Fedora :: 9 - No Longer Showing GUI - Can't Log In

Aug 22, 2010

I was running fedora 9 on an HP pavilon and wanted to get my wirless card to work with b43, so i searched online for ways to to this and found the following: "Using the b43 driver If you need to use the b43 driver follow these steps to install the required firmware.

1. Download this file [URL]

2. Load up a terminal window if you are in the graphic interface.

3. Switch to the root user by entering the command "su -" (without the quotes) and typing in your root password

4. Extract the contents of the file you downloaded by typing the following: tar -xjvf /path/to/broadcom-wl- Replace the "path/to" section with the path to the file you downloaded.

5. We now need to use the b43-fwcutter tool. A standard Fedora installation already has this tool installed however if you don't have it type in the following: yum install b43-fwcutter

6. Now run the following:

b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware kmod/wl_apsta.o The above assumes you are in the directory that you extracted the downloaded file to.

7. Now type in following following:

echo "modprobe b43" >> /etc/rc.modules" chmod 755 /etc/rc.modules"8. Reboot your system and hopefully you will have functioning wireless." the full page can be found here: [URL] i tried the above steps and was only able to get as far as step 6 as b43-fwcutter wouldent extract the file, so after a few tries i gave up and restarted my computer. when the computer restarted i would get the following message:

Fedora release 9 (sulphur)
Kernel 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 on an i686 (tty1)

localhost login: however when i try to log in as root or any other user nothing happens, i type in the user name and do not recive a prompt for a pass, it then goes back to the above state. I do have data on the system and i wish to retrive it, so reformating is not realy an option.

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General :: NetworkManager No Longer Showing Up On My Icon Bar

Jan 4, 2010

Im currently running Fedora release 12 (Constantine) and having issue with NetworkManager no longer showing up on my icon bar. Prior to system update no issues - now nothing no longer able to search for WIFI connections.

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OpenSUSE :: Digikam - Pictures In Albums No Longer Showing

Mar 26, 2010

Running openSuSE 11.1 and Digikam 1.1.0 under KDE 4.4.1 with most recent updates as of today. I started digikam and all settings are still in place and database file exists same as always. All subcollections in the albums show zero pictures. Opening file manager shows all contents exists.

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Ubuntu :: Certain Icons No Longer Showing In Top Tray Panel?

Apr 3, 2011

I don't know but just one day after I restarted my ubuntu 10.10 pc. Probably after an update. Dropbox no longer shows up in the top panel. I also had a thing called googsystray, that no longer shows up either. I can see the process dropbox is running.

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General :: Ubuntu Places Now Longer Stays Showing

Jul 14, 2011

I have installed Unbuntu on recommendation from two users to get the USGS ISIS program to run on it when OTHER versions of Linux seems to have issuyes..not necessariliy LANY edition of Linux either ... imho after two full months of trying to get USGS and ASU to help give me honest geo-referenced and map-aligned data of all 10 bands each IR image has from Odyssey.. NasaView opens and gives individual bands..but...geo-referencing and map-alignment only ISIS can do.

I finally got it to work when two Ubuntu users got the main lib of ubuntu think certain old libraries are there when not. I think...worked anyhoo the ISIS commands worked...but now...the OUTPUT of the commands are INACCESSABILE! [URL] The above topic is where you'll read about the two month attempt and also see the Ubuntu rescue. But now the PLACE folders open for a VERY VERY short time about 2-3 seconds, if that, then shuts down again. From the Home terminal I got this list


As you may guess correctly everything between Music and Pictures in the listing is THE stuff produced by the output of the ISIS program made FOR Linux systems. Which One? Well Suse 10 and above not supported anymore and there are others. So I don't know what to do. I thought del meant delete in ANY language...guess not. What's up and how can I delete these files from the Home folder at least so it STAYS OPEN?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Monitor No Longer Showing Up In Taskbar?

Mar 31, 2011

My network monitor seems to have disappeared from the taskbar.I tried right clicking and "Add Pannel" however I do not see "Network Monitor" in the list.I tried running Code:nm-applet --sm-disableBut this gave me the errorI figure this because it's already running so I tried to killall and try it againThis time I getCode:** Message: applet now removed from the notification area** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area** (nm-apoplet:4498): old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0I see a 1-2 pixel sliver of something appear briefly in my taskbar and then it disappears, I assume this was the n ntly installed tshark (curses-based version of wireshark)

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General :: Programs No Longer Showing In Task Bar - System Running Much Slower After Update

Apr 26, 2011

using mint 10, now after updates my system is barely working. The programs were no longer showing in the task bar, and the system was running much slower.


This repeated over and over again. My temperature was never to high 40-55, and I found a suggestion to update my kernel to 2.6.37-020637. After doing so there is no longer the thermal limit exceeded error but the computer is still running poorly. The system is slow and again no programs are showing up in the task bar when open.

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Fedora :: Evolution 2.32.2 - Not Showing Html Websites Showing Up In Email Like Venison Sending A Promo

Aug 7, 2011

Having one issue with evolution not showing html websites showing up in email like verizon sending a promo. I have gone to edit, preferences, mail preferences, html messages and have always load images from the internet chosen. I have also added sender to contacts. Even if I right click message and tell it to dload images it doesn't.

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Slackware :: KDE Takes Longer And Longer To Load

Sep 19, 2010

I experience this since kde 4, but it never really was that bad because once in a while on updating kde I also deleted the .kde folder in my home-folder and everything was fast again.

But I haven't done this for a while now and kde take really long to load. Is there any folder to clean up there without deleting the whole .kde-folder and loosing all my settings again?

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Software :: USB Mounting Error In Ubuntu 7.10 / Showing Cant Mount When I Clicked Details Its Showing Bad Blocks?

Dec 12, 2008

I would like to know when usb inserted, its showing cant mount when i clicked details its showing bad blocks in beginning , and smething in /dev/sd6. Can i knw why usb drive cant be mounted automatically , even if its set to do so, and to cope the error mentioned above

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General :: Screen Not Showing On Laptop But Showing On Projector When Connected

Apr 18, 2011

When I try to connect a projector to my laptop (already running) and hit the fn+f7 (the designated button for switching screen), nothing happens. I see "no source found" on projector screen and my laptop screen works perfectly. Now if I restart the laptop with the projector connected, I see all the intial booting messages on the projector screen (not on my laptop), then the gnome login screen appears on both the projector screen and laptop (when the login screen appears on laptop it looks like it has lower resolution than my usual laptop resolution). But immediately after I log in, my laptop screen goes blank, and projector screen becomes the only active screen.

If I restart without the projector, again all normal operation on laptop screen is restored.

I feel like I am missing some very silly options. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the output of xrandr when the laptop is connected:


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Fedora :: RPM And YUM No Longer Available

Aug 3, 2009

I did:
yum remove sendmail
and the next thing I know is that yum and rpm are no longer available. I still have wget and some C compilers, so, before I reinstall, does anybody know if it is possible to install rpm and/or yum in this situation? Fedora 11

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Fedora :: No Longer Detecting CD

Aug 3, 2009

When I insert a cd into my optical drive, it is not showing up on my file menu. In Rhythmbox, I used to get an icon for the cd which I could click on to play the cd but that doesn't come up any more. I have my File Management Preferences set to ask me what to do when I insert a cd but it no longer asks me what to do. Banshee is the only thing left that shows a cd icon. How do I get my file management system and other programs to recognize a cd when inserted?

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Fedora :: Yum Is No Longer Working

May 26, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 yesterday and now yum is no longer working. I get this message when I use it. Code: There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:No module named grabber.Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

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Fedora :: /dev/dsp No Longer Listed?

Sep 13, 2010

I've noticed the /dev/dsp no longer exists, well not on this machine.Running FC13 x86_64Listing devices from /proc there is "audio" and "alsa"Do I use mknod to create /de/dsp and link it to either "audio" or "alsa"

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Not Showing Symlinks Under Fedora 12

Mar 9, 2010

We recently upgraded our Samba server from Fedora 10 to Fedora 12. After the upgrade, when users connect to a Samba share from their Windows PCs, they can no longer see the symlinks in the share like they used to under Fedora 10.We are using the same smb.conf file as under Fedora 10, so I'm not sure what has changed.

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Fedora Servers :: Yum Is No Longer Working In 3

Apr 23, 2009

I am running a Fedora 3 that I had installed from a slightly outdated disk. and I have been making updates by using YUM. But I have a policy of only updating just what is needed and leaving the rest alone. This was fine until some time (I think is was) last year, when our friends at fedora had discontinued support for Fedora 3 and then unwisely deleted all the packages for fedora 3 and fedora 4 off there server. Now it has been a struggle just administer updates when application that I am adding become unhappy with the version that come off of the disk, and I end up with versions that are more current then I wanted. All I wanted is to have access to the packages that were left when the music stopped.

Hear is my current pediment. I now need to run PHP (something I never used until now) and version that came with the disk (ver 4.3.9) is too low for the scripts that I will be running. They need PHP 5. Now I know that were up to something like PHP 5.3.x. But I don't really need that. I am shore there is a version of PHP 5, like versions 5.1, that was available though YUM. If they only just left it there. At least Microsoft leaves all of there window 98 updates on there server for people to use, even though they don't support windows 98 any more.

The biggest reason I want to use YUM or even up2date for my installs and updates, is they minimized the risk of screwing something up.

Here is my question. Dos, anyone know where there is a mirror of fedora 3 updates that fedora used to have on there site?

I am hopping to be able to adjust the baseurl= line in the fedora.repo file to point it to this new mirror and make YUM work like NEW.

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Fedora :: Macbook No Longer Booting?

Aug 20, 2009

I screwed something up and my macbook no longer boots up - hanging before gdm with msg: NETADDRCONF eth0 not found NETADDRCONF wlan0 not found(not connected to network)problem happened after I tried to fix the flaky mouse with following:

* I created a conf file and added a inputdevice section with touchpad options
* I also created an appletouch.fdi file with op0tions
* I also created an applesmc module

if I can figure out how to boot into failsafe then I could back out changes but at this point I cannot even get there

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Fedora :: USB Stick No Longer Automounts?

Oct 9, 2009

FC 11 / Latest updates installedI can manually mount it from a term window but really prefer automount. Used to work a few days ago so Im looking towards it being some problem/change in a update.No error messages. Here is a snipet of my logs that shows pulling and reinserting memstick:

Oct 9 10:02:53 coffee kernel: usb 2-3: USB disconnect, address 5
Oct 9 10:03:16 coffee kernel: usb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and


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Fedora :: .flv No Longer Playing In Firefox?

Nov 4, 2009

have a f11 load running right now on my box and recently, for some reason completely unknown to me, all of the sights (such as videos) that embed .flv files have stopped working. i can see where the videos should be displayed and i can see all of the adverts for the other videos that they would like for me to watch instead of and/or next, but i get a big blank hole where the actual vid should be. i have some .flv files i have snagged over the years stored on my hdd and i can still play those with my installed totem player, which seems to be what is listed as the default plugin for firefox for such files.

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Fedora :: No Longer Auto Mounting Usb?

Apr 28, 2010

Does anyone else have this problem. Came just after recent update and is highly annoying. Plug usb device in and it is recognized on lsusb but not mounting and appearing in media folder. How do I solve this. Searched the forum but nothing useful

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Fedora :: Empathy No Longer Connecting To MSN

Oct 25, 2010

On the 19/20th October (2010) MS appear to have changed something in their MSN servers and Empathy on F13 (v2.30.3) no longer connects. Instead you get a Red bar saying there is an error, bu no other real info apart from '500' network errors (not even in the logs).Discussion on the Ubuntu lists has confirmed + identified the culprit and a workaround has been posted. Cludos to 'Kakaroto' and 'Dennis Tring' on that list!

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Fedora :: TweetDeck No Longer Opening In F14

Mar 3, 2011

I can no longer open TweetDeck either from the desktop shortcut or menu.I tried reinstalling it to see if that would fix it & after install the program ran fine but after shutting it down & trying to restart it from the shortcut icon/menu it says starting but does not complete & would not restart again.The only change to my computer was earlier I had installed Samba to access Vista network shares. Would this be causing a problem opening TweetDeck?Anyone any idea how I might get TweetDeck to work properly?I will keep trying to fix this (tricky when I do not know what the cause is!-I have googled but no reference found yet) but I am most grateful for help(meantime I am using Gwibber to tweet- but I much prefer TweetDeck & would really like it working properly in my dualboot Fedora14).

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Fedora :: CDs No Longer Mounting, But DVDs OK?

Jul 31, 2011

I tried mounting a new CD, but nothing happened. I tried again, with a CD I'd used before with the same results. I tried a DVD in the same drive and it mounted OK, so it's not hardware. (I haven't had time until now to report this.) The box is running F 14 and is fully updated. Below is the results from /var/log/messages saved from June 28:

Jul 28 14:07:21 khorlia kernel: [3792447.281593] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
Jul 28 14:07:21 khorlia kernel: [3792447.281604] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal


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Fedora :: DVD ROM Or RAM No Longer Recognizes Audio CD

Aug 2, 2009

I've had Fedora 11 running on my PC since shortly after release. I have a DVD-ROM as the Master on the single IDE port on my MoBo and a DVD-RAM as the slave on that port. I also have 4 ea SATA 500GB HDDs using JBOD configuration on the MoBo. When I first installed F 11 I noticed that if I dupped a CD the blank icon would stay on my desktop, even though I had removed it. Also it did not "see" that I had put a new blank in the burner. I would have to reboot to correct. However the system would recognize an audio cd, play it rip or whatever.

Now the first problem I think has gone away but neither drive when I put an audio cd into them will recognize it. The light on the drive will come on and then start flashing as normal, but nothing happens. When I check to see if I can manually mount it, the system comes back with No Media in drive. Anyone have any ideas? This seems to have happened I'd say about 1.5 weeks ago was the last time I know it worked. I suspect an update possibly "broke" something. Any reliable knowledge base as to what actually transpires between the time I put a CD in the drive and the icon pops up and it starts playing or whatever.

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Fedora Installation :: Machine No Longer Boots

Jan 22, 2009

In completely new to Fedora. After a clean install, I went through, configured yum, did all yum updates and rebooted. I then installed the graphics card (m9500 gs) using RPMfusion and restarted again. After doing so, the comp shows the fedora loading bar but once it finishes, it hangs there and you see a small flashing box. I have no idea how to uninstall that nvidia driver.

to my xorg.conf. Still same issue. Finally I went through and added the "notap" to the grub.conf. I am at a complete loss here. When I try and manually load the driver, the Nvidia installer gives and error about not finding any preconfigured kernels for the package. Then It try's to build its own kernel but says its missing the "cc" in the "gcc" package. Any ideas? If you want to know exactly what I've done so far, I pretty much only followed the guide at my-guides.net. As you might be able to tell, I am very NOOB.

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Fedora :: 10 - Ran Update - Can No Longer Use Nivida Drivers ?

Aug 6, 2009

I ran an update yesterday ( like i do most days ) and now my dual screen doesnt work and when i load the nvidia conrol panel it says to run a command as root ( summat liek nivida-xorg ) it then does something tomy xorg that then completely breaks it.

I havent made any changes other than the update.

How do i get nvidia installed properly again?

Im currently running on a strange screen with 2 black lines on the sides and a bad res.

I fear its borked it royally?

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Fedora Networking :: Internet No Longer Working

Aug 11, 2009

I have been a happy Fedora user since late in the F9 release and now use F11 32 bit.Two days ago my 2wire modem/router took a dive. My ISP sent us a Motorola 3347-02 and since then my computer will not reach the internet. I have read everything I can and still haven't found the solution! Some things that I have tried: Disable network manager and do it manual, configure static IP, wipe system and reload, installed F11 on another computer.None of these have worked.Now I am booting from Ubuntu and have no issue but I can't stand Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Flash Player No Longer Works

Oct 18, 2009

i loaded the YUM suggested by fedora and adobe. the install went well and worked during that time during the next and all restarts after the flash player no longer works infact all websites requiring flash say it si not even installed. I tryed to reinstall it and it said it is already installed and to cancel.

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Fedora :: Sort Is No Longer Case Sensitive?

Dec 16, 2009

I recently upgraded to Fedora release 12 (Constantine) and noticed that sort is no longer case insensitive.

echo -e "ba
A" | sort

I think it should be:


The -f flag does not change anything. I have sort (GNU coreutils) 7.6.

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