Fedora :: Realplayer Not Showing ?

Apr 9, 2009

I am having problem i installed realplayer 11 using rpm .. running fedora 10 kde 4.2 well the problem is i click on realplayer it shows the realplayer tab on my task bar and after sometime its gone .. nothing comes !

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Fedora :: Realplayer Cannot See In Applications Menu ?

Aug 17, 2010

I just installed Realplayer but Why can i not see it in Applications menu ?

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Fedora :: Unable To Stream Ram Source With RealPlayer?

Nov 3, 2009

opening a ram stream with RealPlayerthe following:ALSA libpcm_dmix.c:1010:snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave,and no sound, on 99/100 connections. Has anybody the same problem? What can I do to solve it?[URL]

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Fedora :: Realplayer Gold 11 - Get Icon To Use The Application To Play Audio And Video

Jun 16, 2010

I installed the latest version of real player in F 12, however when i checked in the Application/sound list not able to get the icon of the real player,

When I tried to install again got confirmation as the application is already installed, nothing to do more.

How to get the icon and get to use the application to play audio and video

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OpenSUSE :: Not Able To Uninstall Realplayer

Jul 5, 2010

When i try to uninstall realplayer user softwre management module.It says that it cannot do so due to following reasons "Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: prerm called with unknown argument `0'error: %preun(realplay- scriptlet failed, exit status 1"

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Ubuntu :: Running RealPlayer 11 On X64?

Nov 12, 2010

I finally found a way to have real player 11 run on Ubuntu 10.10 x64.

Step 1: Download the RPM version of real player from [URL]

Step 2: right click on RealPlayer11GOLD.rpm and click extract here.

Step 3: in a terminal window navigate through the folders /opt/real/RealPlayer

Step 4: type in

sudo ./RealPlay.bin

Step5: now you can put this folder anywhere you want it to be and to assign it to your music files simply right click on the music file and tell it to open with RealPlay.bin.

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Software :: Install Realplayer In Redhat 5

Sep 4, 2010

need to install realplayer in redhat linux 5

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Fedora :: Evolution 2.32.2 - Not Showing Html Websites Showing Up In Email Like Venison Sending A Promo

Aug 7, 2011

Having one issue with evolution not showing html websites showing up in email like verizon sending a promo. I have gone to edit, preferences, mail preferences, html messages and have always load images from the internet chosen. I have also added sender to contacts. Even if I right click message and tell it to dload images it doesn't.

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Software :: USB Mounting Error In Ubuntu 7.10 / Showing Cant Mount When I Clicked Details Its Showing Bad Blocks?

Dec 12, 2008

I would like to know when usb inserted, its showing cant mount when i clicked details its showing bad blocks in beginning , and smething in /dev/sd6. Can i knw why usb drive cant be mounted automatically , even if its set to do so, and to cope the error mentioned above

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General :: Screen Not Showing On Laptop But Showing On Projector When Connected

Apr 18, 2011

When I try to connect a projector to my laptop (already running) and hit the fn+f7 (the designated button for switching screen), nothing happens. I see "no source found" on projector screen and my laptop screen works perfectly. Now if I restart the laptop with the projector connected, I see all the intial booting messages on the projector screen (not on my laptop), then the gnome login screen appears on both the projector screen and laptop (when the login screen appears on laptop it looks like it has lower resolution than my usual laptop resolution). But immediately after I log in, my laptop screen goes blank, and projector screen becomes the only active screen.

If I restart without the projector, again all normal operation on laptop screen is restored.

I feel like I am missing some very silly options. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the output of xrandr when the laptop is connected:


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Fedora Networking :: Samba Not Showing Symlinks Under Fedora 12

Mar 9, 2010

We recently upgraded our Samba server from Fedora 10 to Fedora 12. After the upgrade, when users connect to a Samba share from their Windows PCs, they can no longer see the symlinks in the share like they used to under Fedora 10.We are using the same smb.conf file as under Fedora 10, so I'm not sure what has changed.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Du Is Showing Wrong ?

Mar 24, 2009

I've got my data disk partition like this:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5 256G 74G 169G 31% /data

When i run the command du -hs * on /data it tells me I used 538GB. How is that possible? Is it possible to get the right amount?

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Fedora :: 9 - No Longer Showing GUI - Can't Log In

Aug 22, 2010

I was running fedora 9 on an HP pavilon and wanted to get my wirless card to work with b43, so i searched online for ways to to this and found the following: "Using the b43 driver If you need to use the b43 driver follow these steps to install the required firmware.

1. Download this file [URL]

2. Load up a terminal window if you are in the graphic interface.

3. Switch to the root user by entering the command "su -" (without the quotes) and typing in your root password

4. Extract the contents of the file you downloaded by typing the following: tar -xjvf /path/to/broadcom-wl- Replace the "path/to" section with the path to the file you downloaded.

5. We now need to use the b43-fwcutter tool. A standard Fedora installation already has this tool installed however if you don't have it type in the following: yum install b43-fwcutter

6. Now run the following:

b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware kmod/wl_apsta.o The above assumes you are in the directory that you extracted the downloaded file to.

7. Now type in following following:

echo "modprobe b43" >> /etc/rc.modules" chmod 755 /etc/rc.modules"8. Reboot your system and hopefully you will have functioning wireless." the full page can be found here: [URL] i tried the above steps and was only able to get as far as step 6 as b43-fwcutter wouldent extract the file, so after a few tries i gave up and restarted my computer. when the computer restarted i would get the following message:

Fedora release 9 (sulphur)
Kernel 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 on an i686 (tty1)

localhost login: however when i try to log in as root or any other user nothing happens, i type in the user name and do not recive a prompt for a pass, it then goes back to the above state. I do have data on the system and i wish to retrive it, so reformating is not realy an option.

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Fedora :: Minimize Not Showing ?

Oct 1, 2010

Running Fedora 13 with KDE Desktop. When I open a document and minimize it, It dose not show on the panel on the bottom. Therefore I can not re-open it, I have to open a new one. Now I have several minimized thinks in the panel and I can't close them.

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Fedora :: KDE Not Showing In Login Screen

Feb 19, 2011

I install Fedora 13 from live CD to harddrive. after that i install KDE desktop. It works properly but after 2-3 days when I open my linux box then only Gnome only come there is no KDE selection at login screen.

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Fedora :: Icons Not Showing On Desktop

Jun 13, 2011

Recently i have upgraded from Fedora 14 to 15 formating the system partition and reinstalling. Nearly evrithing was flawless, but when i copied my old home directory the images of some of the launchers i have on the desktop are invisible.I use kde 4 with the activity show folder running pointing to the desktop folder. The icons missing are windows programs installed with wine. I copied the icons from one installation to another. I also tried to manually set the icon copying it to a different location and modifying de .desktop.

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Fedora :: 15 Not Showing Correct CPU Temp?

Jul 12, 2011

I have got a Dell Latitude E6420 and I run Fedora 15 on it. Almost everything works fine except that I can not get correct CPU temperature with, for example, the sensors command.

When I run

lsmod | grep therm

I got nothing,

Also, when I run

locate thermal.ko

I also got nothing.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Wireless IP Not Showing Even Though Everything Looks Good

Feb 25, 2011

I don't see any IP even though eth1 seems to be up.

Here is some info:

Why I am not seeing any IP.

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Fedora :: GRUB Showing 2 Fedoras?

Jun 26, 2009

I installed fedora about a week back, and when I first started it, it told me that it had a kernel failure, and showed me a notification on the right hand bottom corner and asked me if I wanted to submit the report.
Recently, I started noticing that GRUB shows 2 fedoras and Other (which is XP)

This is what GRUB shows me:

Just now, it didnt boot into fedora saying it failed loading something, and I ran fsck, it showed 2 errors and fixed them , then I was able to get into fedora.

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Fedora :: Rhythmbox Not Showing In Notification Area?

Jul 28, 2009

The Rhythmbox package was updated via Yum recently (today for me, out of fedora-updates) and now no longer displays its icon in the notification area. The package for me (Fedora 11 x86-64) is versioned 0.12.3-1. Has anyone else seen this behavior

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Fedora :: 11 Clock Showing Local Time + 2h

Aug 10, 2009

Before my windows clock was at local time + 2h. Now my Win clock is ok but my F11 clock is at local time +2h. What happened?!

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Fedora Installation :: Hard Drive Not Showing Up?

Sep 19, 2009

I just bought a brand new hard drive, installed fedora with no errors. However when I try to click on the hard drive i get this errorunable to mount physical volume, not a mountable file system, ( I only have 1 hard drive and fedora boots up fine so its got to be working)I installed hardware browser and no hard drives come up

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Fedora :: Pc Not Showing In Windows > Entire Network?

Dec 6, 2009

As subject; none of my fedora machines appear in Windows' > Entire Network.I have installed SAMBA and started it; edited the config file:-

printing = cups


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Fedora :: All Of Wallpaper Not Showing - Hidden By Panel?

Feb 9, 2010

I downloaded a really nice wallpaper and stuck it on my desktop. However, not all of it is showing. Some of it is hidden by my panel. How do I get it to show all, yet still leave the panel untouched?

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Fedora :: Second Monitor Not Showing Proper Resolution?

Oct 1, 2010

It seems that whenever I boot my laptop (hp probook 6450b) without a monitor attached, then boot with a monitor later attached, the configuration gets all messed up.

Currently, if I boot with the monitor attached, right after the blue loading screen (at the login prompt) i get two black monitors and a mouse, with no login screen. Unplugging the monitor shows the login screen on the laptop.

If i boot without the monitor attached, log in, then plug it in, i see the following from xrandr:

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2390 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x 174mm
1366x768 59.6*+
1024x768 60.0


However, now when I reboot, all settings are lost, and if the monitor is attached, i get the black screen with a mouse at login.

I did notice that when I shutdown, it hangs on "Running guests on default URI", and i get a stack trace. It will keep dumping stack traces, and i have to hold down the power button to force it off.

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Fedora :: Add / Remove Programs Not Showing Packages

Dec 14, 2010

Why is Add/remove programs in Fedora 14 not working? It is not showing any packages. I am a newbie to Fedora. Also some basic tweaks that should be done immediately after installing fedora.

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Fedora :: OpenOffice Showing Some Weird Stuff

Feb 27, 2011

I was recently using OO-calc to try to organize some table-based data to clean it up (delete unneeded columns) before converting it to a database insert statement. While doing this, at one point, open office changed the grid width and height to being really small. I changed it back to normal, but now even the font is really small, but the font-size is set to 10 px. I can't figure out (a) what happened, and (b) how to put it back to normal. I'll attach 2 images to make it more clear about what it's actually doing...

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Fedora Installation :: KDE Not Showing Up As An Option At Log In Screen?

May 30, 2011

I have a standard F15 installation with Gnome 3 from the live CD. I got bored and decided to play with a few other WMs and DEs. I installed KDE-base, but KDE does not appear as an option at login. Is there something else I need to install? XFCE, Openbox, and Classic Gnome with Compiz all appear in the menu. KDE does not.

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Fedora :: Icons Are Not Showing Up Correctly In Various Places?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a strange problem, icons are not showing up correctly in various places, attaching some screens to better show the problem.

Anything I open that has a notification icon, just appears exactly the same, as you can see in one of the screens even hovering over certain things brings up that same icon...

Edit: After some searching I see it's an nvidia bug...

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Fedora :: Fonts Not Showing Up Correctly In Web Browsers

Jun 20, 2011

fonts not showing up correctly in web browsers and the likes, more specifically bold fonts. On some sites, these show up correctly, but on others, they don't. I have no idea what's causing this, as it seems to have happened without me doing anything (like, literally, I opened a terminal window, then went back to my browser (Chrome, but I suppose that doesn't matter, as it happens on all browsers) and the problem showed up. Note that these fonts used to show up just fine.

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