Fedora Installation :: No Sound On Macbook Book Pro (4,1) With 15

Aug 21, 2011

I can't seem to get the sound working on my MacbookPro with Fedora 15. I tried the old options hda-intel-sound model-mbp55


[brad@bmp modprobe.d]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 PCI Express Root Port (rev 03)


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Fedora Hardware :: Sound Not Working With F13 On Macbook Pro Laptop

Nov 27, 2010

Fedora 13 installed on MacBook Pro laptop. I have no sound emitted from speakers.


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Fedora Installation :: Downloading DVD ISO On MacBook

Jan 31, 2010

I downloaded the current F12 DVD iso on my macbook to install on my Dell 450 Intel Xeon 3.00GHz, but I cant figure out how to verify the download. The Fedoraproject/en/verify does not mention mac, and the command is not working in the mac terminal.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 13 X64 On Macbook Pro 13"

Jun 15, 2010

I tried to install Fedora 13 on my MacBook Pro 13" but I get the following error:

The exact procedure is as follows:

- Boot from CD

- Start Live CD menu

- During loading live CD I get this error:
"ata 2: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)"
"ata 1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)"

- The loading continues..

- At the end I get:
"No root device found"
"Boot has failed, sleeping forever"

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Fedora Installation :: Perform 256 Check Sum On The MacBook?

Aug 27, 2011

Last night I downloaded the iso for the full DVD install with the intention of installing it from the hard drive. Since my old Fedora Core 2 system is down right now I have the iso on my MacBook.How do I perform the 256 check sum on the MacBook? I tried the shasum -a 256 but I'm not sure it's doing the right thing.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Sound On New MAcbook 7.1 With 10.10

Nov 23, 2010

When I installed I noticed no sound was emanating from my computer and a red light coming out the headphone jack. s there any reason why there wouldn't be any working sound? Everything else seems to be working fine. I installed the additional drivers but the only ones listed were graphics and wireless.

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Slackware :: HDA Intel Macbook 4,1 No Sound

Nov 17, 2010

I think it's the HDA Intel anyway. In alsaconf it comes up with, 'hda-intel Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller', and I select that one. When I do, 'aplay /home/emor/sample.wav' it says it's playing but I don't here any audio. I've tried various configurations on both the alsamixer and the graphical XFCE sound mixer, and neither have really done anything. [URL]...


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Fedora Installation :: F14 Macbook Pro ( 5,5 ) Nomodeset Doesn't Work?

Jan 24, 2011

I have the Fedora 14 64bit Live CD on a 4GB USB Flash drive, via Live-USB-Creator. I have bootcamp installed on my Macbook Pro (5,5) with OSX, Windows 7, and Ubuntu already installed. I plan to install Fedora over the Ubuntu.

1.)So, when refit boots up, I choose the EFI USB (Fedora) and the Fedora screen comes up.
2.) I click any key to dismiss the auto boot
3.) I click "e" to edit the Fedora kernel, then I edit the first option and add the line "nomodeset"
4.) I press enter, and then "b" to boot that line. The screen kind of goes whack and a fair amount of super small (unreadable) text comes up on the screen and then just hangs with the blinking (_)

If I go into Grub via "c", and type in "nomodeset" it gives me an Error 27 Unrecognized command. And I've read online to press TAB to go into grub, but TAB does nothing for me.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: MacBook Pro 6,2 Sound Not Working

May 6, 2010

First macbook. I've managed to get everything I really need running except sound. I'm 5-year ubuntu user so if anyone asks for any system info I'll probably be able to manage it. This is the only sound-related entry I could find in lspci.
01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Sound In Macbook White 7, 1

Dec 4, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 in my macbook white 7,1 and as always I am impressed with the support of most of the hardware. Almost everything works, but the sound and the brightness control do not. The sound one is the one that I am more concerned about. I tried to solve it using the documentation for MacBook Pro 7,1 Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) but the solution did not work.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Got Stereo Sound On MacBook Pro 8,3

May 19, 2011

I have a MacBook Pro 8,3 w/ Natty installed on it and noticed on the wiki [URL]... it says sound only comes out of the right speaker. I just want to share that I got stereo sound on my machine by adding `options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55' to the end of `/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf' and rebooting. I didn't see a solution anywhere else. I haven't done extensive testing, I just know that now I have sound coming out both speakers (and headphone speakers) at balanced volume levels.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Sound On Macbook Pro 17"?

May 22, 2011

I have no sound on my macbook pro 17", intel core. I have searched and searched and have not found a solution. I have never yet had sound since I installed ubuntu. I am using 11.04 now.So far, I have edited the document /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and added this line:options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55, which did nothing.Also ALSAmixer has all the channels turned up all the way except for S/PDIFI don't think it is a hardware problem because when I play an MP3 file in VLC, in the visualization that would normally show the ups and downs of the sound playback, I get a flat line (not sure if that makes sense).

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Fedora Installation :: Install In A Single Ext4 Partition On Macbook?

Jun 10, 2009

I have installed grub.efi in the ESP partition which is able to load ubuntu 9.04.I think it works with fedora 11 x64 as well. And I tried to install fedora in the partition which was used to install ubuntu. But the installer keep telling me that ext4 partitions are not bootable. But I don't need to install a boot loader on that partition

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Error F15 When Dual Booting On MacBook Pro / Fix It?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having trouble getting FEdora 15 running on my MacBook Pro. I had Fedora 15 installed before on this MBP before, so I know it works. I basically followed the good old instructions of

1. Create a Windows partition in bootcamp (rEFIt was already installed from trying to get ubuntu running)
2. Boot from disk and install in Windows partition with bootloader on installed on the / partition
3. Install, reboot, and resync the MBR using rEFIt partitioning tool
4. Shut down the computer and start up on the parition you installed linux on

Now I get a grub error code...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Configure Sound On MacBook 5,2 In 9.10 64bit

Jan 2, 2010

I manged to have it working fine in Ubuntu 9.04 but the sound settings in gnome have changed too much and I can no longer reconfigure the sound system to work as before. For now I can only hear music through the internal speaker(s) while previously with 9.04 I was able to use the built-in audio jack and use my external speakers. What was even better was that I was able to toggle the between the built-in speakers and the external speakers by plugin/unplugin the speakers jack. Today all of this nice features are gone. What's the proper way for configuring sound with pulseaudio? Should I disable pulseaudio?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Sound - Macbook 6,1 - Kernel 2.6.31-20 Generic

Mar 22, 2010

My sound was working in the past, but since I upgraded to kernel 2.6.31-20, it's no longer working. I am using Ubuntu on a Macbook and followed instructions from the Macbook 6,1 wiki on [URL]... I just installed the lastest alsa-driver using the following commands:


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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Sound From Mini-jack On Macbook With 10.04?

Sep 23, 2010

Im having an odd problem with an installation of 10.04 on my Macbook (the white one with firewire, dunno which generation). Sound works fine from built-in speakers, but when i plug in headphones i have no sound at all..

The levels in alsamixer are all fine, so no problem there..

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 - One Of The Left Speaker On Macbook 2.1 Has No Sound

Dec 5, 2010

One of the left speaker on my macbook 2,1 has no sound. The channel is not muted in alsamixer. If you go into sound preferences and change the card to a surround 4.0. The both the front and rear right speakers work. Front is higher sound (tweeter) rear is the lower sounds. (mid-sub) however on the left side the left front does nothing. to the naked ear you can tell not as much sound is coming out of the left side. one speaker is not functioning. is there a fix for this?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 On Macbook Pro 5.4 - Gptsync Fails - Finds GPT Table Empty

Aug 12, 2010

FC13 and Ubuntu 10.04 - both 64bit. Hardware: MBP 5,4 Here's how I do the install:

1. Boot to Ubuntu LiveCD and wipe disk.
2. Create a msdos partition table via gparted
3. Reboot from FC13 or Ubuntu install disk and continue to install with installer suggested partition scheme.
4. Reboot and get an error that says "uncompression error -- System halted"

Variation that I have tried:

1. After #3, boot into FC13 or Ubuntu rescue mode, chroot to hd image and run:
# grub
> root (hd0,0)
> setup (hd0)
> quit

2. Create a 250MB partition where I installed refit and use rest of the disk for Ubuntu or FC13. After installation, both Ubuntu and FC13 halt at the same error.

3. gptsync fails with no refit installed. Finds GPT table empty. LiveCDs from both distros work fine so ruling out hardware issues like bad memory etc.

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Fedora Installation :: White Macbook 5,2 Grub Lockup - Hang At Blank Screen

Jun 13, 2009


when trying to choose the Linux partition, I found that it would just hang at a blank screen. Looking further into the problem, I had booted with the Linux Rescue and checked the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. It appeared to be that the menu was set to hidden. I got rid of that line, and checked the boot arguments. It still had acpi=off set with the kernel and everything else seems to be in order. Root is set to root (hd0,2) which should be correct.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get Sound Working On A MacBook Pro 6,1 In Lucid Without Breaking The Wifi Or Nvidia Drivers?

Sep 9, 2010

Is there any way I can get sound working on a MacBook Pro 6,1 in Lucid without breaking the Wifi or Nvidia drivers?

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Fedora Installation :: MP3 Sound Not Functioning With 11 / Cant Get The MP3 Files To Produce Sound?

Jun 21, 2009

Installed Fedora 11 successfully, but I cannot get the MP3 files to produce sound.

Have tried the default configuration for sound, the Pulseaudio and the PulseAudioSoundServer.Installed and use KDE interface. Sound works for SKYPE (after selecting HDAIntel) and the Firefox 3.5 Beta 4.

Below are the configuration details.

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphic(rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02

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Fedora Installation :: 14 & Sound Blaster Audigy No Sound

Nov 8, 2010

Sound problems in Fedora 14.

Before Fedora 14 i have Fedora 12 and all was ok with sound. Starting with root account surprize i have sound. But after playing a song in xmms, sound is dead. I have tested sound in Windows and is ok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: XP Doesn't Book After Migrating From SUSE To 10.10?

Nov 3, 2010

I recently migrated from SuSE 11.2 to UBUNTU 10.10.I didn't run into any major problems until I tried to boot into XP.The screen just goes blank.My search of other threads revealed error message problems but no blank screen problems.Would it make sense to backup my home files, reinstall XP and then reinstall UBUNTU?

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Fedora :: Sharing Email And Address Book?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to share 3 email addresses and an address book among 2 users on a small network with 3 computers. Emails come from 3 different POP email accounts. There are 2 users.Each user may use any of 3 computers on the network (2 computers are linux, one is Windows XP). The 2 users have separate userids on the linux machines, but share an account on the Windows machine.

Each user should be able to view, reply to, delete, and otherwise deal with emails from any of the 3 POP sources, regardless of which computer the user is logged on to. Also, each user should be able to view and update entries in the address book, regardless of which computer the user is logged on to. What about using a system like courier or egroupware to retrieve and store the email from the 3 POP sources? Then courier or egroupware could make its mail store (maildir?) available via IMAP to the 2 users via email clients on each of the 3 computers.

The mail would be stored in the single, unique, courier or egroupware maildir store, not in the email clients. So if any user deletes a message or replies to a message, the action is visible to the other user from any computer. Also, emails only need be deleted once, not multiple times from each email client. I have looked at the courier and egroupware documentation, but I can't figure out whether either of them can be set up to retrieve email from 3 POP sources? If they can, how do you do it?

They appear to be email servers that collect emails sent to the domain they are configured to serve? could email clients be setup to share a single mailbox and address book (at least on the linux machines. forget about Windows). I guess the mailbox would lock when any client opened it, so only one client at a time could be active.

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Fedora :: Cant Get Any Comic Book Reader To Work?

Nov 8, 2010

im currently using fedora 14 kde and i cant find a working comic book reader, i currently have the comic "the last man" and all the files are in .cbr, if someone could help me with this it would be greatly appreicated, i have tried installing mulitple comic book readers, so mabye a lil step by stepalso while i am posting, i currently use yumex to download all of my apps and stuff but some are out of date is there any way to update all the databases to recieve the most up to date apps?

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Networking :: Connecting Mac Book To Fedora Server?

May 9, 2011

We have a mac book connected to our network. It can surf the web and even get into our network files. However, these network files are on linux, and finding the open files (not password protected) is fine. But we need the mac book to get into the protected files to edit our media. When we connect to the linux server, there is a pop-up asking for a login. We enter the correct credentials that work for everyone else to get into our protected files, but these credentials don't work... There is a message that pops up: "This operation cannot be completed because the original file '<file_name_here>' cannot be found." But it found the other open files...? what do we do to get this to work? The macbook is 'os x' and the linux server is 'fedora 10'

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Fedora :: Evolution Address Book Permissions Denied

Apr 17, 2009

Just started using Fedora 10 and having a problem with evolution address book.I have checked the permissions on 'system' but they seem ok - owner was set to rwx, I changed the other permissions just to check but still get the error.Not sure what to check now as it claims its a permission error but the permissions seem ok.

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Fedora :: Evolution Has Doubles In Address Book Selection

Dec 12, 2009

After upgrading two different machines from F11 to F12, one x64, one 32, I found that when I create an email and hit "To:" I see two entries for every entry in my contacts; anyone else see this problem?On the 32 bit, on a new account, I did an import contacts from a csv file, I see doubles and I do not see all my contacts.

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Fedora :: Software To Make A 'book' From Scanned Images?

Jan 26, 2010

I have some great magazines that I'd like to scan and save to CD or DVD. Is there a program that I can use that will allow me to create a "Book" type file of these images so I can view them page-by-page?

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