The Fonts Dropdown Menu In Oo Writer

Oct 14, 2010

I would like to use the Adobe Garamond Pro in my text doccument in open office writer. I got a text document where from a friend where it is used so I know that it can. But when I want to edit I cant find it in the fonts dropdown menu.

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Ubuntu :: Over 1500 Fonts - Move Them To My /usr/share/fonts Folder

Jul 3, 2011

I have a folder with over 1500 fonts, I would like to move them to my /usr/share/fonts folder so that they can be used. Some are from Windows, some are just random extras. I've installed the msttcorefonts, but there are quite a few missing that make some wen pages look different.

How can I go about putting the fonts from my folder, into the appropriate /usr/share/fonts folder to be used? And how can I move them all? I can't drag and drop them, and mv FONT_NAME /usr/share/fonts for all of them will take a month or two. Is there a way to elevate my self to be able to just drag and drop them all? And which folder would they need to go into for them to be used in Chrome and Firefox?

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OpenSUSE :: 3.2 Fonts Get Loaded To /usr/local/share/fonts?

Feb 23, 2010

I have just installed openSUSE 11.2 X86_64 on my laptop, I then used KDE to install lots of type 1 fonts for my printer. These get loaded to /usr/local/share/fonts/...These installed fonts are visible to KDE (KWRITE) and GIMP so I assume that the installation was O.K. When I start openOFFICE writer I do not see these fonts. The font selection appears to be the fonts located under /usr/share/fonts. I have not tried other ooo3 components. I assume that they are not going to see the fonts either.

I have searched google and it appears that /usr/local/share/fonts is the correct location for non-packaged fonts. Has anybody any idea what is wrong? I think I could move all the fonts to /usr/share/fonts and ooo3 would work but this seems to break the installation directory structure. I have considered symlinks but I don't like the idea of defining a font twice to Linux and creating the syslinks is more work than reinstalling the fonts if they are lost

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Fedora :: How To Set Wallpaper In KDE4.4

Mar 22, 2010

Just installed KDE4.4 from a Fedora 12 Gnome installation and can't see anything when I right click on the desktop, no cashew either.

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Fedora :: Kde4 Appearance Settings Is Gone?

Mar 2, 2010

I just upgrade kde4 in fedora 12 and the right click option for "appearance settings" is gone!

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Ubuntu :: Set All The Fonts To In 11.04 To Make Them Look More Like W7 Fonts?

Jul 3, 2011

1. What do I need to set all the fonts to in 11.04 to make them look more like W7 fonts?2. Is there a way I can improve the graphics in WINE? Some very simple games run slow. Is there a way I can change the cursors in wine.

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Fedora :: Where Are The Kmail Folders Stored In KDE4

Aug 12, 2009

I will be re-installing Fedora and want to back up my mail files. I can't find the kmail files on Fedora 11 KDE4

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Fedora Security :: Install F12 On With Only KDE4 And No GNOME?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a 2nd laptop that i want to install F12 on with only KDE4 and no GNOME. How do you control SELinux from KDE4 with no help from GNOME???

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Fedora :: Different Color Schemes For Each Activity In KDE4?

Jan 2, 2010

I would like to have normal colors for my "main" activity and very dark, lower-contrast colors for my "programming" activity (darker colors, ect. are easier on the eyes).

I thought this would be possible with (and was part of the point of) KDE4's activities. Is it?

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Fedora Installation :: Change Theme In KDE4?

Mar 2, 2010

I used to be able to right click the desktop and then there would be an option to change themes. After I updated KDE that is now gone Does anyone know how to change KDE themes now?

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Fedora :: KDE4.5 Aborts During Login On Fc14?

Feb 16, 2011

Ever since I have upgraded form fc 11 to 14, I cannot login using the KDE desktop, I am forced to use gnome. The problem with that is that KDE apps are not running well, slow and often crashing, when I try to use them under gnome.


1. Attempting to log in as any user with either KDE or KDE failsafe selected brings up the KDE splash screen, the hard drive icon, and occasionally the wrench icon.. a long pause and then back to the login screen.

2. I have these problem described in other Linux forums and have attempted to implement their recommendations

2.1 Deleted the .kde and other directories associated with KDE, reinstalled KDE.
2.2 Checked the permissions on all the requisite files and directories to ensure that they were good.
2.4 Looked through endless log files for ANY clues.. none

3. KDE applications, like ocular, take about a minute to start up, respond very slowly and eventually stop responding. Gnome applications work normally.

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Fedora :: KDE4 Forgets Screen Resolution After Log Out?

Feb 14, 2010

I am using Fedora 12 with KDE4 and when I logged in to my KDE desktop for the first time, the screen resolution was 2048x1536, which was unusable for me. Therefore I set the screen resolution to 1280x1024 through the System Settings > Display in KDE4. However, whenever I log out and back in, the resolution falls back to 2048x1536. When I go to System Settings > Display to set it right, as soon as I click the Display button in System Settings, before changing any resolution, the screen falls back to the 1280x1024 setting

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot Into KDE4 - Reading From CD ROM Drive

Jun 22, 2009

I just downloaded the Fedora11 LiveCD and booted it......it boots, but when it starts to load KDE, it takes a very long time, and it never ends. It just keeps on reading from the CD-ROM drive. I can see the GUI is loading, but the loading time is so long that the mouse sometimes freezes. My Config is 512MB of RAM and 2 IDE Hard Disks. Also note that I verified the image with SHA256, and even burnt the CD at two different speeds, one at 48X and the other at 16X. Still nothing. There has also been severe kernel panics on EXT4.

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Fedora :: [F11 KDE4] Gtk-Qt Theme Engine Errors In Firefox 3.5

Aug 27, 2009

I'm using F11 KDE 4.3** and I'm getting display errors in Firefox 3.5's widgets when I set Gtk apps' themes to match KDE's by using the Gtk-Qt theme engine. Has anyone else experienced this issue (detailed in the following screenshot)

As you can clearly see things look like crap. Any way to make things less crappy?

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Fedora :: Change Colors In KDE4 Apps In Gnome?

Jun 28, 2010

fedora 13, Gnome, with the exception of Kdenlive... I need to change to match my gnome theme... I work in a dark environment so I use a dark theme... nearly impossible to use kdenlive as is...

If I remember correctly there was a utility in KDE to make gnome apps look nice, but can't find anything like that for gnome, can't find kcontrol in safe repos for some reason, maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing

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Fedora :: 13 Kde4.4 Panel Mouseover/nvidia Composite ?

Jul 2, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 and though I'd give kde4.4 a try and see how it is. So far I'm liking it however I've got a couple problems with kde.

First off, I cant enable desktop effects (I don't seem to be only one with the problem, though I havn't found a fix yet).

Secondly, when I mouse-over an item on the panel, a piece of a window on the opposite side of the screen from the panel 'vanishes'. This isn't very easy to explain so I've attached a screenshot. My mouse is over the clock on the top right. I had this bug on an earlier version of kde4 some time ago, hoped it was fixed .

The nvidia drivers are installed (from rpmfusion), working (I can play games and glxinfo reports direct rendering etc) and don't throw any errors - the composite extension is loaded.
Below are some system specs and details:
Vid: GeForce GTX 260M

Kernel module:
lsmod | grep nvidia
nvidia 10823576 30
i2c_core 24507 2 videodev,nvidia

I've also attached the Xorg log and the xorg.conf file.

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Fedora Hardware :: Installed 13 With KDE4 And Screen Flickers?

Jul 4, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 with KDE4 and my screen flickers! I have already read section 5.1 of [URL] but am unsure about how to carry out the suggestions. For instance how do I add "nomodeset" as a kernel parameter? I do not even know whether this is the proper solution.

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Fedora :: KDE4 The 'run Command' Dialog Box (ALT-F2) Crashes Pretty Often?

Aug 14, 2010

Running Fedora 13 with KDE4 the 'run command' dialog box (ALT-F2) crashes pretty often. Sometimes it just hangs for several seconds. I'm running a pretty standard from DVD setup here with only the NetworkManager and knetworkmanager updated from the Updates repository. It's company policy that we try to stick to the DVD as much as possible without any updates, it helps us to keep our laptops in a well-defined state and avoid conversations like "why is package abc on laptop a version 1.512.5501a5 but 1.512.5502b1 on laptop b?".The question is simple:Does anyone know what KDE package that run command dialog box is part of? I'd like to update only that one particular package to get this problem solved, updating the entire system is not an option.

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Fedora :: Uninstall 81 Packages To Install Qt-devel Into KDE4.x?

May 23, 2011

I was trying to compile a new (stable) kernel and got an error when I tried "make xconfi packages and uninstalling 81 packages (will attatch pix once home). I'm using Fedora14 with KDE packages and uninstalling 81 packages. I'm using Fedora14 with KDE so much stuff to get qt-devel?

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Fedora Hardware :: Touchpad Doesn't Work In Kde4?

Aug 16, 2011

lastnight i set kde4 in my dell laptop and touchpad doesn't work.

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