Fedora Servers :: Why Can't Use "pidof" In Crond Service

Nov 18, 2009

I have a computer with linux playing a movie in loop. And I want to stop playing movie in 22:00 . I wrote something like this in my script :

please note that the space in the command .

And what puzzled me is that I can succeed in running it in command line, but fail in crond service . I always get this warning: pidof : coomand not found.

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Fedora :: Crond Not Working - File Disappeared?

Sep 7, 2009

I recently went to make a change to crontab (crontab -e) but by mistake typed crontab -r. My crontab file disappeared - no problem just recreate I thought.

After recreating it with 30 22 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now

I though all would work and my server would shut down. Even though crond is running it did not work

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Ubuntu Servers :: Perform An Action Before A Service Starts And After A Service Stops

Sep 10, 2010

I am running Server 10. I have a requirement to perform an action before the MySQL service starts, and perform another action after MySQL service stops.

I found the init script for MySQL under /etc/init/mysql.conf. I added my thing to the pre-start script there and works fine.

I am having trouble finding the script that stops the server so I can modify.

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Fedora Servers :: Service Is Being Refreshed Right Now

Jun 6, 2010

I have a fresh new F13 installation and I am not linux expert, I need to test Fedora for some reasons. When I try to start HTTPD or vncserver services, status display as "This service is being refreshed right now", it keeps like this for a long moment. Closing and reopening services applet, I notice that both services are stopped. I googled about apache, the 1st thing I understood is to search error_log, opened it in gedit, nothing is written in this file.

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Fedora Servers :: Service X Does Not Support Chkconfig?

Jan 9, 2009

I found and modified the following file. It starts JBoss just fine. However, chkconfig refuses to --add it - saying the file doesn't support it.

its in /etc/init.d, root:root, rwx,rx,r and the first few lines...

# chkconfig: 345 100 25
# description: JBoss App Server
# processname: jboss


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Fedora Servers :: FC10 Hangs On SMB Service?

Apr 16, 2009

I recently setup a file sharing server with FC10 running Samba...

I got it running perfectly and it ran great for a few weeks. I was working on the machine today and tried to reboot it and noticed that it was stuck on FC10's new boot screen. I pressed the esc key and saw that the boot process was stuck on the smb service...

I don't get any errors and the machine doesn't freeze up or anything, it just hangs on the smb service and won't continue with the boot...

Is there anyway that I can get the system to skip the smb service so that I can get into the system? I don't know what's changed or what's causing this sudden hang in the system at boot.

I tried the ubuntu live CD to attempt to go in and edit the /etc/rc5.d scripts to try and skip the smb service start but I am not sure where to look for it...

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Fedora Servers :: Openvpn Service Is Dead

Apr 12, 2010

i just installed Fedora 12, clean without anything change in it. I opened services dialog, and the openvpn service have status:dead, however it shows that it is enabled.when i try to run it as:/sbin/service openvpn start.It write OK. However if check it:/sbin/service openvpn status it write that service not running. What is a point of a problem? I have opened openvpn in FireWall,however without success, may be some additionsl services for openvpn are not running?

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Fedora Servers :: Named Service Not Shutting Down

Mar 31, 2011

I am running named as a caching name server (package bind-9.7.3-1.fc14.x86_64 with config files exactly as supplied), and sometimes it does not shut down cleanly when I shut down the machine.The script /etc/ init.d/named tries to issue a "stop" command with rndc and that seems to fail most of the time; then it next uses the function killproc (defined in /etc/init.d/functions) which fails sometimes.I've hacked the named service script for now so that error messages are not hidden, but there is nothing reported.

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Fedora Servers :: Service Httpd Restart - Broken In F11?

Jul 5, 2009

Has anyone noticed that when using NameVirtualHost's in apache that the service httpd restart command is broken?Also it seems system-config-bind has glitches too.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache 2.2.11 - Denial Of Service Vulnerability

Mar 12, 2010

I am using Nagios 3.2.4 tool with Nagios-Plugins-1.4.14 and on Red Hat Fedora Linux ver 10.1.The Apache version is 2.2.11. My security team has identified the following vulnerabilities with this version and they want me to find a fix.

1)Apache mod_proxy_ftp Module NULL Pointer Dereference Denial Of Service Vulnerability
2)Apache HTTP Server mod_proxy stream_reqbody_cl Function Denial of Service Vulnerability
3)Apache HTTP Server mod_deflate Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability
4)Apache APR and APR-util Multiple Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities

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Fedora Servers :: F15 Sendmail Service Not Starting On Boot-up?

May 29, 2011

Just upgraded to F15 and I cannot seem to get the sendmail service starting at boot time.It starts and works just fine by hand after boot, so there's nothing wrong with the sendmail
configuration itself."runlevel" shows a current run level of 5 and "chkconfig" shows sendmail on for run level 5.All the other mail service (mailman, clamd, etc.) start fine.Doing "service sendmail start" after boot gets everything up and running just fine, but itsure would be nice to have it run at boot like it used to

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Fedora Servers :: No Outgoing Mail - Service Unavailable

Aug 2, 2011

I am facing a problem with Linux fedora 9 mail server. I cant send any mails outside, since in log I found that
dsn= 5.0.0, stat = service unavailable

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Fedora Servers :: Upgrade From 10 To 11 Breaks Service Httpd Restart?

Mar 22, 2010

Alright, so I upgraded my old fedora 10 server to Fedora 11 with a netinstall CD, but now service httpd restart is broken. I already had to delete the old config file and reinstall apache, but now I can't restart it. I can kill it and then start it manually, but it never stops the running instance and fails to bind the port. I know it's because /var/run/httpd/htpd.pid is in the wrong place, which would be /var/run/httpd.pid, but do I have to make a symlink every time I want to restart it? I edited all the config files to point to the right place, but the system does not honor them. What do I do?

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Fedora Servers :: Internal Mail Service Setup With 7 PCs On Network?

Jul 27, 2010

I've 7 PC's on my network. I've to setup an internal mail service, to send mails inside the network. I've installed Fedora 12 on one machine and the rest run's on Windows XP. What all packages do I need? How can I configure it?

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Fedora Servers :: HTTPD Service Does Not Start - Could Not Bind To Address

Nov 17, 2010

I have one problem regarding my web server. When I am try to restart my httpd service it shows...

[root@localhost ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs [FAILED]
[root@localhost ~]#

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Fedora Servers :: NMB Service Fails On Boot, Needing To Be Restarted Manually?

Mar 30, 2009

I have the Samba server & users configured, I can access between Linux/Windows shares and both SMB & NMB services are set to be enabled at boot.Everything working.But when I restart the computer, I notice in services configuration that "This service is dead." for NMB. Therefore I have to enable it manually upon boot so that it works.I'm using Fedora 10, fresh installed and updated. I've noticed through search that others have had this issue as well throughout other versions of Fedora, yet I have not found a conclusive solution to this.

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Fedora Servers :: Error - Unit Sshd.service Entered Failed State

Aug 20, 2011

hi, first i'd like to say that i'm totally new to linux, i was allways using windows.

as i was allways unable to install a good and stable ssh-server on windows, i thought it is time to change to linux. i was able to set up and configure a ssh-server on debian but found out, that fedora 15 looks more userfriendly in first place for me. but now i unfortunately experience problems..

the ssh server was already installed, i changed the service setting to that it starts automatically but after i succesfully connected to the LAN, i cannot access the shh via putty for instance. when i type "service sshd status" it says beside other things: active (running). but when i look at the /var/log/messages, it says those two lines:

sshd.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255
Unit sshd.service entered failed state.

i searched on google without success, the only thing i found was that someone had the same problem with a bad sshd_config file, but i'm pretty sure that everything is alright with my config-file (i checked it several times).

beside this i cant login on the gui, after the firefox update (??) it always says: a problem has occured and the system can't recover bla bla... so i can only use fedora right now commandline-based.. but with this problem i will deal later on...

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CentOS 5 Server :: Crond Not Executing Script

Dec 5, 2009

I have a php script that i made to check if the internet is working and if not, it should execute a command that starts a service on my server (service jistarter start), and i want to run it every 3 minutes, so i added it to the crontab, this is how it looks:

The problem is that cron isn't executing it or something.. i don't know but the service it was intended to start, doesn't start.

The thing is that the script runs fine when i run it myself, in all the 3 methods it woks fine: "/usr/bin/php /srv/checkping.php" or "php /srv/checkping.php" or "/srv/checkping,php" (it has chmod 755):

This is the file:

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Shows Unrecognized Service After Restart Service Smb

Feb 28, 2010

i can smb in centos 5 and i run service smb restart, it shows :smb: unrecognized service..... i run rpm -qa |grep samba,it shows


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Programming :: How To Get Process ID Using Pidof

Jan 31, 2011

I tried to get process ID using pidof. It didn't give any error but a blank output at console Code: $ pidof -s instance1

But when I use ps -ef, I get the process ID Code: $ ps -ef | grep instance1
root 4174 21661 0 06:52 pts/1 00:00:00 grep instance1
provgw 30220 30219 28 06:46 pts/1 00:01:44 /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager


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Software :: Crond Not Starting Shell Based Apps / Sort This?

Nov 17, 2010

I tried using cron to start rtorrent. But I couldnt start it successfully. My crontab looks like this.

# m h dom mon dow command
40 22 17 11 * rtorrent
My cron is running properly. How could I start a new shell , so that rtorrent could run using cron.

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Fedora :: Start A Service Before Network Service?

Nov 6, 2010

I need to start a service before network service How to?

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Fedora Servers :: FDS - "service Dirsrv-admin Start" Hangs

Feb 3, 2009

The Fedora Directory Service LDAP database administration console was working okay until I rebooted the server.

- dirsrv starts okay
- but dirsrv-admin just freezes without any error messages.

How I should get started to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Pipe And Kill Pidof Output?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to kill a specific program with the kill -9 pid in a hole command. How do I pipe and kill the output from this command? pidof transmission |

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CentOS 5 :: Pidof: Invalid Options On Command Line?

Aug 19, 2009

when i show status ricci on centos5.3x86_64 #service ricci status pidof: invalid options on command line pidof: invalid options on command line p is stopped how can i fix that bug ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run A DNS Service Like ZoneEdit?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm interested in setting up and providing my own DNS services for public use. I have two separate server machines and can easily put an extra NIC card or two in any machine, if required. What would it take to create such a service like ZoneEdit or EveryDNS?

I know I'd probably need to register 2+ static IP addresses thru Comcast and open a whole host of ports on my router. How would I set this up in terms of software? Is BIND the right tool for the job with a control panel in Usermin/Webmin?

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Service After Update?

Mar 22, 2010

I just updated my server, (Ubuntu 8.04) and had to restart. Now I can no longer SSH into my Linux box or access my website from the internet. Apache is running and everything worked fine before the restart.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hostname Name Or Service Not Known

Jun 22, 2011

I am trying to set up a web server, i have put in a hostname.In terminal command: hostname shows 'promisedland, but hostname -F gives me name or service not known.How do I associate hostname properly, I have registered a hostname through DynDNS.I can access the page in my browser so I know it is there, I see the blank "u made it page".I just want to host a web server w/ a directory to my shared files (movies, music etc) that are on my server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Anyone Suggest Good Vps Service

Jan 1, 2010

Can anyone suggest a good vps service please!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run Software As A Service After Install?

Apr 27, 2010

Still a Linux noob here. I downloaded openssh and did a ./configure and a make install. How can I run openssh as a service? When I try /etc/init.d/ssh restart it doesn't work. It's installed in /etc/openssh.

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