OpenSUSE :: 3.2 Fonts Get Loaded To /usr/local/share/fonts?
Feb 23, 2010
I have just installed openSUSE 11.2 X86_64 on my laptop, I then used KDE to install lots of type 1 fonts for my printer. These get loaded to /usr/local/share/fonts/...These installed fonts are visible to KDE (KWRITE) and GIMP so I assume that the installation was O.K. When I start openOFFICE writer I do not see these fonts. The font selection appears to be the fonts located under /usr/share/fonts. I have not tried other ooo3 components. I assume that they are not going to see the fonts either.
I have searched google and it appears that /usr/local/share/fonts is the correct location for non-packaged fonts. Has anybody any idea what is wrong? I think I could move all the fonts to /usr/share/fonts and ooo3 would work but this seems to break the installation directory structure. I have considered symlinks but I don't like the idea of defining a font twice to Linux and creating the syslinks is more work than reinstalling the fonts if they are lost
I have a folder with over 1500 fonts, I would like to move them to my /usr/share/fonts folder so that they can be used. Some are from Windows, some are just random extras. I've installed the msttcorefonts, but there are quite a few missing that make some wen pages look different.
How can I go about putting the fonts from my folder, into the appropriate /usr/share/fonts folder to be used? And how can I move them all? I can't drag and drop them, and mv FONT_NAME /usr/share/fonts for all of them will take a month or two. Is there a way to elevate my self to be able to just drag and drop them all? And which folder would they need to go into for them to be used in Chrome and Firefox?
I would like to use the Adobe Garamond Pro in my text doccument in open office writer. I got a text document where from a friend where it is used so I know that it can. But when I want to edit I cant find it in the fonts dropdown menu.
When I install I never select language support other than English, yet the system gets loaded with a bunch of fonts and input methods for various Eastern languages and I spend time taking them out.Why are they getting installed at all?
1. What do I need to set all the fonts to in 11.04 to make them look more like W7 fonts?2. Is there a way I can improve the graphics in WINE? Some very simple games run slow. Is there a way I can change the cursors in wine.
I have used /etc/fonts/local.conf to control how the fonts looks like in my laptop, which runs a Gentoo. In particular, I don't want anti-aliasing. I copied the file to my Debian desktop, but it seems the file doesn't take effect, even after reboot. Do I need to do something else to make it take effect?
I'm trying to use the windows fonts on my linux machine. I've found a nice tutorial which suggests to change the dpi to 96x96 (windows default).
It seems that i'm not able to change the dpi. I've tried with sax2 => no luck. Manually editing the xorg.conf file => no luck. My dpi remain always the same. I've logged out even rebooted. Same.
# xdpyinfo | grep dimen dimensions: 1600x900 pixels (443x249 millimeters) # xdpyinfo | grep resol resolution: 92x92 dots per inch
I've changed the dimensions to 423x238 mm. I should get a 96x96 dpi with these but no. After restarting, xdpyinfo shows the same old settings.
I'm new with linux. I don't know how to install fonts. In fact I just know how to shut it down. I'm completely new in this, but I want to Know. Step by step. I hope my ignorance don't angry you I'm really excited whit this new OS. win sucks. How can I install new fonts in my new openSuSE 11.2?
I have used a patched Cairo in 11.2 from Packman and the fonts were excellent. Now I upgraded to 11.3 and installed freetype from subpixel repo. While I have good fonts in Qt now, in Gnome still they are bad. There is no patched Cairo in Packman for 11.3 Installing the patched Cairo for 11.2 from Packman and from Ubuntu-patch project did not help
Got a problem with fonts in 'Konsole'-windows. 'Bold' fonts are being cut off at the last letter. Sometimes only half the letter is visible, sometimes the letter is completely invisible. No problems with fonts in xterm. Set the standards in '/etc/DIR_COLORS', but the problem still exists in (for example):
- man-pages (headings) - perldoc (headings) - vi (infos at bottom, like -- INSERT --) - ...
Is there a solution to turn off bold fonts in Konsole completely? Would be my favourite! I'm using OpenSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4 "release 2"...
I have OpenSuse 11.3/64 with OpenOffice and want to use some additional (ttf) fonts. They install fine in KDE (configur desktop / fonts ) and are available in progs like Gimp. But Open Office doesn't recognize the new installed fonts. What am I missing here?
I have been noticing that openSUSE and many other Linux distributions are not rendering fonts as the way they should be. The fonts are rather fuzzy. I wish it was lot a crispier as like in Windows or Mac. Is there any solution to that?
I am using openSuse 11.4 with KDE. For viewing this page in Firefox Standard Tibetan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I see the blocks instead of actual characters. Which fonts should I install to see this page?
I'm trying to achieve in Ubuntu the same fonts rendering like in openSUSE, which has the best configuration. [ubuntu] Font rendering on some websites.. - Ubuntu Forums. Also Fedora has the same problem like Ubuntu. Fonts are too wide and big, but only on some websites. How to reconfigure fonts to have proper size?
opensuse v11.2 The Gnome help describes how to install fonts: copy the font files to </usr/share/fonts>. I have some Type1 fonts with PFB, PFM, AFM and sometimes INF face files. The only ones I see in the <Type1> directory are AFM and PFA. Which font files does Gnome actually require? Is a PFA needed? Are the font files moved/deleted from </usr/share/fonts/> after installation? Is there a more obvious way to install fonts in Gnome?
Although they are installed in /usr/share/fonts/misc, correctly scaled and aliased, jmk Neep bitmap fonts produce garbage in KDE konsole (available in the font list but obviously not found). They work great in Gnome, XFCE and any other X terminal (except maybe LXDE terminal !?). They are OK in openSUSE 11.2 and other Linux distros (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc).
I installed texLive2009 from the repository, with extra-fonts, arabic and Hebrew package, xetex and culmus. When I try to run latex (or pdflatex or xetex) I get an error message about missing Hebrew fonts jerus10 and deads10.
Not sure if the font by Default in opensuse 11.4 is intended to look "thin" but I want to make it look "standard" I tried setting changing the settings in the fonts menu but its not what I was searching for. How do I make the system font more "round and smooth". If anyone has tried the distro Ubuntu or Fedora, the font is more "plain."
I'm running openSUSE 11.4 in KDE and Gnome. To me it looks like Gnome has more or less correct font rendering. At least for what I can see the fonts look good. The problem is in KDE, I tried about every tutorial I could find to make the fonts look good but still it's not like it is shown in Windows. In windows the fonts are crystal clear and sharp. In KDE it looks like I'm working on a prehistoric system. Why do the fonts look really impressive during the installation of opensuse in Yast and ugly after the installation? Is there a way to make the font rendering in KDE look like Windows 7 or Vista?
I'm getting this weird behavior when I have Desktop Effects enabled. When it is on, it's like there are two or three vertical and horizontal lines running across my screen that distort any of certain font characters that are under them. In some cases these characters are trimmed slightly, in others they have an odd skew to them, and in still others the letters are completely removed/missing/invisible. With Desktop Effects disabled, everything appears as normal. I have attached a screenshot in which you can see there are at least three letters missing from the left side (Desktop Effects enabled) and not from the right side (Desktop Effects disabled). There is a missing 'l,' a trimmed 't,' and a distorted 'p.' I'm on a one-week-old 11.4 install with nVidia drivers installed from that repo.
As far as I can tell, Desktop Effects works with few other issues, although there are some aggravating ones (having to click task tray items multiple times to get a response, multiple windows highlighted in the menu bar as though they all had focus, etc) that I will look into once I get this one key issue taken care of.If any other diagnostic information might be useful, please let me know and I will provide ASAP.
I have installed Netbeans IDE on my Netbook and on my PC (openSUSE 11.4 32 bit and openSUSE 11.4 64 bit). On both has the UI a ugly font. I don't really know how to change it. I already searched the web but I couldn't find anything related. Have a look how it looks like:
Uploaded with And then the "original": [URL]. OK, this picture is already 3 years old but I don't think that Oracle would change Netbeans UI font to look creepy. How I can change it to normal?
Has anyone tried the cool font that comes default in Ubuntu 10.10 on openSUSE 11.3? Although I hate Ubuntu, I loved the font and the interface is really clean.
When installing OpenSUSE 11.4 32 bits (NET-installation) no MS True Type Fonts were installed during the additional online update. They weren't just there. So for instance LibreOffice is unusable for me. How do I still get them?