Fedora :: GRUB Showing 2 Fedoras?

Jun 26, 2009

I installed fedora about a week back, and when I first started it, it told me that it had a kernel failure, and showed me a notification on the right hand bottom corner and asked me if I wanted to submit the report.
Recently, I started noticing that GRUB shows 2 fedoras and Other (which is XP)

This is what GRUB shows me:

Just now, it didnt boot into fedora saying it failed loading something, and I ran fsck, it showed 2 errors and fixed them , then I was able to get into fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Showing Fedora Partition?

Dec 5, 2010

Why is Grub2 not displaying Fedora partition??I know fedora uses Grub legacy,whereas Lucid uses Grub2 and therefore i installed fedora 14 WITHOUT boot loader.

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Ubuntu :: Fedora Not Showing A Grub Menu

Jan 12, 2011

I have a computer that only runs ubuntu and have decided to put fedora on. I put fedora on the computer and made a new partition for it. When I turn the computer on, it logs straight into fedora not even showing me a grub menu. Is there some way that I can update grub so that it knows that ubuntu is also installed

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Fedora Installation :: Windows Not Showing Up In Grub Loader?

Mar 20, 2011

I installed Fedora 14 alongside windows, overwriting my old Ubuntu 10 partition. Unfortunately, now the GRUB loader only recognizes my Fedora partition and the built-in windows recovery utility partition. I checked the disc utility and my windows partition still definitely exists, I just can't seem to boot into it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Does Not Boot / Just Showing A Black Screen Written 'Grub'?

Feb 26, 2010

I've been running openSuse 11.2 for a while on my notebook.Today I turned it off at work and came home. When I tried to turn it on, it boots, shows a black screen written 'GRUB' and then NOTHING. It doesn't complete the boot process.

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Fedora :: Evolution 2.32.2 - Not Showing Html Websites Showing Up In Email Like Venison Sending A Promo

Aug 7, 2011

Having one issue with evolution not showing html websites showing up in email like verizon sending a promo. I have gone to edit, preferences, mail preferences, html messages and have always load images from the internet chosen. I have also added sender to contacts. Even if I right click message and tell it to dload images it doesn't.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Showing Windows 7?

Feb 11, 2010

I was foolishly messing around with Grub trying to get it so it only show my two most recent kernel versions of Ubuntu and Windows 7. The tutorials on how to do this were not clear, so I deemed it not a big deal and ultimately didn't end up making any changes. However when I restarted to boot into Windows 7 it was gone for Grub's boot list. I looked at the grub.cfg file and in it under os-prober, where i'm assuming Windows 7 should be there was only Vista (which wouldn't boot when I tried it, just a black screen). I had upgraded from Vista over the internet when Windows 7 first came out, then installed Ubuntu and it worked fine until this. I am using 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10, and have Grub 1.97 beta~4 installed, which was installed with Ubunutu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 64-bit 10.4 LTS Grub Not Showing Other OS?

Oct 13, 2010

I installed 64-bit 10.4 LTS side by side with CentOS, and after install done, grub only showing ubuntu.

I ran 'os-prober' and it detects my CentOS install. I ran 'update-grub' and it updates grub, but doesn't add CentOS. I thought that should do it. What did I miss?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Not Showing In Grub?

Oct 21, 2010

I Currently am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a hard drive with three partitions. One with Ubuntu, a Media partition (Music, Videos, pictures, etc.) and the last is my Windows 7 installation. I can acess all of these partitions in nautilus as well. However when I start up my computer it automaticly loads into Ubuntu and when I manage to see Grub I only see 3 Entries Which are the Ubuntu kernel, Ubuntu recovery Kernal and memtest86+. How do I make Grub recognise my Windows 7 Installation?

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General :: Showing Grub Error ?

May 12, 2010

Earlier i was using red hat on my laptop..then i installed windows 7...so grub is replaced bt windows boot loader....nw it is showing grub error...how to remove this grub error....so that both can work fine?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Not Showing Up In GRUB?

Nov 26, 2008

I just installed OpenSuSE 11 and after it was done installing and i rebooted, Windows doesn't show up on the boot screen I only get the default OpenSuSE and Fail Safe options.

All i know is that vista is on sda3 when i partitioned my drive. Here is my menu.lst entry for windows:

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows###
title windows
rootnoverify (hd0,8)
chainloader (hd0,0)+1

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Menu Showing Every Boot Up

Apr 28, 2010

I am working with a acer netbook that I originally had WinXP installed on. I downloaded Ubuntu 9.10, transferred the iso contents to a bootable USB drive and installed Ubuntu. I remember during the setup process that I made sure I chose the option to install on one partition. There is only one partition on my netbook with a small second partition as a swap.

After the installation process and reboot I noticed the grub menu would pop up every boot up giving the list of operating systems of which XP was included. I then ran the update manager and updated 9.10 with all updates. After rebooting the grub menu again showed but the option to choose XP was now gone.

Now everytime I boot up the grub menu shows. How can I modify grub so it will automatically just boot to the OS.

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Ubuntu :: New Kernel Not Showing In Grub Menu

Sep 2, 2010

Every time I update my kernel (today with 2.6.32-25-generic), I always have to manually run "sudo update-grub" or ells the new kernel does not show up on reboot??? Is there a config some place to get it back to automatic?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Is Showing Two OS's ?

Sep 12, 2010

I have dual-booted Windows XP and Ubuntu. Because Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have the required proprietary drivers for my system, I chose Ubuntu 8.04. The installation procedure went well, the drivers are there, everything's perfect but... there's a problem with the GRUB menu that appears just after launching my laptop.

When I first installed Ubuntu it showed Ubuntu (and some letters and numbers), another instance for recovery mode, some memory test lines (I guess there are two of them) and Windows XP.

But after I used the software updater in Ubuntu (to make it up-to-date), the grub bootloader shows two more lines - and those are the same as the first two - Ubuntu (with some letters and symbols) and Ubuntu recovery mode.

Why are those duplicates there? I've never installed another Ubuntu OS on my PC. Because at the moment I have two Ubuntu and two Ubuntu recovery mode lines .

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Not Showing 10.10 Install?

Nov 24, 2010

I have both 8.10 and 10.10 installed on my hard drive, but whenever I boot the GRUB (I believe it is GRUB Legacy not GRUB2) only shows 8.10. Is there any way to get it to see my newly-installed 10.10?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Legacy Not Showing New OS (10.10)

Dec 18, 2010

My laptop came with Vista and I added Linux Mint 6 (based on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) all is good for a year or so. Added Ubuntu 10.10 to my desktop, loved it, wanted to add it to my laptop...oops.

Installed the main version from a LiveCD, did the the easy multi-OS installation.

GRUB-0.97 is what boots my system though looking at boot script I do have GRUB2 somewhere.

Currently, my boot options are:

1. Mint 6

2. Mint 6 (recovered)

3. Mint 6

4. Mint 6 (recovered)

5. memtest 86+

Other operating systems

6. Vista/Longhorn loader

7. Vista/Longhorn loader

Sda7 is where Ubuntu should be installed. GPARTED says its ext3 file system and bootscript says ext4.

I did find the forum post on purging and installing GRUB2 though I'm not sure if that's what I need to do, or try to reinstall Ubuntu w/o also doing partition resizing at the same time.

The output from my bootscript:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #5 for /boot/grub/stage2 and /boot/grub/menu.lst.


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Ubuntu :: Kernel 2.6.38-1 Showing Up In 10.10 Grub Menu?

Mar 3, 2011

Last week i decided to give the 11.04 alpha 2 a go on my laptop but compiz is currently too unstable for the OS to be of any use so I reinstalled 10.10. In doing this I deleted all partitions and started completely afresh. Strangely since then I have kernel image 2.6.38-1 at the top of my grub menu but if i try to boot it i get either a single blinking cursor or a kernel freeze. I cant find any reason why 2.6.38-1 should be in grub on 10.10.

removing it from the config files as im not used to Grub2 and have been told i cant just directly remove it from /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

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General :: Installed Salix, Not Showing On GRUB?

Dec 19, 2010

Toshiba/Celeron/multibootI just installed Salix KDE. The install went well, afaIk...Salix does not appear on the grub, and I in fact have no way of knowing if it even exists on my machine. I have not checked anything via the console. I do not know how. All other OS's on the HDD are present on the grub, and are unaffected.I am running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS currently.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Boot Not Showing In Grub?

Jan 20, 2010

After shutting down linux the first time on suse 11.2 the grub loader won't show me the option to boot windows. I tried using wine and dosemulator to get to windows and it doesn't work because I don't know the file name to open windows.

Their are certain programs that I can only run in windows and I need windows open to install them.

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Ubuntu :: After Installing 10.10 Grub Loader Menu Not Showing

Oct 31, 2010

After installing Ubuntu 10.10 dual boot with Windows 7(not inside Windows 7) and restarting I come to a blank screen with a blinking underscore.I assume the GRUB boot loader is missing or i installed Grub in some other partitions. Now i unable to enter in to Windows 7 OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Not Showing Install After Upgrade?

Dec 6, 2010

At first I thought it was a fluke, but it happed on another computer I was a bit late in updating. I'm running 10.04 lucid 32 bit on both computers.

After running the update, everything ran fine. The script ran update-grub and everything seemed ok. However when I rebooted, my laptop booted into GRUB and only showed windows and the recovory partition. Desktop would boot strait into windows with no selection (I knew how to fix it for the desktop since it happed a few days later)

When it first happend on my laptop, I scrounged around trying to repair the OS list, but nothing worked. Eventualy running "grub-install" with the "--root-directory" option on a live CD fixed it.

I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I think I remember there being an update to GRUB when I ran the updater. The fix works, just a bit of a hassle, but I thought I would bring it to someone's attention in case it happens to them.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Grub Is Not Showing And Automatically Come Across The Login Screen

Dec 23, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 and it's working fine. The only problem I have is that grub is not showing and I automatically come across the login screen.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Windows 7 Not Showing Up Under Grub For Macbook Pro

Jan 23, 2011

I am trying to triple boot osx, win7 and ubuntu 10.10 on my macbook pro. This is the way I did it:

-Installed osx and created 2 partitions in disk utility, one for osx and another formated as dos fat to manually hybritized my drive and allow for windows installation (the new bootcamp is currently messed up, so can't do it that way).

-Installed win7 by bio booting the cd, and deleting the formatted partition (dos fat) and creating a new one via win installation.

-Installed ubuntu by bios booting the cd and creating its own partition in setup.

Now, when I turn on my macbook and press alt, 2 icons come up, mac and windows (so good so far!). But when I go into the windows option, grub loads and I see 5 entries:

-Ubuntu safe mode
-OSX 32 bit
-OSX 64 bit

Obviously osx is not going to boot under bios boot. But where is win7 that should be in the list?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Items Showing Twice

May 26, 2011

I reinstalled Natty yesterday and then installed Fedora on a separate partition.

I now havedouble the menu items in GRUB2 for both of these.

I ran the update grub command in the terminal and it goes smoothly, but the extra menu items still don't go away.

Puzzingly the menu items point to the same partition on the drive as their clone. Both of the Fedora menu items point to sda8

For example.

How can I remove menu entries in GRUB? I searched but could not find a reliable answer other than re-running update-grub.

How could I remove GRUB and replace it with Plymouth? Ubuntu Software Centre actually shows Plymouth as "Installed" even though it does not run on startup.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Menu Not Showing Up / Alarm At Startup

Sep 1, 2011

I have a National Instruments gpib interface PCI card on my machine. It has been working up till now.The computer was moved when I was gone, and now at start up I get two alarm beeps from the motherboard speaker, no grub menu (hidden line is commented out and time out is gtr than 0).In the past I had to lock the kernel to 2.6.32-28.55.newer kernels broke the interface...although prolly foolioshly, I did allow other system updates.

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Ubuntu :: System Didn't Showing The Grub Menu

Apr 24, 2009

Today when i browsing the net suddenly the system going HANG.....i will try to get the system monitor menu but in the menu list there is no icons. it is not displayed. then i will going to a warm restart.......
after that the system didn't showing the grub menu.....it load the WinXP.......i will try two three times but the grub menu is not showing.....i am using the UBUNTU 8.10.

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Debian :: Grub Menu No Boot Option Showing To Window

Mar 1, 2016

After installation of windows 7 installed debian 8.3. But in grub menu no boot option showing to windows.There ar only two option 1.)to boot in debian and 2.)advanc option for debian ONLY!!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed - Now Ubuntu Jaunty Isn't Showing In GRUB ?

Sep 4, 2009

I used to dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu for quite some time now. Yesterday after seeing OpenSUSE installed on my friends lappy, I decided it IS the time to bid goodbye to Windows. I don't play games, just internet browsing, listening to music, some letter writing and movies of course!

So today I removed Windows XP by formatting C: drive and installed OpenSUSE.

I am happy with OpenSUSE, but I still want to dual boot OpenSUSE with Ubuntu. But in the GRUB,only OpenSUSE entry is shown, Ubuntu is nowhere. It seems OpenSUSE has overwritten the Ubuntu GRUB during install and doesn't include Ubuntu in the boot list as Ubuntu does for other OS when we install Ubuntu.

How to create an entry in the GRUB so that I am able to boot into Ubuntu also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Not Booting Showing GNU-GRUB Version1.98-1

Feb 4, 2011

boot my system its showing GNU-GRUB version1.98-1 ubuntu7

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Not Showing After Dual Boot Clean Install?

Mar 21, 2011

I installed Windows 7 and then Ubuntu 10.10 64 bits. The Ubuntu installation went fine but when rebooting a "check disk" appeared and since then my PC keeps booting directly on Windows. I tried all the GRUB reinstallation methods of the GRUB2 Community Documentation with the live CD but none worked.

Below is the output of the Boot Info script found on several threads.


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