Fedora Networking :: Limited Connectivity - Clean Install F14

Dec 5, 2010

I just installed F14 on my thinkpad R61 notebook and I am not able to completely browse the web. By that I mean that I can connect and access and browse fedora.org (from firefox) and I can install software and updates but no general browsing. I can successfully ping [URL] in a terminal but I am blocked in a browser.

I tried both hardwired and wireless connections to my router, same issues with both and my desktop machine running F14 works just fine (hard line) on the same router.I also tried disabling the firewall and it does not change anything.

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OpenSUSE Network :: WiFi Internet Works Fine But Limited Connectivity Elsewhere?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm using 11.2 with KDE.

I can connect to the Internet on my WLAN just fine (using Opera) and can dload torrent files (using the same).

However, I have had trouble accessing some community repositories in the past, cannot synchronise with an NTP server (annoying since my battery is low and time and date are reset most reboots) and cannot use the lyrics function or Wikipedia function in Amarok. Nor can I connect to the net using Firefox (though conqueror works just fine...) I cannot download torrents on KTorrent either.

It seems that there is some sort of 'permission'/connectivity issue.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Limited Internet Connectivity - Errors Due To Library Missing While Running Configure Script

Oct 30, 2010

I am using opensuse 11.3 on a computer with limited internet connectivity.Can anyone provide a list of essential libraries which would be enough for most applications. I get errors due to library missing while running configure script.

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5001 Chipset - Wireless Networking Randomly Loses Connectivity And Can Not Regain Connectivity

Jun 25, 2011

Wife's laptop has AR5001 Wireless Adapter laptop model is Toshiba Satellite A215

Problem : Wireless networking randomly loses connectivity and can not regain connectivity, the only apparent solution is a full power down , this is not even certain to work. The card works under Windows, she hates Windows. (I love her for this) I know it's not faulty hardware , because it will work for days on end under Windows without problems.

Things I've tried : madwifi drivers (any and all versions available) : These increase stability of the signal and seem to delay the inevitable however it still happens. When using these drivers the only option is to unload them modprobe -r then reboot then remove them again and re add them. It makes no sense why this works, and if I don't remove them prior to rebooting it will not work.

ATH5K drivers : These are pretty much junk, results are unpredictable at best, sometimes it will work perfectly for a few hours, sometimes it will not work at all. Nothing is repeatable, I can't seem to force whatever condition is causing this. rfkill does not show the wifi being blocked (hard or soft), unblocking it anyway does nothing, only way to make this work and it's iffy is to fully power down wait 5-10 minutes turn it back on and it MAY decide to work.

Firmware update : Updated the Toshiba BIOS to the latest version of the firmware 2.0 no joy here either. Same issue both sets of drivers.

Tried different distros and kernels : I've tried Mint 9, 10 ,11 ; Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 , 9.10 and 11.04 (which is currently installed) , Fedora and OpenSUSE. All are giving the same problems. I have also tried a slew of different kernels no joy from any of them (I'm not at the computer with the issue now I will post exactly what kernel versions I've used when I have access to the machine).

Another useful bit of information, the hard switch to disable/enable wifi WILL disable it but turning it back on does absolutely nothing. The hotkey does nothing at all. The bios does not have an option to disable or enable the wireless card.

I will also post the typical lsmod , lspci , iwconfig all that good stuff when I get back to the computer in question. I'm probably just going to buy a PC card for it and give up on that one, but this is driving me insane and I would really like to see it resolved even if I do replace the hardware.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: New Linux User Wireless 'Active' With Limited Connectivity

Mar 29, 2010

I got ubuntu working fine on my netbook and wanted to play around with opensuse. I have it installed and everything works fine except my wireless connection. I have updated everything since the installation through a wired connection, that didn't help. I have read the stickies, but to be honest, I'm so new to this stuff I'm kinda lost. So my wireless network has a WEP encryption and I have entered that password as a 64 HEX Key in the Wireless Manager widget. It connects to the network and says is labeled as active, however there is still the yellow exclamation shield next to the connection. Firefox and other apps don't have access to the internet.

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Fedora Networking :: Squid Configuration For Limited Data Usage?

Jul 14, 2011

I am working in a office where only one internet connection available. I have configured 5 other client machines to use internet through squid proxy server. Now I want to restrict the total data usage/transfer (upload+download) to say 1 GB during a calender month. How can I achieve this setting.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configured Cron To Clean /tmp Directory - Add Other Locations To Clean And Especially /var/tmp?

Oct 11, 2010

I configured cron to clean my /tmp directory, should I also add other locations to clean and especially /var/tmp.

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Fedora Networking :: Improve Internet Speeds - ISP Limited Connection Speed

Jul 5, 2010

Is there a way by which i can improve my Internet speed. I have a 100Mbps connection but the download speed is only 100kbps. I know that my ISP has limited by connection speed, but i am curious to try as to how i can get the maximum speed.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Enable TCP / IP Connectivity With XP Machine

Oct 11, 2009

I have a Fedora Linux machine and a Windows XP machine and I want to enable TCP/IP connection between them using a cross-over cable. I have a type of middleware server running on the linux machine and I want to be able to run the client for the application on the windows machine and work that way. I have heard Samba as a solution but my understanding is SAMBA is mainly for file sharing.. and is not necessary for establishing TCP/IP connectivity. Is this a correct statement? How can I go about setting up TCP/IP connectivity between the two machines?

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Fedora Networking :: Configuring Wireless Connectivity?

Oct 11, 2010

May I please have some help configuring wireless connectivity?I just moved and went from connecting to a LAN infrastructure to connecting with a wireless cable modem. The modem is dual-purpose, it has two ports, one for an Ethernet cable, and an access point for a wireless connection. The ISP is CableOne. My laptop, which I use most often, is wireless capable, and I want to use the wireless feature. The laptop is running Fedora 13 KDE, with a VirtualBox virtual drive running WinXP.

I have used NetworkManager to create a wireless connection and name it. I have also used WPA encryption for this because I don't want anybody else using my bandwidth. Moreover, I have tried no encryption and WEP, all to no avail.

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Fedora Networking :: Dual NICs And Internet Connectivity On F10

Apr 23, 2009

I've just installed Fedora 10 to basically work as a NAS for another machine - but also serve a couple of web pages. After having alot of issues with network manager (with it changing the subnet so nothing would work), I'm now almost there:

I have two network cards connected in the server:
1) eth0 connects to a switch that ultimately connects it to the net (on a 10.0.0.* network)
2) eth1 connects directly into another server for backups (192.168.0.* network).

Now when I setup eth0, I get network access can ping/ update/ surf the net - absolutely no problems, but when I connect eth1 in - the net dies and nothing works, I can ping devices on both the 10.0.* and 192.168.* networks, just nothing past the gateway. I presume this is either a route or DNS issue, but am unsure about where its falling foul - both the resolv.conf file looks fine as do the ifcfg-ethx scripts.

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Modem Connectivity Loss ?

Dec 10, 2010

The problem is I have a wireless Belkin router which I can connect to, but after being connected for a few minutes the net disappears (cuts from the router) and my laptop will have to reconnect again to the router for internet to work again. After a few minutes (or seconds in some cases) the connectivity loss will happen again over an over.

How to fix this problem or some things I can try, I've tried updating to two different firmwares, two different channels and resetting the router. The biggest problem I find is that this happens on both my laptop, another laptop in the house and also my tablet PC but doesn't happen on two other laptops in the house, I've also tested with windows 7 and Ubuntu with my laptop.

My laptop wireless card is Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter

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Fedora :: 14 - Printer HP Deskjet D1460 And - Paper As Was Clean So Clean And Remains

Dec 18, 2010

I have problem with my printer HP Deskjet D1460. My printer is configured and works. When I send a file on the print, the printer clings a sheet of paper and starts to print, but a paper as was clean so clean and remains, after printing.

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Fedora Networking :: No Internet Connectivity - Status Inactive PAN0

Mar 3, 2009

I'm new to Fedora 10 and still a newbie with Linux in general. I installed F10 on an old PC I had....and the install went well..however, I'm having Internet Connectivity issues.

Here is what I did so far:
Did an ifconfig command and I have the following:
pan0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr D2:30:36:AF:61:95
inet6 addr: fe80::d030:36ff:feaf:6195/64 Scope: Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:30 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes: 0 (0.0 b) Tx bytes: 8676 (8.4 KiB)

When I go to the Network Configuration Panel I see the following:
Status: Device: Nickname: Type:
Inactive pan0 pan0 Ethernet

Tried to activate and it states Activating network device pan0, please wait... determining IP information for pan0.... A few minutes pass by then. It indicates it failed. Cannot activate network device pan0! I have disabled the Controlled by NetworkManger and enabled the Activate device when computer starts.

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Fedora Networking :: Lost Internet Connectivity After Installing New NM Packages

Mar 12, 2009

On one of my F10 boxes yesterday, I installed several NM packages with yum update after being advised of their availability. Today, (the first reboot since installation) I no longer have network access on that box.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless After Clean Install / Get That?

May 19, 2011

Here is my output of lspci:
$ lspci
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8192SE Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)
I connected via ethernet just fine, but wireless is crucial for this laptop, and the additional drivers GUI program says nothing (or at least it finds nothing).

Am a bit stuck on what to do?

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Fedora Networking :: Flaky Internet Connectivity - Network Inactive In NM Panel

May 28, 2011

I just installed F15 on a laptop that previous had F12 working well. During install, it finds my wireless card and seems to set it up fine. The full install ran with the wireless active without any problem that I could see. Now, when I start up, I see Network Manager tells me that the wlan is active, but it doesn't show my specific network. If I click on the NM tray icon and open up the panel, my network is shown but it is not "active".

I can double click on it and it will become active - shows the little globe next to the antenna. This works fine for about 2 web pages worth and then FireFox 4 stops being able to find web pages. If I go back to the panel, double click on my wireless network (which looks like it is active already), and reactivate it, I can get the page I was looking for in FireFox, but within a couple of minutes it will stop.

Likewise with yum, while I'm installing software, I'll occasionally get errors like this:
[URL]: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn't resolve host"
If I reactivate my wireless network in the NM panel, it continues fine. Other computers/phones connected to this network seem to work fine. Is NM known to be problematic in F15?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Is Not Working After A Clean Install Of 10.10

Oct 15, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 by a clean install. My laptop is an acer aspire 5050 with a IEEE 802.11 b/g Wlan wireless card. I am using only Ubuntu in my laptop. Today I noticed that wireless is dead. The indicator is off and I can see that there is not detection of any wireless networks in the "Wireless Networks" menu. In this point I must inform you that I didn't experience any wireless problems with the two previous versions of Ubuntu (9.10 & 10.04). Below you can see the outputs (in italic format) of some commands that I peformed in terminal:

*1st command

sudo ifconfig -a:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:24:6b:03:1d
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21b:24ff:fe6b:31d/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sketchy Wireless Connection After Clean Install?

Jun 19, 2011

So Ive got a windows laptop which I've tried dualbooting with linux from time to time, and I tried doing a clean install of 11.04 and I didn't need to do any configuration or download any drivers for my wireless to work, it works out of the box.The only problem is the connection will randomly get a weak signal and sometimes will drop for a few seconds, making web browsing or downloading anything quite a pain.What's worse is if you look at my other thread I tried this with a clean install of kubuntu but I couldn't even make the wireless connection work at all in kde.Here's the output of my lscpi:

01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8192SE Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)

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Installation :: Clean Install Fedora 11 From USB?

Jan 7, 2010

The Fedora Core 8 which has been preloaded is certainly not up to scratch as all I want the laptop for is to play MP4 and AVI files. I have looked over all the threads on how to load fedora 11 (recommended version), and have gone to the Fedora site to download the files (32-bit was also recommended - running a i686 Intel Atom).

1. My issue is do I download the files onto CD/DVD, then copy those straight onto a USB and boot from there, or can I find another way to get it directly onto a USB stick without having to waste a CD/DVD?

2. There is also mention of a clean install and partitions across quite a few threads but I can't see how to do these and in what order, and are they necessary?

p.s there is no CD/DVD player on this machine so it can only be loaded from USB.

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Install Into A Clean Ext4 Partition, Have Zero Internet Support?

Jul 26, 2011

I have tried countless things and am at a complete loss. I'm pretty new to Ubuntu and Linux in general, just so everyone knows. Here's my problem: I can run the 10.10 install disc as a Live CD and have perfectly functional internet. However, when I install into a clean ext4 partition, I have zero internet support. I have Googled the heck out of this problem, too.I've tried tinkering with IPv6 settings, I've tried scouring my BIOS for anything relating to "Wake-on-LAN" (It's enabled in Windows 7, by the way, which is what I dual-boot into), and several other network-related ideas I've read online. None have had any effectEDIT: Additional details: ethernet worked like a champ in 10.04, and in 10.10 when I did an upgrade instead of a clean install. I had this same ethernet problem in a clean 11.04 install (which also worked in Live CD form), too, which is why I tried 10.04 to begin with.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Seem To Get OS To Load For Clean Install

Apr 8, 2010

So, I currently have Ubuntu on my laptop and would like to install F12 instead.I burned a copy of the F12 .iso and set my BIOS to boot from CDROM drive, but Ubuntu continues to load and I can't seem to get the OS to load for a clean install (from the .iso, even after extraction).Unfortunatly, the BIOS will not let me boot from USB otherwise I would try that.Any ideas on what might get this off the ground?

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Or DVD For Clean Install?

Oct 21, 2010

For the last two releases I've used pre-upgrade ( F11>F12>F13 ). While F13 is working OK it's showing one or two minor glitches, such as the odd hang and sometimes part of the Gnome taskbar doesn't load. I realise these may be just F13 issues, but in case they're due to accumulated errors in two updates I'm planning to back up and do a clean install of F14 - once the feeding frenzy has died down.

The question, as posed in the title, is whether to D/L the full DVD or install from a live CD and add the apps I need. For instance, I don't need to network with my other computers - data transfer is by ' sneakernet ' with a pen drive - and I'm sure there's quite a bit else I can live without which the standard DVD install will contain, such as chat. Conversely, I'll be installing some extras such as Google Earth using AutoX.So basically, will installing from a live CD be any real benefit or will I just be making work fro myself? I frequently notice updates which don't seem to have much to do with the apps I use regularly, but they may contain essential dependencies.

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Fedora Hardware :: Does A New CPU Require A Clean Install

Mar 30, 2011

I'm upgrading my duo core to a quad core. I don't have to change mobo or anything, as both are 775 socket. I don't have anything valuable in my current install of Fedora 14, so I don't mind a clean install if it'll save me a headache with drivers later. But, if it's absolutely unnecessary, I'll skip the reinstall altogether. I'm switching my duo core (E8*** series, can't remember which) for the Q6600.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Fresh Install, Clean Logs, Downloads Extremely Slow?

Mar 19, 2011

I just did a fresh install of 10.04 on my system and everything runs perfect and exremely smooth, however the update manager and firefox are taking forever to load (the progress meter reads something like 2d 17hr 23m), however the internet connection is very fast.the logs are all insanely clean with the fewest errors I've ever seen, so this shouldn't be too terribly difficult to solve. Also I seem to be having a problem with the font on Firefox, every fourth letter or so has a bright streak in it. Anyway, that might be related or not but my main concern right now is getting my download speed up to par?

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Fedora :: First Yum Update On Clean Install Crashes System

Apr 15, 2010

I was using Fedora 9 until about 1 month ago when my hard drive crashed. I installed F12 on a new hard drive last week. Due to some other software issues (empathy), I decided I should try to get the latest updates. PackageKit kept giving errors and would not update. So, I researched and found that I needed to run " su -c 'yum update' " for the first update then PackageKit would work. I did this and after about an hour of updating, the screen went black. Nothing you can do at that point but hard reboot.

When I did that, I could only get a "GRUB" command line. I played with it for a minute but really I have no idea what to do with GRUB cmd (beyond my experience level). So I decided to wipe it out and reinstall F12. I did that, and was just working thru the updates again. Same thing happened, went to black screen. I have not rebooted it yet, but Im sure when I do, it will be GRUB again. What in the world am I supposed to do with this? I am not a Linux star, but I have been using it for around 8 years now with various distros, so I would say I have at least moderate experience.

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Fedora :: Yum Upgrade From Fc11 To Fc12, NO Clean Install?

May 10, 2010

kpackagekit warned me about a distribution upgrade to FC12in order to set things in motion i have to press the upgrade button is this action completely safe?since my FC11 is working like a charm, and i consider to upgrade to FC13, depending on the fact if i can build kernel drivers for kernel 2.6.32-,, that is still in the testing repo'smy idea is to upgrade all available packages from testing when fc11 is EOL, and i will see what happends after this upgrade, if my system crashes or whats so ever, i will install FC13.

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Fedora :: Clean F11 X86_64 Install And A GConf2-dbus Conflict?

Oct 4, 2009

First thing after a clean F11 x86_64 install and "sudo yum install gsynaptics" says:
GConf2-2.26.2-1.fc11.x86_64 from installed has depsolving problems

--> GConf2 conflicts with GConf2-dbus

From the verbose output:

gpointing-device-settings-1.3.1-5.fc11.i586 requires: libgconf-2.so.4
--> Processing Dependency: libgconf-2.so.4 for package: gpointing-device-settings-1.3.1-5.fc11.i586


How do I resolve the conflict and get gsynaptics installed?

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Clean Install Stopped - Kernel Panics

Jan 4, 2010

F12 Clean Install stopped with line:
[<c04041a7>] kernel_ thread_helper+0x7/0x10
The machine has completed more than 30 hours of HD cleaning with DBAN (overwrites the HD). It used to be able to run F9 or Ubuntu 8.04 but always returned kernel panic during other distro installation attempts. Why after a complete HD clean though?

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Fedora Networking :: Ipv6 With Tunnel Broker - Better Client For Non Native Ipv6 Connectivity?

Jul 22, 2009

I used to play with gw6c ( a client for tunnel broker ) It works well with fedora9 , fedora 10, but not with leonidas. my rpm is gw6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386.rpm ( a little old!) when I tried to install i have got this: libcrypto.so.7 est ncessaire pou w6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386 I try to make a soft link to libcrypto.so.0.9.8k, but nothing; The question :-Is there a solution for that pb - did you know a better client for non native ipv6 connectivity?

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