Fedora Installation :: Cannot Do Anything With Yum Command

Sep 25, 2009

I installed a Fedora 11 on my MSI u100 wind laptop. It installed without any problems, and did setup the proxy's since I was planning to update my fresh Fedora using available repos. The problem started when I tried updating using the command line:
[root@Aardvark ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit

What you see above is as far as the command can get, I thought maybe if I waited longer there were going to be changes but with no luck. I tried using the GUI from System > Administration > Software Updates, also with this option the GUI keeps saying its checking for updates. I have a Desktop machine I use for network simulation using NCTUns 5.0, and on it I have fedora 10 running fine with no problems.

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Fedora Installation :: Update From FC10 To Fedora 12 From The Command Line?

Dec 10, 2009

How do I update from FC10 to Fedora 12 from the command line.

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Command Does Not Work?

Jul 13, 2010

Yum command does not work, I tried to install apache2, mysql-server, php5 and gave the following error:

yum: line 1: fg: no job control
yum: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `ImageMagick'
yum: line 2: `%%Creator: (ImageMagick)'

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Fedora Installation :: 'make' Command Not Found - No Wifi Either?

Feb 28, 2009

I decided to switch from Ubuntu to Fedora Core 10 KDEdual boot installation worked perfectly... all smooth!untill i got to installing things....i wanted to install ndiswrapper, so i manually downloaded it on my second pc and transferred it trought a USB stick to the Fedora PC. When reading the 'installation manual' it clearly uses the "make" command a lot...problem is; bash error: "bash: make: command not found"So i google this and i get some solutions, all involving online repositories...so basically... i need internet to get the MAKE rpm, and i need the MAKE rpm to get the internet working... :')I tried searching online repositories but i haven't got a clue about what i need to download from there (to get the make command, or the "Development Tools") and how to install it on my fedora pc....i need help :P It would be much appreciated if someone could explain me how i could get these important packages up and running on my system with manual downloading and installing.I haven't got a clue how to do this manually... I've been on it for hours allready and I'm getting a bit fed up with it I can't understand why such an important package isn't standard included in the installation.

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Fedora Installation :: Command To Install CUPS And Samba

May 2, 2009

What is the command to install CUPS and Samba, like yum install. I don't want to be installing wrong things and then end up with dependency problems, and after that what do i need to configure to have CUPS print from the localhost, and so that other computers from the networks also be able to print from the server, that is i'm workin on a server. As for samba i just need the installation command, then i want to figure the rest out.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Update Software In 13 From Console With Yum Command

Aug 12, 2010

I can't update my software in fedora 13 from console with yum command or from kpackagekit

Its always show error :


Downloading Packages:
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded


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Fedora Installation :: Finding A Terminal Command That Probes Other OS's?

Nov 3, 2010

Whenever I install Fedora other distros don't show up in GRUB. Windows shows up in "other," and I can see the other distro still intact when I run G Parted, but I don't know how to get it to show up in GRUB. Is there a terminal-command in F14 that probes other OS's on the hard drive and restores them to GRUB?

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Fedora Installation :: Install A Command Line Server Without Gui?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to install a command line server without gui and smallest as possible Is there a option on installer to obtain a minimal server?

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Fedora Installation :: Recompile In 9 If The Packages Installed Through Yum Install Command?

Mar 6, 2009

Currently i am using mapserver 5.0.3 , AGG 2.5-6 on fedora 9. I need some help with mapserver and AGG support. I am trying to use AGG/PNG outformat in the mapfile as well as i added precisely. When i call the link through browser i recieved the following error:

loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause references driver AGG/PNG, but this driver isn't configured. It is clearly evident that from the error, the driver is not configured. since all the mapserver version 5 suppotrs AGG rendering backend, so i checked whether mapserver supports AGG or not.

[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$ mapserv -v
[kapil@localhost cgi-bin]$

I found that my mapserver doesn't support AGG means SUPPORTS = AGG is missing in the above output. But i have already installed AGG in my system. In order to clear this issue i gone through many threads in forums, but i was not satisfied with the answers. Atlast i came to know that, i have to recompile the mapserver with AGG. The following link gives you some idea about compiling mapserver with AGG in linux [URL] But the problem now i am facing is i have installed both the mapserver and AGG through YUM INSTALL command so i dont know how to recompile mapserver with AGG support. I think, there will be no configuration file normally when installing through Yum insatll command.

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Fedora Installation :: Bash Shell Could Not Find Kfontview Command

Apr 5, 2009

Bash shell could not find "kfontview" command, although kdebase-4.2.1-2.fc10.i386 already installed?

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Fedora Installation :: What Are The Command Lines To Install Gnome But With The Minimal

Jan 24, 2011

installed fedora with the minimum option on the dvd. After that i logged it and im tring to install gnome, heres the catch though i only have 950MB worth of space. I noticed if i use the groupinstall "X Window System" it fails because of the space. Also it installs alot of things that I am not interested. what are the command lines to install gnome but with the minimal, no FF, no evolution, you get my point.

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Fedora Installation :: Acer Laptop Hot Key Drivers (shell: Command Not Found)

Jan 15, 2009

I'm running Fedora 10 [KDE] on an Acer laptop and am having problems configuring "hot keys" for it. First thing that needs to be mentioned is that the hotkeys used to work when I was running it on Gnome without me having to do anything. I assumed that this will be the case with KDE too. In any case, I think driver installation is supposed to be quite straight forward. There are two packages: acer_acpi and acerhk and different installation instructions for each one of them. The problem I am having is when I run the makefile script for either one of these, I get the following output in the terminal:

Makefile: line 5: KERNELSRC?=/lib/modules/ No such file or directory
Makefile: line 6: KERNELSRC: command not found
Makefile: line 6: KERNELSRC: command not found
Makefile: line 6: shell: command not found
Makefile: line 6: shell: command not found
Makefile: line 8: KERNELVERSION: command not found

I think build-essential and some other packages are normally needed, but since you can't get them for Fedora (?), I groupinstalled "Development Tools" and some other group.

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Fedora Installation :: SU Command - Root Account Login Giving Error

Jan 5, 2010

In the freshly installed Fedora 12, I installed java and maven and added following files into /etc/profile.d folder:

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven

Now when I try to login to "root" account giving "su" command , it gives me the error :
bash: /root: is a directory

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Fedora Installation :: Boot - Grub Drops Into Its Minimal Shell And Gives A Command Line

Jun 12, 2009

I'd like to say I'm very impressed with Fedora 11. I'm a long time Linux user and I've tried many distros. But, I usually keep only the best on my laptop. For a long time that was Ubuntu but, I think Fedora 11 has made some key improvements over Ubuntu and I'm eager to switch. The problem is: I haven't been able to run Fedora as anything other than on the Live CD. Everything works perfectly and it installs but, when I reboot, Grub begins. Instead of booting, however, Grub drops into its minimal shell and gives me a command line.

I've tried installing it a number of ways now and have read much about the problems with Ext4 on Grub and took special care to see that Grub has its own, separate, /boot ext3 partition. Even then, no luck. My hardware should work fine. I've got an HP DV-5 with 4GB RAM, AMD Turion 64-bit dual-core @ 2 Ghz, and an IDE 250GB hard drive. I'm working with the 64-bit Fedora 11 Live disc with KDE as the Gui.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Lock Up At I386 Start Kernal Command And Blinky Cursor

Aug 21, 2010

I have a pc trying to install fedora. It is an amd downloaded and tried to install different versions of fedora. The latest i686 and will get to a boot screen and when selecting boot will lock up at the i386 start kernal command and blinky curser. Yes I am new to linux and may need some hand holding. I have however successfully installed fedora on other computers a while back which is why I am not sure what is going on. It may be a hardware mismatch. I will try to see if I can find another computer to install. I used a different computer and is working. The athlon computer is not working.

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Fedora :: Run Python3 Scripts From Command Line And Call Up Python 2.6.2 Idle With The Command Idle From Command Line?

May 29, 2010

i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Install Them Without The "make" Command, It Says Its Not Found?

Apr 7, 2009

trying to set up my wireless drivers on my laptop. But i cant install them without the "make" command, it says its not found. I have internet on my other computer, but no way to link them. Is there a rpm that i can download and install that will fix it?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Extact .rar Files - Error - There Is No Command Installed For RAR Archive Files

Jul 20, 2010

i am downloaded some e-books in the format .rar. when i am extracting them i am getting error as There is no command installed for RAR archive files. Do you want to search for a command to open this file?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Command To Get Installation Directory?

Nov 29, 2010

does a command exist that will return the installation directory of an installed program?

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Fedora :: Unable To Access Fedora From Grub Command Line?

Feb 9, 2011

i recently did some changes to my hard disk partitonand now linux is in hd0,6when i booted my pc,i got the grub commmand line interfaceso,I think that i need to edit grub.conf in fedora 14then at cmd i did this:

grub> root (hd0,6)
grub> kernel (hd0,6)/vmlinuz
file not found


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Ubuntu Installation :: How Apt-get Command Works

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to understanding package tools in ubuntu. After I read some documents on internet. I did some exercise myself. And I got some questions. I installed fex package.

# aptitude install fex
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Install Command ?

Dec 12, 2010

I have kubuntu 10.10 and I tried to install a driver for wireless card with the apt-get install command and did not work (firmwireb43....)

Anyway, I got my wireless to work afterwards, but now everytime that I install something through apt-get install command, it would install the program and then show the same errors from the previous installation attempt, how can I make it not to show anymore?

When I install kwrite, it'd show this (I'm installing it for the second time, I did this so you can see the error at the end)...

sudo apt-get install kwrite

No matter what I installed it'd show the same errors at the end (firmware-b43-installer)I just want it to dissapear.

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Debian Installation :: Boot To Command Line Rather Than GDM

Jul 28, 2014

What is the simplest way to boot to command line rather than gdm ?

I've seen post to change
# The default runlevel.


update-rc.d -f gdm remove
update-rc.d -f kdm remove
update-rc.d -f xdm remove

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General :: Java: Command Not Found After Installation?

Aug 29, 2011

I have installed Jre in my CentOS by following instruction here InstallationBut the problem is each directory or file contains the "*" (asterisk) at the end offile name or directory even though i have fired following command chmod a+x or chmod +xso please tell me how can i execute the executable file because when i am trying to run "java" its showing me following error

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change The DNS Server Command?

Feb 15, 2010

How can I change the DNS server command because every time I restart my computer I have to write this in the terminal: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use Sudo Command In 9.10?

Feb 24, 2010

i am using ubuntu 9.10 .i recently installed vmware server in ubuntu. since during installation of vmware i gave default values the default username for vmware server is root. inorder to access vmware server i changed the root password in terminal. i gave the following command in terminalsudo password rootit prompted for new password and i entered the password. after that i accessed the vmware server using the username as root and password. it worked fine,i created a virtual machine and it worked fine.now the problem is when i restarted the system and login to vmware server i was unable to access virtual machines created previously. also now i am not able to use sudo command .the following message shows up. sudo: must be setuid root. may be this prob is due to the command i gave sudo password root. can someone help me resolve this prob and go back to my previous state.before when i used to give a sudo command it asked for my account password.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Download The Dep Package With Apt Command?

Apr 26, 2010

how to download the dep package with apt command?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Command For Running CD At Boot

Apr 28, 2010

How do you actually install ubuntu? I cant figure it out, its nothing like windows! I download the unetbootin to make a boot usb drive.. I did that but when it boots it ask goes blue with a thing flash default. Then it asks me to press tab, when I do that it comes with a cmd. What should a write? If I click esc on the keyboard it brings a cmd line. If I write like E:dir it says kernel invalid. What is a cmd that runs the cd on a boot for ubuntu. How hard is to install it??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keeps Booting To Command Line?

Sep 21, 2010

I am running 64bit 10.04 (Lucid) with Kernel and I keep finding that Ubuntu keeps booting to command line. I have found that by typing "startx" I am able to load up the GUI. Is there a way I can get it to start like this every time?I used to get the GUI login screen but I don't anymore. Is there a way I can change this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gtk-config : Command Not Found / Where To Get That?

Oct 8, 2010

Trying to install Cinepaint from a tar.gz file. Running ./configure brings up the above error. Where do I get gtk-config from?

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