Fedora Installation :: Re-installing Windows With Dual Boot - Screen Goes Black
Mar 15, 2009
I currently have a successful dual boot of XP and Fedora 10. I need to re-format my windows partition and re-install XP. When I use the windows CD, it asks to boot from cd. I hit any key and the screen goes black and stays there. XP is the primary OS (C, fedora is the secondary (D. Any thoughts? I still need Windows, because I am just learning Fedora.
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Apr 27, 2010
I've had Windows 7 installed for a few months now and would like to install Fedora 12 on a separate partition. I've tried this three times now, all of them ending with something wrong. The problem that exists for me now is that when I install Fedora 12 and boot up for the first time in GRUB, Fedora 12 works fine. ut when I boot into Windows 7 from GRUB, it just comes up with a black screen and says "BOOTMGR is missing; press ctrl + alt + del to restart" at the top. I don't believe that GRUB is booting into the wrong partition because I have no Windows recovery partition, just Windows 7. Also when I try and fix the Windows 7 partition with the system recovery disk, it says that the volume is corrupt every time. At this point I have everything backed up on a separate drive so I'm open to try installing Fedora 12 again even if it risks screwing up my Windows 7 partition, I would really just like to have a functioning dual boot.
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Mar 21, 2011
i have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a pre installed windows 7 system. Ubuntu is working really well but the only problem is that when I try to boot into windows,
I get the windows sign and then I get a black screen and windows does not load. It seems to be an easy problem to solve because I can actually boot windows 7 in
safe mode with no problems at all! The problem is there when I try to boot windows 7 normally. To be honest I only need windows for a project that uses MSQL server.
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May 26, 2010
I'm having no end of problems trying to get 10.04 onto my older Toshiba Satellite A50 laptop that I use as a spare laptop round the house. The laptop previously dual booted with XP and Xubuntu fine. I wanted to give Lubuntu a go to see if it's performance was better on this older hardware. When installing I got the black screen of death, and also got the same problem with the Xubuntu CD. Research pointed me in the way of this article: [URL] I was able to boot the Lubuntu Live CD using the instructions outlined in method A.
Once installed however I rebooted and Grub seemed to be knackered. Just sent me to a recovery console of which I had no idea what to do. As I could no longer boot into Windows either I reinstalled Xubuntu 9.10 and all was fine. I decided yesterday to give it another bash this time connecting to my wireless from the live cd hoping it would download an update to fix this problem. Nadda, Grub this time did show and I was able to boot into XP, but upon picking my Linux distro I now get an unrecognised device error with a long string of charachters and then it dumps be back into the grub menu, choosing the recovery mode version does the same thing.
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Dec 13, 2010
I've recently bought a new computer and installed Windows 7 on it, but left 100GB of space on a separate partition so I could put Debian next to it in dual boot. I have the new Intel i7 950 processor and I run Windows 7 Proffesional 64 bit, so I assumed I had to pick the ia64 debian image. However the CD I burned from the ia64 image didn't boot. (a black screen started and an underscore kept flashing, but nothing else happened)[URL]
I've managed to install i386 Debian on a older intel pentium 4 computer before and that worked fine. I believe I used another application to burn the CD then. This time I've burned the CD with the default Windows CD burn application. I can try burn more CD's but I don't have much left so I want to make sure this is the problem before attempting again. (the burned files on the ia64 CD look exactly the same as the files on the i386 CD, when browsing through the cd files in windows) "If your PC has a 64-bit AMD or Intel processor, you will most likely need the "amd64" images (though "i386" is also fine), the "ia64" images will not work."This seems a bit strange, they recommend me to use the amd64 image if you have a "64-bit AMD or intel processor". I dunno if this is a typo, but it seems weird to me that the AMD-64 Debian version would also work on my Intel machine
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May 2, 2010
I installed Lucid Lynx on a dual boot with a previously installed copy of Windows 7 and everything installed fine via Wubi...but now when I boot up and I get to my Boot Mgr and select Ubuntu I get the following message and can not get past a black screen stating -
Try (hd0,0) EXT2
I have tried to read what others have done to fix this but nothing has worked so far,Also I can still log into Windows 7 just fine, just no Linux...
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm currently dual-booting Vista and Win 7. Do I have to install Grub or can I continue to use the Windows boot loader?
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Feb 1, 2011
I have installed vista(Preloaded) and Ubuntu 10.10 in dual boot in my laptop. Now i want to get rid of vista, and want to have only Ubuntu, also i want to assign all space to Ubuntu. I have two query's
1. How could i cleanly uninstall Vista from my system? (I Used WUBI to install Ubuntu)
2. Can i install Vista in future? (As my Vista was preloaded, Vista didn't recognize the hard drive on which Ubuntu is installed)
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Jun 13, 2010
I am relatively new to Ubuntu ; I started 6 months ago with 9.10 and it worked fine. Recently I bought from Ubuntu the 10.04 version in French. The installation (dual boot with W7) went well, I personalized the software and had the "brilliant" idea to execute the recommended updates. Restarting the computer I just saw for a couple of seconds the blip up left and then a black screen. Nothing else happened. Posts to the French Ubuntu forum yielded no solution, so I decided to reinstall 10.04 again. It worked well a couple of times, and then again I had the black screen and no boot. How can I delete the installed versions?
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Jan 19, 2010
I cant boot fedora, i have installed windows XP and Fedora 12, i can boot XP, but when i try to boot Fedora, it show me boot screen to choose Fedora and Other, when i click enter on Fedora, nothing happens, just black screen :S I tried with "acpi=off", and it doesn't work :/
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Jul 8, 2011
I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side windows 7 ultimate. But the problem is as soon as I switch on my computer. There is only a blank screen with my TFT screen displaying a msg "Out of Range"
Then suddenly Ubuntu loads without showing any option to load windows 7.
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Jul 15, 2011
just installed ubuntu on my win 7 laptop using the wubi.. after the install it said restart,so i restatred and booted up ubuntu which went sound,it then says finishing installation.. ubuntu comes up does the partions then started copying files then once it had done this the screen went black with loads of writing on it..it seems to just stay like this.. i left it 30 mins the restarted laptop again..laptop working sound booted ubuntu again and the same thing happened..
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Dec 17, 2009
I have installed F12 on the remaining space on my disk and now Windows does not boot anymore. I get to Grub and choose windows and then just get black screen with flashing cursor.
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Mar 12, 2009
Tried the DVD install for 10. Install went fine other than it take for freakin ever, but after an 1 hour install, the update wanted to install 1675 or so updates. I let those updates install. 5 hours later the updates were done. Rebooted and now it freezes at a blank screen right after the 3 scrolling bars. System is older AMD 3000+, 1 GIG RAM with NVidia 5700 video card.
I did try and search some. But the only thing I could find was something about editing my grub file for a scan=sync setting (the information was basically gibberish to me. No clue what it was talking about or how I would edit a file on a system that won't boot). I tried to recover mode off the live CD. It had some options that said you could type Linux command line arguments, but whenever it got to the sysimage it says Linux isn't a command.
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Sep 6, 2009
i did a preupgrade from fedora 10, i have a new line in grub with the "preupgrade to fedora 11" ... when i choose this.. anaconda run with the normal blue screen running anaconda... but a blacks screen apper with the mouse... the installation not follow and only the black screen with the mouse i can see...some line add to the kernel line of preupgrade fedora 11 to run with another graphical configuration
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Nov 24, 2009
I installed F12 with the i686 KDE livecd. A black screen with a blink "-" appeared after the bios information on the first reboot. The computer does not respond to any key input except "ctrl+alt+del", which restarts the computer.The machine is a dell inspiron 6000 with inboard 915gm video card, and the bootloader was written to the harddrive mbr. Any help would be highly appreciated.I need to be more clear. Installation went fine, problem appeared on the first reboot.
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Jun 1, 2010
When i boot the fedora image from a dvd i'm not being taken to the fedora live system screen, instead i see a bunch a words on a black screen (looks like DOS)...am i having compatibility issues or what? ive tried 32bit, 64bit versions as well as different desktops. does anyone have any ideas? my laptop is brand new: toshiba e205 running windows 7 ultimate..
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Nov 7, 2009
I get past the count down. The bars run across the top. Then my lcd monitor announces it has no signal and goes to sleep. Had this problem with earlier versions of Ubuntu, particularly 8.04. Was fixed in 8.10.
get Fedora 11 up and running?
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May 12, 2010
I can't seem to get Ubuntu to run on my old Dell Dimension 2300. It boots to a purple screen then it goes to a black screen with a load of writing nothing else happens after this screen. [URL] Could someone advise how I can get it to work?
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Jan 10, 2010
I just set up a dual boot on a system with fedora 12 and XP. XP in on one hard drive (sda) and Fedora on a second hard drive (sdb).
I installed grub on the Fedora disk so as to not touch the windows disk at all.
Prior to installation, in the bios, I set the Fedora disk (sdb) first in the boot sequence, and then XP (sda) so that the grub loader would boot up by default. (If I set the windows drive first then the system bypasses grub and loads straight into windows.)
My system can now boot up into Fedora fine, but if I select windows from the grub loader menu I just get a blinking cursor - windows will not boot.What do I have to do so that grub can boot into XP?
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Aug 9, 2011
After installing Fedora 15 from LiveUSB and rebooting it just hangs on a black screen with a blinking cursor (underscore) in the top left of the screen. If it's reached grub, it isn't responding to any commands, and mashing several key combinations (such as ctrl-alt-f1) will produce a beep usually emitted only by the BIOS (hinting that it may never be making its way to grub).
The only particularly interesting thing about the install is that by default it wanted to boot itself from the MBR on my primary-master (Windows) disk. Instead I selected the option to boot from "the first partition in sdb1", which is my primary-slave (Linux) disk, (the first partition being /boot). This way I can change which OS boots by changing the boot order in my BIOS, and so avoiding bootloader wars.
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Jun 16, 2009
I've successfully used Fedora 11 from a USB stick as a live cd iso. Everything seems to work on my netbook so i want to try installing it but I need it to be a dual boot with windows. How can i do this? And will it definitely work or are there issues (I've read that F11 has problems installing if not taking over the entire HD)?
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Feb 19, 2010
I just installed Fedora and I love it but I can no longer boot Windows 7. I have two hard drives, sda and sdb.sda1 is my windows partition. sda2 is my /boot for Fedora. sdb1 is an ntfs partition for storage. sdb2 is swap. sdb3 is my 40 gig /root partition. Why can't I boot windows?
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Jun 27, 2010
A while ago I used a friends computer with F11 installed on it. I definitely want to install F13 on my computer now. Please, can someone either tell me complete information from the beggining to the end, or simply direct me to a guide somewhere else on the internet. I have a F13 live cd and want Windows 7 to be in control of the boot (by I suppose LiveBCD).
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Aug 13, 2011
In fact, I put it on my PC of RedHat when it was free, and it didn't work.Are there any such tutorials to dual boot Windows 7 with Fedora 15 (latest version), or would someone be kind enough to walk me through the process? I have tons of music on Windows that I don't want to get lost.What are the chances that my Windows hardware will recognize in Fedora? I was bypassing to get to this forum, and I saw Nvidia drivers are difficult to get configured. Those are the drivers my PC runs on. I'm not sure of my hardware. How difficult would it to setup, and configure hardware?
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm wondering if anyone can give me some tips about this.I have very little fedora experiee and wanna start playing with it now.I'v bin using it for some short time a long ago but nothing much.Now I could use some help with this:Can I and how, instal Fedora11, while having Windows7 instaleed allready and then have them both with dual boot. I guess it should be possible but some tips / guide would be great so I don't kill my windows and have to reinstal all over again, as i wanna keep windows as main OS for work but have fedora to learn as well.By the way, I have 2x640Gb in raid0, 1st partition 100gb with Windows7 on it, and the rest on another partition. Both have data on them. If that means anything for instalation
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Aug 27, 2009
I have Windows Vista Home Premium and I don't want to switch entirely to Fedora because I'm not as familiar with it as I am Windows. I mainly wanted to install Fedora for my Linux class at the Community College I attend. How do I install it with a dual boot so it doesn't take over Windows Vista? I had that happen once and it was a mess to fix and reinstall Windows Vista too.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am attending college and I am starting my first Linux class tomorrow. I am going to be learning Fedora 8 (why they don't upgrade, is beyond me) anyways, I also have a third Server 2003 class. We have our own hard drives that we put in the school computers. (80gb) But here is the problem, I know normally your suppose to install Windows first and then Fedora second and you do not have a dual boot problem.
However my Server 2003 class was suppose to be on Monday (which was labor day) so I didn't have school. I am going to be installing Fedora tomorrow first thing, then on this next Monday I will be installing Server 2003 on the same hard drive, but Windows will be going on second. So my question is, how would I fix the bootloader so I can still dual boot Fedora and Windows without having to reinstall Fedora again?
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Nov 3, 2009
I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my computer and I want to install Fedora Core 11 and dual boot my system. I have been on the net looking around, but I can't seem to find any suggestions on how I would do this. Can someone help me or give me a URL(s) that will give me a step-by-step guide on how to install Fedora Core 11 on a Windows 7 computer?
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Feb 13, 2010
I have windows 7 Ultimate and want to install Fedora 10. Could somebody can suggest me some tutorials of installation of Fedora 10 ? and also I am worried about losing boot sector which has happened to me already. how to recover the boot loader for linux safely ( ofcourse with dual boot ability after recovering) ?
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