Fedora :: MP3 Player - Adding Plugins And Multimedia Stuff
Apr 15, 2010
Just picked up a SanDisk Sansa mp3 player. I used the package manager to DL a FAT16 sorter, but that didn't seem to work. Does anyone know of a package I might use or how to get this to work. Also, is there a script anyone has written to add all of the plugins and multimedia stuff on high use or the regular.
I have Fedora 13 installed on my laptop. Whenever I try to play any movie file, through Movie Player, it gives me the following error. Movie Player requirs additional plugins to decode this file
The following plugins are required: * MPEG-1 Layer 3(MP3) decoder * XVID MPEG-4 decode
Do you want to search for these now? Once I click on the search button, it searches for the plugins, and after a while prompts with the error message that the plugins couldn't be found. Where will I find the plugins?
now the totem movie player is not able to play the video files, not only video files it cannot play anything includeing mp3 songs. here are some screenshots when i tried to open the video files...
i clicked the search option button.but it resulted like this. but earlier totem player was working fine before formatting my system. how to install those missing plugins ?how to make the totem player work with video files ?
I have tried the instructions online to install the 64bit flash player to my Fedora14 with not luck. After following the instructions videos from within my web browser still don't play.
I just installed nagios to a Cent 5.4 box. Everything is working so far except I want to add a plugin I found on nagios exchange. The file has a .pl extension. I am unsure how to add the plugin to the rest of nagios. Do I need to add it to a nagios folder and then define it. If I just try to run the pl file I get a error mesg. I am unsure if the error is caused by system misconfig or because the plugin is not installed. The plugin is check_dayime.pl and the error I get is Can't locate Date/Parse.pm Perl seems to be working as I can run simple perl scripts and perl -v spits out v 5.8.8
Have very recently installed OPEN S on my PC. The DVD player( why is it called TOTEM? ) won't work. It asks for some plugins without saying which ones exactly. Have tried to follow some links it suggested but to no avail (me being too bleeding brainless, I presume). Am sure that eventually will find out the solution but for the time being stuck and not able to watch some of Hollywood's greatest masterpieces on my machine.
I am using opensuse 11.2. The totem video player states that I am missing a gstreamer plugin. I checked to see that gst-ffmpeg plugins is loaded, also libdvdcss, libdvdnav, libdvdplay, and libdvdread are also loaded. I would like if someone could please tell me what gstream plugin I'm missing, and where to place it.
I cannot seem to find plugins to play MP3's with totem. When I start it and try to play an MP3 it tells me "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins." Where can I find the plugin for Totem?
Download firefox 4 from Index of /pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk Unpack with ark to your home directry folder firefoxIn the folder firefox creat a new folder pluginscopy the contents from /usr/lib64/browser-plugins to the plugins folderStart firefox and there you go
I have Debian 6 installed. Is there a way for the web browsers (Iceweasel and Chromium) to recognize the multimedia plugins (gstreamer0.10) that were installed? about:plugins in the browser, references Gnash as the only plugin available.
I've been away from Linux for a while, so I need to get informed about some of the 32- vs. 64-bit issues concerning video players and codecs. So, what is everyone using these days?
More specifically, is it possible to play, e.g., .wmv files with 64-bit Kaffeine (my favorite player) or any other 64-bit video player? If so, then which combination of player and codec should I use?
in software.opensuse.org site if we serch for a software the result will be like the following
vlc KDE:Unstablelayground/openSUSE_11.4_KDE_Distro_Factory This is the stripped version of the VLC media Player. VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video
[more] 1-Click Install Manual Package Download Go to OBS Project i586 vlc- src vlc- x86_64 vlc-
if i like to keep the setup(rpm) of the software which i should chose the above?
Crystal Player has one very good playback speed troubleshooting feature - it uses large buffer of decoded frames (about 50% of RAM). Is there any player with such features in ubuntu?
I have a DVD with a error located at a certain time. Each time I watch the DVD and then come to that point Movie Player (or vlc player) returns a error. Now I want to rip this DVD but all the rippers I tried return a error at that point when they try to rip it. Rippers I tried:
- dvd::rip - FFMPEG - Acidripper - Avidemux
Now I want to know ain't there a ripper which can read over these errors and still make a decent rip?
When playing coyright protected DVD's in Ubuntu 10.10: the following errors occur:Movie Player Error message:Error occured Could not read from resourceVLC media Player Error essage:Playback failure:DVDRead could not read block 0.Non copyright protected DVD's play fine
I have these supposed missing 64 bit libs for everything on my main computer. I keep getting the following type messages whilst trying to get things working on a fresh 11.3 install on my test box. All these 64 bit things were installed on it before I wiped it and did a fresh install. I got it when I installed the codecs for gstreamer/kaffeine as well but went ahead and installed. Where did the 64 bit stuff go? I even changed packman mirrors.
I've finally found a way to actually stream .asx stuff using mplayer ( by extracting the actual link to the video from it ), and now I'd like to record it. In the asx, I've found a link to an .asf file, which I can stream using mplayer. How can I save this to view it locally?
I am relatively new to ubuntu and have all sorts of problems. First of all, none of my depositories work, but I'm fine with this. I think it is due to my uni wireless connection, as I haven't been able to update any linux distro here. That's the reason why I couldn't fetch the MPEG 1 Layer 3 (MP3) plugin that Rhythmbox offers me to download. So I looked for alternatives.
I installed some restricted extras package from the official ubuntu databases, but it was only 6 KB (should it be that tiny?) and when I tried again, it still wasn't working.
I have a peculiar problem, that I haven't been able to find any other posts mentioning. Firefox is getting confused over my plugins. about:plugins show an empty list but the plugins tab of the Add-On Manager show them all and says they are enabled.It was working a week ago without any issues whatsoever. Probably an update broke something. Any ideas, anyone? Or people with the same problem?Plugins are Shockwave Flash, Sun Java, VLC media player and others.Firefox 3.6.8Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx
I am having a real issue with getting Rhythmbox plugins to work. I have tried several of them and I cannot get any of them to work. I have them in the ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins directory and I have restarted rhythmbox and tried to open it from the console. I get no errors or any other indication that there are any problems. Is there something I am missing?
I have tried to download an "open containing folder" plugin from [URL] to [URL]. The site has been down for a while and I cannot find it anywhere else. how to get it? IMO this feature is definitely something that should be included as default.
I have been going through all the help files I can including here. I just can't get it going. I will post any info just give me a command and I will post results. I just want to be able to play movies and music and stuff.
I had a Compiz update two weeks ago, this update came from the official repository of Debian. So everyone had this update, this update did not had a positive effect. The extra plugins on both my desktop and laptop can't be enabled now. Such as Expo or the Animations. I can just use the basic stuff. There have been some partial upgrades ever since for Compiz, so I guess they are still working on it. But my question is; am I the only one?